Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    edited July 2017
    ihp2015 wrote: »

    Oh how I envy you. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2011 and the first few years it was under control. However, since 2014 it suddenly went totally wrong and it's still not under control. Now last month I also found out that I have a huge B12 vitamin deficiency. Apparently my body does not absorb the B12 from food.

    But I'm not giving up. I'm meeting with my doctor regularly, so I'm hoping that it won't take too much longer to get both things under control.

    @ihp2015 When I was first diagnosed it took a little while before we found the correct dosage. But, it's been easy to fix since then. We have to change my dosage every couple of years. She monitors it closely. Not sure if it's because "I'm of that age" (yes, she said that!) or because of my weight changes over the years. I haven't had a problem with B12, thank goodness.
    It's so weird how the little things (not so little things) can really mess with everything. The thyroid controls so much, it's scary!
    Hope you get everything under control soon!
  • yogini2013
    yogini2013 Posts: 19 Member
    Summer Heat!! Challenge

    Name: Margaret
    Age: 46
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (July 5): 221.6
    Goal Weight (September 15): 210.0

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: ~ 218.2 with in calories 7/7 days ~ exercise dvd 6/5 days :)
    2. July 19: ~ 217.2 with in calories 6/7 days ~ exercise dvd 3/5 days :/
    3. July 26: ~ 218.8 within calories 1/7 days ~ exercised dvd 0/5 days :#
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week:~ (+) 1.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: ~(-) 2.8

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals I would like to achieve this summer:
    1. stay within calories 7xwk
    2. exercise dvd 5xwk
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    I see a lot of posts referring to a summer heat challenge. What is this challenge and is it possible to join?
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    A few days ago I poured my heart out in a long but mostly deleted post. Here is the gist of it:
    I am starting to feel complacent, satisfied even. When I started this journey if you would have told me I would get to 230 pounds I would have said impossible! I'm at 225 and am elated. I need to lose more I know, but in my heart of hearts I have already surpassed the impossible. My "BIG" goal, windsurfing, has been achieved and I'm having a hard time with such a concrete next goal. I have never been good at goals. The pile in front of me has always kept me so busy that goals were very short term, survive. Lately I am finding frustration in that approach. I walked 8 miles yesterday. A 3 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. I can't make myself lift weights though. I need to I feel so weak. I don't know if I'm getting enough calories, my protein is always good though. I have my 6 month appointment in two weeks and I hope I'm under 220 by then. Hope, is not a goal or a plan though. I have been blessed with this opportunity and I'm just terrified that I will fail in the long run. I am still me, I still have all the same weaknesses. The hard work is just beginning I guess. The problem is how do I work on the things I spent 50+! Years learning? How do I change the inside to match the outside. How do I make my brain take a walk so to speak?
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,144 Member
    @pneschich I think lifting could be a good goal setter for you. A coach/personal trainer could help you. Muscle can help keep it off in the long run. And building some strength has multiple benefits just like walking has many benefits. :smile: You are my role model!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge:

    Name: cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'3"
    Start Challenge weight: 239.5
    Goal for this Challenge: 228

    Weigh in Week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    July 12: 240
    July 19: 238
    July 26: 235.5
    Aug 2:
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Final weigh in Sept 16th:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.5
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -4
    Weight loss since Jan 1/17 at 250: -14.5
    Weightloss from highest ever recorded at 257: -21.5

    Oooo, i am not quite back to my pre-cruise low of 232....but it is coming along quite nicely. I am very happy with my results so far.

    And i added a column to record my loss from my highest ever weight. My weight got out of control in 2012 and 2013 just before our wedding because of the stress of my hubby almost losing his life to the flesheating disease and me being his nursemaid for those coming months. along with working 7 days a week meant we were eating out a lot. I stopped weighing myself before the wedding as i didnt want to see that scale over 260. So my highest recorded weight was 257.

    I am so proud i have dropped 21.5 lbs since then. And i look forward to that number continuing to drop!

    Keep moving forwards with me. Together we can all make it!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge:

    Name: Holly
    Age: 68
    Height: 5-3
    Start Challenge weight: 265.5
    Goal for this Challenge: 250

    Weigh in Week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    July 12: 260.2
    July 19: away on vacay
    July 26: 260.0
    Aug 2:
    Aug 9:
    Aug 16:
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Final weigh in Sept 16th:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -5.5

    I'm so happy and proud of myself. Being on vacay at the home of my very best friend, who is a fabulous cook, and managing to not gain weight is what I thought was an impossible task. It ended up, that I didn't have any cocktails, but I did have at least two glasses of wine each day and I ate plenty of fried local seafood. You can ask them to broil but it's not the norm and their fried is so very tasty! I also indulged in her homemade Korean/Asian foods several times and they were SO dang good, it was a little hard to keep it under control. Also she made two pies while I was there and the apple was out of this world good due to a very heavy dose of sugar and butter. I did control the two things I knew I could and that was getting at least my step goal done each day and more when I could, and drinking lots of water each day. I also tracked my food the best I could, even though it is hard when you are eating out at non-chain restaurants.

