Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Truth Thursday: helping and going through therapy with my nephew has brought a lot of stuff to the for front of my mind, the big one being anxiety and how it affects life. Looking back over my life I see and remember some things that stand out making me think I am a natural anxious person because I don't have any trama or big life changes that would have created that in me. It's just small things like at 5 I use to lay awake at night and worry that if there was a fire I couldnt excape my 3rd floor bedroom, heights were/are a problem. At 7 I remember being told we were going to the beach so I ran to my room, put on my bathing suit and started doing pushups so I would look good(and I was willowy at that point) then put deodorant all over myself because I didn't want to sweat. Where I would get such thoughts at 7 I have no idea!! But the anxiety + weight issues really stick out now. The anxiety that taints just about everything in my life because I'm obese is staggering. "Don't sit in that chair, don't wear that, they arent going to like you, you can't do that, you won't fit, you would look ridiculous," and on and on and on. I am very blessed that this anxiety isn't crippling or anything, its just how it makes me think and view the world and limit if being obese isn't limiting enough!!! So even while I try to reach my goal I am working on exposing the lies my anxiety tells me and embrace the truth. Starting with I am worth it, I can do this!!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,144 Member
    I think I am headed for disaster tonight. DH is off today so that right there says my guard will be down. But also I have been too "good" today and not eating enough.

    -1lb/wk = 2050cal\day

    Breakfast: 300 of 400
    Morning Snack: 50 of 200
    Lunch: 236 of 500
    Afternoon Snack: 80 of 200
    Before Dinner Snack: 70 of 100
    Dinner: ? of 650 (Actually have 1314 left over for dinner)

    It's not too late. Maybe I can pretrack something and stick to it. It's worth it. I am worth it.

    Rach, m.p.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    I think I am headed for disaster tonight. DH is off today so that right there says my guard will be down. But also I have been too "good" today and not eating enough.

    -1lb/wk = 2050cal\day

    Breakfast: 300 of 400
    Morning Snack: 50 of 200
    Lunch: 236 of 500
    Afternoon Snack: 80 of 200
    Before Dinner Snack: 70 of 100
    Dinner: ? of 650 (Actually have 1314 left over for dinner)

    It's not too late. Maybe I can pretrack something and stick to it. It's worth it. I am worth it.

    Rach, m.p.

    Absolutely true. And, there's nothing "good" about not eating enough. Been there, done that. For me, losing this much weight requires that I do sustainable things that I can keep up with...for forever. I go out to eat and don't withhold food from myself if it's a special occasion. And let's face it, going to a restaurant with one's husband is a special occasion, right? (At this point in my life, anytime I can get someone else to cook for me is a special event. I live it up). Just eat within your calorie budget the rest of the week; you'll be fine. :smile:

    I am fighting off a virus this week. June colds/sinus infections suck!!! So that's my Thursday truth! I'm going to just consider this a "bye" week (sports term, I think? Not sure if that's right) and try to hang in there until next weigh-in.

  • teresaglz21
    teresaglz21 Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Teresa
    Age: 27
    Height: 5' 8"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 298.5
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 275

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26- 296
    2. May 3- 293.6
    3. May 10 -291.9
    4. May 17 - 291.6
    5. May 24 - 288.4
    6. May 31 - 286.2
    7. June 7 - 285.2
    8. June 14 -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: - 1
    Weight -/+ total: -13.1

    Still losing but a little slower. I think i will go back to try and lose 2 pounds weekly again. Its been cold this week so no swimming and the change in calorie intake did slow me down a little. hoping for a better week :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2017
    Friday Fitness ... Anyone ever watch the Dr Oz television show? Anyone catch it today? I did, at least a part of it.
    He had Chris Powell on, who has a new book out ... you might recall Chris Powell as being the trainer who was on the reality show "Extreme Weight Loss".

    The topic today was "How many calories should I eat in a day to lose weight" and they discussed finding your 'calorie type' ... taking into account 'calories in; calories out' and somehow taking into account metabolism. Truthfully, I didn't get that part but was interested when they discussed the kind of food to eat based on the sample days menu shown for each 'type' ....

    Still ... the information provided is realistic. You start with your current weight ... multiply it by 8 and then add 200 calories ... this gives you a safe approximation for you 'calorie type' ... and if you wanted to add calories for cardio exercise it is 100 calories for 30 minutes walking. .... The end result will put you into a weight loss phase ... where you know that if you are eating that amount of calories you will lose weight.

