2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • BartenderID
    BartenderID Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for some help and support.
    About me: previously very active with outdoor activities and horse back riding. Currently dealing with major back injuries and losing the weight will only help to get back to my real life sooner. Looking for encouragement with nutrition as being the primary focus. I would love to get 50 lbs down but have 30lbs is current goal.

  • Akkael
    Akkael Posts: 36 Member
    Is it still possible to be adopted?

    I'm somewhat new here. Have had an interesting year health wise. Diagnosed with thyroid cancer last November. Had thyroid removed a week later. RAI in January. At the end of March I had second back surgery.
    I've been consistently logging on for about month and a half. Working out 2x day struggling to lose every pound/inch. Any friends, advice, or encouragement would be welcomed!
  • lexigascaxD
    lexigascaxD Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm new, would love a mentor! I'm 22 and having a real hard time with overeating and finding healthy foods
  • angelic2u
    angelic2u Posts: 2 Member
    Available for adoption & friendship! I am a 53 yo Female, Looking to fit more comfortably in a airline seat, and not get winded catching planes, as I travel often! Downloaded MFP App years ago, and sadly never used it. Now starting a New Chapter & Journey in my life (after a Cancer scare that was benign, and colon mess-up), need to get strong from the inside out, and want to surround myself with others of positive outlook & fitness mindset. Sense of Humor, clean Eating Recipes & Love of Music for workouts a bonus!
  • collegepunk2007
    collegepunk2007 Posts: 3 Member
    I am new. I would really like an accountability buddy :) or mentor :smile:
  • zara1296
    zara1296 Posts: 56 Member
    I can use a mentor. I'm a 19 yr old girl that can use some help reaching my goal! Abd then I look forward to joining the mentoring list!!!!
  • saraz4
    saraz4 Posts: 6 Member
    I would adore to be adopted!

    I am 19 years old, going into my sophomore year at Purdue University, and I am looking to lose my freshman 15 and even more! Weight gains are fine for me in muscle, but I am trying to lose fat so I can be the healthiest version of myself. I really need help with motivation to keep going because I am so discouraged in my current routine.

    I am gluten free ( not by choice ) and I would love to change my eating habits to encourage living a healthier lifestyle.

    Please adopt me! :)
  • Mdpats11
    Mdpats11 Posts: 143 Member
    Would love to be adopted. Could use a good butt kicking =)
  • susie_q1968
    susie_q1968 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I am 48 yr and I need to lose 200+ Ibs my family docter has sent me to a dietician a year ago and am having troubles losing weight I can lose than gain like a yoyo.I have the app to check of my meals and calories.I really need the help and motivation to get this weight off.I have been struggling all my life with weight I am at my highest weight I have ever been at I will say how much I weigh 327.4 Ibs yikes is right I am only 5ft.small frame my bones hurt My family docter says I need to lose for my own health so I do not suffer.So can I be adopted Please,PLEASE ,Please
  • artbyrachelh
    artbyrachelh Posts: 338 Member
    Adopt me! Just had my 6th baby 6 months ago. I'm 5'4" and at 175. I'd like to drop 40 pounds. I just turned 39.
  • emilyb117
    emilyb117 Posts: 56 Member
    I will accept one or two newbies who would like a mentor!

    I've been on MFP for a few years (on and off) and have lost a total of about 20 pounds.

    I am following an IIFYM (if it fits your macros) program. I go to the gym about 4 times a week (lifting and HIIT/cardio).

    My diet & exercise logs are open to my friends, so go ahead and add me if you'd like to take a look.

    If you're interested in a mentor, feel free to message me. All I ask is that you stick with it and log regularly! I will be there for any questions you have about the process, will try my best to motivate you, and will do regular progress check-ins!