    I did weigh on weigh in day, but I didn't post it because I didn't know how her scale compared to mine. It said I had gained 1 pound and I was happy with that, but I was fearful that it wasn't the same as mine and that actually I had gained more than one pound, since my mouth was on holiday! I weighed when I got home and I was indeed at least one pound heavier, but today is diuretic day and I'm so happy to find, that if indeed I did gain, it has departed in the two days that I've been home and back on the wellness wagon! I'll take that 0.2 pound loss anytime! Glad I lost the five before I left to try and insure that I didn't have a permanent gain!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    I see a lot of posts referring to a summer heat challenge. What is this challenge and is it possible to join?

    @ihp2015 --- the Summer Heat Challenge is a self-challenge that a number of people who frequently post to this public thread decided to do together. It is our third such challenge this year. I don't know if we will have a 4th one, we will if someone of us steps forward to start one after this one ends.

    In any challenge we have ever had on this thread, we have always welcomed any newcomers to hop on in both to the thread itself and to any challenges we have. This thread was started by, and it's purpose is, to support and motivate those who have (or had) to lose at least 100 lbs. No matter where you are 'on the road' to achieving that weight loss, we welcome you. That's because we often feel that those who never had to lose this amount of weight don't always understand the life, feelings, thoughts (whatever) of someone who is grossly obese ... and most people who have to lose more than 100 pounds are grossly obese. We look forward to getting into "Onederland", or into "Twolander" ... or to keep off the weight we have already lost that got us to or close to our goals.

    Back to the challenge ... there are no 'rewards' or 'trophies', no 'winner's or losers' ... there are just us being accountable by posting our weights each week; announcing other goals we may haveand updating how we're doing .... sharing with one another. Along the way, we get to 'know' one another and feel like we have found virtual friends who understand the road we travel, maybe felt the same things, did the same things, overcame the same things ... and might share something that sparks something in someone who's reading to give them encouragement and hope (motivation).

    So .. if you want to join ... just follow the format we all follow and remember that Wednesday is the last day of the current week for the Summer Heat Challenge to be included in the weekly recap numbers.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2017
    And, @ihp2015 ... I wanted to add, some of us have been on this thread for years, off and on again ... or pretty much a 'regular' for a long time. The person who started the thread, started it even before this one was rolling along ... @RobinsEgg ... who retired from the thread in late 2015 but visited us in 2016 to give an update of how she's doing. There is another poster @skinnyjeanzbound who has posted since about 2011. I've been posting since 2014. And we are always happy to learn how our thread friends are faring.

    I'm embarrassed to say that even after 3 years on this thread, I'm still not in "Onederland" and, of course, I fault myself with not being finished losing weight and already maintaining. The thing I am proud of, however, is that I have had a lot of practice at maintaining the weight that I did lose, then I keep pushing myself to lose some more. But, being a senior citizen in my 70's with lots of physical limitations and after being obese for over 30 years, I accept that it may take the rest of my lifetime to get to the weight I want to be ... but get there I will~ :)

    PS - cause it's not just weight ... it is health also. Vitality, living a lifestyle not encumbered with the physical and social restrictions gross overweight brings with it. And, liking your own appearance when you chance an unexpected glimpse of yourself.
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 5): 260
    Goal Weight (September 15): 244

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 258
    2. July 19: 256.5
    3. July 26:254
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    I have lost my first 10 pounds. It has taken a long time. I am happy to be able to have this thread. I am glad for the challenge and for a place to comment. My problem is staying motivated, so any or all advice would be welcomed.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited July 2017

    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5” 3”

    Start Weight (July 5): 215.6
    Goal Weight (September 15): 199.6

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.2
    3. July 26: 211
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -.2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -4.6
    Weight loss so far: 47

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Exercise 5/7 days - 4/7
    2. Drink a minimum of 64 oz/day - 6/7 Missed one day by 4 ounces but was lucky to get that close and just couldn't swallow another mouth full! (Have I ever mentioned that I dislike water immensely.) Lately I've been using some flavored water enhancers but don't want to use too much of them as I can't imagine they are very good for you if used in excess. Not really much exercise this week either. Just got home from work and within 5 minutes of being here, it started raining! I just have to get up and ride my bike before work. Easier said then done, I guess I'm getting lazy in my old age! Life sure does take some funny twists, I grew up being underweight, getting food pushed at me all the time. Who would have thought that over the years I would end up being over 100 pounds overweight. Well, I've lost 47 of it and still coming off although a lot slower than it was the first few months.

