

  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    06/02=199.4lb Yep backwards. Well that was this morning, see what tomorrow brings.
    06/03=197.2lb This morning. Should help dismantle a delivery van in the sun more often! See what tomorrow brings.
    06/05=198.2 Shouldn't have eaten that whole pint of ice cream, but tasty.
    06/06=198.8 Well...
  • jch539
    jch539 Posts: 21 Member
    Start/goal weight: 245 lbs/200 lbs
    5'8", Male, 43 years old

    06/05---236.4 great weekend behaving ate healthy got some walks and run in. Here's to good week hopefully!
    06/06---236.4 not up not down. I guess that will work
    06/07---234.4 Surprised this morning with that weigh in hopefully can stay there but supposed to go out tonight. Hopefully i can behave well at least little bit.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    SW: 211
    GW: 150

    6/2: 174.6
    6/3: 173.8
    6/4: 172.8
    6/5: 173.8
    6/6: 172.8
    6/7: 172.0

    Getting closer to breaking the 171's. On 5/29 I was 171.6 but then I had a bad week. I've been trying to get back to 171.0 and finally into the 160's.
  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    Round 4 start (5/13): 179.0 CODE RED
    Round 5 start (5/22): 173.4
    Goal weight 163, by July 4 and 157 by August 31.

    Round 6:
    06/02: 172.2 - Feeling ok. Anticipating going over calories today.
    06/03: 172.4 - I did go over calories. Counted it all as scary as that was! NSV! We'll see what tomorrow brings.
    6/04: 172.8 - Went over a bit, not too much
    6/05: 173.4 - Stayed the course
    6/06: 174 - This is disappointing. Today, I am drinking tons of water and hoping for some sort of reward. I suppose this is a good exercise in fluctuation, but I need a win!
    6/07: 172.4 Better. So motivated to get down to the 160s and to 163- (160s are CODE YELLOW ;) )
  • Jessrandleman
    Jessrandleman Posts: 6 Member
    JessrandlemanJessrandleman Member
    June 6, 2017 10:03AM
    06/02 - 152.4
    06/03 - 152.8
    6/04 - 154 (A little something called Hurts Donut :neutral:)
    6/05 - 153.8
    6/6 - 153.8 Working my way back to consistent healthy eating. The struggle is real!
    *update - went for a 4 mile run in the OK heat!*
    6/7 150.4!!!!! Happy DANCE!!!
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    This is my 2nd block of 10 days. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP 8 1/2 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    I didn't do as well as I had hoped to in the first 10 day challenge. I will try to do better this time.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/01 287.5 lbs at the weigh-in for this 10 day challenge.
    06/02 287.5 lbs No change. Because of that I will today (1) watch the carbs and (2) watch the intake of sodium.
    06/03 286.5 Down 1 lb. Yay! Careful food choices and over 7 miles walking yesterday got me jump-started.
    06/04 286.5 lbs No change. We went to the OC for an all-day celebration of a nephew's HS graduation. 2 hours each way. I avoided all things sugary, starchy, high-carb, and turned down every offer of beer and wine. So getting to today undamaged is OK. I got walking in, but didn't make my 10k steps.
    06/05 286.5 lbs. No change. The scale flickered at 286 but went to the half pound. Resetting it and trying again, and moving it to somewhere else on the bathroom floor -- hands up those who have NOT tried that one :) -- did not give me the lower weight so no change it is. Back to carb watching today.
    06/06 286 lbs. Down another 1/2 lb. Good deal! I'm sure being part of the 10K steps a day and "No late night snacking" challenges is helping me here.

    06/07 286 lbs. No change. A bad and very long day (work) that left me really fried. Way short of the mark on my 10K steps challenge. I could have given in to the fridge and the scotch but did neither though I was sorely tempted.

  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    Can I start in the middle?
    I changed the batteries in my scale, and it looks like I gained 3 pounds!
    I need some accountability so I don't say "the heck with this."
  • soprandi
    soprandi Posts: 10 Member
    soprandi wrote: »
    I'm in. This is my first round.

    Initial weight: 125.7 lbs.

    A Normal Goal weight that isn't too thin or thick: 115 lbs.
    -Plus, if I weigh myself DAILY, I can maintain it. I agree with the OP. I am one of those people that need to weigh myself everyday and watch it. If I don't, my weight creeps up. I know this from a lifetime of experience.

