Last 10 pounds Club



  • HighRearGisele
    Thanks for the info and request! CW is 124.4, as of this a.m., and goal weight is 115 for now. May try for 112 later. I think right now my primary excess is calories. I have absolutely got to get more control of maintaining calories. I am terrible, terrible, I eat way too much to expect to lose. Did well yesterday, plan to do well today. Thanks again.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Despise. I despise these last 10 pounds. I'm at 139 and have to make it to 130. I read in a nother post that the last 10 causes crazy behavior: eating candy, chips, salt! What the heck man?! It's true!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I am whittlin' away at these last 7! 139 is the number I am stuck at too!! This week is all about sweating (thank you very much for your help mid-west heat wave!:tongue: ) and watching my cals. Lets see if we can shake another pound off!
  • HighRearGisele
    Hi, I'm with you on how much of a struggle this is! I get it off and it comes back, it's really hard. I am glad to have found this group and to all of you, you look great in your pics!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Welcome to our group highreargisele and spanishpigtails:) My weight has been at a standstill for the last 2 weeks and I have exercised more than I ever have (burning 3500 calories +) This week, I've cut back on exercise and I'm losing again. Anyone else experience this? I know as we get closer to our goal, it gets so much harder and we have to change things up. I think maybe I was creating to large of a calorie defecit and my body was holding on to every calorie. I'm always under on my calories and try to eat most of my exercise calories but when you burn a lot, sometimes you just can't eat that much. So for this week, I'm trying smaller burns and see how that works out. Anyone have anything that has helped you get past a plateau? I know by raising my calories that helped for awhile. Have a great weekend:)!!

    P.S. @ Bstamps, great challenge. I wish mfp would allow us to track more nutrients. I always go over on protein and fiber but I don't think that is such a bad thing. I usually always am under on sodium but would like to get it even lower. I had a friend on here recently find out she was anemic. Her iron levels were really low. As we are dieting, we need to make sure we are giving our body the nutrients it needs. Taking a supplement is a great idea of your don't already take one. I take women's one a day, calcium, and omega 3.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hello, can i still join, i am at 124 right now , and would love to be at 118, i am currently doing a Jillian Micheal's Ripped In 30 /Turbo Fire Hybrid , i see i am losing inches ,but the scale does not seem to be moving , i put my goal at 1/2 pound a week and am not losing, i figured since i am almost at my goal that i would not train as hard and the weight would fall right off, boy was i wrong , anybody here eat their exercise cals, i know for me eating them is not problem but i don't lose any weight , so i tried eating about 100 back and the weight came off slowly , any advice or suggestions , thanks guys :smile:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hoosiermamma & Spanishpigtails- we are all there together! I just broke through 139 to 138.5. But I'll take what I can get after a 3 week plateau! I know I want under 135 but after that it's all about how I look, feel, and how my clothes fit. I did get a great NSV this week, fitting into a size 4 jeans for the first time since before I had my daughter almost 4 yrs ago!

    Welcome to cookie! This close to our goals, it's all about keeping the body guessing and changing it up. If less exercise didn't work, try throwing in an extra 15 min per workout. That helped me about 1 1/2 months ago to break through a short plateau then. Also, maybe try a new exercise or strength training? Taking off a few days from my normal biking and running to do Zumba or JM 30DS helped me push past it. But at the same time, those things aren't working for me right now =( as I try to figure out what to change at this point...

    Kylakesgal-I was anemic for years as a kid. I ended up on prenatal vitamins at age 12 because I just couldn't get enough Iron any other way. I now take a daily multi-vitamin. Protein & fiber are definitely okay to be over on! I used to be over on protein a lot until I adjusted my macros, now I'm struggling to get enough protein most days.

    I bought protein powder for the first time today. I feel like a man. LOL. My husband died laughing when I got home from grocery shopping and he saw it. But I am trying to build up my muscles for my triathlon so I definitely need to meet my protein goal each day. It's so hard to find foods that are low-fat but high protein. I love most kinds of nuts but they are high in fat, yes good fat, but fat nonetheless. So we'll see how this protein shake stuff works...I still can't believe I bought it, lol.

    My problem area is definitely sodium. Since I have low blood pressure, it's not like it's a huge medical concern at this point, but it's definitely not healthy to have a high sodium diet. Plus I don't want to be holding water weight during the summer when people see me in my swimsuit! So besides fruits and lean meats, what do you guys eat that is filling but low-sodium? I'm always open to new ideas!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hoosiermamma & Spanishpigtails- we are all there together! I just broke through 139 to 138.5. But I'll take what I can get after a 3 week plateau! I know I want under 135 but after that it's all about how I look, feel, and how my clothes fit. I did get a great NSV this week, fitting into a size 4 jeans for the first time since before I had my daughter almost 4 yrs ago!

