

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Becca - I really like the poem. Thanks for sharing it.

    Mia in MI
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    home an hour early, bad sore throat, took nyquil and going to bed..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Lanette - No, I haven't done meatballs in the IP, nor have I ever stuffed them. Sounds interesting! :o I'm going to cook beets tomorrow for salad. I LOVE them, my DH has a real phobia about them. >:) Sooooooooooooo good for you. :D Will do a batch of quinoa too, but I'm almost out of freezer space. We have two freezers - one is huge! At the moment the small one is loaded with gooseberries and blackcurrants from our garden.
    Yogurt is fermenting right now. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I bought the exact Instant Pot that Becca posted today. I thought I wanted the 6 quart, too, but all the reviews said they were glad they got the bigger one. I hope I don't regret it. Did y'all know you can cook cheesecake in that thing? Oh, my! Now I need some healthy recipes so there will be no time to try cheesecake. I couldn't find anything else to tempt me on Amazon, but I'll probably shop some more before it's over.

    We had a bit of a crisis today. The glue gave out on our master bathroom mirror - 88 inches by 42 inches. The towel rack on the right wall and makeup mirror on the left wall "caught" it and kept it from breaking. We duct taped it to the wall until a glass and mirror company could come take care if it. They made an emergency call. Now we have to let it set, then do touch up painting where the duct tape pulled the paint off the wall.

    My cousin Deb is still breathing. It's day 8 with no food or drink. So incredibly sad.

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Karen ~ We all know the heartache of a pet who is suffering. I cried and cried when we had to put our pound hound down. I sat on the floor with him as he was given the shot and he put his paw on my leg. So very sad! I hope you can keep your beloved pet for a while longer.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    Lanette - No, I haven't done meatballs in the IP, nor have I ever stuffed them. Sounds interesting! :o I'm going to cook beets tomorrow for salad. I LOVE them, my DH has a real phobia about them. >:) Sooooooooooooo good for you. :D Will do a batch of quinoa too, but I'm almost out of freezer space. We have two freezers - one is huge! At the moment the small one is loaded with gooseberries and blackcurrants from our garden.
    Yogurt is fermenting right now. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Heather - I love cooked red beets but hate to cook them. The IP sounds like the perfect solution.

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Heather so sorry. I have seen it Instant Pot abbreviated to Instapot...
    Did not the difference.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
    Ladies, I found a super link for IP recipes...hope this works: http://instantpot3.blogspot.com/

    It gave a link to Mozzarella stuffed meatballs in the beef section: http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2017/06/instant-pot-mozzarella-stuffed-meatballs.html

    Best part about it... so far I haven't encountered any pop-ups or busy scripts! Recipes load quickly! B)

    Happy eating!

    SW WA State

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie – I think Re in TX has said it best! Take care of YOU, first … it’s your turn!

    Becca – Loved the poem; yes, I felt that probably a little past Life at Midlife. I’m pretty sure that I am on the ‘sunset’ side of life at 66; prepared, just not ready. Got so many things I want to ‘check off my Bucket List’.

    I guess I missed the ‘lion rock’. What page was it on?

    Allie – I was sort of unsure about what your 2nd job was actually going to be; but, if it is being ‘paid’ to have a massage – I agree with DJ – can’t think of a better one.

    Michele – Daddy joked around with all 3 of us about writing us a check for what a wedding would cost and putting a ladder upside the house; but, he did not really mean it. He enjoyed strutting around too much for that to happen.

    We put ‘bird seed’ in our ‘rice bags’. Birds came and did the clean-up; but, we also married on a Sunday afternoon so that the seeds would be off the sidewalk and steps up to the church by the next service. I don't think they had Sunday evening services when there was a Sunday afternoon wedding. We borrowed my parents’ car for the honeymoon. My 2 nieces were hunched down in the backseat; but, they started giggling before we both got in the car. Spent the night in Atlanta and then went to Gatlinburg, TN. My Mother had fixed us a box of all the wedding reception food and we both ate every morsel of it.

    When ‘is’ the wedding?

    NYKaren – I don’t remember the time of year I was out there in San Antonio; but, it was nice so I’m sure it was either in the Spring or Fall. It might be hot when we go in mid-August. I know when Will did live in NE TX, it was hot, hot, hot when we went out there; but, inside the little house he lived in while doing his job was cool.