    I'm only 5'0" :kissing_smiling_eyes:
    -But, I don't have a tiny, little bone structure, so 115 is a good weight for me and a good goal. 125 is starting to become too heavy for my frame and height. I don't want it to get worse and I don't want to develop health problems.

    06/02 125.7 Of course, my very first day I decide to diet, I totally blew it and ate the amount a man five times my size would require while maybe doing something strenuous like lifting cars all day or something. Self-sabotaging myself is something that I am pretty good at.
    06/03 125.7 I had to eat under the calories to make up for 6/2.
    06/04 125.7 I was still trying to make up for 6/2.
    06/05 125.7 I was still under calories due to 6/2. I am one of those people that suck in every calorie and hold it forever and ever. Yeah me!
    06/06 125.5 woot woot Finally can see the scale budge. whew.
    06/07 123.9

    Thanks so much for coming up with a great challenge!!! :smiley:

  • chriswalls1208
    chriswalls1208 Posts: 1,067 Member
    58 yr old, 5' 5"
    GW 130
    GW for here: 143
    Goal issues: night time snacks and beverages (esp. wine)

    6/02/17 144.6

    6/03/17 145.5 That's the wrong direction but I'm not upset. Yesterday was leg day at the gym. I ate well, had no snacks after dinner, or any alcohol. So a good start.

    6/04/17 145.4 OK, today I'm disappointed. Oh well, gotta keep on. Things to celebrate: no snacks after dinner, no alcohol. Not so great: Amish donuts in the AM. Good thing they're only available once a week.

    6/05/17 145.1 No snacks after dinner, no alcohol. Ate dinner very late (like 9PM) but it was just veggies and ff tzatziki. SMH.

    6/06/17 145.1 No snacks after dinner, no alcoholic drinks (there was a little rum in dessert.)

    6/07/17 145.3 Still holding the line but with no scale reward, it's getting rough. I've lifted for 40 min. every day this week and cardio intervals for 20. :\ Every happy dance I see on someone else's is kind of a pin prick today. Bad attitude, I know. But I do see others treading water until the scale catches up too. Hang in there, mateys!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm in! Did round 3 and 4 but missed round 5, ready to get back at it.

    Day Weight Comments

    06/05 - 205.4
    06/06 - 206.1
    06/07 - 205.8

  • ivylyon
    ivylyon Posts: 172 Member
    06/01 = 65kg

    06/02 = 65.25kg. A little bloated but fit my skirt
    06/03 = 65. Still bloated
    06/04 = 65 - Still  keeping to diet and exercise, but a few big meals this weekend
    06/05 = 65 - stalled, but keeping up exercise. Long weekend meant socialising/eating
    06/06 = 65 -
    06/07 = 65 -
    06/08 = 65 mid-cycle water weight, but clothes are looser
    06/09 =
    06/10 =
    06/11 =

    * Because I'm not using electronic scales its hard to be exact with small movements, so I'm only using increments of 1/4 kg
  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    Round 2 SW: 71.9 Kg
    Round 3 SW: 71.3 Kg
    Round 4 SW: 70 Kg
    Round 5 SW: 69.7 Kg
    Round 6 SW: 69 Kg

    6/1 : 69 Kg
    6/2 : 68.8 Kg
    6/3 : 68.9 Kg
    6/4 : 68.9 Kg
    6/5 : 68.6 Kg
    6/6 : 68.3 Kg
    6/7 : 68.3 Kg
    6/8 : 67.9 Kg
    6/9 :
    6/10 :
    6/11 :
  • bluets2011
    bluets2011 Posts: 241 Member
    Female, 45
    Height: 5'9
    Starting weight: 85.9
    Current weight: 82.2
    Goal weight: 67kg

    ‪06/02- 81.3‬kg no Boullion yesterday :-)
    06/03 81.3kg
    06/04 82.2 kg
    06/05 82.2 kg
    06/06 81.7kg
    06/07 80.2 can't wait to reach the 70's!!!!
    06/08 79.9kg (in the 70's Just by a Just but happy!)
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    Ok - I'll do this again! The last round was my first time joining the 10 day challenge, but the public accountability really helped me focus. I'm officially maintaining within a 137-142lb weight range but was nudging the very top of this at the beginning of the last round. I'm aiming to get to the bottom of this range by the end of the next 10 days and maintain there to give myself a bit of leeway on hols.

