JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 11



  • Bonkers412
    Bonkers412 Posts: 41 Member
    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/22 / 182. Weekends are hard.
    7/23. 181.4. I was not expecting that but I'll take it. Not the best or worst day food-wise but my kids kept me on my feet at least. :). Meal planning and grocery shopping today.
    7/24. 180.4 !!!!!!!!!!
    7/25 182.6. What? lol. I stayed within calories and worked out yesterday, so I guess I'm just holding on to some water. Some extra carbs too. Drinking lots of water today. Planning to lift weights tonight so I'll probably be holding on to more water tomorrow.
    7/26 181.0. Trying to have a lower calorie day today and lots of water.
    7/27 180.6... I had a good workout last night with sore muscles today, so I am happy with this. Can't wait to see the # drop under 180 though!
    7/28 180.4. I had a sleep-refusing child last night, super tired! Taking it easy on the exercise today. :)
    7/29 181.2. Meh. Yesterday wasn't a great day.
  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    I missed out on this round but is it possible to know when you do round 11?

    This is round 11, Round 12 will start August 1, 2017 and will be on the board on July 30 or 31. Welcome

    I would like to join for Round 12!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,194 Member
    R7 SW 156.4 lbs.
    R8 SW 160.2
    R9 SW 157.8
    R10 SW 156.8
    R11 SW 155.6 Goal for this challenge = NO SELF-SABOTAGE!!!

    Final Goal weight: maybe 98 lbs? -- not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    4'11", female, 55 years old

    7/22 155.6 Yay!!! Stayed under in calories & did 50 push-ups (10 reg. floor, 10 bent knee, 30 wall) & 20 triceps dips.
    7/23 154.4 I'm so happy! I just hope that I don't do the self-sabotage thing, again.
    7/24 154.4 Yay!
    7/25 155.8 Stressful day, yesterday. Yes, self-sabotage, but not as bad = Don't know why I HAD to have chocolate covered peanuts & honey roasted cashews. I'm calling it self-sabotage because -- it was a craving, but I still did it even knowing..................... actually went to a store & bought them. Not like they were sitting around.
    7/26 155.8 Gave blood, yesterday. Was not planned & 1st time to do this. Didn't know that I would practically pass out & have to eat & drink additional calories... oh well. Could have been worse & I'm glad that I did it.
    7/27 157.6 Well, this was not unexpected. I thought that I was even back up in the 160s. I had a frightening day, yesterday. At one point, I was even scared that I might be having a heart attack (my Mom's had 2 & she was thin!). Scary symptoms. I am thinking the blood donation did a big number on me. Had to eat more calories, but also could have made better choices. I'm okay...
    7/28 157 A tad better. I am determined to NOT do the self-sabotage thing for this round... I am back on track today... I know it!
    7/29 156.8