2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • bsbatkan
    bsbatkan Posts: 1 Member
    I've been using MFP for almost 2 months now and have only been using it to log nutrition, I've done a pretty good job keeping myself accountable/logging in daily, etc. I'm 35 with a relatively good workout history, I love running and at home workouts, I'm not looking to build a ton of muscle but I would like to have a toned body with some defined muscle. I am currently 150 lbs. and would like to reach a healthy 135. I started a month and a half ago at 162 lbs. so I am definitely motivated, I just need a push.

    I'd love someone who will be willing to push me and help me with some accountability. Right now, my weak areas are weekends. I'm in the U.S. but I don't need a mentor who is. Message me with any questions, and thanks for considering me!
  • AnnikaACB
    AnnikaACB Posts: 3 Member
    27 year old female from the Netherlands looking for a mentor!

    I'd love for someone who has already been through this process to share their experience. I have about 30kg to loose, but have a lot of trouble sticking to routines and knowing what's good for my body regarding workouts. I seem to go one way or the other.. Starving myself or binge-ing, not pushing myself at the gym or pushing too hard and getting injuries. All age mentors are fine with me, though someone in GMT+1 time zone would be preferred. Please PM me, thanks :)!
  • stylistdeb11
    stylistdeb11 Posts: 14 Member
    Looking for friends! I signed up a while ago but am only now really trying to use MFP. I am 52 years old and,5ft 2in tall. As of today I weighed in at 164.5. I quit nicotine lozenges about 10ish weeks ago and gained 10lbs. I would like to lose 30lbs to start. My plan is logging cals with a focus on enough protein and exercise. Deb from MI
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    LuckyD1510 wrote: »
    Hi all, I'm David 33 from Israel.
    2 years after an ugly divorce I've decided to take back control over my life and get into shape, meet new people and maybe take.a second chance on love.
    At the moment I'm keeping to a low-calorie diet and try to street-run with my dog at least 3 times a week.
    I'm 1.68m (5'6'') and started at 89.5kg (197 lb). My goal weight is 70kg (155 lb), so I need to loose about 20kg (40 lb).

    Friend me!

    Hi david.
    Send me a friend request and message of what you are hoping for,and i will try and help.
  • aes042
    aes042 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi MFP! I'd like to be adopted! I'm 37, 5'7", former athlete, wondering how I managed to put on all this weight (likely related to my preferred cheese and wine diet). I live in the American South, am hounded by sweet tea, would like to do better w/ my diet and lose some weight (ideally approximately 30 lbs...). Would love a buddy to keep me accountable.
  • Steelytech
    Steelytech Posts: 15 Member
    I'm up for adoption folks
  • NikiS_8
    NikiS_8 Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to be adopted. I am 43 years old, an accountant and over 300 lbs. I have 7 children ages 21 to 2 and have been married for 22 years. My husband loves me the way I am but is worried about my health. I was recently diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea and have be sleeping in a recliner for over 3 years. I also injured my knee in January and it hasn't been healing as it should (mostly due to my being overweight.) I use to be extremely active when younger. I was in dance, lifted weights, walked 2 to 4 miles a day, aerobics etc. and I was a waitress. Then I got busy with life and got a desk job and now I am extremely overweight and out of shape and no energy. I feel bad because it is my kids that are suffering. Last month, I joined a 12 month weight management program through the hospital here. They suggested using MFP to track calories/activity. They have classes and you see specialist and have blood work done so I have accountability and even some motivation from that but I am looking for somebody that I can connect with on the app on more of a weekly/daily basis. Mostly for encouragement and possible advice. Thanks.
  • postchi1
    postchi1 Posts: 30 Member
    Happy to help out with any Q's on nutrition/Injury

    Feel free to reach out

    Qualified Sports Rehabilitator/11 years training

    Starting stats 5'10 - 13 st 8
    today 5'10 - 12 st 2
  • LeacyPeacy
    LeacyPeacy Posts: 11 Member
    I am volunteering to be a mentor. I'm 54, a stroke survivor and have been living a healthier lifestyle since January, 2016. I began my journey at 260 pounds, as of Tuesday, June 6, 2017 I weigh 185.4. My health has improved drastically. I'd love to help others realize that nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!
  • planetcadillac
    planetcadillac Posts: 137 Member
    Hello new people! I have 15 lbs left to go and making the best of it. Anyone like CrossFit? Bicycling? Outdoors? Favorite exercise? Always looking for news friends to motivate. I am an extrovert and enjoy talking to people and helping them out.
  • HannahAyers2015
    HannahAyers2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to be adopted!! I need someone to help keep me accountable!!
  • ycdi130
    ycdi130 Posts: 3 Member
    Looking for adoption!!