    Anyone is welcome, whether you have 5 pounds to lose or 500. :)
  • raziak528
    raziak528 Posts: 14 Member
    Looking for a mentor. I need to lose 40 lbs preferably in the next 6-7 months. I log everything to a T every day and I'm looking for someone to help me determine cals macros and general questions & motivation regarding it. I work out 3x a week doing HIIT/weights
  • CyclingRoadie6
    CyclingRoadie6 Posts: 59 Member
    raziak528 wrote: »
    Looking for a mentor. I need to lose 40 lbs preferably in the next 6-7 months. I log everything to a T every day and I'm looking for someone to help me determine cals macros and general questions & motivation regarding it. I work out 3x a week doing HIIT/weights

    Right off the bat, when I see you're doing HIIT and weights, you'll have a hard time losing weight when you're gaining muscle mass by those exercises alone. The question is, are you trying to drop weight, or obtain a certain physique?? There's many questions that need to be asked/answered.
  • xXGearheadXx
    xXGearheadXx Posts: 56 Member
    raziak528 wrote: »
    Looking for a mentor. I need to lose 40 lbs preferably in the next 6-7 months. I log everything to a T every day and I'm looking for someone to help me determine cals macros and general questions & motivation regarding it. I work out 3x a week doing HIIT/weights

    Right off the bat, when I see you're doing HIIT and weights, you'll have a hard time losing weight when you're gaining muscle mass by those exercises alone. The question is, are you trying to drop weight, or obtain a certain physique?? There's many questions that need to be asked/answered.

    Maybe some noob gains, but you're not going to gain much, if any mass in a deficit. HIIT is great for burning cals and losing weight. Weights are great for maintaining what you have so you look good when all the fat is gone (and it will burn a few cals too).
  • xXGearheadXx
    xXGearheadXx Posts: 56 Member
    raziak528 wrote: »
    Looking for a mentor. I need to lose 40 lbs preferably in the next 6-7 months. I log everything to a T every day and I'm looking for someone to help me determine cals macros and general questions & motivation regarding it. I work out 3x a week doing HIIT/weights

    for your questions...assuming 7 months you're going to need to cut ~1.4#/week to reach your goal. I did 45 in seven months, so it's doable (that sucked though). I'd start with what MFP gives you for a 1#/week loss at lightly active(better if you have a fitbit...this will get you a little closer to actual), let your exercise create the rest of the deficit, then adjust you're intake as necessary after 4-6 weeks. Good luck
  • raziak528
    raziak528 Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2017
    raziak528 wrote: »
    Looking for a mentor. I need to lose 40 lbs preferably in the next 6-7 months. I log everything to a T every day and I'm looking for someone to help me determine cals macros and general questions & motivation regarding it. I work out 3x a week doing HIIT/weights

    for your questions...assuming 7 months you're going to need to cut ~1.4#/week to reach your goal. I did 45 in seven months, so it's doable (that sucked though). I'd start with what MFP gives you for a 1#/week loss at lightly active(better if you have a fitbit...this will get you a little closer to actual), let your exercise create the rest of the deficit, then adjust you're intake as necessary after 4-6 weeks. Good luck

    I am mostly doing HIIT with light weights to just tone. MFP gave me a 1200 cal a day but I haven't been losing (for the past month) anything so I just recently moved my cals to 1400 with my BMR is 1700. Is that a safe assumption? Also I set my macros as such: 31 grams of fat, 123 grams of protein, 158 grams of carbohydrates, would I need to hit all of those macros to see results?
  • sakram373
    sakram373 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone.... I'm in need of adoption.

    I'm 38, looking to lose 30kg with long term goals, serious about weight loss and getting healthy.
    I started to gain weight after a car accident left me with severe pain, poor mobility and low mood

    Looking to get back on track.....
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    please adopt me, I desperately need to know how to plan menus with the correct macros and total cals

    60kg to lose, on day 9 but been eating the same 3 meals every day since the start, feeling like I'm gonna order 12 pieces of KFC and all the extras

  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    Not your usual noob
    I have been around here for 571 days to be exact. I used to weigh 20 stone but brought that down to 12. (280 to 168 pounds). But due to I'll health and sheer laziness I rebounded to 15 stone 5, 217 pounds. My goals are to get fit and lean.

    The reason I need a mentor is that I want someone to motivate and help me, someone I can ask for support help and guidance. I need accountability and a sense of pride back. If your interested add me and drop me a message
  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm happy to mentor anyone who needs a little extra support. I've lost and gained and lost again, so I know what it's like to fall into bad habits. Since January I've lost over 40 lbs and am within 5 lbs of my goal weight, through regular cardio and healthy eating. I'm not an expert on exercise, but I can help with developing healthy eating habits and learning how to cook low-calorie recipes at home. Shoot me a message or add me if you need some guidance!
This discussion has been closed.