

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy FRIDAY!!! Whoot! I am doing the dance this morning! I am on Challenge day 8 and up to 100 squats! It seems daunting; but once you begin them, you realize it is do-able. We got a light rain this morning (very light) so I am sprinkling as I write this, but at 10 minute intervals instead of 15. So...not walking in between sprinkler intervals.
    Allie- So proud of you! Stick to your guns! Remember: A leopard can't change his spots! Tom seems to be a habitual cheater and liar. Nothing you do, will change that. Take care of yourself!
    DJ So sorry to hear of your friend! Thinking of you and sending prayers and thoughts of peace and comfort!
    Becca- You are a wonderful neighbor, but it sounds as if Prudence needs more help than you can/should provide. Does she have family that should be contacted? IF not, social services should be able to help her get the help she needs.
    Heather- Politics all around the world seems to be very interesting lately. I would rather read about it than watch the news, though. DH and I have never voted the same. Reading online about things is much safer in my house than watching together on tv. (I have a hard time holding in my snorts of derision).
    Welcome to all the newbies
    Beth- Hang in there, girlie! Take it one day at a time. Try to take time to prep your healthier food options. An hour or two of that, will make your choices easier throughout the week. Keep your Egyptian Licorice tea on hand to stave off cravings for sweets!
    Gotta fly and get ready for my kiddos! I will leave you with this pic of Senor Joaquin:1txiq3gnggyd.jpg
    His daddy is a teacher, so is off for the summer and home with Joaquin. I guess this is what daddies do to have fun while baby is asleep!
    ttfn xoxoxo KJ
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Becca - Is there a charity you could contact to get some advice? We have several big charities concerned with the elderly and they might be able to discuss options with you. Over here Social Services would be involved and carers coming in regularly. You should not be taking on that responsibility. At least ring a charity for advice. You might have to harden your heart and do what is best for her, even if she doesn't like it. Your husband is right in this instance.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi, all,

    Allie, dear heart--I am SO proud of you for taking the steps necessary to finish things with Tom! Your strength was always there, you've just used it to care for others. I agree with Heather--stop talking to him. I think it was Lenora who said your anger has carried you this far--but it won't last forever. Tap into your strength. You have a very deep well of strength to draw from.

    I'm sorry to get on my soapbox, but while revenge may be sweet, it's also acidic to your caring soul. It is not something you will be proud of later. Here's the key, honey--love and hate, revenge and caring are just different sides of the same coin. Any strong emotions mean you're emotionally involved with him, still, at very high levels. He's proved he doesn't care about you through infidelity, through profligate spending while keeping you on very short rations, through everything. What he was MOST worried about was his ego (don't serve me at work), his middle-aged crazy Camaro, his money, and anything and everything but losing you. I knew when you said he bought a Camaro that he was still fooling around, and lying about it. No man his age buys a muscle car without someone to show it off to... Especially one who says he's broke.

    Of course, if he thought about you other than as some kind of speed bump, you would have never gone so far as to start proceedings. Please protect yourself and your future and just shut yourself away from him. Once he's served, his verbal brutality may well ramp up. Stay safe, keep checking in with us...

    Sue in WA - hope there's good news when the scan is done. Thinking about you.

    Lanette- Rosie's a cutie!

    Becca - Heather gives good advice. It is not selfish of you to engage our social system to care for your neighbor. We all pay taxes so those safety nets will be in place.

    KJ - love that picture! What a cutie!

    Been reading all week, but busy-busy. Have gone to the gym and exercised every day so far this week, and will be headed to the gym this morning after the DH is up and gone. Just stopped listening to all my own excuses, I think. I am strongest when I focus on one thing at a time. Almost locked down into a routine for exercise, and just observing my food habits, when I eat, what I eat, when I crave sugar and salt the most. The exercise is keeping my weight stable, but I won't be able to outrun bad food choices for long.

    To all the ones who recommended "Younger Next Year" and "Younger Next Year for Women," thank you! I picked up the "for women" version, and I have honestly never read anything that made more sense. It is what propelled me to being more faithful with the exercise. They provide a compelling case, and I'm probably going to pick up "Younger Next Year: The Exercise Program" next.

    Welcome to all the new ones. You have found an amazing place to be listened to, supported, and if needed, get a boot in the rear to get back moving--although you may have to ask for the last! :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited June 2017
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    I just sat down to read posts but checked my email first. I had some sad news that a dear friend of 47 years passed away this morning. She was my next door neighbor in Milwaukee when we lived there years ago and we have kept in touch over the years. She has had a 9 year battle with cancer. It makes me very sad and I can’t even read posts right now but wanted to share with you as my dear friends. I’ll try to catch up tomorrow.