    I'm a 46 year old from Minnesota starting down a road of weight loss which I hope will lead me to a life style shift.
  • hlwampler1
    hlwampler1 Posts: 8 Member
    Someone want to adopt me?

    32, mom, discovered the joy of gyming it recently. Can't eat right. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! And pretty much everything else I'm not supposed to eat. I would love someone who can motivate me and who I can motivate. A buddy! That's what I need. A buddy.
  • OfBloodandRank
    OfBloodandRank Posts: 10 Member
    Would love to be adopted. Here's my bio:

    I'm 28 and living in Canada for grad school, but am from the states. I'm 5'4 and 245 pounds. I've been up and down with weight loss before, but wasn't mentally in a place to stick with it until now. I'm looking for someone in my age range either younger or older, who can keep contact with me for check ins, advice, or even just to talk about the day. Someone who is lively and fun! Oh and I am in a wheelchair, but not wheelchair bound but I do suffer from a muscle disorder so working out is different for me. So I'd prefer someone who has experience either dealing with disabled individuals or is one themself. Thanks! :D
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Would love to be adopted. Here's my bio:

    I'm 28 and living in Canada for grad school, but am from the states. I'm 5'4 and 245 pounds. I've been up and down with weight loss before, but wasn't mentally in a place to stick with it until now. I'm looking for someone in my age range either younger or older, who can keep contact with me for check ins, advice, or even just to talk about the day. Someone who is lively and fun! Oh and I am in a wheelchair, but not wheelchair bound but I do suffer from a muscle disorder so working out is different for me. So I'd prefer someone who has experience either dealing with disabled individuals or is one themself. Thanks! :D
    My mentor-bio, which talks about my wheelchair use, should still be around here somewhere. Take a look at it and let me know if you believe that we'd click!
  • Hansenm85
    Hansenm85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Michelle....I'm new here and would like to be adopted and make some new friends.

    I recently turned 50 (I still can't believe I'm 50) and have been on a journey to regain my former self. I want the second half of my life to be one where I am fit and lean.

    My goal is to lose about 30-35 pounds

    I had lost 15 pounds last year, but have managed to regain it much to my dismay.

    I have started exercising (Peloton and am contemplating restarting P90X3) but am having trouble with macros and consistency. I would really like a mentor to encourage and help with food diary, and give advice
  • mhabing8
    mhabing8 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a 26 year old who needs to be adopted. I've been heavy my whole life but now it's starting to affect my health. I know it's time for a change but I don't know where to start.
  • rosacarolinas
    rosacarolinas Posts: 2 Member
    hi there, i'm izzy, i'm new and would love to be adopted/have the chance to make some friends in the mfp community!! i've been on this journey before and managed to lose 42 pounds and get closer to my goal weight than ever!! a string of bad food choices have left me bloated, unhappy and unmotivated!! looking for someone to help me get back on track and to lose the extra 11 pounds to get to my goal!!
  • TheCalvinGaba
    TheCalvinGaba Posts: 12 Member

    Hi I’m Calvin looking to help those who are serious to make changes in improving their health, fitness and well being

    Have spent years helping people in losing weight, maintaining weight, nutritional advice, building lean muscle, gender specific advice.
    I have spent years reading scientific research, case studies and even bro science and am well versed in nutrition/training methods/techniques/programming and strategies.

    Advanced diploma in fitness instructing, Personal Training and Nutrition for physical activity.

    Drop me a message or friend request if you want any help.
  • postchi1
    postchi1 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all,

    Feel free to drop me an req - Postchi1

    Happy to help w/ any questions on nutrition or injury when i can

    Qualified sports rehab / Athletic trainer

    Happy training :)
This discussion has been closed.