

  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Ooh! Gardening .. used to be my fav .. apart from line dancing!
    Wish I could still do both or even either....:smile:

    At the mo' am really, REALLY, annoyed as I have been very good all week and it seems that my weight is still going to be the same ny my WI tomorrow. Just don't know what to do to get things moving again....:mad:
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    It's hard to catch up with everyone after being away from the computer for the past 3 days. I hope everyone had a good days! I enjoyed my time visiting my son very much..... hated to come home. I don't see him enough these days. I don't like Empty Nest Syndrome at all, even though I've had 4 1/2 years to try and get used to it. I miss my wonderful son so much when we're apart. I'm happy to report that even though we ate out most of the time I was there, I watched what I ate, wrote it all down and put it in my diary when I got back. I stayed well under my calories each day. I also did more walking that usual, so that helped. AND..... I lost another lb. when I weighed myself after I got home. Also took my measurements again yesterday and lost several inches. I'm SO motivated and so happy that I have stuck to this journey for more than a few days! And happy that I WANT to continue. Like another well-know eating plan out there..... it isn't a DIET...... it is just a new and healthier way of eating!

    Have a fabulous day everyone!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning all.
    Finally got all the water out of the basement.
    The only casuality is the hot water heater.We have someone coming over.
    Hope the rain is gone for awhile.
    Take care everyone.
  • middleofseven
    Hello everyone;

    I was invited by Barbie to join the group. I am 51 and I started this month with MFP. I love the site. There are so many opinions and encouragement. All my life I have had to worry about my weight. I started gaining in High School and have been on a rollercoaster since. Coming from a large family and being the middle one of 7. Has its ups and mostly downs. I won't go into the many things that are on my mind as that is what my councilor is for.HA HA. This being the only place that I am being truely honest with everything that goes into my mouth for the first time has helped me to identify the bad items and reinforces my concept of a protion as 4oz. I have been living that rule for more than 30 years. I am one of the "lucky" ones that are truely in Starvation mode due to undereating for my entire life. I averaged 600cal per day for the first 5 days tracking. That opened my eyes. I remember being told about the starvation idea from WW years ago. I have never been able to eat all that they say we need to every day. My water intake has gone up and that is progress already. The loss of weight shown started 1/1/11.
    Well that is all for now. I look forward to meeting everyone in the group. We can lose it together.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    WELCOME<middleof seven.Not sure what your name is.But welcome.This is an awesome bunch of women.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Happy Sunday Ladies:

    Hope you are all well. There are so many posts, again!! Welcome to the newcomers, you will enjoy this site, there any so many wonderful people here.

    Today was my oldest grandaughter's 5th birthdat and so we had a little party for her at a local restaurant and she was so excited. She came and spent the night last night with my DH and I without her little brother and she truly enjoyed that because she got to be spoiled all evening long :laugh:

    I am still struggling with my weight and I am finding it hard not to get discouraged but I am trying hard to stay focused because I think part of it is my meds. I am drinking tons of water, trying to watch my food and getting more exercise and every day I am under my calorie count but still I cannot lose. So, I am sure that somehow my meds must be interfering with my system somehow, I am going to go to the doctor or the pharmacist and have them review all that I am on and how they are affecting my system.

    I think too because I don't sleep at night that is a problem, I have been reading that when you don'd sleep at night it makes you gain weight, so I am checking into that avenue too. It is frustrating though. As I am sure some of you know when you don't lose, you get frustrated and want to give up. But, I won't give up but I don't think I will make my July goal though.

    Anyway, I really do hope you all are doing well. Those of you who are struggling, I hear you. Don't give up, you will get there, just keep at it. To those of you who are losing, congrats!! Good for you.

    Our weather has been unbearably hot and humid so I hope it breaks soon because I am not a really hot, humidy, kind of person. Give me an Indian Summer any time:wink:

    Anyway, take care and I will talk to you soon.

    Love. Cathy xx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Well, I see why people who have fallen off the wagon sometimes don't check in. I fell. Friday we had that baseball game. I had a hamburger, the chili, some chips, I did drink only water. Then Sat. I fell big time. But I'm going to do my best to get back on track, think I'll need to get more apple cider vinegar!