    The 'type' was broken down further into 3 categories "low", "middle" "high" ...
    low = under 1500 calories
    middle = between 1500 and 1800 calories
    high = 1800 calories and above

    One tip they talked about was consuming a little bit of dietary fat 20 minutes before going to have dinner ... a diet root beer with a tablespoon of heavy cream to make a 'root beer float' ... it's tasty and the dietary fats 20-30 minutes before dinner help you to not overeat at dinner. Dr Oz wanted something 'healthier' so he tried a teaspoon of coconut oil in hot water ... which tasted pretty awful.

    If you want to hear more about it ... check out the Dr Oz website.

    PS ... I did the calc for myself and noticed that, for me, the calorie calculation ended up with what is actually maintenance calories instead of weight loss calories because I am extremely inactive. I actually find this to be true for me no matter which calorie calculator formula I use. And, it fits in to the range of calories my doctor advised me to follow.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Height: 5'11

    Start Weight 329.8

    Goal Weight (week of June 28) 310

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26: 327.4
    2. May 3 326.4
    3. May 10 330
    4. May 17 327.4
    5. May 24 away
    6. May 31 326
    7. June 9 326
    8. June 14
    9. June 21
    10. June 28
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Weight -/+ total: -3.8

    Struggling... seems that i need to be more accountable to someone on a DAILY basis. I find that i very loosely follow a meal plan for 4 days then struggle to stay on track for the next 3 days. This obviously only keep me from gaining but does not help me to lose properly and i do a lot of see-sawing.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @karenleona - are you tracking your food on a daily basis? If you aren't you are sabotaging your best chance to get on top of your meal planning and snacking. If you are, WHEN are you tracking? If you wait until the end of the night to track what you ate, it's too late to adjust what you're doing to stay within your target zone for the day.
    Are you exercising? Even 15 minutes a day to start with can make a significant difference in how you look and feel about yourself, which can translate into greater confidence in what you can accomplish.
    Try tracking your food as you eat it, or even before. I usually try to get my tracking in at least by lunch, so I know where I'm heading for the day. If you do that then you can adjust your food choices later in the day and end up far better, than if you eat whatever all day long and then have to look at the result at the end of the day and say "OMG what did I do?".
    I must have been really hungry for protein today because I ended up eating 3 fried egg and cheese sandwiches! 2 for very very early breakfast (around 4 am) and one for lunch (around 4 pm). But I used just a tiny amount of shredded cheddar on each sandwich and 40 cal/slice whole wheat bread, so it came out ok (over on fat tho). All in all, pretty happy about my food for the day.
    We lazed in bed until too close to my "exit to work" time, so I didn't get any exercise in, except for some lifting getting boxes out of my trunk. Still having issues with breathing when I exert myself, but no swelling or water retention/weight gain, so I'm not going to worry about my heart right now. I did get a decent amount of sleep last night, but I'm going to have to turn off my phone in order to get uninterrupted sleep. Other people do NOT understand what they do to us night shift people when they call in the middle of our sleep cycle!
    Well, have a great weekend all. @Nikion901 thanks for the info on Dr. Oz, I'll check that out. I came up with 1720 calories per that formula, and that is far to high for me to lose weight on.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2017
    @GOINSTD12 ... yeah, I got that out of the formula also ... but I didn't get the idea they were proponents of fast weight loss. It was more geared to how much you could eat and still lose weight ... slowly. Like I mentioned, the way the calculation worked out for me is that result is not weight loss calories for me, it's actually slightly above maintenance. ... ha-ha-ha .... by my recent weigh-in's on our Wendesday weight reporting challenge you can plainly see that I have been eating much more than I need to keep at to really lose weight.

    There was another segment that I saw on the website by Chris Powell that was very good ... it was about out self talk and about how we tend to focus on all the multple way's we did 'bad' instead of on the things we did right. That negative self-talk, according to Chris, is one big reason we have a hard time getting the results we seek.
  • tbudro
    tbudro Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2017
    Not to change the subject but...
    I've lost 92 lb and now my weight has gone up and down a half a pound a day this whole week. I can't seem to get that last eight pounds off (before I set my next goal). Does anyone else have this problem? Any solutions or recommendations? I'm eating right and exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes.
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Name: tracey
    Age: 52
    Height: 5' 7

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 278
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): 258

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 278
    2. May 3: 277.5
    3. May 10: 277
    4. May 17: 274.2
    5. May 24: 276
    6. May 31: 276
    7. June 7: 276
    8. June 14:
    9. June 21:
    10. June 28:
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Weight -/+ total: -2
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Sorry to be late posting. It's nuts over the summer with my kids home!
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    @karenleona - I would love to team up with you. I am 55 and struggling. I have some health issues and find it very difficult to lose any weight.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2017
    tbudro wrote: »
    Not to change the subject but...
    I've lost 92 lb and now my weight has gone up and down a half a pound a day this whole week. I can't seem to get that last eight pounds off (before I set my next goal). Does anyone else have this problem? Any solutions or recommendations? I'm eating right and exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes.

