

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Feeling better today! Took some night time cold meds, so I woke up at 7:30am dressed, then stumbled back to bed. In case Prudence knocked on the door. Husband was off getting a newspaper. Finally woke up at 10 am! Prudence did knock on the door at 9:30 and my dear son did it. My head ache and neck pain has gone, really happy about that! This morning was a bad case of medicine head!
    Everyone have a good day!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    allie <3<3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Cathy ~ What a lovely oasis you have!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Katla, we are taking the deck down because it's attached to the house and we want it gone before painting. We don't know what we'll do to replace it. We don't have the money this year so it will be one step at a time.

    :)Jenn, taking baby steps was one of the best suggestions I followed when I started my journey to health and fitness. Now I have tons of good habits that have accumulated. A good book to read about acquiring good habits is "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin.

    <3 Barbie
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie - If you can't get Florida place (preferable with TomCat paying it off); then everything should be sold and proceeds divided in whatever manner is agreeable to each party; but, at least 50/50 after 20 years of being married to TomCat. Didn't realize your children live there or near. So I understand you not wanting to move away. If TomCat wants the place, then a sum equal to the 'fair market value' should be awarded to you. That way he doesn't have to sell it; but, he has divided what it is worth. Maybe he will move there and then you won't have to worry about him trying to 'worm' his way back in your life ... unless both of you go for marriage counseling, both together and separately (and only if he pays for it, if he is truly sorry for the way he treated you). It takes 2 to tango; and, both must have felt something was missing from their lives; but, once 'trust' has been 'lost'; it is almost impossible to repair. You don't want to 'wonder' what he is up to every time he leaves the house. You will be better for him to just leave. I think you mentioned you had been married before, was he or was TomCat the father of your children? Hopefully, either way they have understood and been supportive of your position. I know it would be difficult, after having my grandchildren just next door to move. Even if my BF will think I don't need to live out here alone, as long as I am physically able, I would want to. But, then I would have to depend on Trey watching or checking on me, mowing the grass and such. I would probably deed the property to my sons, if insurance paid off the house. Only my youngest son would be able to help me out financially. He makes a whole lot more money than Trey. He got to go to college; and, Trey dropped out due to having a baby coming along. But, I would not give up any of them for any reason.

    I still think you would be a lot better off to 'rent' somewhere while you are getting yourself together and working with a budget for what you have and have to pay out each month.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Joyce/Allie – I always think slow and sure with finances is the best way

    Barbie great wisdom you shared with Dana

    Dana – hang in we are all in your corner!

    Peach – drop box is a great place to put a document and make it available for someone else to look at and share with you….

    For a back up I use carbonite – it is cloud storage and updates my entire computer everytime I am on line, it runs about $60 a year, I have had my computer completely die and was able to buy a new computer, load the software and then all the files from Carbonite and was back up and running in less than 24 hours (including shopping for the new computer)

    Michelle – if the gifts are for all females – what about bubblebath, or a nice shower geL?

    Allie – so happy to hear things are quiet – Got a chuckle about the doggie poo, a bit of side money with the massage place sounds great!!!!

    NYKaren – great job on providing support and taking care of you!!!!!

    My mouth is getting better, the 2 things that have really made me feel better is the inside is healing so anything with acid is not “killing me”, and at first the scabs on the top lip and bottom lip were fusing while I slept which meant I’d pull the scabs off when I opened my mouth in the morning… they don’t met anymore! Swelling down and healing has been fast.

    So just a bit less then a week with soft food eating and I’ve gained 2 lbs, not ok! But maybe good as I have re-commited to not just holding my own, but getting the next chunk of weight off. It would be great if I could get 10 more pounds off (12 total including those last couple that are visiting) that would not get me to my final goal, but I think is my next stepping stone goal. And there are a few weeks with nothing special planned so that makes it easier to do what is right -


    Kim from N. California
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    July Accountability
    Progress - Saturday, July 8th

    ✔️1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B0, L22, D19, BBS23= 64g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 30g (35g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔️4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - 30 Fitbit minutes

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Afternoon ladies. We have a most wonderful blue sky today with just wisps of clouds. Even so, I find myself as I get older being colder and colder.mwe have our thermostat set at 74 and I am sitting here with a dinem shirt over my shirt. Of course I am warmer when I have a cat sleeping on my lap. I am curious how playful Mr Mozart will be once he is off his pain medicine. I have been trying to play some gas,Es with him that don't require him to be running on the floor.

