Christmas Countdown Challenge - Starting 7/25



  • sibbets37
    sibbets37 Posts: 9
    Sounds like a plan. And I could do with some serious motivation from my fellow slimmers. Especially since I have just started my journey, today! It seems fitting that this fits in with christmas!

    My name is Sara, I weight a lot and need to lose a lot however I'm taking it in small chunks and would like to lose 35lb by christmas. Doesnt sound that much when you take into acount my starting weight but it has been over 5 years since I have been this weight so it is a real challenge for me.

    Starting weight 264
    Ideal christmas weight 229

    Total loss target 35lb
  • shaverkl191
    shaverkl191 Posts: 131
    Today is the day!!! I'll be working on getting everyone's info together so please please please make sure your have posted your stats so that I can put it all together :)

    Heeeeeerrreeee we go!

    I will have all my stats posted by noon!! I hope that's not too late!
  • I'd love to join in, will be a good motivation and something to aim for.

    CW 250 lbs
    GW for xmas 220 lbs

    About me, I live near Sheffield Uk and am 41yo, divorced but have partner and no kids. I work full time hours in an office Mon to Thurs and run my own mobile beauty therapy business evenings and weekends. Love gardening and just started to grow my own fruit and veg on a larger scale (recently brought plot of land which was totally overgrown).

    VC (aka Una)
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    Bump for later.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Love it since I have a new year's resolution to keep for this year. I want to definitely see where I am by Christmas, yet I also don't want to lose sight of how far I've come along the way.

    I'm Q. I'm 33, married with no kids. Love dachshunds. I'm also a figure skater. I've joined the synchronized skating team for this year. I'm on a low carb diet. This diet works for me, but it's not for everyone. I don't feel hungry. I have a lot more energy. I never suffer from carb comas. Sure, sometimes I just really, really want a piece of bread, but for the most part, the cravings aren't intense. My goal for this year is to get down to the weight I was when I got married. Then next year, aim for the last 20 lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 160.

    Starting Weight: 202.2
    Current Weight: 202.2
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 180.0

    Height: 5'8"
    Bust: 43.5
    Chest: 35
    Waist: 36.5
    Hips: 45
    So my starting weight for today, 7/25, is 201.8. :-D
  • Hope I'm not too late! Hi - my name is Pam and live in Orlando, Florida. Started my fitness goals March 2010 and at year end was down about 20 pounds. In January diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Surgeries complete and I'm ready to get back at it! Been steady at tracking my food for a few weeks now and first time back at the gym this morning - treadmill to get started. Boot camp tomorrow night. I'm up for this challenge!

    CW 180
    GW for 12/25 165
    Will post measurements tonight - want to get in on the challenge.

  • LoriSteib
    LoriSteib Posts: 12 Member
    Ooops - almost forgot to join up - I'm definitely in!! My name is Lori, I work full-time as a medical librarian and have a husband and 3 kids (ages 14, 11, 7 1/2) . I volunteer at church and school, and will start attending a year-long weekly bible study in September. On top of the that, I am in charge of a conference for my regional profession association of medical librarians - it will be in October here in Baton Rouge and there will be approximately 200 people from 5 states attending, and the immense amount of time-consuming planning is totally starting to stress me out! So far, my weight loss has been as a result of tracking my eating on MFP but as of today, I'm adding the regular exercise component back in to my regimen. About 3 years ago, I lost 15 pounds and did 2 triathlons - I don't want to go through that torture again, but I would like to fit into the clothes that I bought back then - this is my official NSV goal. I don't have many friends on MFP so if you want to help me stay motivated and I can do the same for you, by all means friend me!!

    Starting Weight: 203.4
    Current Weight: 178.0
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 165.0

    Bust: 42"
    Waist: 36.5"
    Hips: 44.5"
    Arms: 14"
    Thighs: 25.5"
  • cmpinklisa
    cmpinklisa Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in!! This is my first challenge!! I have been dieting all my life. I have lost 30 lbs since April 2010.