    DJ :'(
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    So sorry about your friend. (((Janet))

    Becca sounds like social services need to be involved. They could help get her into the right place for her right now. Takes the burden off of you to make suggestions to her. It sounds like her needs are too great. It is great that you want to help. You will nave to set your limit on what you are willing to do.

    Allie do you have a place you can go for a couple of days where Tom cannot find you. Be careful at work too he might try to confront you there. Tell coworkers and security at work he is not allowed to talk to you.
    He will be mad and therefore unpredictable. You best action is to be proactive and out think him. You have all of us to help you with that. Stay safe and let the lawyers do the work. That is what they are paid for.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2017
    Katla I have many wonderful memories of trips to Mount Rushmore - I hope you get to go! And I hope your finger gets better, sounds like you might have broken a blood vessel? Concerning yoga, we have been doing yoga once a week as a new Jazzercise offering. I realize I need to do some yoga, probably daily. It is really hard. I admire your enthusiasm and persistence. I will take a page from your book and find some poses I can do when the going gets too tough. Thanks for that.

    Margaret It's Friday! You're almost free! B)

    Carey Northern Alberta Love the C.S. Lewis quote! Thanks for that!

    Janetr Oh my gosh, Mia is ADORABLE! Chubby little thighs. So cute!

    Mia in MI Hope you are recuperating well after the hematoma procedure.

    Michelle Can't wait to see the dragonfly! One of my favorite creatures.

    Becca Pretty fuschia! Glad your neighbor is OK. Was it a TIA?

    Rimmy Chicagoland You are an inspiration! Concerning hunger with increased exercise, Premier Protein Shake is my go-to. It has 30g protein and quells hunger for a mere 160 calories.

    Alexx These shakes also help with cravings. Especially if I follow it up with a cup of hot peppermint tea. Also sugarless gum helps. If I get past 20 minutes the craving often goes away. If cravings or 'food thinking' are really intense and undermining, Naltrexone (prescribed by your doctor if he/she is willing) helps some people. Originally used for narcotic addiction, it affects the portion of the brain that causes cravings.

    Feliica Willamette Valley Oregon I hope you get to go to Disneyland. I went when I was a child and it was so big! Then 25 years later I took my son and it was so small! Perspective.

    Dana I don't think you need a prescription for Sudafed in Arkansas unless you are from out-of-state. Just a photo ID and sign for it. You are limited to a certain amount per transaction. Maybe your doctor gave you a prescription because he thought it would make it easier (or cheaper) for you to get it. It's a schedule V drug in Arkansas. Your lunch looks fabulous! Yum!

    Lanette LOL! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist! Rosie is the sweetest little soul. What a charmer! Congratulations on your new fur baby!

    DJ My heart goes out to you on the loss of your friend. It's heartbreaking. I have friends from childhood who are close, some I have known over 50 years. I know it will be crushing to lose any of them. (((Hugs)))

    Becca (later) Does Prudence have family you have notified about her decline? If not, you should call Adult Protective Services. Prudence sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Something is wrong. Your instincts are right. You can't be responsible for her - call in the reinforcements! You are a good friend and neighbor.

    Heather Yay for the UK!

    KJ Joaquin is stinkin' cute en moustache. Funny Daddy!

    I am not retired. I have a couple more years to go. I want to qualify for a good Medicare supplemental insurance policy when I retire. This will help motivate me to be as healthy as I possibly can be so I can qualify for a preferred rate when the time comes. I can do this!

    Karen in Virginia
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :)

    I am not working today. I have plenty to do around the house and will do it all at a relaxed pace. DH, with the dislocated shoulder, is running around with various errands. I happily just saw him out of the door. He should be gone for a couple of hours and I’ll be putting together a honey do list for his return. When we met he was the relaxed one but that has reversed now I am the relaxed one and he is hyper.