    Church service was good today. But it is always sad to see the attendance dwindling. We are an old church to begin with. Our vacation Bible Schoool had 42 kids this year and that includes the neighbor kids. Our choir song was one of those beautiful flowing lovely songs. It had a part that could be put in but would not take away from the beauty of the song. It was a flute part, some of it solo, some of it with the piano and organ. We have a lady in the church that plays the piano but usually only to play when her husband sings a solo and it is the more country gospel feel. (I don't like that kind of music that much but it is a toe taping music). Anyway, she also has a keyboard and can have the flute sound turned on.m it she was really nervous playing with the choir and play with the level that the pianist and organist plays. But she did OK. There was a slight problem the the sound guy didn't have her microphone on at the beginning f the song but it got fixed ny her solo in the middle. His wife is in the choir and I think she gave him some indication that it wasn't on,

    So,e of you ladies sure are busy. I love the travels, the grand kids, the heart outside your bodies, etc. so,stokes it can be wonderful being our age. I can't remember who it it that has a 10 year old. God bless you. I don't think I could do it. I do really miss my grand kids. We used to see them about once a month. The older the kids are the busier they are and it has been about 3 months since we have seen them. Hmmmm, 3 months? It was April 8th, the day Christina turned 40. We had great fun that day. Charlie's birthday is the 24th and Trinities 16th birthday is in August so they always try to come up between that time before school starts. It might even be the same week our landscaping is done. That work might also be done the week that Michelle is taking off work to help us get some projects done around the house.

    Heather, I can't believe Bea is that old. It won't be long before she is in a preschool. She looks so much like her siblings she is one of our grand children here!!!!!! Lots of Grandmas!!!!!!

    Have a good day ladies. Got to go fix supper. Joyce, Indiana
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    I can't remember who it it that has a 10 year old. God bless you. I don't think I could do it.

    That's me. I have the 10 year old, our surprise baby, sort of. We both felt that we had one more in us, but since we didn't marry until I was 45, we weren't really expecting to have one together. We actually had two, but lost the first when I was 16 weeks along.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Sunday to all.

    Allie: Feel our waves of support as you traverse towards a new beginning.

    Heather: Yes, I need a Bea fix! Always. She's the picture of a happy, healthy girl, and growing so fast.

    Kim: Glad you're healing quickly.

    Lanette: Keep those Instant Pot gems coming. We'll be having leftover pork green chili tonight, made in the IP a couple nights ago. Great over cauliflower rice.

    My workouts have intensified now that I'm 1/2 way through the audio version of "Younger Next Year For Women". Shopping for a heart monitor to make sure I keep within recommended guidelines. Friday morning I may have overdone the treadmill. Stepped off and got overcome with nausea. :s That never happened before, so took it easier today. However, it does feel good to add new challenges to my workout.

    Speaking of challenges: The Honolulu condo is still not listed. My agent wants a few more small fixes handled. Grrrrrr. Everything moves slower in the tropics. Getting there--- wish me luck.

    No travel scheduled for the entire month of July! Loving it, for now. B) My two good friends and I are continuing to meet by phone every Sunday to make plans for when we are in Italy in October. Sooooo excited. Only about 90 days away.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hello, Sweet Sirens!

    I was so tired last night that I didn't even check in on my weekly goals... so here is yesterday's report:

    July Goals for the week 7/2 – 7/8
    400 calories under budget 5X: XXXXX
    Weights/Abdominals 3X: XXX
    Planks 3X: XXX

    I met all my goals - although I must admit I didn't exceed a single one. At least I met them. DH and I went to the Chinese buffet for dinner yesterday - which was fantastic. It's the place that has the fabulous baked fish... (not as healthy as it sounds - it has a mayonnaise and seasoning glaze... so good!) I always eat too much there - but the damage wasn't too bad, since I had fasted all day. I was still under budget on calories - just not the full 400.

    I would have made it - but, I also had a bunch of delicious fruit and a few bites of cake. Darn that DH, he wanted cake, and I snagged a few bites off his plate. Buffets are the Devil.