    Jessica went to go see New Kids on the Block and Back Street Boys with Lynette. She said that her friend, Connie, was going to come. When she said this, my immediate thought was "Connie won't be there" and she didn't let me down. Lyette wanted to go out to dinner, and Jessica really didn't have the money for it so she asked if they could have dinner here. I know it's me, but I just have a hard time saying "no". Lynette brought by steaks, I got some chicken that I broiled and we WERE going to put on the grill. Only when Vince opened the grill he smelled gas, so I wound up putting the steaks in the broiler. Didn't have the same "charcoaley" flavor. They had to leave by 4:30, I had to serve at the mass at 5, then Vince and I were going to a social with the Newcomers. Lynette was going to bring a friend of hers so instead of Lynette having to go back to town to get the friend I just told Lynette to bring the friend here for dinner. We just had the steaks, I had some chicken, a salad, broccoli cauliflower and carrot medley, rice, I made lemon squares for dessert and had some chocolate cookies. I hated rushing them, but I knew they had a time constraint. Lynette and Ken have a different sort of relationship. It works for them. Personally, I don't think I could stand it. She is constantly texting Ken, he had to go to the concert with them, but he stayed at a hotel while they went to the concert. Lynette told me that the other day she fell and she texted Ken to tell him she was all right. Now if it were me, I would be telling Vince when he got home, but that's just me. Honestly, she's really not a good driver. Now I don't have a sense of direction, but she was driving one time and got lost, Vince said that we were almost in South Carolina. Evidentally, she was telling Jessica how to go to the concert. When she drove to the condo she took 295, why I don't know. 295 takes you WAAAYYYY out of your way. She took another side road, we'd told her to just stay on 95 all the way to Titusville. The only thing I can think of is that her GPS told her to take that road. But you would think that she'd want to take the shortest way so that Ken has the shortest amount of time sitting in the car. Anyway, Jessica drove to the concert, she borrowed Vince's SUV. She didn't realize that Ken was coming along and she gets carsick if she's in the back seat, so she drove, Ken was in the front, Lynette and her friend were in the backseat.

    Made a triple chocolate cheesecake for the social and these mini chip cookies that Vince would eat. It seemed that most people liked the cheesecake.

    Made some chocolate cookies tonight. A friend and her hubby are coming here Sun. so we'll probably grill. I got an ice cream cake. I'm going to try to be good during the week and just watch it on the weekend.

    Just had fruit, a piece of the cheesecake and this other blueberry dump-like cake. I didn't think that was all that good. But I did go swimming afterwards.

    Have jury duty this week. I already made a turkey sandwich to take, some egg whites, some carrots, a pear, oh gotta remember to take some V-8

    Got some cherries today. They are good, so I'll probably have them just to snack on.

    Say, did anyone do the South Beach diet? Lynette said that her MD recommended it. I remember reading that for the first 2 weeks you couldn't have any carbs, and there was no way that I can go for 2 weeks without fruit, so I never really looked into it. Assuming that she does go on it, I want to be encouraging her so are there any foods that I should not prepare (if they come over) or even offer to her?

    Did an hour of the WiiFit hulahoop today. Don't know what I'll be able to do tomorrow as I'm not sure what time I'll be getting home.

    Viv - fingers and everything else crossed for you.

    Niki - pull up a chair!

    We've been talking more and more about the pool. Unfortunately, it's still just talking. At least we have the permit, we decided on the pool, now we need to talk to the pool people. I'll get it...eventually!

    Hey middleofseven. Glad barbie got you to come over here.

    Going to run...will try to get ready for tomorrow. Got magazines and books to take with me, hope I don't need them....lol It's weird, not my usual schedule.

    Nitey nite everyone.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Sunday evening, pain pain pain, but I take the vicodin, it goes away for awhile..
    Had skirt steak left over from last night for dinner with some cole slaw and some raw carrots/cukes... lost appetite, not really hungry but am forcing myself to eat. Weight is still the same.. no loss, no gain in 2 weeks.
    have a good evening..
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi! All of you!:flowerforyou:

    Well, I told you that i decided to do something about my lack of motivation to workout. So I did something, I started a challenge.

    "The out of shape and lazy challenge"
    You can find it here : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/297393-the-out-of-shape-and-lazy-challenge

    Anybody is welcome. The basic is to do a minimum of 15 minutes a day every day. For me it works cause I dont have to fight my lazy side too much to convince me to walk for 15 minutes and when I'm there, why not to do more. The first step is the more difficult so.

    For the moment there are not so many people interested but even if I am the only one who write on this post, if it makes me move more it will have worth it.

    See you tomorrow !

    Take care!:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: Viv, I'm so glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery one step at a time.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Kathy (plantlady), when I started my weight loss journey I didn't make good food choices but I made a plan and stuck to it, so if you avoided eating at night, then you've made a great start on this new journey........putting God and spirituality in the mix will help :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, isn't the sunny weather a great motivator :bigsmile: best wishes as you move on to your new job

    :bigsmile: amyllu, keep on keeping on.....it sounds like you can't do much exercise so that is a challenge.....are there seated exercises you can do to burn calories ?

    :flowerforyou: middleofseven, I'm glad to see you posting on this thread.....it sounds like you have some great insights already on how to make progress.....take baby steps and you'll find the success you seek :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Niki, your challenge sounds great..........slow and steady wins the race.......the longest journey begins with a single step.........all the exercise I do now, started with a little bit and grew over time.....do not be discouraged

    :bigsmile: I took the dogs for a walk in our new neighborhood and we loved it......it is even more quiet than where we are now and there are lots of trees......our packing continues.....all the walls are bare........DH found three young strong men with trucks and an appliance dolly to move the furniture and I found friends who are will willing to help with the cleaning.

    :flowerforyou: we had a beautiful day today with temps over 75 :bigsmile: I wore a short sleeve shirt today for the first time this summer :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning everyone

    :frown: It's another grey day here in York, I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever get some sunshine. I was hoping to sit outside whilst at home recouperating (?). Hey I could get used to this, I haven't even given work a thought. Even though we've had a lot of rainy days, I've relaxed, caught up with everyone on MFP, watched DVDs and read my book. Quite enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but on refelection a bit too much graphic sexual violence/torture for me, but the story itself was good, with twists and turns, so it kept you wondering who dun it!

