Fellow shorties needed for support and motivation 5'5 and under :)



  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    5'2" and 264 pounds! Down 11 so far and 105 to go. I am the heaviest that I have ever been in my life. I have to get healthy or die trying.
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    JAStars102 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 5'3" and 156. I started on MFP at 200 last August, but my heaviest that summer was 208. I'm looking to not be overweight for the first time in my adult life. My real goal is to be able to wear a bikini for the first time ever, but I tell people I'm doing it for my health (still partially true) to sound less conceited.

    Haha, I always tell people I just want to be healthy, feel better, have more energy -- all true -- but I also just want to wear a bikini, shorts, etc without feeling self- conscious. My vanity is very motivating lol.
  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    NOT being sarcastic
    I find it funny that some posters current weight is way below my goal weight. It makes me rethink my goals, I must be setting them way too low (high?)
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    Allgaun wrote: »
    NOT being sarcastic
    I find it funny that some posters current weight is way below my goal weight. It makes me rethink my goals, I must be setting them way too low (high?)

    I think a lot has to do with body composition. I know I look and feel good at 120 - 130, so my goal is 125 to account for fluctuation. If I get under 120, I start to look too thin and have headaches/ low energy. But a lot of women my height (5'3 3/4) are fine at 115 or even lower.

    That said, some women my height look/feel good at 140-150 or whatever. There's nothing wrong with a higher goal if that goal works for you and your body composition :smile:

  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    5'5" and about 118 this morning. Started 2016 at 162.4, lost around 45 pounds (finished mid-December of 2016) and have been maintaining between 117 and 120 since then. I am on a slight downward trend, like maybe 0.25-0.5 pounds per month (if you can even see it through the noise), but that is close enough to maintenance and if I dip below 115, I figure I get a week to eat 250 extra calories a day, which will be awesome.

    I am very small boned so I look better under 120. BMI is still in the healthy range, just at the lower end.

    I have a ferocious appetite, though. I do 30 minutes of yoga and at least 70 minutes of additional cardio a day so I can eat 2200 (or more) calories per day. I don't count macros and seem to be less hungry doing high carb, low fat (in general) than with other methods.
  • 1honda11
    1honda11 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone...I am 5'-4" and started at 197 am currently at 171 and working towards 160 ish....I think that the way you feel about yourself is what counts the most. I am athletic in build and have never been skinny. More about me on my profile...
  • C_Erased
    C_Erased Posts: 5 Member
    4'11 here, 37 years old. Started at 140, goal is 120. My dream goal is 105 but I know I'll never get there again. My highest was 145 and I got down to 97lbs at my thinnest, that was 10 years ago. No specific plan, but I was obsessed with cardio and lifting. Kept it off for a year or 2. Then I had some medical issues that stopped me from weight training and I just slowly got out of the healthy eating habit. Got up to 140 about a year and a half ago, got disgusted, and lost 20 lbs...then gained it all back since. The last few months have just been horrible. I hate the way I look and I hate buying clothes. I could barely fit into my work pants and just reached a breaking point. Almost all my weight is in my stomach and face, and there just isn't any way to hide it. They just don't make attractive clothes for people with a large waist but average-to-thin legs, hips, etc. And I've been cursed with a small chest so I don't even have that to help balance it out, haha.

    So anyway I joined MFP (almost 2 weeks) and hope to stick with it. The food part is getting easier -- my big problem was I was a fast food junkie and now I am cooking every night. I still try to fit in some treats on the weekends though by limiting my calories elsewhere and exercising a little extra. I wish I could do more weight training -- I have lupus and arthritis and 3 artificial joints and just can't do what I used to. I do the elliptical 6x a week.

    Anyway, that's me. Feel free to add, especially if you also have chronic health issues and want a weight-loss buddy.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    It's great to see others and their struggles with being on the short side of the stick :)
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I'm 5'1" feel free to friend me.
    SW 11 stone 1lb (155lb)
    CW 10 stone 4lb (144lb)
    GW 9 stone (126lb)

  • ad28517
    ad28517 Posts: 27 Member
    As for late night snacking...brush your teeth! I know it sounds silly, but something about doing that and being all minty fresh and ready for bed deters me from eating so late. Also, I find doing something to keep your hands and mind busy works too. My sister crochets while watching tv. I (sadly) play games on my cell phone.
  • km_harvey90
    km_harvey90 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 5'1.5 and currently at my heaviest of 215
  • Dangerrosive
    Dangerrosive Posts: 17 Member
    Ive been adding as many women that are my height and close to my weight as I can! I am 31 and 5'2" I weigh 174 my atarting weight was the heaviest I have ever been, 186.

    At first I tried the vegetarian Keto diet which helped me lose some wight but is way too restrictive. Now I'm just counting calories. I'm too shy to go to the gym even though I really want to lift. We have a treadmill but I've never set foot on it because I hate running.

    I had been skinny all of my life until I hit 25. :(
  • Jadeyy_xo
    Jadeyy_xo Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 109lbs, not sure if this is the healthy weight for my height? Also I have been 5'2" for quite a few years now and back then I only used to weigh about 104lbs so I wanted to try and get back to that weight but I'm not sure how many calories I should consume a day in order to do that, and I don't know what exercises I can do?
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Jadeyy_xo wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" and I weigh 109lbs, not sure if this is the healthy weight for my height? Also I have been 5'2" for quite a few years now and back then I only used to weigh about 104lbs so I wanted to try and get back to that weight but I'm not sure how many calories I should consume a day in order to do that, and I don't know what exercises I can do?

    Not to sound mean or rude at all. But I wish i was 109 . Shoot I wish I was 120. You are to me at a very low/healthy weight as you are now. Obviously I don't know what you look like but it seems you shouldn't loose any more weight. Hunny I'm at 164 and I can't get under 160. You are not overweight.

    Do you mind saying how old you are? It sounds like you might be young.
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Ive been adding as many women that are my height and close to my weight as I can! I am 31 and 5'2" I weigh 174 my atarting weight was the heaviest I have ever been, 186.

    At first I tried the vegetarian Keto diet which helped me lose some wight but is way too restrictive. Now I'm just counting calories. I'm too shy to go to the gym even though I really want to lift. We have a treadmill but I've never set foot on it because I hate running.

    I had been skinny all of my life until I hit 25. :(

    Yeah it's hard to find people going through the same thing with weight and height. that's why I made this thread <3 Feel free to message me and such
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm too shy to go to the gym even though I really want to lift. We have a treadmill but I've never set foot on it because I hate running.

    I do understand ... But, it took me a long time to realize no one gives a flying *kitten*. Really, if you want to go, go. (Also, you don't have to run on the TM; walking is fine.)
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    The scale finally moved! I'm down 2.4lbs since my last weigh in. I changed up a lot of things over the last week and a half, so it's hard for me to know if it's because of the changes or did my body finally decide to release so to speak. I made a conscious effort to try and get more protein in and be mindful of carbs, I've eliminated the BodyPump class I was doing 3 days a week and replaced it with a C25K workout following a dance class (still lifting heavy 3x/wk on alternate days + boxing), I was sick with a cold for maybe 2 days but that didn't really change my food intake...but did cause me to miss boxing one day - so not quite sure if any of that played a significant part in the scale finally moving. I felt like I actually worked out less, and ate more; and on top of that it was TOM so I didn't expect to see the scale budge at all, if anything I wouldn't have been shocked if it went up!

    I'm gonna stick with the same routine this week and see how it goes.