    But, here is the kicker, my friends - I met my goals... AND (drum roll please) the scale shows two pounds down for the third day in a row... so... official weight is 193! YAY! Broke the 195 barrier.... finally.

    Funny how doing what you know you should has the desired effect, eh? ;)

    Allie - Getting paid to get massages? That sounds like a pretty awesome part time job! Hope that all turns out to be a regular thing for you! I also find it interesting that Tom is being nicer now... but, I hope you will stay strong. A temporary nice Tom won't last...

    NYKaren - Great job for not going into the emotional eating bin and wallowing about... I mean, seriously great. That's the hardest thing for me... not stress eating.

    Leigh - the 1.5 pounds is probably mostly water... I predict it will vanish, quickly. Welcome back!

    Heather - ALWAYS. I am Always ready for a Bea fix... as I imagine you are. Those kids are A DOR A BLE.

    Cindy/CA - Gratz! A five pound loss rocks.

    Cathy - *waves* Hey, another Texas Gal! I am just up the road in Allen.

    Becca - Hope you are feeling lots better!

    Kim - I am glad your mouth is healing up! I know how you feel about those next ten pounds... I was kind of having a little attack of "I don't give a damn" for a while - and it showed. At least you have a reason for yours.... LOL. But, a little focus, a little dedication and wham, bam, thank you ma'am... 2 pounds Buh Bye... You can do it!

    Joyce - Glad you are having nice weather... we have been having the weirdest run of wet, wild and stormy. Hugs!

    Rori - Good Luck in your Real Estate endeavors! Hugs!!


    Well, we did some time in the pool today, and I have that kind of stretched out feeling - I enjoy it. I am hopeful that I will manage a couple of my weekly goals, today... since they seem to be good ones for scale movement... I still have time for planks and eating under budget...

    I will report back later, or tomorrow.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    machka: Glad to hear you are almost home. By the time I finish typing you might be there. :smiley:

    Alison: (((HUGS)))

    Kim: I am so glad to hear that you are healing but sorry to hear about the weight gain. I'm sure you'll be able to get it right back off as soon as you begin feeling better and adding back your busy work schedule. :heart:

    Joyce: Thinking about your church attendance dwindling--could it simply be summer vacations that are keeping people away? :huh: Every church I've attended had very light attendance during the summer and was back to a full house shortly after school started in the fall. :flowerforyou:

    Arrow and I had a lovely time in our cutting horse class today. He was a very good boy and seemed to enjoy himself. The first time the mechanical cow moved he startled & shied, but he was good to go after that & was an eager participant when it was his turn. There may be another opportunity in August. I hope so. The only thing that I'd like more is a good trail ride. I'm not willing to take him off by myself as yet, but would love to go as part of a group. Maybe it will happen one of these days.

    The best news I have to share is that my son is coming to visit for a day or two, starting tomorrow afternoon. I haven't seen him since our trip to Virginia last summer. I've got our guest room all cleaned up and ready to go. Tomorrow morning I'm going to the bone doctor to find out if my finger is healing well. I hope for good news and no more brace. We'll probably see our son shortly after we get home. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Heather thanks for the Bea fix.

    Went on another garden tour yesterday. My favorite garden was on the tour. It will be the last time. They just sold their home and will be moving up North. Glad I got to see it.

    Enjoying another nice day here.

    :heart: Margaret
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my dear Friends,

    Heather, I can’t believe how Bea has grown!!! She really is a biggie girl. And it’s so cute that Bea and Edie are grinning just alike in the pictures. All three are just too cute for words.

    Cathy, your little piece of paradise is wonderful. Did you have it all put in or was it there when you bought the house? It is certainly well done, whichever is the case.

    Becca, beautiful flowers. Glad you are feeling a bit better.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Thanks for all the kind comments about Beans. He is doing well. We are still keeping a t-shirt on him so he won’t lick or chew at the wound. Luckily we have lots of old ones around the house because we are changing it every day. He doesn’t seem in any pain and is still on his antibiotics. DH crushed the end of his finger when getting Beans off the top of the fence and it got infected so he went to the doctor on Friday. He is on the exact same antibiotics as Beans. Lol I didn’t sleep well last night and I’m about to fall asleep at the keyboard, so I’ll call it a night.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC