Gryffindor Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ooooooooooo I wanna join!!!
    I already weigh in on Monday's so of coarse I vote for that day :bigsmile:

    Welcome!!! Post your starting weight, and goal weight for September 1 at least :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Monday mornings work for me! I didn't weigh in this morning, but I can get my 'starting' weight to you tonight when I get home! Thanks again for keeping this going Bronwen. I'm looking forward to more challenges and creating some HP exercises!

    My pleasure! Yay for HP exercises! :)
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Sorry I am just getting on here now, the good thing is that its still Monday here on the east coast :P

    My starting weight is 169.5 lbs.
    For Sept. 1st, my goal is to be 160 lbs.
    For Oct. 1st, my goal is to be 156 lbs.

    I hope I'm not making my goals too big; I just have been so far off track and really want to get back on track. When I started mfp, I was at 172. Today I weighed myself and updated my weight and now I have only lost 3lbs overall :sad:

    Since my hubby and I have both been unemployed its been just a lot of cheap fatty food. and depression has been setting in too. some days I just don't feel like going out for that walk when deep down inside I really want to and need to if I am ever going to see the lbs and inches drop. I need something to get up and out of this funk I've been in :indifferent:

    Sorry that was quite the tangent, I hope I can tap into my inner gryffindor and make my goals this challenge! :happy:
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 240 Member
    I'm back! Went camping this weekend and basically pigged out. :( But I'm ready for the Gryffindor challenges! Monday weigh-ins are fine with me!

    CW: 166.8
    Goal for Sept. 1: 156
    Goal for Oct. 1: 148 (within three pounds of my highest goal weight range!!)

    I'm so excited for this and seeing my fiance dropping weight like crazy (men... psh) has inspired me to get back to it! Go go Gryffindor!
  • Nutmeghrose
    Nutmeghrose Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Gryffindors!

    I was hoping I could join. I LOVE Harry Potter (what former children's librarian wouldn't, ok...what person couldn't?!)
    My initial goal was to lose 40 lbs by wedding. I made 13. I was kinda bummed about that, but now my hubby is working out with me, and it is amazing how encouraging he can be. (He says I cook too well and he needs to lose the weight he's gained. HA!)
    So, we're back on here, and started p90X last night.

    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: 230 lbs
    Current weight: 213 lbs
    Mini-goal 1: 220 lbs reached June 10th*
    Mini-goal 2: 210 lbs
    Mini-goal 3: 200 lbs.
    Goal weight: 180-190 lbs
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    CW: 144
    Goal weight by September 1: 139
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Bronwen I'm so sorry for your loss! Take your time with the chart... Let me know if I can help you in anyway (the days I am here :)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hi! I wasn't part of the original group, but I LOVE HP, grew up with the whole thing. Is it alright if I join?
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    May I jump in as well?
  • deepakris
    deepakris Posts: 31 Member
    My start weight is 183...really going backwards but trying to get back on track now. :)

    How about for a mini goal we do September 1st since thats when the Hogwarts Express leaves for the start of the new term? :)

    My mini goal (by Sept 1) is going to be 175..hoping for more but ive been so bad I dont want to make my goal too

    My goal by Pottermore (Oct 1) is going to be 168. Really hoping I can stay focused and make this.. :)

    eeeee! Uno, I LOVE it! Our new mini-deadline will be September 1st! Everyone post your goals for that date (Kelsue, inches would be an amazingly acceptable compromise!) and hopefully I can get a chart going so we can keep track by the end of the week :)

    *Please be patient with me, tho guys. Right now I'm home for a friend of the family's funeral (her kids are siblings to me) and its been rough. I should have things back to normal by the end of the week, tho.

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Hope things get better soon. c:
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I would love to jump in here too, if there is still room.

    Start weight for this: 214
    Mini-goal by September 1: 209
    Mini-goal by October 1: 204

  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    I'd like to join if it's not too late! What do I need to do???
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 240 Member
    I'd like to join if it's not too late! What do I need to do???

    Post your current weight and your goal for September 1st! :)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    My current weight is 155, and my goal weight by September 1st is 150! Then I won't be overweight anymore!
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Gryffindors! It's Wednesday! How are y'all doing?

    Didn't get in exercise yesterday, unfortunately. No one to blame but myself. However, I've got play rehearsal tonight and we're learning the choreography so I'm sure I'll be sweating up a storm while having a blast. :)

    PS: I'm so excited about this, I even made a Gyffindor-themed weight loss ticker! :D
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    Hi Gryffindors! It's Wednesday! How are y'all doing?

    Didn't get in exercise yesterday, unfortunately. No one to blame but myself. However, I've got play rehearsal tonight and we're learning the choreography so I'm sure I'll be sweating up a storm while having a blast. :)

    PS: I'm so excited about this, I even made a Gyffindor-themed weight loss ticker! :D

    I'm doing very well! Got in 45 minutes of cardio AND strength training for my legs yesterday!
    Don't worry too much about missing a day of excercise. Sounds like you'll make up for it tonight! What play are you in? I used to do theatre as well, and coreography days are always GREAT excercise!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hello Gryffindors!

    I was hoping I could join. I LOVE Harry Potter (what former children's librarian wouldn't, ok...what person couldn't?!)
    My initial goal was to lose 40 lbs by wedding. I made 13. I was kinda bummed about that, but now my hubby is working out with me, and it is amazing how encouraging he can be. (He says I cook too well and he needs to lose the weight he's gained. HA!)
    So, we're back on here, and started p90X last night.

    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: 230 lbs
    Current weight: 213 lbs
    Mini-goal 1: 220 lbs reached June 10th*
    Mini-goal 2: 210 lbs
    Mini-goal 3: 200 lbs.
    Goal weight: 180-190 lbs

    Welcome, Meghs! So, do you want your mini-goal 2 to be for September 1st, then?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi! I wasn't part of the original group, but I LOVE HP, grew up with the whole thing. Is it alright if I join?

    Yes! The more the merrier! Welcome to Gryffindor!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    May I jump in as well?

    Of course! And feel free to friend me, all! I'll friend you when I have time eventually anyhow :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I would love to jump in here too, if there is still room.

    Start weight for this: 214
    Mini-goal by September 1: 209
    Mini-goal by October 1: 204


    Welcome!!! I'm so excited to see all the new Gryffindor faces!