

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hello ladies! Not even sure I checked in with the group in April because the month was crazy. I finished my Master's thesis, which was approved thank you very much! I am a teacher and have to finish up the school year early so we can fly back to the US and watch both our son and daughter graduate college!!! Also we've been renovating a house, which we're kind of done with for the time being.

    I started this chapter with MFP in December and have lost 15 lbs so far!! Yay me!! I am averaging a pound about every ten days, which is fine with me. I'd rather lose slowly and KEEP it off, preferably till I die, than bounce back.

    A couple of years ago I was all like "I can't lose weight" but obviously I CAN. And the more I exercise, the less chronic pain I have in my life, too-- that is a huge win for me. I still have bad days, sometimes a bunch of them in a row, but in general I feel amazing compared to a couple of years ago. I'm actually starting to look forward to the next 20 years instead of "Please God, kill me now." :smiley:

    Congrats on the Master's!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    edited May 2017
    Kelly ... I would have used the sarcasm ... I am not very good with kids ...

    And it keeps raining here .... truck we need to use to get to Nashville by tomorrow .... needs a new transmission. What is the likelihood of getting to Nashville by tomorrow?
  • tessy2names
    tessy2names Posts: 2 Member
    My general goals are to lose weight and build strength. I sure could use all the encouragement and support that I can get!

    • Work out with trainer 2x week
    • Build in 1/2hr Cardio 4x week (probably won't do this without a cardio buddy) :s
    • Drink 60oz water daily (almost always reach 40oz)
    • Track all of my food / exercise / water in MyFitnessPal (did pretty well)
    • Lose 5 lbs - Lost 7 :D
    • Ask my friend to join me in losing weight - She said yes; so, we'll check-in Monday nights to encourage each other.
    • Work out with trainer 2x week
    • Go dancing 1x week for my Cardio
    • Drink 60oz water daily
    • Track all of my food / exercise / water in MyFitnessPal
    • Say "no thank you" to offers for dinner/lunch, to stay on track
    • Lose 5 lbs

    Central Tennessee - Where it's almost always sunny; but, the thunderstorms are wicked scary!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Beth ~ So sorry for your car trouble. Seems like when it rains, it pours. :'(

    Kelly ~ Hugs! Sorry they little ones are being bratty today.

    Carol in GA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Beautiful roses pic!!! You got a great deal!

    Today was senior day at the grocery store. I spend $108, bought 45 items, saved $19 (14%), and earned 111 fuel points (which equated to saving 20 cents per gallon at the pump today). I had planned on spending $90, but there were a bunch of items I had no clue the price of.

    I bought some chocolate protein drinks for son. They were $3.20 each, but were buy one get one free. The fiber is 6 grams, protein 32 grams, so more healthy than the Instant Breakfast I was thinking of buying. I'm not concerned about fats, because he is so slim. Also bought 2 boxes of Wheat Chex cereal, so he is set. Oh you should see the trail mix I made! I bought some honey roasted cashews, because he has never tried cashews, then the roasted lightly salted peanuts, and a $2.99 bag of M&M's. I used an empty large coffee container, and also put a small empty sour cream container for him to use to snack from (and monitor portions).

    I buy a large bottom round steak and can get two meals at two portions each meal. Today the steak was $7 so its just one meal I was buying for.

    When we arrived home from shopping, I made lasagna using one of my Italian sausages ( removed from its casing), into the sauce. I use my mini loaves pan (looks like large muffins, but in the shape of loaves). This guarantees that portions are the same, and less mangled. I grease the pan with crisco making it easier to take out, and today I layered about 5 layers! I used 7 extra wide lasagna noodles. I had 1 noodle left over and some sausage sauce, so that is a dinner for me, plus husband will have lasagna tonight and tomorrow.

    I will be donating blood today, so I needed to have a meal prepped and ready. When I get home I am so wiped out!

    Husband picked out a Febreze spray that was tropical, so I need to spray everywhere so we can pretend we are in Thailand!

    Be well all!
    Hugs from Oregon
    My eldest sons duplexes. He's the one that was in Japan 2yrs old to 4 yes old. Can ya tell???? Haha!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth arrgh so sorry for the truck trouble. You will get there, but what a pain in the .....
    I'm headed to pick up DD's stuff from college on the weekend, but she comes home by bus after a few exams mid-week.

