Over 200 Club



  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    amann, you are such a GREAT leader:flowerforyou: !

    I am so impressed by all you have done so far in the short period since your first feed.:heart: Thank you for being so informed and so motivating!:flowerforyou:

    I take a multivitamin and also several additional vitamins every day.

    Thanks Rose! That is so nice! Our spreadsheet is done and now, I just add whoever wants to add and I keep up with what people are drinking :-) Its so fun and awesome to see everyone doing well... I can't wait to see how we do on Friday's weigh in. Even a slight change in the downward slope is better than nothing!

    New Thought for the day: If your weight loss isn't what you thought for this week or even the next, what will you do to keep yourself motivated and going?
  • Ugh...I can't do any leg exercises as I have another week to wait from surgery!

    The temptation to eat is great...and I know that I don't need the food as I've more than enough hit my daily requirements.

    I'll keep you posted on exercises that I've done to that may be a solution for those of use in the >200 Club for upper body work :happy:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    I think I'll cry the day the scale looks and me and says, congrats you weight 199!

    sara I will too!! It has been a long time (over a year) since I have been under 200!!! We will celebrate because we will get there!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Ugh...I can't do any leg exercises as I have another week to wait from surgery!

    The temptation to eat is great...and I know that I don't need the food as I've more than enough hit my daily requirements.

    I'll keep you posted on exercises that I've done to that may be a solution for those of use in the >200 Club for upper body work :happy:

    What did you have surgery for? I could look up some exercises for you too!
  • I want in!!!! hope it's not to late!

    SW - 276
    CW - 275
    Ultimate goal weight - 140

    We can do this!

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Ugh...I can't do any leg exercises as I have another week to wait from surgery!

    The temptation to eat is great...and I know that I don't need the food as I've more than enough hit my daily requirements.

    I'll keep you posted on exercises that I've done to that may be a solution for those of use in the >200 Club for upper body work :happy:

    What did you have surgery for? I could look up some exercises for you too!

    Can't wait to see them, I'm tired of waving hello and goodbye at the same time :laugh:
    Lou - Get well SOON!!!:flowerforyou: Take it easy, you don't want to push it and really be in trouble!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Me too!! I'm in!

    SW: 266.8
    CW: 248.6
    GW by 3/4/09: 240.5 (or below!)

    GW by 12/18/09 (24th Bday): 180.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160-165!

    Sounds awesome guys! I'm excited.
  • New Thought for the day: If your weight loss isn't what you thought for this week or even the next, what will you do to keep yourself motivated and going?

    It's tough when there's little or no movement downward on the scale. I've been there for a while! That's when I totally reassess what I'm doing -- from diet to exercise to water intake to my caloric intake and expenditure, making sure everything balances out and that I maintain an 800-1,000 calorie deficit each day. I also try to identify the little things that I'm doing that sabotage my efforts (a little taste here, a little taste there) as well as little things I could do to help my efforts (changing out my desk chair for a stability ball, joining this awesome support group!). After that, I give it a go and see how it works.
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    New Thought for the day: If your weight loss isn't what you thought for this week or even the next, what will you do to keep yourself motivated and going?

    I keep reminding myself of the vacation home this summer and my 10yr reunion. All of my family has seen pictures of me from last spring when I was doing really well and was back down to 185. Now I have gained almost all of it back and this will be the first time I have gone home... :cry: I want everyone to see the girl they saw in all the pictures... not the me I am right now. That plus the fact that I have to stay motivated to lose this by August to help with my PT test and my career. It is amazing how much motivation you can muster up when your job is on the line!! :happy:
  • I keep reminding myself of the vacation home this summer and my 10yr reunion. All of my family has seen pictures of me from last spring when I was doing really well and was back down to 185. Now I have gained almost all of it back and this will be the first time I have gone home... :cry: I want everyone to see the girl they saw in all the pictures... not the me I am right now. That plus the fact that I have to stay motivated to lose this by August to help with my PT test and my career. It is amazing how much motivation you can muster up when your job is on the line!! :happy:

    I know how you feel! By the way, what is a PT test?
  • :happy: Okay so how about Im proud of myself today. At work they bought pizza for all of us and I turned it down. I decided to opt out and still with my weight watchers progresso soup. Still felt full and satisfied and wont show on the hips LOL.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • I think I'll cry the day the scale looks and me and says, congrats you weight 199!

    sara I will too!! It has been a long time (over a year) since I have been under 200!!! We will celebrate because we will get there!