    Going into the office was hard for me this week even though it was just two days. :( I am sick of office gossip and politics especially from my co-workers in their 40s. So much drama for no gain. The women are so vicious especially to those that are contented with their lives. We all have issues that we are working through and I don’t understand why they have so much time to spend on other people’s issues when they could be working through their own. How can you give so much advise and counseling on someone else’s relationship when you’ve never had a stable relationship? What do you gain by putting someone else down when you are so miserable? It really tires me out listening to the garbage. I would work from home every day if I could. Such is office life….life is just too short and not promised. I want to spend my remaining days, however many there are, to enjoying it. o:)

    Allie: You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Proceed with strength, grace, and dignity. Do what feels right for you. My first husband and I divorced after 16 years together. I was devastated and left with no income and two young children. It was difficult but I was so blessed shortly thereafter with a new career far exceeding his income and although I was never with an excess of money I was ok. He died leaving three ex-wives, very sick, and unhappy with what he had done with his life. I am now married to a wonderful man and am happy. We all know that being a girlfriend of a married man is very different from being a wife – lots of benefits with no commitment. Bless his heart, I imagine that the girlfriend will disappear when he goes looking for your “replacement”. I’m with Barbie, the goal is to divorce Tom, get your fair share, and move on to the happy life you are meant to have. The time for talking to him is over. Let the attorney handle it. Do let your co-workers and security at work know what is going on so that you are safe.

    Becca: Sending hugs........do try to get Social Services involved for your neighbor. <3

    Tere in RVA <3

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2017
    Allie- why are you still living with him? You two should not be living together at this point! It is him who should be kicked out of your house for being the cheater. You should ask your lawyer to draw up papers for this. While he is at work today I would get a suitcase full of his stuff and stick it out on the porch or by the front driveway and have the locks changed on the doors. I would get a restraining order against him for the verbal and mental abuse. It may not be evident to you but as an outsider Tom is going to definitely lie to you, try to get you to change your mind, and still Cheat on you!! Because, that is exactly what he has been doing since the last time you did this.

    Oh, and he is also going to make you feel sorry for him because you are such a good person! You know that he has always been able to manipulate you. You have gotten a lot stronger but he is a weasel! I believe that communication all communication between the two of you needs to stop in only go between your attorneys. From what you said he's already tried to manipulate you and make you feel sorry for him when in reality everyone here can see that he feels he's making all the money and he should be the only one spending all the money in his mind
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Love the pictures of babies, pastoral setting with the horses, Rosie, food, flowers, etc. Please keep them coming!

    Alison ~ I agree with Barbie that perhaps you should try to be gone over the weekend and not listen to T's sudden interest in mediation.

    DJ ~ So sorry for the loss of you friend of so many years.

    Becca ~ My heart goes out to you as you try to be there for your next door neighbor. It is a bad position for you to be in. I hope there are relatives somewhere who can help you figure out how to best help her. If she is like most elderly independent folks, she cannot be convinced that she is not able to care solely for herself. When we had to put my mom in the nursing home, she was never convinced that she couldn't go back home and take care of herself.

    Good thoughts and prayers for all who are having life problems.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Thanks .yes I will not really cancel those reservations as much as I would like to..I will take the high road..and he will get served this afternoon at work..so this weekend should be interesting... If he even starts in on me and starts yelling.i will call 911 I promise

    GET IT GURL!!!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited June 2017
    DJ - Sending big (((HUGS))) I know how much I love my old friends. <3<3<3 Woman friends are so mega important to some of us.

    Election chaos is calming down now the first shock is over. We will see how it all turns out, especially with regard to Brexit negotiations. Interesting times.

    We had the other estate agent knocking on the door again. His clients have sold and are desperate to buy ours, but they didn't get a high enough price for theirs to pay our price. Was there any room for negotiation? NO, NOT A CHANCE! :D It gets to be something when they have to come knocking! :laugh: It must be hard times for estate agents! He will lose the other sale if they can't buy ours. They only want our house - for the views!

    Going to have some Prosecco tonight with my Monkfish Tandoori Kebabs. Yum! It is Friday night and we have something to celebrate. Oooops no politics!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2017
    Allie- abusers pick people that they can abuse. Staying in the house with him and allowing him to yell and try to manipulate you is abuse. Don't let yourself be a victim. You need to get out of that cycle. One of you needs to leave that house. If you know in your heart that he won't then you need to pack up your bags and go over to your friends house. Before he gets served and before he gets home.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2017
    Karen in NY – Once your body gets used to the ‘extra’ water; you won’t be trotting to the bathroom all the times. I know when I have a UTI, besides drinking more water; I am supposed to go sit on the toilet every 10 minutes, whether I ‘think I need to pee, or not’. I thought my GYN had gone crazy; but, it was surprising how quickly I was flushing through the infection.

    KJ – Cute picture of Joaquin with his mustache. I can remember taking pictures of my granddaughters with huge red wax lips, and Louis as well when they were taking naps.