    So staying positive day 2, taking this one step at a time. Focussing on vegetables then protein and staying away from processed foods as they seem to trigger bingeing on my part. One strategy, one choice at a time.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    As soon as i posted my last post I realized i was on the April thread and I dont know how to get it over here to May so you might want to go back to April to see our new additions to our family :|
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2017
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Hi, I would like to come back to the group. The last 7 months have been a lot of ups and downs. Seems when my mom passed away I just lost interest in so many things. So not surprised that I have gained a lot of my weight back. But starting this month I am going to get my ducks in a row. My goals for this month are to write down everything I eat and be honest. I have missed all of you. Blessings, Vicki GI_NE

    Oh Vicki, it is so wonderful to hear from you. I have been thinking, worrying and praying about you. So very glad to see you back. Of COURSE you are welcome back.

    Janetr OKC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Gloria ~ Your two doggies are cute. Who is Darwin?
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hi all -

    Crazy busy over here. All I can do is pop in and wish you all a happy Poem On Your Pillow Day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, what a wonderful story and MFP connection. Good luck in your new job.

    Have totally enjoyed having windows open today. It was 67 when I got up, 71 now. this is what I paid almost $7000 for. that cat is enjoying it also.

    Will post a picture later of my bedroom. It has two of my quilts. My pride and joy is on my bed and my first ever quilt is used as a visual headboard.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janeholland2008
    janeholland2008 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello all, I'm Jane from Kent, UK ... been using MFP for 10 days and actually loving it. In the past, I have made every excuse possible for my weight but the truth is I ate too much, too often and every meal was far too rich!!!...I started making changes in January and have lost 30lbs so far., but I have 100lbs to go so in it for the long haul!! In the last week, I have had a couple of health issues and immediately turned to fast food for comfort. Not happy! so have had 2 bad days. but I have learned enough to put a ruler under these days and start again. I need help to find exercises conducive to an arthritic knee. Well, actually an arthritic knee that has just been diagnosed with a blood clot! although on drugs to sort the blood clot out, the knee still won't bend and is incredibly painful, is anyone in a similar position and what do you do for exercise? any advice would be gratefully received.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Leigh – when my jeans do that I put a tuck in the waist band, not elegant and not for when you tuck your shirt in, but gave me a few more months before having to buy new.

    Lisa – WOW!!! I think you’ll be great at that and non-profits are an interesting breed … But more than that I am I really thrilled to see what amazing things our community can do! The power of us!!!

    Kelly – too funny!!!!! Will you tell the mom? Will she get how funny that is…. And on the serious side, good for you for not putting up with the first step to becoming a bully!

    Beth – LOL on the paper towels… yuck also so sorry to hear about the car issues!

    Vicki – Welcome Home, good to have you back!

    Gloria – cute pups!

    So I have to think of a nice way to say to a client “chill out you are being a pain in the bum” It’s a very type A guy, I embroider his businesses shirts for him, not big jobs – maybe 2 shirts every 6 months… and he is the biggest nag! For the last order he dropped one shirt off on Friday (4 days ago) I told him 2 weeks and he called or texted yesterday 9 times in 16 hours – he even called to check on it at 3:45am – I did not hear his first call so texted back about 8pm saying 2 weeks! (nicely) and it hasn’t stopped! GRRR I am sure he believes the squeaky wheel gets the grease!

    Rori in 4 hours!!!! Off to take a shower and wash my hair after 4 hours of gardening in 80 degree weather.


    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited May 2017
    Welcome back Vicki ! ! ! :D<3 I have thought about you a lot and wondered what had happened to you. Sorry to hear you have been depressed, but it sounds as if you have turned the corner.

    Jane from Kent - Hello from Hampshire! Once your blood clot clears up you could try water based activities or rowing on a machine is good. Recumbent bike? I have some machines in a spare room. Some of us have them in the living room! Then you can watch TV. :D I shouldn't try to do too much while it is still so painful though. Can you get an appointment with a physiotherapist? It may take some time though. :s:o I have a bad knee and do strengthening exercises for it. Other than that you can do exercises sitting down - plenty online if you Google them. You can do light weights as well.
    30 lbs since January is very good going - well done! :flowerforyou:

    Fed up with my arm. It can go away now, thank you. :sad:

    DH off to cricket tomorrow. I am going to make a nice veggie curry for myself. Must get DH to cut up the butternut squash for me before he leaves. Can't do it one handed! :'(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - Marcelynh Just seen the Killian photos. Lovely! Nothing like a new born. Aaaaaahhhhh! <3
    PPS - I am now 39% fluent in German. :laugh: