

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited April 2017
    Got a while before the taxi comes.
    I must say that yesterday I was really pleased that I am a lot fitter these days. Those three towers involved some serious climbing up and down very steep, stone, spiral steps. I had to really hang on for dear life to the metal handrail. I suffer from vertigo, so I had my moments, but I only had to abandon the very last section of the Lantern tower as the spiral got far too acute for me! :o I certainly could not have done all that scrambling five years ago when I started all this, when i weighed 57 lbs more. Plus I walked all day. :D (For those who are new I am 67, so by no means a spring chicken! ) All that exercise I do every morning (apart from today) has really paid off, but I am very aware that any kind of injury can throw anyone's plans into chaos. My left knee is my weak point and I have to be careful. Plus I always get tension backache before a trip. ;) But once I am there it miraculously goes away! :D My hips seem to be responding to the turmeric capsules I take twice a day as they used to really bother me after a while, but I kept going ok yesterday. :D
    I might find it in me to get on the machines when I get back :*;) , but my priority is to get a few favourite things washed ready for my London trip tomorrow. Luckily we have an airing cupboard.
    I think I will be very tired by Thursday night when I get back from London. I didn't sleep well last night. I never do before a journey.
    Much love to you all.
    Heather, feeling very grateful for this group, in La Rochelle, Charente Maritime, France.xxxxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    Heather, feeling very grateful for this group, in La Rochelle, Charente Maritime, France.xxxxxxxxxx

    We loved La Rochelle and that whole area ... so much so that we keep thinking we'd like to rent a small house and live in that area for 3 months or 6 months or something.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,776 Member
    morning ladies~ up early, laundry in dinner and lunch made. have to make the dogs dinner for tonight..working 8:30-6 today..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited April 2017
    Machka - Loads of cycling around town here. The central area is only for bikes and pedestrians, but you do have to keep an eye out for bikes!!! I had a terrific holiday on the Île de Ré for a week, just over the bridge, in the days before I got fit, and was able to cycle everywhere on a hired bike. All on cycle paths. I wish we had that where I live now. :s Don't fancy cycling on our narrow, busy, lanes.
    When we move to Hove we will buy bikes as there is a track all along the promenade and beyond.
    Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    Machka - Loads of cycling around town here. The central area is only for bikes and pedestrians, but you do have to keep an eye out for bikes!!! I had a terrific holiday on the Île de Ré for a week, just over the bridge, in the days before I got fit, and was able to cycle everywhere on a hired bike. All on cycle paths. I wish we had that where I live now. :s Don't fancy cycling on our narrow, busy, lanes.
    When we move to Hove we will buy bikes as there is a track all along the promenade and beyond.
    Heather xxxxxxxxxx

    In 2012, we travelled round the world, but in France, we took a train to Perpignan and spent three days there, then took at train to Bordeaux. From there, we cycled out to the west coast and up the west coast to La Rochelle. That was the best part of our trip! :)
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Leigh great job on your food choices despite the incredible temptations
    NYKaren sending you calming thoughts
    Beth hope the knees feel better
    Janet I went to Greece when I was 45 and it was the best trip. The only place you need to be a little more aware is Athens but that is like any big city. The islands are very safe. The food is amazing and there is so much to see and do. I am sure your daughter will have a great time!

    I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with so much going on in my life. And I feel guilty that I am not responding to as many individuals here as I want to. Trying to breathe and take it one moment at a time.

    Have a great day everyone.

    <3 Sarah from Ontario, Canada
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rain, rain, rain today. I love a cozy rainy day at school.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member

    Lisa What Lake are you staying on? Lake Hamilton is just a block from our place, so many lakes in Arkansas. I hope you have a lovely time here!

    Dana in Arkansas

    Dana - we were, but decided to move on to Fort Smith, check out some of the properties around there, and up toward Fayetteville. Had I known you were so close, I'd have gotten in touch before we left... what are the odds? We were staying on Long Island.

    Lisa - in Arkansas for one more day, then back to Texas
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all,

    Much as we loved the lake, we went ahead and threw everything back in the truck and headed for Fort Smith--if we do decide to move up here, we're going to have to be someplace within easy reach of a city. There was only one place near Hot Springs that was interesting to us. Here's the link on Realtor.com. If you can see the pic, it must have been recently cleared, and of course it was wintertime in February when it was taken. It was very, VERY grown up and jungle-like when we went to see it yesterday. The price, however, is great, and with ten acres, you could definitely put a house in behind the one that's there. My husband, ever the optimist, says we could clear it with a good branch trimmer and a shovel. I was more of the opinion that a small bulldozer was in order.

    Either way, we're up here to look, not to buy. It will be at least a year, and there's just no way to know what will be on the market by then. What we are able to do is pin-point regions where we want to be.

    Heather, love the pics of you on your mini-vacay. I've been on more than one solo vacation, and it always seems to surprise people that I'm willing to do so. One year, drove from Illinois down to Texas to see my sister, all the way up to Montana to see my best friend, then back down to Illinois. Reasonable precautions to stay safe, of course, but all-in-all, solo trips can be lots of fun.