    @tbudro ... first of all, congratulations on having lost 92 lbs. You didn't mention how long it's taken you to get there, or how long you have been struggling with the last 8 pounds ... and I have not lost anywhere the amount you have, but have eperienced the type of struggle you talk about.

    Also, great on exercises every day. As far as the exercise goes ... you do realize, I hope, that exercise is more for body fitness rather than weight loss. It does burn up some calories, and the harder you work out, cardio wise, plus the heavier you are, the more calories used for the exercise ... however you body quickly adapts to the exercise you do and it becomes the 'norm' rather than the 'extra' ... so don't eat back your exercise calories because you may end up eating more than you need to in order to continue losing weight.

    The thing that will make you lose weight is a calorie deficit over what your body currently needs. Try taking a hard look at what you do consume every day and see if you can find any little thing that you can tweak ... if your calories are in line, then take a look at the foods you eat because some may be causing your body tissue to hold on to fluid, or may be slower going through your digestive tract. I mention this because both baked or boiled wheat products and beef have negative effects on my response.

    Finally, the biggest tip is consistency ... not eating too little one day and too much the next type of thing ... which is where I am lacking the past couple of months. I know that an occasional day of extra calories doesn't have much of an effect, but several days does even when there is a low calorie day thrown in. At least for me.

    Good luck.

    PS ... just thought of one more thing that has worked for me in the past ... and that is to STOP dieting for a while and work on maintaining the weight loss I have achieved for several weeks and even up to several months. I have found, in the past, that I can lose weight successfully for a period of time and then my body just seems to fight me ... and the only way to get around it is to stop eating at a deficit for a while. The trick here is not to regain but to get used to eating and moving what you need to keep your weight the same until that is comfortable and second nature, then start another deficit to lose more.

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Nikion901 - thx for that formula! For me, that calculates out to 1700 cals/day, which is roughly what I've been eating to lose weight. So I guess it's a pretty accurate formula for me. I almost never eat back any exercise calories, thereby giving myself "license" to not go nuts on absolute and relentless accuracy. For example, if I use a little bit of ketchup, I don't bother counting that. Seems to work for me.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    GOINSTD12 wrote: »
    @karenleona - are you tracking your food on a daily basis? If you aren't you are sabotaging your best chance to get on top of your meal planning and snacking. If you are, WHEN are you tracking? If you wait until the end of the night to track what you ate, it's too late to adjust what you're doing to stay within your target zone for the day.
    Are you exercising? Even 15 minutes a day to start with can make a significant difference in how you look and feel about yourself, which can translate into greater confidence in what you can accomplish.
    Try tracking your food as you eat it, or even before. I usually try to get my tracking in at least by lunch, so I know where I'm heading for the day. If you do that then you can adjust your food choices later in the day and end up far better, than if you eat whatever all day long and then have to look at the result at the end of the day and say "OMG what did I do?".


    Thanks Tracy. I usually track as I go but sometimes do it at the end of the day if I don't have much time
    My problem is the first few days when I think I am safe to indulge the up and down the roller coaster I go. Unfortuneeatly I stress eat and am under a lot of family stress right now!

    @ cedar2526. Will send you a friend request.

    Took the kids out for a small walk two days in a row!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... feel like I want to climb back in bed and stick my nose into a good book instead of finding the energy to do what has to be accomplished this week. I am so behind on getting my house 'ready' for a house guest. Where did the energy of my younger self dissappear to? Oh yeah, I've gotton accustomed to babying myself with all my aches and pains, ills and low energy by being mentally involved but physically immobile. Now, when I want to be running around doing all the stuff that needs to be done it is not only overwhelming but also takes me 5 times longer to accomplish because I am not as fit as I need to be. Drats. Double Drats.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    tbudro wrote: »
    Not to change the subject but...
    I've lost 92 lb and now my weight has gone up and down a half a pound a day this whole week. I can't seem to get that last eight pounds off (before I set my next goal). Does anyone else have this problem? Any solutions or recommendations? I'm eating right and exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes.

    Not sure if I have any useful advice for you, but I just wanted to say WELL DONE on the weight loss. That's really fabulous.

    Sometimes I think the scale just wants to mess with us! There are those weeks when I know that I've done everything 100% right, and I see little to no loss. And then there's a week when--BAM!--I'm 4 or 5 pounds down. (It doesn't actually go "BAM," though--that would probably mean I need a new scale). :lol:

    Good luck on your continued weight loss!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @birdygirl15 go you!!!!!!! that's fantastic
    @tbudro what wonderful weightloss!!!