    CW 239
    GW for Xmas 199

    Chest 51.25
    Waist 45.25
    Hips 54.25
    RT Thigh 26.5
    LT Thigh 25.5
    RT Arm 16
    LT Arm 16
    RT Calf 17
    LT Calf 17.5
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hi my name is Angie and I would like to join this challenge. I am a stay at home mother of 2 boys. I have 18 year mentally disabled child and a 1 year old. I have just got back on the wagon after falling off for a year after I had my baby. My baby is now 1 and I really need to focus on losing weight again. My current weight is 233. By Christmas I would like to be 200.
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    I'd love to join if there is still room. :)

    My name is Liz. I'm a 28 year old grad student who started my healthy lifestyle change at the beginning of the year. 6 months in and I really haven't moved the scale. I had lost about 10 lbs the first 3 months and gained about 5 of it back. I struggle staying motivated and find it hard to schedule exercise due to my busy schedule. All it would really take would be for me to get up an extra half an hour in the morning. I would really like to loose 2 lbs as that is typically my goal but I'm gonna start with setting it at 1 lb and if I loose more it's an added bonus.
  • This will be my first challenge and it sounds like a great one! What a reality check on Christmas only being 5mos away...are you kidding me! I want to look good for these Christmas Parties and you are right, who wants to have the same freakin New Year's resolution. It would be nice to exclude weight loss from my New Year's resolution this year...I am not real sure how this works as far as check ins, but I am ready...this is going to be fun!:smile:
  • beautynthalight
    beautynthalight Posts: 167 Member
    hope im not too late!!!
    well i wanna join because its a nice time frame...goes hand in hand with another challenge i joined ( the other one will end on Halloween)...i need as much support as i can get... i have been a big girl all my adult life, all my high school years and most of my childhood...i just wanna lose so i can have some type of self esteem... and i know this is why im having so much problems in my relationship, im straining it with my constant comments about my weight and you know what they say, if you say it long enough, it will come true...well i did that and now its a problem to him...i know he'll never fully admit it but a girl knows....
    so this is mainly for me and my well being and everything else comes second
    SW 312
    GW 282
    tryna lose 30 by Christmas...LETS GO!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey JustJenn ~ Here is the real truth :grumble:

    SW 198.2
    Bust 39.5

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey JustJenn ~ Here is the real truth :grumble:

    SW 198.2
    Bust 39.5
    Waist 36.5
    Hips 44
    Arm 12.5

    GW 175

  • smahaney1
    smahaney1 Posts: 27 Member
    Current weight on 07/25/11: 186
    Goal weight for 12/25/11: 150

    Chest: 38
    Waist: 33 3/4
    Hips: 43
    Thigh: 25
    Bicep: 13

    Good luck everyone!
  • fee8002
    fee8002 Posts: 2 Member
    HI I would like to join this Challenge as well.

    I have just signed up for My Fitness Pal today so i am not sure if i even clicked the right spot to post to join this challenge, but i hope so.

    I am a 25 year old female who has an office job and no children to run around with. so basically i am very inactive and need lots of motivation to keep on track and reach my goal.

    Weight - 189
    Goal by Christmas - 150

    I will post my measurements when i get home and can take them, as right now i am posting from work!
  • Gagal81
    Gagal81 Posts: 6
    I think this is just what I need to get me motivated.

    I am Melissa I have 3 kids 10yrs, 6yrs and an 11 mth old. By Christmas I should have already met my goal weight. So my goal will be to have reached my goal weight, maintained my goal weight and to be making progress on toning my body back up.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • kerry1513
    kerry1513 Posts: 38 Member
    Count me in! My name is Megan and life has thrown me several curve balls the past couple of years. Some were good, some not so good. During that time I had some health issues and my weight just went up and up and up. My goal is to be fit and healthy, it really isn't about the physical appearance for me anymore. I just want to have energy and be fit. I'm so glad I have found this site.

    SW: 174
    GW by Christmas: 152
    Goal weight: 134
  • I would love to do this too :-) as my birthday is in december this will help keep me in check :-) I'm currently 22 years old and this is my first challenge and im looking for something to kick start my weight loss, I have just finished a college course that due to stress made me neglect my health in favour of completing course work and revising for exams, Now i'm free to concentrate on my health and start on my weight loss journey.

    Starting Weight: 304
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 282 (I thought a goal of 1lb a week is right for me and if i lose more its always a bonus :-D)

    Bust: 53
    Waist: 51
    Hips: 62
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    7/17: 202.5
    7/24: 200.4 *updated weigh in :-)

    Wow, Jen! Looks like you hit the mark with everyone signing up. Good Luck, All!