Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • RakRonda
    RakRonda Posts: 1 Member
    When I turned 39 and gained 10 lbs. in a month, of no apparent reason! It still took a year for me to get motivated enough to do something about it. But now I have started running everyday or doing a video if I can't, eating better, and taking Juice Plus. I feel great and am almost halfway to my goal weight.
  • Sunsinern
    Sunsinern Posts: 19 Member
    When the scale said 180# and my clothes were so tight I was too uncomfortable to sit very long. My energy level was nonexistent too. Have lost 6# so far but I do have more energy and my clothes fit again. I would like to lose another 10 pounds this summer but my motivation is waning. Hoping if I join more groups that I will find encouragement through the common struggles we all face. Sweets are my biggest enemy.
  • lezhonka
    lezhonka Posts: 5 Member
    Two years ago I bought expensive tailored Armani suits. I can barely fit into them. Need to loose 15-20 lbs to be comfortable in my skin
  • kdmariexo
    kdmariexo Posts: 4 Member
    My husband took a photo of me and I thought I looked awful. I knew it was time for a change. So that is what I am here to do!
  • BrightonChick
    BrightonChick Posts: 48 Member
    It was the summer chub rub for me.....get rid...I am NOT having another summer in pain/sweaty spanks!
  • Tikeonnabike
    Tikeonnabike Posts: 1 Member
    Several months being ill with what turned out to be gastritis. And awaiting a possible coelic diagnosis - so I knew I was about to have to do something drastic with my diet anyway (go gluten free). So whilst I'm at it...

    That endoscopy was the worst 5 minutes of my life and I've had a pretty horrific life. I will do anything never to be having that test done ever again.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Several months being ill with what turned out to be gastritis. And awaiting a possible coelic diagnosis - so I knew I was about to have to do something drastic with my diet anyway (go gluten free). So whilst I'm at it...

    That endoscopy was the worst 5 minutes of my life and I've had a pretty horrific life. I will do anything never to be having that test done ever again.

    wow, I got an endoscopy and they knocked me out for it!
  • patrickmarsh8019
    patrickmarsh8019 Posts: 3 Member
    Because tying my shoes makes me work up a sweat, having to buy XXL and it barely fits, getting winded really easily.... I had a talk with my doctor, started a weight management program, and I'm working on getting healthier.
  • bfischer406
    bfischer406 Posts: 1 Member
    my reason was that i'm still young and i already have a belly and i decided it's time i go to the 6 pack look so when i go to the beach i'm not embarrassed by how i look
  • healthypelican
    healthypelican Posts: 215 Member
    I'm back up to the weight I was before I started personal training, and most of my clothes don't fit. Tragic.
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    edited July 2017
    For me it was less that I NEEDED to lose weight and more that I felt cr*p and something needed change. My weight was slowly creeping up and whilst I wasn't fat I recognised if I continued the way I was going (8 french fancies and 3 creme eggs in one sitting....) I was going to end up with problems down the line so I wanted to stop those habits before they became too difficult to stop. My clothes were starting to get tight and I couldn't afford a new wardrobe!

    I was also sick of feeling stodgy and greasy from junk food and weird eating patterns, I wanted to feel good. Overall I guess it's about wanting to develop habits that allow me to nourish and take care of myself, feel proud of my body (body acceptance is a big thing at the moment obviously and whilst I agree that everyone should be proud and accept their body, when did it become a crime to want to be the best you can be?) and habits.

    I'm doing pretty well at managing a more balanced diet so far and feel so much better for it, I'm working on converting my family now I'm home for Summer!
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Photograph of me at a works function... oh my God. I have two stomach rolls and a flabby/droopy face. I don't look 27, I look 57. The company is sport/fitness-centred, and I am double the size of most people there.

    I had a clearout of my wardrobe... I have about five dresses left that fit. Five. Out of a whole wardrobe. Maybe two of those look good.

    I have no energy and I nap a lot, given the chance. It shouldn't be this way.
  • gcoder10
    gcoder10 Posts: 3 Member
    I hit 250 lbs recently and my blood pressure has been through the roof. Suffering from anxiety and depression since a few years so have gained over 50 lbs in the last 4+ years
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    Realising that I had gained half a stone over Christmas while I was at college. My anxiety, depression and BDD were all over the place and I need to try and sort myself out. I wasn't confident in myself whatsoever and couldn't/refused to do some of the things that I wanted to do.

    I just got sick and tired of feeling sorry myself and decided to change it.
  • ssouth1966
    ssouth1966 Posts: 4 Member
    My Ha-Ha moment was when I busted out of 3 pairs of pants and 2 shirts. Along with my doctor telling me to loose some weight. So, I stop making excuses and started doing the DAMM thing.