

  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    06/02: 137
    06/05: 137.8 lol oh ghosh weekends kill me ! Eating out and desserts. Ok back to basics now. I am lingering around same number for couple of weeks now. Being lazy I know.
    06/06: 136.6 something is wrong with my scale
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I am definitely down for this challenge! I've been doing this on my own for the past 3 months now but it will be nice to have more people active in it. I'm down 15lbs since March and I have my next fitness evaluation at my gym on the 5th of June. I've been working really hard this past month and cannot wait to see my results.

    Female, 26, 5'10.5" - Starting weight: 330 Current weight: 315 Goal weight: 226.

    06/02 - 312.8 I'm excited to start this challenge but I've been feeling very off lately. My body chemistry is all out of whack because I ate more than normal on Memorial Day and then again on my anniversary on the 31st.
    06/03 - 309.8 It is been such a struggle lately, so I am impressed by the number on the scale today.
    06/04 - 312.4 I've been struggling really hard with my nutrition lately. My anxiety has been higher again and I definitely see a correlation between that and my eating. Starting today, I am going to try and overcome these food cravings.
    06/05 - 315.2 All of the unhealthy eating lately has affected my digestive system and I hate how my body is feeling today. This is not how I want to feel, which is exactly why I am back on track today and making healthier food choices.
    06/06 - 311.8 I am still feeling like crap today, my midsection is hurting a lot but I'm trying to push through. Yesterday was my first day back on my nutrition plan and it was rough. I was so hungry last night, I had my evening snack and still felt hungry but I went to bed instead. Honestly, I was close to eating whatever but I fought the urge and won. It's nice to see the number on the scale going down again. Today is day 2 of eating better and so far so good. I worked out for 50 minutes this morning, even though my midsection is hurting, I pushed through.
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight: 148
    today's weight: (June 1) 134.8
    Goal: 132
    Ultimate Goal: 130

    06/02 - 135 stayed on task for logging, very happy about that. Probably ate a little too much at dinner, but not that concerned. Glad to be kept honest!
    06/03 - 134.4 surprised me! Did some emotional eating before dinner. But I guess the long walk with my dogs and the 1 hour and 15 minute gym workout helped. But this is good, it allows me to recognize my weaknesses. And I am on task w/logging!
    06/04 - 134.4 I am thrilled, since I spent most of the day at a brewery (Sierra Nevada) doing a tour and then of course eating and drinking. Logged it all :o Got my 5 mile run in already today. woohoo!!!
    06/05 - 134.4 stuck, for now! But it's not up and that's good so I will continue to move forward.
    06/06 - 134.5 So I have no problem working out. And I have started logging consistently w/this challenge (thank you). So, it has thee calorie intake, too many snacks. Next hump to tackle in order to make the scale move in the right direction!
  • Jessrandleman
    Jessrandleman Posts: 6 Member
    06/02 - 152.4
    06/03 - 152.8
    6/04 - 154 (A little something called Hurts Donut :neutral:)
    6/05 - 153.8
    6/6 - 153.8 Working my way back to consistent healthy eating. The struggle is real!
  • FranSilvius62
    FranSilvius62 Posts: 54 Member
    Start weight: 279
    Current weight: 275.6
    Current Goal weight: 270
    Long term goal: 135

    06/02 275.6
    06/03 275.0
    06/04 275.6 Not so bad since had huge breakfast with step-daughter visiting from out of town, no exercise.
    06/05 275.0
    06/06 273.2 Half way through the 10 days, Half way to my goal. YAY!
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    06/02 - 176. Walked 6k around the lake
    06/03 - 175.3. Ran yesterday . C25K week 4
    06/04 - 175.4 I'm good with this. I'm trying to slow my loss rate down so I'm playing with my calories and nutrition. Ran yesterday morning and it's so little but I'm so proud. I've a long way to go but I'm slowly getting there. Today's goal +20,000 step walk
    06/05 - 174.8 Went for a 2 hour walk. Ended the day on 25,000+ steps.
    06/06 - 174.6 Lunchtime and evening walk upped calories to just over 1572. See if this holds.
  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    Initial/final goal weight: 144.4 lbs | 115 lbs
    Start/goal weight for this round: 137.2 lbs | 135 lbs