    Start of round 5 -141.8
    End of round 5 - 137.8
    Goal for the end of this round - 137.0

    06/02 - 138.8 (yesterday was a rest day)
    06/03 - 138.4 (weight training yesterday. Lots of walking planned for today)
    06/04 - 138.8 (birthday pizza last night. Weight training and core conditioning today)
    06/05 - 140.2 (I'm OK with this - my weight is usually up a pound or two on a Monday after a weekend! Bodycombat class tonight)
    06/06 - 139.4 (ate well yesterday and concentrated on keeping my protein up. 5k run this evening - I'm writing it down here so that I don't back out of it when I get home from work! :wink: )
    06/07 - 140.0 (sigh - I didn't back out of my run, but I did find it quite hard and I'm really aching this morning. I also got the munchies afterwards and might have done a bit of late night snacking :blush: So - my own fault really)
    06/08 - 139.2 (Yay - no permanent gain! Weight training yesterday)

  • vickikirk100
    vickikirk100 Posts: 26 Member
    Must try harder than the last round. Albeit I lost a lb I would ideally love to lose more than that in the next ten days. I'm going again so that I can try and stay focussed.

    Starting weight 137.2

    Day Weight Comments

    06/02 136.8 lbs off to a good start. Had lots of water, walked my 10,000 steps and went to yoga last night. Was good with my eating also. It must be paying off. Must repeat
    06/03 136 lbs heading in the right direction. Hope the brownie I had doesn't register.
    06/04 137 lbs whoops although I did weigh myself in my pjs, could they be the extra lb - clutching at straws but here's hoping.
    06/05 137.2 lbs weekends are my undoing. Hopefully been much better today.
    06/06 134.2 lbs how did that happen, much rubbing of the eyes when stood on the scales this morning because couldn't believe it. 10000 steps and lots of water yesterday may have been why.
    06/07 135.2 slight increase on yesterday but still a loss for the week. Still maintaining the 10000 steps a day and trying to drink as much as possible. Hopefully I'll keep it off.
    06/08 135.8 wasn't as good as I could have been yesterday and I think the scales have shown that. Today is going to be a struggle, was up at 5am with one of the bubs so very tired today - this often results in reaching for the biscuit tin so I've got to try and stay away from that today. Have got my yoga session tonight so hopefully that will help put the scales in the right direction again.
  • Mccloud74
    Mccloud74 Posts: 788 Member
    Starting Weight = 185lbs

    06/02 - 185lbs
    06/03 - 185lbs
    06/04 - 185lbs
    06/05 - 184lbs
    06/06 - 184lbs
    06/07 - 184lbs
    06/08 - 183lbs
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW: 274.8 CW: 264.8 MGW(mini goal wt 1): 249
    UGW: 132

    06/02: 267.4
    06/03: 266.0
    06/04: 267.8 (don't understand but hopefully tomorrow will be better)
    06/05: 266.2
    06/06: 266.4 (I was a bit snackish yesterday due to sleep deprivation. Back on track today.)
    06/07: 267.4 (huh?) I ate well below my cals and drank a lot of water. Dunno.
    06/08: 264.8 (so i didn't eat that much yesterday bc I was so tired from working out and it shows today)
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    I'm back from vacation, got home last night....ready to jump back in. I did a couple of "give me 10" rounds before we left and it was a great way to keep track of my daily fluctuations and watch my progress

    05/26 - 161.6lbs This is my weight from the morning we left


    06/05- 166.8lbs -I'm feeling very puffy in the fingers and feet this morning so I expect a couple of lbs of water retention from all the salt and air travel. Going to get back to my regular eating routine right away and get back on track

    06/06- 164.0lbs - I feel like I peed every half hour yesterday....got rid of a lot of water bloat LOL. Now to get rid of the buffet, deserts I had every night and days by the pool bar.

    06/07 - 162.6lbs - lots of trips to the bathroom again yesterday so I guess I'm still shedding water weight...I'm cool with that. Going to pick up my kettlebells for the first time in a couple of weeks today so I may be sore tomorrow.

    06/08 - 162.4 - budging down in the right direction.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    6/8 - 244.8