
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    i'm in!! happy sunday everyone!!

    1. drink 12 cups of water daily
    2. swim 30 minutes DAILY
    3. NO BINGEING (huge issue!!!)

    good luck everyone!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hey all.
    I'm in again. Love Miss Dee and the weekly challenge :)
    So my week will start tomorrow. I am going to finish up last last week strong :)

    This weeks goals:
    1. Week 7 P90x - missed two workouts last week. Nine of that this week!
    2. 3-4 non P90x workouts - try to get out and use my bike.
    3. Pack afternoon snacks for work - seem to be underestimating my snacks during the week and find myself with no afternoon snacks. Which leads to more trips to the treat cube at work which usually has candy and though tasty is not always the best option.
    4. Better control over the weekend. Watch my "trying" from others plates. Small tastes
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    BLESSEDMOM :flowerforyou:

    LADYG :flowerforyou:

    CATHY :flowerforyou:

    Have a GREAT WEEK & PLEASE POST WHEN YOU CAN!! WE CAN DO THIS........................... one small step at a time!!

    PS Cathy, my dear sweet friend who is just TOOOOOO much like me, we NEED each other!! We CAN HELP each other.
    WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS!! Love you sweetie!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Now I have to shut down for the day,

    be back tonight..................
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    What a great idea! I would love to participate!

    My goals for this week are...

    1. To drink at LEAST 6 glasses of water per day
    2. To walk 3 times this week
    3. To log my food EVERY day...no matter what has to be on it...

    Looking forward to a "getting back on track" week!!

    ~ Betty
  • Blahrina
    Blahrina Posts: 10
    yes i'm in! been eating A LOT of sodium my whole life, so it's time to
    ----cut back and try this week to stay under 3500 mg a day
    --- work out m-f (i work from home so there's no reason i can't stop by the gym for 20 mins on the elliptical!
    --- try to do a few sit ups and push ups since i ONLY do cardio.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces and returning faces!:heart:

    I continue to be inspired by each and everyone of you! I went over calories (4) one day because of an impromptu lunch invite with a special friend. Once upon a time I would have freaked out and berate myself for days. Didn't do that because I KNOW it was just one day. I kicked up the exercise the next day and DID NOT get on the scale : )

    Goal for the week of July 24-31, 2011

    1. Zumba class- 4 times
    2. Kickboxing class-2 times
    3. Drink 10-12 glasses of water

    Everyone, keep up the great work!:glasses:
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    I'd like to join too, if it's OK. Here are my goals for the week:

    1. Drink 64 ounces of water every day
    2. Log every day
    3. Stay under cals 5/7 days
    4. Exercise for 375 minutes this week.

    Thanks for having me!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'd like to join too, if it's OK. Here are my goals for the week:

    1. Drink 64 ounces of water every day
    2. Log every day
    3. Stay under cals 5/7 days
    4. Exercise for 375 minutes this week.

    Thanks for having me!!

    WELCOME KELLY :flowerforyou:

    It's great to have you join us!! Jump in here anytime. Good luck reaching your goals this week. Hope we can support each other.


    CC :flowerforyou:

    MAK :flowerforyou:

    Blahrina :flowerforyou:

    MeRogers :flowerforyou:

    Wonderful to have you all back this week. Good Luck & let's have a great week!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Daily Report for Sunday

    I really did Strive for Five Today!!

    I kept ALL my numbers within, but it sure was a struggle and doubt I can do this daily. SUGAR is just not enough!! I eat too much natural sugars. I am sad that I didn't have ice cream, honey or my Bing Cherries. I HAVE to eat a Banana daily because of the potassium and I get leg cramps if I don't.

    Butttttttttt Prelogging my Menu & Activity seems to be the way to do it.

    1. Keep 5/6 Food Diary # ✔ 6/6
    2. No Nighttime Nuts ✔ so far so good
    3. 30 min walking/exercise) ✔ 30 min Stability Ball
    4. 25 Crunches on ball or bed (my way) ✔ Bed ~immediately when I woke up
    5. Daily Check-in ✔ Numerous Times

    OK I am off to get on the Ball & take a shower before my wonderful friend Skypes me!! :-)

    PS Taking Hubby to Pittsburgh Mon, Tues & Thursday this week, soooooo another challenge will be the daily 4 hours driving & Waiting 5 hours. :-( Although Thursday will only be a doc appointment so no 5 hr wait! LOL BUT ya never know!! Any & All prayers appreciated. Thank You!

    I will check back before bedtime............
  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    Count me in too. I'm still trying to find the way to start dropping those pounds. Maybe this will help.
    1. drink more water
    2. eat more protein
    3. Net at least 1200 calories a day - harder than you think

  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    You know I'll be here! Usually I start my week on Sundays but I've decide to start changing it up! I'll now be starting on Mondays! Ok, now for this weeks goals

    1. Get up on time in the morning, no more than 1 snooze!
    2. Spend at least 1 hour a day on a home improvement project(I have 5 projects going!)
    3. Minimum of 30 minutes a day exercise
    4. Vitamins daily!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I've been really terrible about keeping up with everyone this weekend and I deeply apologize! If I'd actually been busy I would just say, "you understand"! I can't lie. I've simply been lazy. Sitting around playing stupid FB games and watching TV!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Oooh, love games.