    5'0", female, 32 years old

    06/02 137.2 I've been moving less and eating more the past few days. That's not the right way to go! OK, I'll get on my elliptical tonight!
    06/03 136.5
    06/04 136.2 I've really been seeing a difference in my shoulders and stomach. Lots still to go, but happy to see the progress.
    06/05 136.6 Woke up still stuffed from the shiritaki I ate last night. Food doesn't digest that quickly, so not sure if that's having an effect.
    06/06 135.3 Yesterday was really weird for me. I had to basically force myself to eat because I felt full all day from eating one pack of Shirataki the night before! Usually I'm ravenous. Still feeling blocked up from the noodle, so I'm curious to see the scale tmr.
  • newlark01
    newlark01 Posts: 474 Member
    06/02 180
    06/03 180
    06/04 180
    06/05 179
    06/06 178 - know a lot of this will be water as I'm in my first week but encouraging anyway! Have now logged everything for 7 days in a row and able to eat a lot of the things I do normally but watching portion sizes.
  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    Round 2 SW: 71.9 Kg
    Round 3 SW: 71.3 Kg
    Round 4 SW: 70 Kg
    Round 5 SW: 69.7 Kg
    Round 6 SW: 69 Kg

    6/1 : 69 Kg
    6/2 : 68.8 Kg
    6/3 : 68.9 Kg
    6/4 : 68.9 Kg
    6/5 : 68.6 Kg
    6/6 : 68.3 Kg
    6/7 :
    6/8 :
    6/9 :
    6/10 :
    6/11 :

  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    SW: 274.8 CW: 266 MGW(mini goal wt 1): 249
    UGW: 132

    06/02: 267.4
    06/03: 266.0
    06/04: 267.8 (don't understand but hopefully tomorrow will be better)
    06/05: 266.2
    06/06: 266.4 (I was a bit snackish yesterday due to sleep deprivation. Back on track today.)
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    This is my 2nd block of 10 days. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP 8 1/2 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    I didn't do as well as I had hoped to in the first 10 day challenge. I will try to do better this time.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/01 287.5 lbs at the weigh-in for this 10 day challenge.
    06/02 287.5 lbs No change. Because of that I will today (1) watch the carbs and (2) watch the intake of sodium.
    06/03 286.5 Down 1 lb. Yay! Careful food choices and over 7 miles walking yesterday got me jump-started.
    06/04 286.5 lbs No change. We went to the OC for an all-day celebration of a nephew's HS graduation. 2 hours each way. I avoided all things sugary, starchy, high-carb, and turned down every offer of beer and wine. So getting to today undamaged is OK. I got walking in, but didn't make my 10k steps.
    06/05 286.5 lbs. No change. The scale flickered at 286 but went to the half pound. Resetting it and trying again, and moving it to somewhere else on the bathroom floor -- hands up those who have NOT tried that one :) -- did not give me the lower weight so no change it is. Back to carb watching today.

    06/06 286 lbs. Down another 1/2 lb. Good deal! I'm sure being part of the 10K steps a day and "No late night snacking" challenges is helping me here.

  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    CW: 143.0 (06/01)

    Day Weight Comments

    06/02 143.0
    06/03 143.6 - macaroni cheese followed by pavlova - YUMMY!
    06/04 144.6
    06/05 144.6 - I'm paying for it now!
    06/06 144.6
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    sbengsch wrote: »
    I am definitely down for this challenge! I've been doing this on my own for the past 3 months now but it will be nice to have more people active in it. I'm down 15lbs since March and I have my next fitness evaluation at my gym on the 5th of June. I've been working really hard this past month and cannot wait to see my results.

    Female, 26, 5'10.5" - Starting weight: 330 Current weight: 315 Goal weight: 226.

