
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    Hi GT!

    Well, for all or you that are saving your calories for the game.....I have eaten them for you. I have been way off the plan the last 2 days. :sad: Can't seem to get my binger under control. Did go for a 2 mile walk yesterday, and was on plan until I got back home from my bus trip.

    Been watching the game. Would like to see AZ win, but doesn't look too good for them currently.... Warner is from Cedar Rapids, IA, which is where we do all our shopping, and my DH works. In our local paper today they had an insert all about him and his football career. Anyway, we have always supported where he goes and my son will be attending the college he played for.

    Kinda quiet on here today.....yes, I find counting calories/recording a bit obsessive as well, but think of all the knowledge we now have. I'm glad I know what goes in my body, and someday this will all be like an old habit for us. We will become pros at it.

    Well, have a great evening all, and let's have a healthy eating and active week!
  • Hi GT!

    Well, for all or you that are saving your calories for the game.....I have eaten them for you. I have been way off the plan the last 2 days. :sad: Can't seem to get my binger under control. Did go for a 2 mile walk yesterday, and was on plan until I got back home from my bus trip.

    Been watching the game. Would like to see AZ win, but doesn't look too good for them currently.... Warner is from Cedar Rapids, IA, which is where we do all our shopping, and my DH works. In our local paper today they had an insert all about him and his football career. Anyway, we have always supported where he goes and my son will be attending the college he played for.

    Kinda quiet on here today.....yes, I find counting calories/recording a bit obsessive as well, but think of all the knowledge we now have. I'm glad I know what goes in my body, and someday this will all be like an old habit for us. We will become pros at it.

    Well, have a great evening all, and let's have a healthy eating and active week!

    its okay girlie, you will get back into the swing of things. don't fret it! today hasn't been to terribly good for me either i just wanted to eat today, but i still managed to stay right at my cals. good luck starting this next week. i hope its better for you :flowerforyou:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Just got back from Super Bowl party and I know I went over calories. Oh Well.............glad I worked out today.

    Kellya..I have a best friend from Monticello, IA. Are you near that city. I've been up there and it is COLD!! It is the coldest place I have ever been!! I have been to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Vermont, NY, etc. :tongue:

    I will work out in the morning and burn those calories off.....................
  • Good morning everyone.
    Superbowl went pretty good for me. I did have things I shouldnt have had, but I did only taste and did not pig out so hoping for the best. Only had one light beer too so thats okay I think.
    Another stressful day with the teens here... my son crashed his car into another girls car at a party Saturday night and didnt tell us. We got the phone call from the other parent yesterday.... *ughhh...
    how am I ever going to get through the teen years?????? It looks like he now has to get a job to pay for damages.
    I need to excercise my stresses away today.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all! Yes, it was quiet around the board in general and I found myself grazing more (snack hunting!) and I went over but I expected it and will workout extra today. I did make two recipes from sparkpeople and between bf and I, to say the least - we were very pleased.

    kellya - don't be so hard on yourself, I think that's what you would tell me! I guess drink the water and work out as much as you can, you'll be fine!

    velvetwing - sorry about your son! I was not too bad but bad enough that I later apologized to my grandmother for several outbursts and fits of independence:cry: , but you will pull through with him.

    lynettep and briakiss - sounds like you are both doing good and have good attitudes, good support for us all.

    Everyone else, I'm happy to be here and hope you all had a great weekend!
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    Gmornin' all!

    Well, I am glad it is Monday, and a new week for us all! Will be keeping busy here today with laundry, cleaning, maybe some baking? We have had lots of sunshine the last 3 days, which helps with the spirits even if it is 18* out. Sounds like it might be in the upper 30's by weeks end! Snow will be gone and it will be brown and muddy again!

    briakiss & porka29 ~ thanks for the support. yes, I am ready to get 'back on'!

    lynettep ~ we are about 40 mintues from Monticello. My dh has relatives there. I just drove there last week to a wrestling meet. Yes, we have actually had an even colder winter than last year. And, it does get colder north of here! I think the coldest we have had this winter her is -42* with the wind chill.

    velvetwing ~ great for you on food control yesterday! we had the same thing happen to our son when he was 16, only it was his ex g/f car. no repairs were made, but he learned a lot about responsibility then. he is 19 now, and occ'l wrong choices still being made. things like this do happen and it is part of growing up. yes, it's can be very stressful.....but you will get over it and exercise will help settle your nerves! take care

    have a great day everyone! 2 more days til weigh in! skinny vibes to GT!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Good morning everyone,
    Wanted to wish everyone a great day today. Do some sort of exercise if you can!! Weigh in WED. is coming up soon......:tongue:

    I will try to get to the gym this morning and eat really well to make up for yesterday!!