    While we were there he had a bunch of ‘wild pigs’ come up to the house; it was in a “U” shape and they were right at the door. He got his gun and shot and killed 2 piglets with one shot. So he dressed them and we ate for the next 2 days.

    Karen, sad in Virginia – Losing a ‘fur baby’ is sometimes as bad as losing part of yourself. So far, Louis and I have never had to ‘put one down’. I couldn’t do it and I don’t think Louis could either. Our Shorty was blind and death and during her last few days we put her in a fence so she would not just ‘wander off and die’. My DMGD’s Boston Bull Terrier did that and she was ‘so upset’ that he could never be found. I’d go out and clean the pen and lay fresh pine straw and would get her to come to her dishes and I would just sit around and play with her. She died a week before we were going to go to Louisiana a few years ago. I’m glad that she did, so we could give her a proper burial.

    Lanette – Thanks for the link for recipes for pressure cookers. I’ve cooked once in mine. Turned out pretty good. Chicken very tender; but, I think I will cook the rice on the stove next time.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
    Well the baby goats seem to be settling in. They are very smart, they have already figured out that when the horses nicker even though they can't see them someone has come out the back door and they start bleating for attention. they like raw peanuts in the shell as a treat but I wasn't able to find any at the co-op so I bought apple flavored goat treats. They like those really well!!

    I saw the pulmonologist yesterday to discuss test results. The CT has not changed much if any from before but my ACE is high indicating inflammation. Since I have no symptoms at this time he has agreed to just wait and watch and not put me on any drugs at this time. DD and I are headed to a patient conference on sarcoidosis at UW at the end of the month. It is put on by the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research. Looking forward to learning some things. Told the doctor and he thinks he might go too.

    Karen - Sorry about your furbaby but glad you have some extra time to say goodbye.

    Katla - Hope the visit with the son is everything you hoped even if it is short.

    Barbie - Hope you had a good ferry ride, beautiful weather for it.

    Kay - Glad that mirror did not break.

    Pip - Cute picture.

    Re - It is so nice to see you posting on here again.

    Becca - the busted can of biscuits made me laugh. Thanks.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kelly, you are such a caring care giver. Your children and their parents should e proud to have you.

    Karen , it is so so hard to know that your treasured companion is having problems.i was crying just reading. It took me back to the days when our girls first puppy got to be that age. Enjoy these months together. I know he will be tested very special.

    Allie, I agree with the others. Tom should not be living there. He is desperate now and may do anything to maintain his free housekeeper, cook, gardener and everything else you have done all these years.

    One of the things my little kitten does is hide under the bed just right under the bed skirt. Ity has little eyelids in it at the edge and he can see Melody approach and he pounces on her. Well he was there last night when I went in to get ready to go to bed and I stepped on his paw. Yo u know when you can tell the difference in a child's cry that is in pain or one to get attention. Well I know I hurt that little one. So he retreated under the bed and when I could finally get to him I picked him up. I touched his paws and when I touched one he still meowed out in pain, my finger was also moist. My heart just sunk. My poor little guy was bleeding. I know that an animal takes care of themselves so I just took a moist paper towel and cleaned him and let him take care of himself. So this morning he was running, jumping and bothering the dickens out f Melody. So I know I didn't do any damage. But I cried last night.

    Got a call from the landscaper today and they start next Monday! Michelle comes over each day next week to help us. So so at the end of next week I hope to be one tired but happy woman. Then Christina and family, insert grandkids here, will more than likely be here that weekend!!!!!!!. Ellie's wild frogs are still alive and happy. Christina got a raise today. I just love it how God takes care of that family. This boss of hers has just given her so many new things to do and then helped her get the skills to do it and praised her so much that she just keeps learning more and more.

    Joyce, with a happy heart in Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    ketonekaren- sorry to hear about your poocher. that was one of the hardest things I had to do was to let my rocky go.... I'm sorry, be strong..
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Karen and Farley: :heartbreak: Take care.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. I told my son I was in the 4th quarter of my life and he said, no Mom you are in overtime. Lol
    Tere- that is a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman.
    Re-you are a rock star. Work your plan girlfriend.
    Lenora-I agree with Re, it will be really hot while you are here. If you have time, you should see the George Bush Presidential Library on the SMU campus. The 9-11 exhibit is extraordinary.
    Still battling this cold/cough or whatever it is. My golf group is taking me to lunch Friday so I have been get better. I tried NyQuil but hate the medicine head as Becca calls it.
    Stay strong and work your plans
    SueBDew n TX