JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 11



  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    End of Round 10: 163.0
    Goal for Round 11: 161.0

    7/22: 162.8 - right direction.
    7/23: 163.4 - weekends have been hard this month.
    7/24: 163.2 - under calories, but not enough water or sleep. TOM is also here.
    7/25: 162.8 - feel bloated so I was surprised at this number. weight is moving slow.
    7/26: 163.8 - TOM is still here. still feel bloated. this 10 days isn't going as expected, but I'm content with it.
    7/27: 163.6 - can't tell what's going on with my weight. might just be TOM.
    7/28: 164.4 - not surprised at this. feel very 'heavy'. Idk what's up besides TOM is just leaving and I've been over my carbs almost everyday this week. been under calories and sodium so I know that's not it. just haven't been a great week for weight loss, but I'm not discouraged.
    7/29: 163.6 - still stuck in the 3's it appears. will be glad to move past these numbers.
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I'll join in. This is my first round. I'm a 47 yo female, 5'6.
    Started at 193 pounds in July 2016
    Lost to 137 pounds by April 2017.
    I'd like to lose some of the almost 10 pounds I have gained back since April (too many vacation meals and drinks!)
    Goal weight: 135

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/22/ 146.4 / O.k., I gained more than I thought!
    7/23 / 145.0 / This time I weighed first thing in the morning. Stuck to under 1200 calories yesterday.
    7/24 / 142.6 / Wow! Looks like it must have been water weight from all the salty food and drink over the last 2-3 weeks. I will keep drinking water and stay under 1200 calories. Less than 7 pounds to go. :)
    7/25 / 142.7 / Under 1200 calories yesterday. I want to add exercise, but afraid I will overeat due to increased hunger.
    7/26 / 141.6 / Did I really have 5 pounds of water weight?? Now how long to lose the last 5 or so pounds?
    7/27 / 142.4 / 30 min on elliptical/ ate back about 300 calories
    7/28 / 144.2 / Went to L.A. for the day with a friend and our daughter. Lunch at American Girl Cafe + Dinner at Cheesecake Factory + feeling like a glass of wine with dinner = going over by at least 1050 calories, likely more even by ordering chicken sandwich and off of the Skinnylicious menu. I sometimes miss eating whatever I want without worrying about it. I even counted the walking as exercise. Oh well, it was a really fun day!
    7/29 / 144.4 / Stayed under 1200 yesterday. Hope this drops by tomorrow. Will drink more water and jump on elliptical today.
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    I'm back for another round. It's so nice to come here and share success and frustration. I appreciate all of you and this journey we're on.
    Started March 162.2
    Finished round 10 on 7/21 at 144.6
    Planning to lose 1.5 next 10 days. I'm adjusting my goal for the next 10 days. Figuring my age, metabolism, etc, losing 1.5# in 10 days means a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories which equals 1# a week.

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/21 144.6
    7/22 143.8 Doin' the whoosh!, and drank lots of lemon water to counteract very salty bacon. 50 on ellip. Happy about the drop.
    7/23 143.6 sore throat, hard to exercise, hard to eat
    7/24 143.2 Not taking credit as I'm pretty sure it's a result of being sick Mostly laying around. But getting better.
    7/25 144.2 Well, darn. Up. Was hoping to be in the 143's. Well, I'm better, not over it yet, but should be ellipting today. That will help. Plus, I return to eating sensibly. Been a week since the gym. Depressing. I have to get myself there even if it is in the evening.
    7/26 145 Half way thru and higher. Comfort ate yesterday. Today clean eating and hopefully some exercise for the first time in days. Hopefully. What goes on must come off. Right?
    7/27 145 70 on ellip but nutty buddy and wine... it could be worse. OK, tonight, the gym. I need to continue my therapy and eat right: low carbs/high protein. Wish me luck at getting back on track.
    7/28 145 At least I've held here for last few days. 70 on ellip again but food choices need improvement. I seem to have lost focus. Back to basics. I haven't been making protein drinks and it shows. I get hungry and make poor choices.

    7/29 144.4 Made it to gym and it felt so good to be there. Ate mostly fruit and veggies. Gonna focus more on plant food today too. Going to community center to walk the track. Feel the need to change things up a bit instead of ellip all the time.

    We are the exact same weight today, 144.4.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    7/20 - 143.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    7/21 - 143.0 at 6:00 a.m

    SW: 192.2

    Goal: 135.0

    Day / Weight / Comments

    7/22 - 144.2 at 5:00 a.m. **sigh** tough strength workout yesterday...maybe??
    7/23 - 144.6
    7/24 - 145.6 at 7:00 a.m. did it myself!
    7/25 - 146.2 at 5:00 a.m. " " " !
    7/26 - 145.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    7/27 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    7/28 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    7/29 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m.

  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    I'm back for another round. It's so nice to come here and share success and frustration. I appreciate all of you and this journey we're on.
    Started March 162.2
    Finished round 10 on 7/21 at 144.6
    Planning to lose 1.5 next 10 days. I'm adjusting my goal for the next 10 days. Figuring my age, metabolism, etc, losing 1.5# in 10 days means a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories which equals 1# a week.

    Day / Weight / Comments
    7/21 144.6
    7/22 143.8 Doin' the whoosh!, and drank lots of lemon water to counteract very salty bacon. 50 on ellip. Happy about the drop.
    7/23 143.6 sore throat, hard to exercise, hard to eat
    7/24 143.2 Not taking credit as I'm pretty sure it's a result of being sick Mostly laying around. But getting better.
    7/25 144.2 Well, darn. Up. Was hoping to be in the 143's. Well, I'm better, not over it yet, but should be ellipting today. That will help. Plus, I return to eating sensibly. Been a week since the gym. Depressing. I have to get myself there even if it is in the evening.
    7/26 145 Half way thru and higher. Comfort ate yesterday. Today clean eating and hopefully some exercise for the first time in days. Hopefully. What goes on must come off. Right?
    7/27 145 70 on ellip but nutty buddy and wine... it could be worse. OK, tonight, the gym. I need to continue my therapy and eat right: low carbs/high protein. Wish me luck at getting back on track.
    7/28 145 At least I've held here for last few days. 70 on ellip again but food choices need improvement. I seem to have lost focus. Back to basics. I haven't been making protein drinks and it shows. I get hungry and make poor choices.
    7/29 144.4 Made it to gym and it felt so good to be there. Ate mostly fruit and veggies. Gonna focus more on plant food today too. Going to community center to walk the track. Feel the need to change things up a bit instead of ellip all the time.

    7/30 144.2 Good grief, this round is a wash for me. Went walking and peach picking in an orchard yesterday and then to community center to walk 1 2/3 miles. Ate sensibly. Next round will be kinder. Happy Sunday everyone.
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    Beginning weight: 202 lbs
    SW for my R1/your Round 8: 195 lbs
    SW for my R2/Your Round 9: 190 lbs
    SW for my R3/Your Round 10: 190 lbs (blah)
    SW for my R4/Your Round 11: 187.6 lbs
    GW for this Round: 186 (I'll be back to the weight I was when my husband first met me 10 years ago.)
    Ultimate GW: 125 lbs.

    7/22 187: Walked quite a bit yesterday. I actually did more than my daily steps. :) I did decrease my calories a little throughout the day because I had a planned evening out with 5 of my friends and former colleagues at Applebees. I wanted to make sure that I could enjoy my dinner without worrying too much about my calorie consumption. I thought about canceling even though it was in the making for about a month due to family circumstances, but my husband insisted that I go. I am glad I did. I needed that mental break. I did enjoy it, and I stuck to my diet with steak, steamed broccoli, and water. Yes, it's red meat, and no, I don't eat it often. I stick to white, but red meat is good for my HDL, and I have to boost that up. I didn't eat any breads, even though broccoli does have carbs in it, and I stuck to water. :) I even skipped dessert and appetizers.

    7/23 186.2 I denied myself pizza and instead made a quesadilla. Yes, it was still carbs AND bread, but since it's a tortilla, it was less. :) I even made a low carb dessert, and it was awesome! First time in a month and a half that I allowed myself something sweet, but I did it the right way. :)

    7/24 186 ✔ I was really hungry yesterday, and I felt that way pretty much the entire day. It was so hard not to go and scrounge around in the fridge for more and more food or even to have a late night snack. I hope this weight holds. It was my goal for this challenge, and I'm now back to my premarital weight. :)

    7/25 185.8 I started the 7-day walking plan yesterday, and I increased my steps by 500 from the goal Samsung Health had set for me. My legs are killing me today! I surpassed by goal by 1,500 steps. I'm usually out biking, but I wanted to shake it up. My body was getting adjusted to it, and when that happens, it's hard to keep losing (from what I read). So, here I am...trying something new for the week. :)

    7/26 185.4 I put in my full 40 minutes for my walking plan yesterday, drank 48 oz. of water, and put in an extra 2500 steps to boot. :) I also tried out a quick and easy new recipe called "nice" cream on my kids to see if they enjoyed the ice cream that was on so good for your body instead of your booty. It was a hit!

    7/27 184.6 This is not a number I expected to see this morning. :) It was a date night with my hubby, but I stuck to my diet at the restaurant. I completed my 3rd day of the walking plan, and I went over my steps by 2000+.

    7/28 184.4 Not much of a loss, but I've made great progress this week. I'll definitely take it! :) I did my 4th day of my walking plan and put in 10,000 steps. Stayed under my calorie intake for the day too.

    7/29 184.8 I'm up a little. :( I'm not surprised either because I practically slept through the entire night, and I usually don't eat past 6, but it was around 8 when I was able to have dinner. Granted, I ate a salad, but it was late. I completed my day 5 walk, and I had over 13g steps in. It was a busy, busy day preparing my kids to go back to school Monday.

    7/30 184 lbs Woo Hoo!!!! I needed that last little bit to reach an 18lb loss! This may be TMI, but I've lost 2 bra sizes during this journey so far. I am thrilled to no end. They made my back hurt.


    Interesting about bra sizes. When I worked with a trainer, he said it's important for women to do exercise to strengthen their upper back for that very reason: they are carrying extra (?) weight in the front. He said it was a part - along with bone density - for the 'dowager's hump'.