    Kellya I loved Iowa....the corn is so much taller there then TX. And we went to some colony that was really neat...a lot of fun shopping!! OH and the boys went Pheasant hunting!!

    My boy is almost 2 and I am already dreading the teen years. I think he is going be a little daredevil.:sad:

  • Happy Groundhog Day to everyone!!!
    Well, he saw his shadow and that means 6 more weeks of working our butts off before revealing our new, slender bodies!!!:wink:
  • Happy Groundhog Day to everyone!!!
    Well, he saw his shadow and that means 6 more weeks of working our butts off before revealing our new, slender bodies!!!:wink:
    i have alot longer than 6 weeks before i reveal this body:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • So do I but I thought if we're gonna have 6 more weeks of the crappy, cold weather, it might give us something to look forward to:flowerforyou:
    Keep up the good work!
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    :bigsmile: HI ALL!!! I ate like crap at superbowl... (kinda) I ate chips and salsa, and a bunch of sugar free jelly bellies...I couldnt even eat my least I walked after for 2 miles..
  • Hi everyone. Boy the weekend was a disaster for me I did not work out one time. Then Sunday the chips and cake did me in. Well its over now so here to everyone to a fresh week!!:drinker: :laugh:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all well if you have not heard from my prior posts, I have gained......although I have lost inches I am up to 249 from 243.......not sure how that happend, could be hormones, holding water or just that my body is going through the shock of actually being fed.......well I was a bit discouraged yesterday, but I figure that I won't stay like this myself time...I know it is gonna be a very long journey and a life change, so I am just gonna be patient and keep goin how I am going. My tendon feels better, I feel like I am doing everything correctly, eating better and exercising (although I need to do more of this) so, there it is....argh.....

  • n2dfire
    n2dfire Posts: 140 Member
    its alright all i think by reading it looks like all of have done bad but today was a new day i went over a little but at least what i went over with was healthy its okay im doing good today. but i havent been to the gym in days but im still losing weight thank god
  • Hi, team. I didn't do too badly this weekend. Really only messed up with chips and salsa yesterday and no exercise. I'm starting Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred workout tonight and I hear it's pretty intense. Hopefully I can hang.

    Good job this weekend everyone. Just think, it could have been MUCH worse:devil: . The weekend's over and I know we can all get back on track.

    Count down: 2 more days till weigh in:wink:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Hey greenies! hope everyone is doing well...I haven't had time to read all of the posts.

    this week is just crazy (actually it will be a lot better tomorrow after about 6). I had a test today and have a test and 2 quizzes tomorrow. It feels like i have been in this stupid library forever!! I really don't have time to workout today and had planned my cals accordingly- i was going to be about right on!! I was so is my friends birthday today and she got a package from home. She got tons of chocolate. So, i am at the library and I was going to be here for like 6-7 more hours... I had my snacks and such and was ready to go for the evening...well....she decides to package up about 10 pieces of chocolate (the mini dove and hersheys) and give them to me and our other 2 friends while we are all athe library....umm....i did really well for the first 2 hours. But, as you can tell with the tone of my message, that did not last!! I caved and ate ALL of them. Now i am over about 350 cals and feeling sick to my stomach!!!! I am soooo stressed about school right now and was feeling good about one thing in my life and then I just caved.... I feel horrible. I might have to go to the gym later and walk for a half hour or so to help but it is hard for me to study at the same time and i really need to study!! ahhh...okay, sorry i just had to vent to someone. :cry:

    I can't wait for tomorrow~ i have a GREAT workout planned and it will be so relaxing because I will be done with so much of my work this week!!! thanks for reading and any advice is welcomed :ohwell:
  • kels, hang in there and don't feel so bad about the chocolate! We all have our moments of weakness. Just keep thinking of all the progress you've made and you'll be back on track in no time. By the way, in your avatar, are you the one with the short hair or the long hair? Either way, very beautiful:flowerforyou:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Thanks Yeahbuddy for the words of encouragement! I am feeling better (especially since i am feeling better about my tests!!) I am thinking of doing some yoga when i get back to my room~ to relax me and get my blood flowing a bit! then i will have a good workout tomorrow before weigh in!:ohwell:

    thanks! I am the long haired- blonde on in the pic...the short haired one is my mom :smile:

    have a great night! and thanks again!!!
  • does anyone know how to record the exercise for the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred workout . I am going to do on the days I dont go to the gym. But have no idea how to record the exercise
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Kels hang in there!! Eat that chocolate if you want too. You are in school...having tests and quizzes!! College is VERY important right now. Study hard and good luck with your tests!!
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