    :smile: I'm going to pop into town today with my mum, she walks slow so I should be able to manage:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've found that walking hurts my boob. I'm quite small too, so I feel sorry for larger bouncier ladies it must be twice as bad for them. The dressing came off yesterday in the shower, I managed to find a dressing in our first aid kit that would cover it and taped it on, everything looks as if it is healing nicely, very bruised though, (but I do bruise easily) I'm still very tired so don't want to overdo it today, but thought I need to start doing things in moderation otherwise I'll never get back to normal.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie glad the doggies liked their new neighbourhood, You'll be out exploring once you move in finding new walks to go on.

    :flowerforyou: : Niki good luck with the challenge. Hope you get lots of people joining.

    :flowerforyou: Natalie I think you are due surgery next month if I've got it right, so sorry you are in such pain right now.

    :flowerforyou: Michele you are always so busy busy I wish I had half your energy.

    :flowerforyou: I hope everyone has a great day.

    I'm going to have a bit of breakfast now, so I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

    Viv xx
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning,
    My weekend was challenging....the heat really effected my energy level. I was also a bit nervous. I have a job interview. This opportunity came up unexpectedly and I am really not sure if I should do this job even if it is offered to me. It is similar to a very stressful job that I did well but retired from 6 years ago. I have really loved not having that kind of stress in my life. I do realize that this job is in a different place and it could be a really great opportunity. I am going to meet with the director this morning and really try to step back and see if this is a place where I'd like to work.....where I could feel that I was really making a difference. There is also this little voice in my head that says...you really could use the money. So my head has been busy this weekend...and that is not good.

    I need to get back to my goal for the month with getting in my fruits and veggies. We had lots of company and with the heat I made meals of crackers and cheese too often. Lots of sodium. I do feel better this morning and I roasted some vegetables and chicken last night to be prepared for the next round of high temperatures.

    Have a great day!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Well, it's Monday and I hope to get to the gym today. It seem like my husband wants to go but he has been having trouble with his back lately. Even if he does not want to go I do so at some point I will stress to him I need to go.

    Did not eat at night again. :)

    Just posting will help

    Kathy (plantlady)

    I hope everyone has a great day. I may post later on just for my own sanity.

    I hope to respond to all the well wishes in time.

  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone! Glad to see new comers on the board - WELCOME!!!

    Just got my computer back late yesterday afternoon. It is working great. We lost everything on the hard drive but aol still had all our email and favorites. Thank God! My address book is goofed up so will have to spend time with that.

    Yesterday was a bad day for food for me. I wound up vomiting several times before I could go to sleep. Hope today is better and now I can start logging again regularly. Plan to go to water aerobics this noon - I can hardly wait.

    Well I have to run I have a doc appt in half an hour.

    Good luck everyone, have a nice day!
  • lisavp23
    lisavp23 Posts: 1
    Today is my 1st time to be on this site, 1st time even to do a post anywhere! Trying to make the most of the 50+ party called life! , Looking forward to making some new friends and loosing some weight. I have started a program I love! I've been doing the program for about 7 weeks. Lost 12 lbs the 1st month - 3 1/2" off my waist and 3" off my hips. My upper body is the hardest area for me to loose. Any suggestions? I've had company the last 2 weeks and haven't gained but only lost 2 more lbs. Need to get back on track. Hope "Myfitnesspal" helps!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Back to the gym RIGHT NOW!!!!!
  • hcbunny
    hcbunny Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: I know you probably have heard all this before, but why don't you try taking a walk when the urge for sweets hits you? Or, wait for 20-30 minutes to see if it passes; Or, drink a glass of water?

    I know how you feel...my biggest cravings are for sweets. Mostly in the afternoon. Chocolate craving is the worst!

    Hang in there. I know you can do it.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    lisavp23 welcome to the group. Personally, I don't think you should hope for 12lb loss every month - it was a good boost to start you off, but 1lb per week is much more realistic and achievable and it will stay off.

    Grey day here in Ottawa, no lawn bowling for me today as it was raining at the time I would have left. Gives me a chance to get my Spanish homework done before my class this afternoon.

    DBF has been to see his specialist this morning who doesn't think he can do anything and is doing a referral to someone else. Not a satisfactory outcome because he is in a lot of pain. But, it look like we are still going away later in the week to celebrate our 30th dating anniversary.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Note to self ... I have got to get back on track ... I'm feeling crappy ... there's no other reason other then the bad eating ... alcohol drinking ... and lack of regular exercise. Enough is enough already!!!

  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    Over 50 and not having fun! I'm fighting the same 5 lb. Well at least this week I'm back down. I really thought I was going to rock and loose 100lb in a years time. Well, guess what, this old body doesn't want to do that. Not to mention the medications I have to take. So going to the gym 5 days last week I lost 2lb. I'm just going to enjoy that and be happy with that. Now, it's the start of a new week. 1 lb is all I'm really hoping for. 1 lb at a time!