    Allie – I’d serve him wherever, why worry about HIS embarrassment; might do him some good. LOL! He’s not broke; he is shifting assets to keep you from getting any of them. Make sure you tell your attorney he has bought a ‘crisis car’. If he was talking about going to FL to 'pick up the title', then, that shows you that he probably 'owns' the car outright. If that is the case, that is hiding assets. What would really be funny is if the Judge is aware of his buying the 'crisis car', that you the car and made sure that it was, indeed, paid for or has to continue paying for it or be held 'in contempt' if he doesn't. His going to FL might be to actually attempt to transfer the deed to the house to someone else. Personally, as much as he seems to 'love' that place, in FL, I'd be going after 'that' piece of property rather than the house you live in, which can turn into a 'money pit' for you. You've also got friends down there, too, so use what he does against him; don’t fall for his lies. If the Judge finds out he has hidden assets; that won’t go over well with him/her. He might really find himself ‘broke’/’broken’ and wonder why, too.

    He thinks he can do as he has always done; I would make sure that I had a safe place to be before he gets served with papers. IF he has any guns in the house; I’d move them away from the house. Having the Sheriff serve him, at work, is probably better than having him served at home, then ‘trying’ to call 911. Police 'hate' when they get called on a 'domestic altercation' because it is probably one of the most 'unpredictable' call they ever got called on for. I would not worry if he is embarrassed either. He would probably jerk the phone out of your hands. You don’t want him to ‘hold you against your will’. Gee, I probably would have named the ‘other woman’ as co-defendant and have her served at work, too. Then everybody at the office would know what he is up to; but, it might be too late to do that. She might drop him like a hot potato, if she thinks she is going to be dragged into the fray. Would serve him right. Just don’t be there when he gets home; leave early for your concert and don’t be home when he storms in. Leave his belonging in a box at the end of the driveway, so that he would 'have' to get 'out of his car to move it'. I hope you got a temporary restraining order and that it ordered him 'out of the house'. For your protection, find and set up a 'safe' place to go to.

    While you might feel like you are being lambasted by the information we are giving you, this has been going on more than a year, it is 'time' to get out and move on with your life. It is not necessary for a woman to 'have a man' to be a 'fulfilled woman'. You are strong enough to handle this no matter how difficult T makes it on you. You've got the 'law' on your side and you are now the one 'in control' ... don't let him even get a finger inside, he is GONE, GONE, GONE! LOL!!!!!

    Heather – My DOGD sent a picture on FB of a place in the UK that serves this ‘off the charts soft ice cream’. Looks like it would be loaded with calories; but, I also asked if she remembered the hamburger on a Krispy Kreme doughnut as a bun that she ordered. She ate the entire thing, I was sitting by her about to ‘toss my cookies’. YUCK!

    I think just about everything even remotely political is going to be ‘interesting’ to say the least. We've never had to the 'protests' and 'looting', 'burning', or anything like we're having here in the USA after the election of a 'new' POTUS. Didn't have it when Obama was elected.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2017
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65, 5X5X 75
    OHP- 1X5X 45, 5X5X 50
    DL- 15X 115

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X35
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 10X7X35

    June move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take a couple of 2 mile walks today.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning all. Golf cancelled due to rain. : (. Think i I will clean my guest bedroom.
    DJ - so sorry you lost your dear friend.
    Better get busy.
    SueBDew in TX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Tracy: Welcome to the group! It is a great place to find support and motivation!

    Alexx: Thanks for the book recommendation. I shall try to find it.

    Allie: Glad things are finally in motion; stay strong and safe!

    Dana: Glad you are feeling better.

    Kerry: Welcome to the group! It is a super supportive group of amazing women!

    Michele: Glad your daughter will get to keep her uterus. That is really important for a woman her age.

    DJ: Sorry about your friend!

    Sue in WA: I think I would see the cardiologist, otherwise you might worry about it.

    Becca: Love the reading nook; I could spend hours there.

    NYKaren: Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Heather: Many airbnb owners also advertise their rentals via booking.com. Next time if you see an airbnb place you like, you might check there.

    KJ: Joaquin's photo is cute, cute, cute!

    My youngest son turned 29 today; how time flies. It seems only yesterday when the boys were small.

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
    Leigh in France
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Thanks ladies,it is my home and I will not leave..that could backfire on me later on.he tries anything I call 911.
  • weezieweeks
    weezieweeks Posts: 152 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi ladies,

    Made it to Prescott without any binge eating on the road!

    So far, I have walked .6 mile - I waited too long to go and worry it's too hot for my dog's feet. Will work on getting in more later. It's amazing how I can work in extra steps here and there when being mindful.

    Lenora - thanks for the tips!

    Allie - hang in there! I'm thinking of you - you are taking care of yourself!

    Have a great day! I'll be reading posts for inspiration later.

    Louise in Vegas