Fellow shorties needed for support and motivation 5'5 and under :)



  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    ONE of the areas (because there are many) I really struggle in, but notice HUGE results, when I pay attention to it, is my sugar intake.

    A year ago I was OBSESSED with protein/fruit smoothies every morning. I'd use 1 cup of strawberries, a whole banana, a handful of blue berries with my scoop of protein powder in almond milk and whaallaaaaa, I had a ridiculous amount of sugar, just in my breakfast alone. NOT to mention the 4-6 tps of sugar I had with my morning coffee. I remember being so "proud" of myself for eating regular sugar, and not splenda/sweet n low. Well, my yearly blood work discovered my triglycerides quadrupled! Ha! And I couldn't figure out why I was gaining all this weight. :) I made the switch to Truvia for coffee, and watched how much fruit I consumed in one sitting and within 2 months, I'd lost about 5lbs. I was consuming around 70g of sugar a day. I try to keep around 30-35g now.

    Do you still drink protein/fruit smoothies? If so, I'd love to see what your recipes are. I'm trying to start drinking these shakes, just not sure if they will make me feel full. :smile:
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Not making much progress, but still at it! I'm killing the workouts and have been eating some of my exercise calories back...but thinking this week I will try not to eat any back and see how that goes. Also, even though I know in theory it shouldn't matter what you eat as long as you're creating a deficit....in looking at my macros it's definitely heavy on the carbs! So I'm also gonna try and get in more protein and reduce carbs.

    Any suggestions on good protein supplements (i.e. shakes, bars)? At one point I used to drink a pre-made muscle milk shake for breakfast and it tasted good...but buying that everyday adds up. I'm getting married so I'm also trying to reduce my spending; every dollar counts lol! So if anyone has any suggestions that are also cost-friendly please share!!!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am 4"11. I weigh 140lbs right now and would like to lose 20lbs. I would like more friends for motivation and support
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm a little over 5'. Started in the 230s and now 120. My goal was 125, but am continuing to lose as I feel I should. I saw 118 a couple times but keep bouncing up. I think I should weigh 105ish. Will know when I get there.

    Hi all -- I appreciate everyone's sharing. Inspiring ... This weekend I hit my mini-goal of 115. 114.8, to be exact. :blush:

    I also had to get new pants and am so surprised (pleasantly) that I'm in size 2's. (I was in 6's that were barely staying up even with a belt.)

    My next goal is 110. Taking it 5 lbs at a time, and I'm still thinking around 105 or a little lower is where I will end up.

    That's so exciting. My body has been at a plateu for 3 weeks now. no weight up or down.... it is sooo frustrating.
  • adelitazzz75
    adelitazzz75 Posts: 18 Member
    5'2.5 here - I'm 156 & want to be 130. I'm great during the week - but weekends are difficult. I tend to try and bank calories mid week to use for weekend treats - which does work. I walk for 45 mins on a treadmill each day at an incline & have also started doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred to tone up.
  • Fivefootcaloriecounter
    4ft 11 here
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Hi! 5'3.5" 31 yo mom of a 5 month old.

    My highest weight was just before she was born in November - 227lbs. Current weight 180.2lbs.

    My first goal was to be under 200lbs which I accomplished without realizing it two weeks after my daughter was born. I actively started trying to lose fat in February/March and have lost between 0.5 and 1 pound weekly but mostly the lower end of that scale.

    My next goal is to be below my lowest ever adult weight (167.4lbs) preferably by the end of the summer. Then my next goal is to break into the 140s and stay below 150lbs forever.

    I have no desire to be a skinny tiny person. I'm happy with some muscle and a bit of weight. I just want to feel healthier than I do now and to wear clothes from the regular sizes at stores.

    Those are great goals. I always set mini goals to get to my main goal to make sure I don't stress out over it. When you stress it can make you gain weight. That's my expierience anyways. What is your ultimate weight goal?
  • debisjazz
    debisjazz Posts: 115 Member
    Hi All! I'm a shortie too, 5'2" and currently 171. My heaviest was 185. That was heavier than the day that I delivered by second daughter, and when I realized I really need to make a change for my own health.
    I love all of the support on this board! You are all awesome!!

    My goal weight is 140, that would be a healthy weight for me to be able to maintain. I've been lower during my adult life, but always found that it was a struggle to maintain and I wasn't happy.

    My focus:
    Cutting white bread, rice and pasta (because they give me heartburn)
    Drinking more water every day
    No sugary drinks
    Only two cups of coffee per day (with milk, no sugar)

    Feel free to add me! I can use all the support I can get, and I'm happy to provide the same to you!! :smile:
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    Late joiner: I'm 5'3 3/4, mother of a two-year old, and after his birth, I was at my highest non-pregnant weight, 167. Prior to pregnancy I was 125-130. I started trying to lose weight 2 years ago and got down to 150 ish. I restarted in July 2016 and got down another 5 lbs before stalling and eventually gaining 2 lbs back. In January of this year, I decided to give it another go.

    SW: 147
    GW: 125
    CW: 139

    I want to be 130 by the end of May.

    I eat a relatively low carb diet, run a bit, and do body-weight strength training.
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    tasha12004 wrote: »
    Do you guys ever try the fads that are out there? Like detox waters and such ?

    I had one tried slimfast a few years back. Never again. It was horrible.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    It was horrible? lol , why was it so bad?
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 219 Member
    5'4"and some change here. Currently to 140 from originally 172. I was 136 at my wedding 2 years ago so I've stayed relatively the same ballpark. I'd like to see 130. Trying to be serious about logging again
  • __Lora__
    __Lora__ Posts: 1,184 Member
    Straight 5 foot tall here. Would love to get to my goal of 125 by mid June if I can keep at it. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • gettingskinnymeg
    gettingskinnymeg Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 5'3 and started at 131 I am 123 now. I bought beachbody on demand and started to use Chalean Extreme its an older program but it has been working! I am much stronger and have lost inches all over. I am nearing the end of the program and I don't know what to try next. I would like to continue to tone up but not lose all my curves in the process lol my research I have done has not been promising. Anyone else starting weight training? how do you balance cardio and weights?
  • Countess_Ha
    Countess_Ha Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I've got a lot of weight on my bottom half. I started off at 155lbs, I'm down to 143.8lbs now, but let me tell you, losing weight in my tummy area is proving to be a challenge. My goal weight is 135, and maintain myself at 135. But, feel free to add me!!
  • kidd_xdk
    kidd_xdk Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 192 :/. My ultimate goal would be 125ish. Although my current goal is to get to the 170s. I have a chronic illness so I'm not able to work out as hard as I used to, so I'm slowly figuring out new ways to lose and trying to find less intensive workouts.

    Anyone who has a fitbit can add me, my email is bhumes001@gmail.com