    Sorry, off task. Checking in. Met my sodium goals and only went 12 g over on sugar which is good for me. Took a rest day, legs are still hurting, but no more sharp pain now. Just going to do pilates tomorrow.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I've been really terrible about keeping up with everyone this weekend and I deeply apologize! If I'd actually been busy I would just say, "you understand"! I can't lie. I've simply been lazy. Sitting around playing stupid FB games and watching TV!!

    Me too everyone! Sorry I haven't commenting like I had been. But I still read all your posts and I'm here cheering you all on!!
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    Hi everyone - checking in before I get my shower and go to bed.

    My goals are:
    1. Eat only one "treat" after dinner 150 calories or less (only if cals available) - Yes had a skinny cow after my walk.
    2. Stay at or below 1400 net calories all seven days. - Yes, I ate 1410 but my net was 759.
    3. Drink at least 6 8oz glasses of water a day. - Yes got 8 8oz glasses in today!

    Dee- Yes, I find it hard to keep my sugar that low when I eat a few fruits in the day. Great job on making your goals today!

    I hope everyone else had a great day as well!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Love short term goals, they're so empowering!

    1. Go to 2 zumba classes (my 2nd and 3rd class ever) Mon/Thurs
    2. Go on hike on Friday in Payson (it's cooler there than Phoenix)
    3. Get enough sleep every night

    I agree 20 glasses of water really isn't a lot. My daugther has been practicing outside with the flag/gaurd team here in phoenix about 6 hours a day...it's about 95-110 the whole time they're outside...she drinks over a gallon of water a day. They are required to have a 1/2 gallon minimum insulated jug that they refill at practice.
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    My daily goals update:

    1. Drink 64 ounces of water every day -- no, only got 32 oz.
    2. Log every day -- first day, yes
    3. Stay under cals 5/7 days -- yes
    4. Exercise for 375 minutes this week -- 82 minutes today

  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Love short term goals, they're so empowering!

    1. Go to 2 zumba classes (my 2nd and 3rd class ever) Mon/Thurs
    2. Go on hike on Friday in Payson (it's cooler there than Phoenix)
    3. Get enough sleep every night

    I agree 20 glasses of water really isn't a lot. My daugther has been practicing outside with the flag/gaurd team here in phoenix about 6 hours a day...it's about 95-110 the whole time they're outside...she drinks over a gallon of water a day. They are required to have a 1/2 gallon minimum insulated jug that they refill at practice.
    :-) WTH MY ADD, I CAN ONLY FOCUS ON ONE WEEK AT A TIME. (more like one day at a time).
    Good luck reaching your goals this week. I worry about those kids that are out practicing in this heat. Sooo glad she is keeping herself hydrated.

    What a great idea! I would love to participate!

    My goals for this week are...

    1. To drink at LEAST 6 glasses of water per day
    2. To walk 3 times this week
    3. To log my food EVERY day...no matter what has to be on it...

    Looking forward to a "getting back on track" week!!

    ~ Betty
    WELCOME BETTY :flowerforyou:
    I THINK I MISSED YOU EARLIER. SOOO SORRY!! Good luck this week and I hope we can help you get back on track.

    Count me in too. I'm still trying to find the way to start dropping those pounds. Maybe this will help.
    1. drink more water
    2. eat more protein
    3. Net at least 1200 calories a day - harder than you think

    WELCOME PATSY :flowerforyou:
    I'm still trying to figure the drop these unwanted pounds as well. Good luck this week. Please stop back & jump in whenever you can.

    WELCOME BACK OMA :flowerforyou:

  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    Dee- Yes, I find it hard to keep my sugar that low when I eat a few fruits in the day. Great job on making your goals today!
    Shapes to come,
    Are u able to do it? I don't eat a lot of carbs and most my sugar comes from Fresh Fruits & Veggies. I think the numbers are too low. I think I will have a Fruit withdraw if I try to keep this up.

    I am gonna plug tomorrows menu in tonight (what I can anyway) But I may have to change that goal to no more then 5 or 10 over.

    How do the rest of you deal with the Sugar Numbers? I am gonna have to look deeper into your Diaries. :-) LOL

    Also, TO LET YOU KNOW I DID DO MY 30 MIN ON THE BALL!! :bigsmile:

    Pinky swearing seems to work for me. :-) Probably cus I don't really swear. LOL

    ok gonna look into tomorrows meny & go to bed. Early drive to Pittsburgh tomorrow.

    Oma & LadyG
    I LOVE FACEBOOK GAMES TOO!! :-) Will probably be one of my goals when I go back to work. LOL