

  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    So can I ask where we all stand as far as how we are doing?
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Ok Team, our first week is nearing an end! How did everyone do? We need to get our points added up by tonight so I ask everyone to update me on how they did as soon as they can.

    Points are being calculated as followed:

    The point System:

    Cardio Challenge: If you finished the 4 day challenge of Cardio, you earn a point for your team.

    Strength Challenge: If you completed your 5 day Squat Challenge, you earn a point for your team.

    Food Challenge: Kitchen closed atleast by 9:30 this week, you earned a point for your team.

    Emotional Challenge: If you wrote a reason for your weight gain, you earned a point for your team.

    *Each team member can earn a total of 4 points for the week. Team Captains please post your teams totals on the SAHMU main group page by Tuesday night and I will give the results by Wednesday morning.

    *After we weigh in Wednesday each team Captain will give me a total weight loss for the week and the team with the highest weightloss for the week will earn there extra point on Thursday.

    So for me:

    Cardio: 1 point
    Strength: 1 point
    Food: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    TOTAL: 4 points

    If everyone could follow this same format in response and let me know what points you got that would be great! Also we will be weighing in tomorrow!

    And the new challenge for the 2nd week has been posted, here it is:

    Exercise Challenge(7/27-8/3):

    Cardio: Lets keep it at 4 days this week ladies. Add Jumping Jacks 10 sets of 10 a day x4 days( you can easily do these in between commercials on T.V. or while cooking or all at once)

    Strength: Push-ups 5 sets of 5 per day x 4days. And there are so many variations (full, from the knee, standing, desk, etc)

    Food Challenge(7/27-8/3):

    Recipe challenge- for this challenge we will each submit a Dinner recipe to our team thread, you will receive 1 point for this, take a vote on your team and then submit the best Dinner recipe to our main thread, we will then all vote for the best recipe on the main thread and the team with the most votes will receive 1 extra point for this challenge. (the catch is you cannot vote for your own team). Remember to include the nutritional content in your receipe.

    Emotional Challenge(7/27-8/3):
    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?

    Sleep Challenge:(7/27-8/3):
    Get atleast 7.5 hrs of sleep per night x 4 nights

    “It’s not so much that if you sleep, you will lose weight, but if you are sleep-deprived, meaning that you are not getting enough minutes of sleep or good quality sleep, your metabolism will not function properly,” explains Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleepand the clinical director of the sleep division for Arrowhead Health in Glendale, Ariz.

    Tip of the week:
    Cayenne Pepper
    In the past five years cayenne pepper has been used in fat burners. Why you ask? Well, cayenne has thermagenic (heats up your body) properties. When your body has to cool itself down it requires calories to do so. Thus, creating a fire for your metabolism.

    *Each Team member will recieve one point for each challenge they meet this week and your team will earn a bonus point if everyone completes there challenges.
    *A Point will also be awarded to the team with the highest weightloss for the week.

    Post your victories daily and please remember to add up your points for next wednesday.
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    OK - I def need to talk to our leader cause I physically cannot do the jumping jacks b/c of my knee. I don't want to be holding us back, so I need to see if there's anything I can substitute for it! Everything else, I can do :) Let me go tally my stuff from this past week.....
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Cardio: 1 point
    Strength: 1 point
    Food: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    TOTAL: 4 points

    And I can't remember exactly how she wanted us to do it, but we get an extra point if we posted our before pics so...

    Before Pic: 1 point
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Cardio: 1 point
    Strength: 1 point
    Food: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    Before pic: 1 point
    TOTAL: 5 points
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Jeepinmom4 and krp1981 I need you guys to add up your points as soon as you can so I can post Team Purples total points earned. Thanks!
  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    SW 270.6
    Wednesday weigh in: 269.4
    Not as much as I had hoped, but a loss is better than a gian right? :)
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    SW 270.6
    Wednesday weigh in: 269.4
    Not as much as I had hoped, but a loss is better than a gian right? :)

    OK sorry girls, didn't notice that I was logged in under my husbands account. WHOOPSIE!!!!!!!!!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    SW: 180
    CW: 178 (2lbs lost!)
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    SW: 224
    CW: 224

    I know it's my swollen knee PLUS TOM that's showing no change. The last 2 mornings I'd been 223, so once this stuff passes I'll be fine...just frustrating in the moment!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Our thread is REALLY quiet!!!! Where is everyone at?
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Our thread is REALLY quiet!!!! Where is everyone at?

    Hey, I'm here. Trying to get our total points together for last week but 2 members seem to be MIA. I let the SAHMU leader know what the deal was. So hopefully our teammates will show up soon!
    Sorry....had company from out of town.

    Current weight: 170.8 so a loss of .2 lbs.....

    Cardio: 1 point
    Squats: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    3 points total

    Sorry this is hurried, laptop is about to die!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Sorry....had company from out of town.

    Current weight: 170.8 so a loss of .2 lbs.....

    Cardio: 1 point
    Squats: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    3 points total

    Sorry this is hurried, laptop is about to die!

    No problem thanks for getting back to me. Just want to make sure about the food point. Did you earn that one or not?
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Are we still missing a member? What's going on?
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Are we still missing a member? What's going on?

    Yeah still missing jeepinmom4. She hasn't logged on in a few days. We'll see what happens.
    No. :(


    No problem thanks for getting back to me. Just want to make sure about the food point. Did you earn that one or not?
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    How did everyone do with the new challenge? Has anyone tried it out yet?
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    I'm doing well with the challenges (except for cardio) but I'll be starting that back up today. I think my knee is finally good enough for me to do the recumbent bike at least! I've done the pushups, sleep, etc. Here's the emotional challenge part

    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?
    I have felt like a victim of my weight up until around May when I started this journey. I finally know it's in my power to change this & am doing that! My husband and I are both big, and I guess part of me was just submitted to it, like "this is just the way we are, nothing can change that". We have tried losing in the past both separately and together and it just never made it to a lifestyle change. Thankfully even at my biggest, my husband truly loves me so much and makes me feel so beautiful which I am sooo thankful for! As far as extended family, neither my mom or brother are overweight (just the typical 15lbs or so) so I've always felt like...ugly, the giant, etc... And I really don't want my kids to have a "fat mom". We have really tried to lay a foundation with our children that it doesn't matter how you look, it's what's on the inside that matters..but now we are really showing them what it means to be HEALTHY and in turn, they are changing their eating/drinking habits too which is incredible to see! Even while making dinner my son will ask "Is this healthy?" So I am so excited about this change and how it's impacting our whole family!