    Welcome to cookie! This close to our goals, it's all about keeping the body guessing and changing it up. If less exercise didn't work, try throwing in an extra 15 min per workout. That helped me about 1 1/2 months ago to break through a short plateau then. Also, maybe try a new exercise or strength training? Taking off a few days from my normal biking and running to do Zumba or JM 30DS helped me push past it. But at the same time, those things aren't working for me right now =( as I try to figure out what to change at this point...

    Kylakesgal-I was anemic for years as a kid. I ended up on prenatal vitamins at age 12 because I just couldn't get enough Iron any other way. I now take a daily multi-vitamin. Protein & fiber are definitely okay to be over on! I used to be over on protein a lot until I adjusted my macros, now I'm struggling to get enough protein most days.

    I bought protein powder for the first time today. I feel like a man. LOL. My husband died laughing when I got home from grocery shopping and he saw it. But I am trying to build up my muscles for my triathlon so I definitely need to meet my protein goal each day. It's so hard to find foods that are low-fat but high protein. I love most kinds of nuts but they are high in fat, yes good fat, but fat nonetheless. So we'll see how this protein shake stuff works...I still can't believe I bought it, lol.

    My problem area is definitely sodium. Since I have low blood pressure, it's not like it's a huge medical concern at this point, but it's definitely not healthy to have a high sodium diet. Plus I don't want to be holding water weight during the summer when people see me in my swimsuit! So besides fruits and lean meats, what do you guys eat that is filling but low-sodium? I'm always open to new ideas!

    I just starting doing a hybrid of jillian michaels ripped in 30 and trubo fire 3 weeks ago , i do JM 5 days a week and do the turbo fire HIITS ,about 2 to 3 times a week , i know we can all get to our goal we just have to keep pushingThanks for the add
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    hey everybody! i would like to join too! I am 10 pounds away from my dream weight. it all seems to be coming off the top, so I'm hoping these last 10 pounds will come off my thighs haha! I've lost 18 pounds, but have yet to drop a jeans size...i dont get it. I've been at a plateau of 145 for about a month, but as of lately, I have started a more structured exercise program with a lot of strength training and have cleaned up what I'm eating a lot. I'm also trying to zig zag my calories. I figure my body needs more as I get closer to my goal because I am also getting closer to maintenance. Lets hope this plan works! these last 10 are the worst!!!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Welcome to our group lipe44!:) I agree the last 10 are the worse. I'm constantly having to change things up to see a loss!
    I broke through my plateau this morning....down 1/2 lb. Not much but I'll take it. That puts me at 144.2. I've cut back on exercise this last week and see a loss. Go figure! My goal weight right now is 138 but I may lower it once I get there. It's been years since I've been at that weight so I'll just have to wait and see. NSV for me was to go shopping and I fit into size 4 capris! I was amazed to try on size 6's and they were way too big!!! Yah:)

    @ bstamps, nothings wrong with drinking a protein powder. I have drank it and it's a great way to get in the protein. I love the special k protein water. Have you tried it? They are a packet and each pack has only 30 calories, 5 gms fiber and 5 gms of protein plus it's delicious. Since I"m not used to drinking anything sweet anymore, one pack makes several glasses of water for me.
    Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend:):)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I so wanted to see 138, but it's 139 for me again! Trying again this week! I have been putting protein powder in my coffee and yogurt. Not sure if it makes any difference. In fact I lost a little in the two wees I was away from home and not using p[rotien powder.

    Really need to stick with the work-outs. I'm needing a little motivation!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to Lipe44! Glad you are joining us!

    Kylakesgal- Great job breaking the plateau! In the last 10 lbs, every .5 lb counts! I will have to look for those protein packets. I saw the Special K protein shakes but they were just too expensive for my budget, maybe the packets are a bit more economical.

    Hoosiermomma- I now loathe the number 139 after being stuck there so long. I'm at 138.5 now and really want 137.5 this Friday so I know how you feel! Were you more active when you were away from home? I've seen several MFPers who actually lose on vacation by still watching what they eat but they are constantly walking and moving instead of sitting at work or watching TV.