    Reading about people's progress really helps me focus

    @RunningOnWontons that is why i weigh every day... I am hoping that I will freak out less when I see the daily fluctuations.

    So, I bought a new scale. It weighs exactly like my mother's cheapo one that I was using... however now I realized something new: I have absolutely no flat surfaces in my house (either wood planks or tiles... both very old and wonky) any suggestions?
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @newjax2017 I measure stuff for a living. Your scale will give the most uniform results if you put it in the same spot to step on it. I line mine up at the corner of the same tile, not OCD line up just lined up. No two bathroom scales will ever measure the same. My doctors scales don't. I always try to jump on my "favorite". It's more friendly. I can step on, off and back on and get 2 different weights. It's the monthly trend that's telling not the day to day. That tracks my salt and water intake pretty close, logging my food let's me know how I'm doing. That shows up in a longer trend. Don't worry about the daily number if you're doing what you're supposed to. If it isn't working when you look at the trend; re-evaluate what you are doing.
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @pneschich thanks for your reply... yes the trend in general is fine (and when it isn't I can generally find the I will go find the "friendliest" spot in the bathroom!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @newjax2017 - had the same problem with my scale, was trying to weigh on a floor that had wall to wall carpeting, and, natch, never got a reading I could trust, even with the scale set on a wood board. Had to put it in the kitchen, where there is a vinyl floor, and that floor is kind of unlevel, so put it on a tempered glass cutting board. Even still, if it is moved at all, then it needs to be recalibrated, and even then ... is it the true weight? Who knows?

    Like @pneschich said, it's the trend that counts ... but when we want to record our weight for our diaries or challenges, we want a weight we can depend on.
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    newjax2017 wrote: »
    @birdygirl15 go you!!!!!!! that's fantastic

    Thank you <3

  • SharonH912
    SharonH912 Posts: 17 Member

    April 26th: 282.5
    May 3rd: 281.0
    May 10th: 280.6
    May 17th: 279.3
    May 24th: 279.1
    May 31st: 277.6
    June 7th: 275.2
    June 14th:
    June 21st:
    June 28th:
    July 4th!!!!!!!!

    I'm on a keto diet to help my body to learn how to burn fat for energy! It seemed to be doing the exact opposite energy wise and then I woke up Wednesday morning with more energy than I have had in years!! And I lost 2.4 lbs!! I've been energized like this for the past 5 days and I'm praying it stays this way!! Even though this challenge is only until 4th of July I'm hoping to stay strong and continue on with no "cheating" until my 56th birthday in September! I'm going on a girl's retreat with my army buddy of 35 years to the Mississippi gulf coast and I plan on having a good time. So food and drinks will be served!! Good luck to all!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited June 2017
    @SharonH912 ... are you joining the challenge or just giving us an update of your journey? IF you are joining in, report your weight for the week June 14th by next Sunday and also please provide the goal you have given yourself as your personal challenge to weigh in on July 1 ... which is our last weigh in. Your starting weight for this challenge will be your first weigh in here ... June 7th's data, as we did not have any info on your for before then. IF you do post your weight again, please add the numbers for the week, and also your goal weight ... see format below ... Thanx.

    Goal Weight (week of June 28):
    ,... ,.... ,....

    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ total:
    Total weight loss to date (optinal)

    Beyond that ... you are doing great, glad that Keto is the way that seems to work best for you and that you sound like you are over the blahs that take a while to get over when you are switching to extremely low carb diet.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Name: Ana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 188.3 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 170 lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 - 183.4
    2. May 3 - 182.1
    3. May 10 - 181.0
    4. May 17 (*) - 177.8
    5. May 24 (*) - 176.5
    6. May 31 (*) - 175.1
    7. June 7 (*) - 172.9
    8. June 14 (*) -
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: - 2.2
    Weight -/+ total: - 15.4
    Weight loss so far: - 56.7

    (*) will be in Italy ... land of wine and gelato (and as regret to have discovered, amazing bread too!)
  • mbeck376
    mbeck376 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello there all I'm new to this thread thing but I'm hoping it will help me get back into the swing of things. I used MFP before and between that and exercise I lost about 30 lbs after going through a divorce and then getting pregnant ans having a baby I've put almost all of that back on again I feel gross and don't like myself in my own skin. My significant other doesn't like fruit veggie while grain anything so I struggle with what to make because I'd rather not make a meal for him and a meal for me I've tried to eat less but it's hard. And with having a 7 month old and working full time it's a struggle to not go to something quick for a meal anyways that's a little about me I hope to be a support to you all!