    We both still have our colds, or whatever they are. Think I've avoided a sinus infection, but really tired of being stuffed up. Hard to breathe, and keep falling asleep at odd times. Luckily, Corey's been doing all the driving. And, at least we're here. It's lovely and cool at night, with pleasantly warm, sunny days.

    Not looking forward to going back to getting mugged by a dust devil as I walk out my door--while it's not back up to blast furnace heat yet, it will be in the 80s and 90s when we get back. By June, it will be a hundred degrees in the shade. Grrf.

    We did some property looking in the further reaches away from the cities on the way up here to Fort Smith, and while there were a few we really liked, it's just not going to be an option to be more than a half hour out of a city until we're both done working for a living, which will be a while yet. It's been a real learning experience--lots of talking, when I wasn't napping! :blush:

    Time for a second cup of coffee.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas for one more day
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Sleepless night last night. So much on my mind. Not a good thing since I am proctoring for the achievement test this morning.
    Heather - so glad you got to take your trip.
    Lisa - It sounds like you're on your way to your dream. I visited a friend near Fayetteville earlier in the month. It is beautiful there.
    Thinking happy thoughts for all of you. Have a great day everyone!

    TNTONI who is glad to be back
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    edited April 2017
    With a few days left in April ...

    April Activities
    Walking Distance (km): 62.9
    Walking Time (min): 786.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 985.0
    Cycling Time (min): 3269.4
    Stairs Climbed Number: 19.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 15.2

    April Totals
    Total Distance (km): 1047.9
    Total Distance (miles): 651.1
    Total Time (min): 4070.8
    Total Time (hr): 67:50:49

    YTD: 3065.8 km cycling

    The number of stairs climbed will likely increase in May because the cycling will decrease a bit what with winter coming on. Could be snow tomorrow!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I posted this little ditty on FaceBook yesterday and wanted to share with y'all!

    So I really never believed my parents when they told me the story behind my name. I was supposedly named after a boat. Not any old boat but a tug boat from a TV series named Waterfront in the 1950s. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0046660/

    After today I believe them because apparently I was not the only Cheryl Ann named after a tugboat. I was randomly paired with another Cheryl Ann for a crafting swap (online group) and she too was named after the tugboat Cheryl Ann. There is even a Facebook page for Cheryls Named After a Tugboat! https://www.facebook.com/Cheryls-Named-after-a-Tugboat-186…/

    Then tonight I randomly sit next to a women at Adult Crafting at the Library and what is her name-Cheryl Ann of course.

    Cheri aka Cheryl Ann
    in sunny College Station, TX

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Celebrating a new lowest weight today! 177.8 lbs I've officially lost 20 pounds. I would like to reward myself (non-food) but not sure what to do for this milestone?!

    in sunny College Station, TX

    Hooray, hope you find a way to make you feel special. Good job.

    Janetr okc
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Cheri- congratulations! That shows a lot of hard work and dedication. I usually reward myself by going shopping for clothes! Although, my favorite store is the Goodwill at this point in time. I did luck out two weeks ago and they had brand-new name brands like silver jeans! I won't mention how many pairs of pants/shorts/skirts/tops I bought. However, for the amount of money I spent I would've only been able to buy one of the brand-new jeans at the department store. Plus it was senior Wednesday discount of 25%!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Well here I am again LOL. It’s cloudy and threatening rain here. When the weather is in transition like this, it’s funny to see some people running around shivering and others are fanning themselves! I am in the fanning group. Actually I am sweating! Bleh!

    I have a quiet office day laid out in front of me and s-anon this evening. DH is taking a lie detector test administered by the FBI as part of his pretrial investigation.

    I am still so confused over Medicare, retirement, etc. I was already stressed before all this happened thinking that he would retire in 2 years. Now…BAM all at once. He will get his first retirement check May 1.

    Lanette: OMG that was hilarious!!!

    Ginger: you sound like you are working hard!

    Michele: I am allergic to cats and dogs too! I have always had multiple numbers of them too. Usually there is one that sleeps on my head too. Now it’s the 20-pounder! Hope Vince isn’t suffering too badly.

    Lenora: At our church we have 2 services. At the 9 o’clock one, we have communion with a small loaf of bread and you pull off your own piece. At the 11 o’clock service, they serve gluten free wafers and they sound like yours: thin, tasteless, and sticky. Bleh!

    Katla: I love rodeos!

    Leigh: my goal this week is taxes too, but they were due last week LOL.

    Heather: sounds like you are having a great trip! Thank you for sharing the pictures. I’m glad to hear you have good results from the turmeric; my DH has been considering it.

    Lisa: your potential property looks very interesting; I have been in that area a lot as my parents used to live in Hot Springs Village and also Bella Vista.

    TNToni: sorry you had a sleepless night. Maybe today will be better.

    Well I am off to actually get some work done now. Take care all, meg from rainy Omaha