JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 10



  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    AshEvelynn wrote: »
    Original Start Weight 221.3
    Ultimate Goal Weight 120

    7/12 - 221.3
    7/13 - 221.9.....boo lol. Wrong direction! Loving this challenge/group by the way...makes me feel like I'm not alone with the never ending struggle, thanks everyone!
    7/14 - 220.5...no dinner last night as we are packing for a move and time got away from us...or water weight..who knows. I'll take it!
    7/15 - 219.8
    7/16 - 223.7 - yes...I know...lots of shots and snacks last night...I blame only myself.
    7/17 - 223.1 - Working off my weekend :(
    7/18 - 221.9 - Feeling like I have stuffed my face today and I still have 750 calories remaining for dinner. Not sure why but I did do something different today by snacking every 2 hours after a super light lunch at 12:30 so maybe that's why. Cherries at 2:00 and hummus and crackers at 3:30. Dinner will be at 7 when my daughter goes down...then more packing. Move is Monday!
    7/19 - 219.9...hmm...feel like I've been here before...
    7/20 - 221 - had sushi last night....why is it so delicious!!!??? Paying for it today...lots of water!
    7/21 - 221 - sadly, I was hoping to get back to my lowest of 219.8 for the final weigh-in but hey...at least I'm still under my starting weight for this round.

    Absolutely love this challenge and I look forward to next round! I will be on mobile for the duration of the next round with no computer access so I hope I can still find this thread! If you don't hear from me, you know I didn't!

    Thanks to everyone for the accountability and all the new MFP friends I have had the pleasure of supporting along this hectic journey! Here is to round 11! :)

    They will make a new thread for Round 11. You'll find it under Community. :) I use my mobile all the time.
  • AshEvelynn
    AshEvelynn Posts: 205 Member
    Thanks Nikki!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Prior to vacation - 146

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/15 153.2 ahhhhh! Moment of realization (though not surprised) eating out is tough.

    7/16 153.0
    7/17 152.2 Lots and lots of water. I'm so happy to be eating home cooking again!
    7/18 153 Went back to the gym for the first time back from vacation.
    7/19 152.6 Starting to log again today and will go back to the gym. I have to meet my water goal.
    7/20 153.0 It must have been the beer...
    7/21 151.6
  • curious_kiris
    curious_kiris Posts: 41 Member
    R8 SW 253
    R9 SW 248
    R10 SW 246

    My goal this round is to focus on exercise. I wasn't as driven the last ten days and I think I can get back on track. Add some strength to my walks and jogs!

    7/12 246.0 Did not sleep well today and do not have plans to sleep well tomorrow. Oh no! Also, I cancelled my walk when work ran late. Ugh. Feels like a waste. Gonna get better!

    7/13 247.8 Walked 20k steps today! Went exploring the city with a friend! Ate horribly, but had so much fun!

    7/14 248.2 So tired from sleeping in 2 hour increments. I hate when that happens. I don't feel rested, but back to work.

    7/15 247.6 Did 2 miles this morning and Pandora Ch. 14 this afternoon. Forgot to stretch. Oh well.

    7/16 246.2 Been eating well and ran this morning. I felt really good. Remembered to stretch this time.

    7/17 244.6 Now we're talking! I've been working out every morning and adding strength each afternoon. 2 miles today. I'm holding steady at a 13 minute pace!

    7/18 245 Happy birthday to me! Go nuts!

    7/19 Woke up with crippling back pain. Could not stand up right enough for a scale.

    7/20 Back pain still! This is very wearing. Not eating well, because I can't stand long enough to cook.

    7/21 250 and I don't even care right now. Day 3 of back pain. Seeing a doctor today.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    7/21 250 and I don't even care right now. Day 3 of back pain. Seeing a doctor today.

    Keep us posted... :(
  • AmasMomma
    AmasMomma Posts: 134 Member
    R8 SW 354.2
    R9 SW 353.8
    R10 SW 358.0

    7/12 358 Over indulged while on vacation last round. I got back in town last night and hopefully back on track.
    7/13 missed weigh-in
    7/14 357.2
    7/15 354.2
    7/16 352.4
    7/17 351.8 My feet had been very swollen from too much salt and all of the traveling, but that is finally gone.
    7/18 351.8 took a long walk, but ate lots of chips
    7/19 352.4
    7/20 353.0
    7/21 353.8 I finish so poorly. I have spent the last half of this ten days eating chips and cereal in excess and staying up late nights watching tv. I'll keep working to change my mindset, but at least I haven't quit completely.
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Round 10--SW 230.3

    Round 7--Start 229.7 End 228.3 Weight loss/gain -1.4
    Round 8--On vacation
    Round 9--SW 235.6 End 230.3 Weight loss/gain -5.3 (vacation water weight)

    07/13--229.7 Surprised I was down since I did some weightlifting yesterday, but I will take it.
    07/16--230.1 Holding steady
    07/17--230.3 Back to starting weight
    07/18--229.4 Surprised I am down. I had a tough workout yesterday and thought I would be up from the water retention, but I will take it. I will see what happens tomorrow.
    07/19--229.2 I have another tough workout tonight, let's see what happens tomorrow.
    07/20--229.7 Normal fluctuation. Hoping to stay under 230.
    07/21-- 230.3 Don't know what happened, but I did wake up today really sore. I am happy that I at least stayed the same for this round and I did lose inches as well, so I happy for that.