30 Day Low Carb (Keto) Weight loss Challenge - Start Monday May 8



  • UNO77
    UNO77 Posts: 33 Member
    23 carbs today Sunday 5/14/17
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    ssl0905 wrote: »
    stephyyyo wrote: »
    Confession time: I messed up today. I hosted a wine and cheese night and of course there was carbs. :(((( I promise to get back on track tomorrow. And I'm gonna try and do less than 40g net carbs the whole week now instead of 50g.

    I messed up yesterday also, went to the movies and had popcorn. I have to say though, I was very, very nauseated and having some took that away..I know it wasn't a good choice though.

    Saturday's are so hard!

    But today I was good guys--stayed under my goal 39g net carbs. Happy Sunday!
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    11 total carbs today.
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    Day 5: Total Carbs: 28 (ohps) Net: 21 Cals: 912 Protein 106

    I found myself "needing" chocolate and went with a Power Crunchy Chocolate Mint Protein bar and it hit the spot but for 10 total carbs.... will not be doing that again soon! Dealing with so much stress with being a military family and mothers day stuff and anniversary of my dads passing coming up and daughters surgery this week. I feel really happy the worst I did was eat a protein bar. I need to find good low carb actual chocolate!

    Day 6: Total Carbs: 19 Net: 15 Cals: 1140 Protein 119
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    Oh oh oh! Family got a new pet this weekend. I like that he low carbs too! He eats crickets and salads everyday and rarely fruits! No grains for him either.
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    This is the dragon: rkhwwfgsgk2u.jpg
  • gh8787
    gh8787 Posts: 10 Member
    Day 3 - net 26 carbs, went a bit over my goal of 20 but still not bad

  • gh8787
    gh8787 Posts: 10 Member
    This is the dragon: rkhwwfgsgk2u.jpg

    So cute!
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    looweesa wrote: »
    Also thank you for the headache remedies! I had an electrolyte water and that seemed to help the headache. But I'm back on the coffee for now. Will look into potassium and magnesium supplements soon bc I don't seem to be getting enough from veggies, even with an avocado a day.

    Honestly I think day 6 of Keto Flu was the worst (if you are doing keto) What helped near instantly though was electrolytes. It is amazing. I had no idea how important they where before. I really like Powerade Zero, if my head hurts or I am overly tired I drink that and it is better than coffee even for waking me up and making me feel human again!
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    stephyyyo wrote: »
    Zuzurillo wrote: »
    AAARRRGGGG! Gained 1 lb again! I have been losing, then gaining, losing then gaining the same 2lbs over and over again for 16 days! Is anyone else experiencing anything like this??? Between here and Reddidt I have gotten confirmations that I am doing everything right but I can't figure out what is going on! I'm BEYOND frustrated!!!

    How about having a Carb Up day one day every two weeks or maybe even a week? Meaning you have a cheat day to throw your metabolism up, I saw a video on it, this super keto guy did that while doing a cut!

    Also, are you eating at a calorie deficit?

    But the carbs day will knock you out of Keto and who wants to go through another week or two of keto flu?
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    looweesa wrote: »
    Day 5
    Net carbs: 21

    Feeling pretty foggy today and have an intense migraine happening right now. Not sure if it's lack of sugar/carbs or cutting the coffee today (probably the combo of both). I'd love hear any natural headache remedies my fellow lo-carbers may have!

    Forgot to mention! Finally hit the scale today and lost 5lbs so far :smiley:

    Oh hey, also for helping with the coffee quit, there is a drink called Hint Water and if you get the Hint Kick it has no calories and some caffeine in it!
  • Cathietc
    Cathietc Posts: 66 Member
    Sunday May 14 Day 7
    Total Carbs 17g
    Net Carbs 7g
  • megpy88
    megpy88 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I am in!
    My goal is to lose 15-20lbs in the next 60 days max.
    I stared Wed the 10th unintentionally and I decided thursday to go all in.
    and my carb intake daily has been 45g today, 99 yesterday and 54 the day prior. It is a slow start as i am learning how to start my days out to end correctly. Today my marco etc % were on point. I have already lost weight. I dont weigh myself but the pants that i tried wearing a couple weeks ago fit very comfortably today and my body ahdnt had any changes until this week.
  • looweesa
    looweesa Posts: 11 Member
    Honestly I think day 6 of Keto Flu was the worst (if you are doing keto) What helped near instantly though was electrolytes. It is amazing. I had no idea how important they where before. I really like Powerade Zero, if my head hurts or I am overly tired I drink that and it is better than coffee even for waking me up and making me feel human again!

    Thank you! That makes me feel better that I'm not the only one experiencing the keto flu. I totally agree about electrolytes! I am definitely going to check out the Powerade zero and Hint Kick for when I need caffeine! Thanks for the suggestions!

  • palsky
    palsky Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 9 days Keto.

    Net carbs =13 crushed it.
  • Balaga8611
    Balaga8611 Posts: 53 Member
    Littlecrunchy, I love your new pet! He's adorable! Also, I agree with you about a Carb Up day. It will knock you out of Ketosis, and your goal is to become fat adapted, so you need to stay in Ketosis.

    Sunday, May 14: 12 g Total Carbs
  • kpdover
    kpdover Posts: 16 Member
    Yesterday was not good. Spent most of the day between a urgent care and ER with a sick child. I ate like I shouldn't have but was leaning on the mercy of others for food. I hope I'm not kicked out... I am back on 100% today. It's been rough since Friday. I had over 100 carbs yesterday...
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I did not log my food all weekend but I was on point staying away from carbs despite TONS of temptation in the way of beers and desserts. I need to make a point on weekends to get more veggies into my meals, during the week it is easier since I bring a salad to work for lunch. I also started a new workout program on Saturday and the DOMS are strong in my legs today, was a struggle walking to my office from the train.
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    5/14 total carb 39

    tried really hard to stay under 40. had to stop eating anything after 6pm.
  • Fabulous50
    Fabulous50 Posts: 18 Member
    May 14
    29 carbs
    6 fiber