    It has been more than 15 years since I was under 200...the day that happens, I'll probably FAINT from exciment, then scream, then cry, then sing HALLELUJAH!!!

    I stay movtivated when the scale doesn't change by also tracking my measurements. I know that while I may not lose on the scale, as long as I am making healthy choices and working out, ultimately I am headed in the right direction. Also, I don't "taste", I have been doing really well at refusing all offers of sweets, bites, nibble, etc. I am brutally honest with my food journal...Saturday I was over by 600 or 800 calories:grumble: , but it's there for me to see. Because when the scale doesn't move, the inches are coming off and you can't understand why...you will be able to look back at your food journal and say "AH HA EUREKA" that was my downfall.

    Keep it here everyone, we will keep you uplifted and help you stay on top of the wagon rather than under it!!!:laugh:
  • :happy: Okay so how about Im proud of myself today. At work they bought pizza for all of us and I turned it down. I decided to opt out and still with my weight watchers progresso soup. Still felt full and satisfied and wont show on the hips LOL.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter

    WTG!!! I am so PROUD of you!!! Keep up the great work!:flowerforyou: :love: :bigsmile:
  • I would love to join. I picked a random goal weight just because it was under 200.

    Starting weight - 269
    Starting MFP weight - 261
    Cuurent weight - 251
    Goal weight - 175 (hopefully less :love: )
  • I got in my 64 oz of water yesterday and I"m well on my way to doing it today! I love water more than soda for some strange reason! Only thing better than water is my coffee!!
  • JamieCook
    JamieCook Posts: 21 Member
    Can i still join?

    My starting weight is 205
    Goal 150

    Im ready and buckling down!!

    Jamie:glasses: :drinker:
  • :happy: Okay so how about Im proud of myself today. At work they bought pizza for all of us and I turned it down. I decided to opt out and still with my weight watchers progresso soup. Still felt full and satisfied and wont show on the hips LOL.

    That's awesome! Great job!!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I keep reminding myself of the vacation home this summer and my 10yr reunion. All of my family has seen pictures of me from last spring when I was doing really well and was back down to 185. Now I have gained almost all of it back and this will be the first time I have gone home... :cry: I want everyone to see the girl they saw in all the pictures... not the me I am right now. That plus the fact that I have to stay motivated to lose this by August to help with my PT test and my career. It is amazing how much motivation you can muster up when your job is on the line!! :happy:

    I know how you feel! By the way, what is a PT test?

    I am in the Air Force, our PT test is our annual fitness test. It is comprised of a 1.5mile run/Situps/Pushups/Waist Measurement. I am hoping to be under 167 because then I will get max points on the waist regardless of what it is... otherwise you need less then 29" to max it which really seems impractical to me!! Plus the less of me there is to carry around that track the better my run time should be!!
  • Oh my goodness! I am so excited that there are so many of us banding together to hit our goals! Looks like some of us are totally losing and gaining energy! I was so proud of myself yesterday. I worked out in the morning and burned 700 calories! WOOO HOO!! I haven't done that in forever. I also did cardio for 50 minutes! I am working on mixing it up a little. I am headed to the gym tonight when my fiance gets home to watch the baby. Anyway, I am at 12 oz so far for water today... How are the rest of you doing?! I need to get on my water intake a little more!

    I am working on our spreadsheet and should have it posted Soon...

    So I am counting today as our official start date, anyone opposed? Remember to report your weigh in on this upcoming friday!

    so our day to weigh in is on Friday?...since we recorded our start weights today, can we have Wed as the day to submit? If no one else thinks that it would be a bad idea, can I nominate Wed as the check in day?

    Hey! never mind, having it on Friday will be a good way to keep me focused....good looking out!:flowerforyou:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I like the Friday weighin because it gives me a good idea of where I am at before the weekend. Helps me decide if I have earned a "cheat" day or not! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: