Hitting on Women at the gym?



  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    laurenlmt wrote: »
    Does this really happen? I am told I have a b!tch look when I work out so maybe thats why. I probably would get flustered and drop something if anyone actually talked to me.

    It happens. A guy asked me out for coffee on Saturday. Then again on Sunday, in case I had changed my mind.
    The coffee thing pissed me off though, like what, I'm not worth lunch or something..
  • Lone_wolf46
    Lone_wolf46 Posts: 2,709 Member
    You're worth fine dining!
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    Personally I would rather no one spoke to me when I'm in the gym. I've got headphones in and just want to focus on my workout and then go home. But if I a guy does try and talk to me I try to just be friendly but not too friendly since I have a boyfriend. But most of the time - in the gym that I go to - everyone keeps to themselves and the only time people really talk to each other is if they know each other or ask if you're using a piece of equipment.
  • ShrinkingViolet1982
    ShrinkingViolet1982 Posts: 919 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    laurenlmt wrote: »
    Does this really happen? I am told I have a b!tch look when I work out so maybe thats why. I probably would get flustered and drop something if anyone actually talked to me.

    The only time I see it happening at my gym is old guys with a full head of gray hair cornering some very young girl and trying to start a conversation or offering a spot. For some reason, the really good looking folks - both men and women tend to keep mostly to themselves. ;)

    I would comment on this, but I prefer to keep to myself.

    Since when?

    Since it was determined that the "the really good looking folks - both men and women tend to keep mostly to themselves."

    Damn I was gone too long
  • msfugy
    msfugy Posts: 34 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Alright ladies, let's talk about getting hit on at the gym? Dudes know what I'm talking about, there's that really nice looking lady hitting the weights in those nice tight leggings. When do you start up a convo, how do you start up a convo, is it even appropriate to even try at the gym? Let's hear it people :)

    You could litterally just say nice buns lol
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    laurenlmt wrote: »
    Does this really happen? I am told I have a b!tch look when I work out so maybe thats why. I probably would get flustered and drop something if anyone actually talked to me.

    The only time I see it happening at my gym is old guys with a full head of gray hair cornering some very young girl and trying to start a conversation or offering a spot. For some reason, the really good looking folks - both men and women tend to keep mostly to themselves. ;)

    I would comment on this, but I prefer to keep to myself.

    Since when?

    July 25, 2017 10:39AM
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    laurenlmt wrote: »
    Does this really happen? I am told I have a b!tch look when I work out so maybe thats why. I probably would get flustered and drop something if anyone actually talked to me.

    The only time I see it happening at my gym is old guys with a full head of gray hair cornering some very young girl and trying to start a conversation or offering a spot. For some reason, the really good looking folks - both men and women tend to keep mostly to themselves. ;)

    I would comment on this, but I prefer to keep to myself.

    Since when?

    July 25, 2017 10:39AM

    Do you know how long she has been away?? Do you?

    Tooooo long

    You're cute.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    laurenlmt wrote: »
    Does this really happen? I am told I have a b!tch look when I work out so maybe thats why. I probably would get flustered and drop something if anyone actually talked to me.

    The only time I see it happening at my gym is old guys with a full head of gray hair cornering some very young girl and trying to start a conversation or offering a spot. For some reason, the really good looking folks - both men and women tend to keep mostly to themselves. ;)

    I would comment on this, but I prefer to keep to myself.

    Since when?

    July 25, 2017 10:39AM

    Do you know how long she has been away?? Do you?

    Tooooo long

    Do I know ?

    Of course I know; I've been stalki....

    umm, I mean, I've been keeping tabs on the membership roll here.
  • cindybruce74
    cindybruce74 Posts: 2 Member
    I am not big and the first time I tried squats I did 200lb. So it seems as though 145 isn't too much. Maybe they are doing a lot of reps.
  • cindybruce74
    cindybruce74 Posts: 2 Member
    Back to the subject though. Hitting on or talking to a woman at the gym is all about how natural it is. Definitely don't comment on her body! It would put up a lot of red flags. Try a conversation at the juice bar.
  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    edited July 2017
    If you have time to talk and hit on members of the opposite sex, you aren't working out hard enough. Most of the men and women I see at the gym who are serious about their investment of time in themselves don't have time for idle chit-chat (nor do they want to be disturbed.)
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I don't know about this, I'm a proponent of to each their own in the sense that if that's why you're there then more power to you. If I happen to wind up friends with a woman while I'm there and something comes of it then great but I try to keep that tunnel vision of why I'm there in the first place. I would think getting randomly hit on there would be more annoying than appreciated.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    edited July 2017
    I am not big and the first time I tried squats I did 200lb. So it seems as though 145 isn't too much. Maybe they are doing a lot of reps.

    You don't think 200# for a woman is impressive?

    this is assuming a full squat, thighs parallel to floor...

  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    I am not big and the first time I tried squats I did 200lb. So it seems as though 145 isn't too much. Maybe they are doing a lot of reps.

    You don't think 200# for a woman is impressive?

    this is assuming a full squat, thighs parallel to floor...


    200# is very good for women.
  • EHollander89
    EHollander89 Posts: 169 Member
    Most of the time getting hit on at the gym is annoying. When I go to the gym, I am there to work. Before/after a class/workout would be the best time to start a conversation. Look for social cues - does someone look like they are in a hurry, are her earbuds in, is she making eye contact, etc. I agree with the comments about not leading with a compliment on the woman's body. I had a guy at my old gym tell me how good my squats looked and that yes he observed me the whole time I was doing them. That's quite off-putting in my book.

    On the other hand, I did meet my boyfriend at the gym. A mutual gym friend introduced us. After that we started talking more after workout classes ended, and everything developed naturally from there.
  • mmdavid13
    mmdavid13 Posts: 17 Member
    I want to sweat, look ugly and kickass. don't want to worry about the dude next to me hitting on me.
  • kellbell62016
    kellbell62016 Posts: 24 Member
    I think the most annoying thing at the gym is when a guy walks up to you to talk but you have your headphones on and your caught off guard into your workout! My advice would be to try and make eye contact first to vibe her out and see if she's looking back at you, then when your both free from a workout go say Hi!
  • kaygeebozzz
    kaygeebozzz Posts: 69 Member
    Try a conversation at the juice bar.

    Yeah, this. I was reading through this and kept thinking about where in my gym I'd probably entertain any kind of socializing, and it's in the "resting" areas, so juice bar, cafe, sauna. Anywhere I'm actively not doing work.

    A lot of y'all bring up the notion that the gym is the only place to meet like-minded folk for you, and I just want to point out that you shouldn't make that the other gym-goers' burden, male or female -- they may not feel the same way at all. Especially while *actively* working out.

    Don't talk to someone with earbuds in, and if you're going to try to talk to a woman mid-workout, stay away from offering unsolicited advice on her program or form.