    I didn't have the best weekend but it wasn't the worst either. Friday was our Anniversary so we were out to eat then to the movies. I indulged in my popcorn but not nearly as much as usual. I know I was over that day, but kept it under on Saturday and Sunday. I have my day planned and I am right at my calorie goal before my run tonight, so I should be pretty close to my calorie goal today! It's sometimes so hard to eat exercise calories but I have noticed a lethargic feeling lately that I think comes from not eating quite enough to fuel my body even though I eat until I'm full. Hoping it works!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to Lipe44! Glad you are joining us!

    Kylakesgal- Great job breaking the plateau! In the last 10 lbs, every .5 lb counts! I will have to look for those protein packets. I saw the Special K protein shakes but they were just too expensive for my budget, maybe the packets are a bit more economical.

    Hoosiermomma- I now loathe the number 139 after being stuck there so long. I'm at 138.5 now and really want 137.5 this Friday so I know how you feel! Were you more active when you were away from home? I've seen several MFPers who actually lose on vacation by still watching what they eat but they are constantly walking and moving instead of sitting at work or watching TV.

    I didn't have the best weekend but it wasn't the worst either. Friday was our Anniversary so we were out to eat then to the movies. I indulged in my popcorn but not nearly as much as usual. I know I was over that day, but kept it under on Saturday and Sunday. I have my day planned and I am right at my calorie goal before my run tonight, so I should be pretty close to my calorie goal today! It's sometimes so hard to eat exercise calories but I have noticed a lethargic feeling lately that I think comes from not eating quite enough to fuel my body even though I eat until I'm full. Hoping it works!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I agree about hating a certain number lol. At first you are really excited but after awhile, that number really irritates you!!!! I can't wait to get in the 130's.
    @bstamps- Happy anniversary to you:) Also the special k protein packets are sold at walmart in the health food aisle near the pharmacy. They are like $5.50 for them so not too bad.

    I will think up a challenge for the week and post it later unless someone else has a challenge in mind:) If you do, post away.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Ok challenges for the week:)

    Food challenge- Make an effort to get protein in every meal and snack. This will give you the energy you need to workout and keep you full longer. A few of my favorite high protein snacks include greek yogurt, a handful of nuts, and peanut butter. Also I usually have oatmeal for breakfast and my active lifestyle oatmeal has 8 gms of protein in it!

    Exercise challenge- Change things up this week. Add some strength training in your workouts and keep things fresh. Let's keep our bodies guessing what's next:)

    Let's kick some butt this week girls:)!!
  • AScarbrough19
    AScarbrough19 Posts: 125 Member
    This looks like the club I need. Since joining MFP I have lost 7 lbs but total is 85 lbs. I really had been stuck for about a year until changing it up with MFP and am hopeful to lose the last of this weight before winter. My current weight is 147 and my goal weight is 135. I excersize daily, running up to 5 miles a day and often go too. Missing weight training because I am a cardio I am looking forward to this motivation and final push!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Glad you joined us Andrea (AScarbrough19). Huge congrats on the weight you have lost so far!!! It sounds like you are very active and wow to running 5 miles a day. I also love cardio too but know that I've read that with strength training we will gain more muscles which will result in more calories burned even while at rest:) Sounds good to me! I just did my cardio on the elliptical and finished up with strength training while my heartrate was up. Felt great:)

    P.S. Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can track each others progress:)
  • HighRearGisele
    Hi Cookie! Glad to see you here! I have been so much better about being "anal" with my cals and exercise since I joined this group, and I am so proud and impressed with your commitment to workouts. Now I have both motivators in one spot!

    Bstamps-Want you to know that it was after seeing and hearing about your running regularly that I just signed up for my first 5k! It's this Saturday night, and I don't plan to even place, but it's a commitment, and I have certainly shown up at the gym more frequently since I decided to do this. I have been able to keep my calories in check and exercise regularly since I joined this group.

    You and the group are a great inspiration and I'm glad to watch all of us STRUGGLE and SUCCEED together.

    Does anyone know an easier way for me to get to this group? Right now I have to go to Community, My Topics, then the Link for this group from my last post, then to the last page to see the latest communication. Is there not just a link to the group?
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    @HighRearGisele You can find it easier under message boards and then your topics. Hope this helps. Any message boards you respond to will be under your topics:)
  • AScarbrough19
    AScarbrough19 Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Angela. I do think I am missing the strength training. I am a cardio junkie. Some days I spin in the AM then run in the afternoon. Still no weights...Maybe this week I will try to add just a few minutes at the end of my cardio. Its tough when you only have so much time to fit it all in! How much weight training do you do? I will add you as a friend too! TY again!