    Good luck everyone.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Nikion901 - Well said! I have been posting here since 2014, and have made it to the half-way point in my weight loss journey, but I don't take it for granted. My health has steadily degraded since 2014, first with breast cancer and now with heart disease, and my husband being permanently disabled with end-stage COPD, it has been a slow and difficult process.

    As for the challenge, I forget who is doing the chart but I wanted to let you know I will post my weight tomorrow. I use the scale at my doctor's office and I have physical therapy there tomorrow, so that will be my official weigh in. Sorry about the delay.
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    @Nikion901 - Thnx for explaining the challenge and a bit about the background of this thread. I totally agree that it's better to get support from like-minded people and those who are or have been in the same situation. That's also why I joined this thread.

    I will post my start info for the challenge and then the first update comes next week ;)
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member

    Name: Irene
    Age: 40
    Height: 5” 8”

    Start Weight (July 23): 278.2
    Goal Weight (September 15): 268

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 26: 277.1
    2. August 2:
    3. August 9:
    4. August 16:
    5. August 23:
    6. August 30:
    7. September 6:
    8. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Additional goals:
    10,000 per day at least twice a week
    At least 500 cals deficiency per day
    Drink 1,5-2 liters water per day

    I look forward to joining this challenge.
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Hi, can someone explain the terms "Onederland" and "Twolander" to me ;)
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    "Twolander" - the first goal for those folks starting at 300+ is to get into "Twoland" (a number that starts with 2 ie: 298). "Onederland" is of course, the next big goal for those of us who need or want to be in the 100's.
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hope I'm not to late, couldnt get the Internet to work yesterday. So here goes...
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Jennie
    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 4.5

    Start Weight (July 5): 213.2
    Goal Weight (September 15): 204

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.6
    3. July 26: 209.6
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 3.6
    Weight loss so far: 45.4

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Drink 64oz water 7/7: 3/7
    2. 10,000 steps 6/7:  2/7
    3. Under cal goal 7/7: 1/7 
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @babcarrier - such a transformation!! Great going, CONGRATS!
  • dumdum32
    dumdum32 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow a great transformation @babcarrier
  • dumdum32
    dumdum32 Posts: 26 Member
    my long post dissapeared ☹

    just updating no loss/gain this week. Very happy as have ate really unhealthy thanks to wedding/parties. I'm a "onelander" as currently 194 lbs. need to get that close to 150lbs then I'll be very happy. Good luck for this week all. Let's see those losses next week (fingers crossed) x
  • dumdum32
    dumdum32 Posts: 26 Member
    oh can i ask you guys to add me as most of people on my friendslist on this app don't seem to be active now ☺ Thanks.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2017
    @dumdum32 -- post your Summer Heat weight chart that you started last week, with this weeks weight in it, even if it stayed the same, went up, or went down, for it to be counted for the challenge totals. ....

    a lot of us don't do MFP friends, preferring to keep the home page/profile posting private but are active on the threads. I'm one of them, otherwise I'd send or accept if you sent. Do you know how to send friend requests on MFP ... it's easy to do.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Summer Heat
    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    My optional challenges are going to be to hit 100+ grams of protein/day and to walk/run 40 miles/week.

    Start weight (week of July 5): 198.4; days 100+ g protein = 5/7; 24.26 miles
    Goal weight (Saturday September 16): 185

    Weigh in week of:
    July 12: 197.8; 5/7 days 100+ g protein; 26.72 miles
    July 19: 197.8; 4/7 days 100+ g protein; 26.11 miles
    July 26: 197.2 x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 2: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 9: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 16: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 23: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 30: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    September 6: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    September 13: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    Final weight September 16:

    Weight +/- this week: -.6
    Weight +/- total: -.6

    Protein challenge: I actually came really close on 2 other days (97 and 98 grams), so not a bad week for that challenge.

    Miles challenge: I'm somewhat surprised that my number is that low considering I ran 3 days in a row last week. :(

  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member
    Name: LaDana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (July 1): 273
    Goal Weight (September 15): 260

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: ?
    2. July 19: vacation
    3. July 26: 273
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: ?
    Weight -/+ challenge total: 0
    Weight loss so far: 30

    I could not find my last post. I could not remember what I had put down for July the 12 so I don't know what My loss or gain Is. Sorry!