5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • kerryshutt1
    kerryshutt1 Posts: 3 Member
    Great job. You should be really proud of yourself
  • Zarinwahid
    Zarinwahid Posts: 7 Member
    Laska444 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 140 and would love to be 120
    Let's be friends!

  • Rhonnie_2017
    Rhonnie_2017 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'2 and have been struggling for years to lose the last 15-20lbs. Looking for friends, short and tall :) Cheers!
  • starfruit132
    starfruit132 Posts: 291 Member
    Hi all! I've not been posting here for a couple of weeks -- I promise a Wednesday weigh in this week (right now I'm at 121.2 -- so that's amazing for me! More than 30 lbs. lost!) but I wanted to add in to stick with it! It's the MATH -- 1 lb. /week seems so slow, but guess what? I started last August at 152, and here I am at 121!! It works. Track the calories and stick with it.

    As for snacks -- it's hard! I too try to spend the late afternoon hours before dinner doing something active. That's the hardest time I think -- but I ALWAYS have strawberries or zucchinis or clementines at hand, and they assuage me when I'm really looking for something sweet or, in the case of the zucchinis, something crunchy (I use raw zucchini like crackers -- it really works for me. Put on a low calorie guacamole (Trader Joe's has a good one made with Greek yogurt that is only 30 cals for 2 tbsp) and crunch away. Anyway, have a cup of tea or a mineral water and a healthy snack... and think about the goal. I am wearing size FOUR skinny jeans -- that's CRAZY! Do some ab crunches, go for a walk, get on a bike, or just clean out a closet. See y'all on Wednesday! :D I'm looking for the 1-2-0!!
    Thank you for sharing these tips! Last night I could not get satiated and wish I had some of these ideas! You are doing so well to lose lb/week. I have stalled for the last 4 months and feel like the last 2 pounds is a psychological thing. Started at 161 and am now 134 - cannot get past 133-135 range. Goal has always been 132! Love to hear all the great advice on overcoming the night time snack attacks and the yoga suggestions - I need to try it.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    I have stalled for the last 4 months and feel like the last 2 pounds is a psychological thing. Started at 161 and am now 134 - cannot get past 133-135 range. Goal has always been 132! Love to hear all the great advice on overcoming the night time snack attacks and the yoga suggestions - I need to try it.

    Starfruit -- that's GREAT progress -- just keep at the 1200/day and you WILL see the weight drop! This I know now. And don't be surprised if when you get to the 132, you keep going -- originally, I only wanted to lose "those 20 lbs." -- and I was really happy when I got there -- but then, I realized I could keep going -- I decided to go for 35 lbs. overall (actually, that would take me to 117 -- nothing wrong with that, but my newest "goal" is 115 --it will give me that "couple of pounds" to go up and down with and not worry about in maintenance) Anyway, keep at it and be patient. Eat those greens! :smile: Oh, and thanks for the reply! It's all motivation to keep going!
  • krushal8880
    krushal8880 Posts: 80 Member
    If it's not girls only........lol Feel free to add me. I have lost 35lbs and I'm trying to lose another 30lbs. Have a great day.
  • YellowApple666
    YellowApple666 Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
    I'm a chronic yo-yo dieter, currently around 135 and trying to get leaner and heal my relationship with food.
  • fit_finesse92
    fit_finesse92 Posts: 478 Member
    Me too! I'm 5' CW: 155 GW:130 Add me!
  • 2013allen
    2013allen Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am 5'3'' and I weigh 156 down from 174, and I want to be 130 as well. Have no idea what it would be like since I have never been that thin since puberty.... but that is what I want. :) I am 26
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    5'1", SW: 133, GW: 107, CW: 111

    Went as low as 102, but have since put on muscle. Again, dealing with stress has led to a small gain I'm working on now.
  • anglilacs
    anglilacs Posts: 165 Member
    5'1" here. SW: 162 GW: 131 CW: 162

    Lost 4-5 lbs last month and put it back on very quickly - stress eating.

    Starting over again today.
  • fposte2016
    fposte2016 Posts: 130 Member
    Im also starting back up these last few weeks after a months-long hiatus. But unlike when I lost over 20 lbs last summer, I'm struggling with motivation each day to eat less and work out this time around. Around 5'2" with 20 lbs to lose to be at goal in the mid 120s. Feel free to add me!
  • teeenabeana
    teeenabeana Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 5'3", started at 167, and I would love to eventually get down to between 145-150 (which was my weight 6 years ago!) I'd like to lose 10 lbs before going to Cabo for my birthday this summer!
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    When I started posting to this thread on Dec. 7th (thanks for starting it Daisy!) there were a few of us that were weighing in weekly -- and except for the last couple of weeks, I've done that every Wednesday! So, here is my Wednesday weigh in!

    SW -- 152 (August) -- I weighed 132 when I started posting here in Dec. -- that was my original "goal" btw!
    GW -- 115 -177
    CW -- 120.9
    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 59
    Health: SO much better! Energy: Through the roof! :smiley:

    I can't believe I can really say I'm within 5 lbs. of a goal I NEVER EVER even thought possible a year ago. Happy Wednesday! :D
  • Krathmore
    Krathmore Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to all the awesome ladies that keep motivating, and especially @juliemargaretkim, your logging keep me motivated, your start weight and goal weight (120) is close to mine, and it's encouraging to see what a year of consistency can do.. Here are my stats for hopes that it might motivate others:
    SW - 03/30/17 - 157lb
    PW - 04/12/17 - 155lb
    LW - 04/19/17 - 155lb
    CW - 04/26/17 - 153lb
    Height 5'2"

    My CICO is for half pound per week. I felt that is realistic for me to maintain.
  • veronicablumberg
    veronicablumberg Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm 27 currently at 183lbs, want to get to 130. Loooong way to go. I am currently doing the 4 day Military Diet Plan to kick start. Please Add Me I need a lot of help.
  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks for the shout out Kirathimo! In case anyone wants a "before" pic -- here it is! Last Mother's Day, 2016! UGH! lazb3nkbn8en.jpg