    06/02 - 312.8 I'm excited to start this challenge but I've been feeling very off lately. My body chemistry is all out of whack because I ate more than normal on Memorial Day and then again on my anniversary on the 31st.
    06/03 - 309.8 It is been such a struggle lately, so I am impressed by the number on the scale today.
    06/04 - 312.4 I've been struggling really hard with my nutrition lately. My anxiety has been higher again and I definitely see a correlation between that and my eating. Starting today, I am going to try and overcome these food cravings.
    06/05 - 315.2 All of the unhealthy eating lately has affected my digestive system and I hate how my body is feeling today. This is not how I want to feel, which is exactly why I am back on track today and making healthier food choices.
    06/06 - 311.8 I am still feeling like crap today, my midsection is hurting a lot but I'm trying to push through. Yesterday was my first day back on my nutrition plan and it was rough. I was so hungry last night, I had my evening snack and still felt hungry but I went to bed instead. Honestly, I was close to eating whatever but I fought the urge and won. It's nice to see the number on the scale going down again. Today is day 2 of eating better and so far so good. I worked out for 50 minutes this morning, even though my midsection is hurting, I pushed through.

    If your digestive system is off perhaps some pro and prebiotics would help.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    SW: 211
    GW: 150

    6/2: 174.6
    6/3: 173.8
    6/4: 172.8
    6/5: 173.8
    6/6: 172.8 :| hoping to break down to 171. something tomorrow

  • 1SassyB1
    1SassyB1 Posts: 15 Member
    June starting weight - 214.8
    10 day goal weight - 212.8
    Ultimate goal weight - 170
    Short term goal weight - 197
    Height - 5'11"

    06/02 - 214.8
    06/03 - 213.8
    06/04 - 211.8
    06/05 - 212.2
    06/06 - 210.8

    I'm either losing a lot of water weight or my scale is defective.
  • shocktastic
    shocktastic Posts: 106 Member
    I'm in a little late to the game (just started back to MFP) but what the heck..Need some motivation! This may do it!

    Starting weight: 170.5
    Today's weight: 170.5
    Initial goal weight: 140

    06/05- 170.5
    06/06 - 169.2
  • soprandi
    soprandi Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm in. This is my first round.

    Initial weight: 125.7 lbs.

    A Normal Goal weight that isn't too thin or thick: 115 lbs.
    -Plus, if I weigh myself DAILY, I can maintain it. I agree with the OP. I am one of those people that need to weigh myself everyday and watch it. If I don't, my weight creeps up. I know this from a lifetime of experience.

    I'm only 5'0" :kissing_smiling_eyes:
    -But, I don't have a tiny, little bone structure, so 115 is a good weight for me and a good goal. 125 is starting to become too heavy for my frame and height. I don't want it to get worse and I don't want to develop health problems.

    06/02 125.7 Of course, my very first day I decide to diet, I totally blew it and ate the amount a man five times my size would require while maybe doing something strenuous like lifting cars all day or something. Self-sabotaging myself is something that I am pretty good at.
    06/03 125.7 I had to eat under the calories to make up for 6/2.
    06/04 125.7 I was still trying to make up for 6/2.
    06/05 125.7 I was still under calories due to 6/2. I am one of those people that suck in every calorie and hold it forever and ever. Yeah me!
    06/06 125.5 woot woot Finally can see the scale budge. whew.

    Thanks so much for coming up with a great challenge!!! :smiley:
  • lsprn2b
    lsprn2b Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in starting wt 191.2
    Down 7.2 lbs since 4/13/17
    6/2 193.2
    6/3 193.2 got in 12590 steps at work
    6/4 192.2
    6/5 192.2 8197 steps at work
    6/6 missed this morn running late

  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight (5/13): 179.0
    Round 5 start (5/22): 173.4
    Goal weight 163, by July 4 and 157 by August 31.

    Round 6:
    06/02: 172.2 - Feeling ok. Anticipating going over calories today.
    06/03: 172.4 - I did go over calories. Counted it all as scary as that was! NSV! We'll see what tomorrow brings.
    6/04: 172.8 - Went over a bit, not too much
    6/05: 173.4 - Stayed the course
    6/06: 174 - This is disappointing. Today, I am drinking tons of water and hoping for some sort of reward. I suppose this is a good exercise in fluctuation, but I need a win!