What are you NOT grateful for today? What sucks?



  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    millea84 wrote: »
    All my bloody mental illnesses. Depression, ADHD, PTSD, and BPD. I would seriously give my right arm to be neurotypical.

    I am so sorry. Mental illnesses suck. I hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Today is a crappy coping day. Ate my feelings and generally feel like a fat pile of dreck. Gonna try and bury those emotions when I get up in the AM and slap on the happy mask since the spouse hates when I'm symptomatic. (He says I'm a Debbie Downer when my symptoms show.)
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    millea84 wrote: »
    All my bloody mental illnesses. Depression, ADHD, PTSD, and BPD. I would seriously give my right arm to be neurotypical.

    I am so sorry. Mental illnesses suck. I hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Today is a crappy coping day. Ate my feelings and generally feel like a fat pile of dreck. Gonna try and bury those emotions when I get up in the AM and slap on the happy mask since the spouse hates when I'm symptomatic. (He says I'm a Debbie Downer when my symptoms show.)

    Take care. I'm sorry to hear that your spouse is unsupportive.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I had a bottle of skin cream laying on it's side with the pump unscrewed so I could use the last little bit...I was putting it on and felt some "lumps". Under further inspection I discovered that the lumps were bugs.

    I am ungrateful to have rubbed bugs on myself!
  • relynne
    relynne Posts: 387 Member
    *kitten* friends
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    Kidney stones.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    This whole *kitten* day. Well, maybe just the last half of it.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Nothing fits. Nothing.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Vinehausen wrote: »
    Having to break it off with an amazing man because he's too much of a powerhouse for me to handle!

    Bummer. Sorry to hear that.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Ah, well when he has concrete shoes & you have wings, it makes it tough to fly in sync.
  • Holly_981
    Holly_981 Posts: 286 Member
    Hangovers are *kitten* and alcohol is the devil
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    millea84 wrote: »
    All my bloody mental illnesses. Depression, ADHD, PTSD, and BPD. I would seriously give my right arm to be neurotypical.

    I am so sorry. Mental illnesses suck. I hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Today is a crappy coping day. Ate my feelings and generally feel like a fat pile of dreck. Gonna try and bury those emotions when I get up in the AM and slap on the happy mask since the spouse hates when I'm symptomatic. (He says I'm a Debbie Downer when my symptoms show.)

    Tell you spouse to shove his unhelpful comments. We can't all be a Ray of sunshine all the time. Tomorrow us a fresh start, just take it one day at a time. My down days are more common of late so I feel ya.
  • Gab149
    Gab149 Posts: 27 Member
    Had a pulled muscle in one shoulder for weeks. Went to physio, did exercises, everything. Two days ago, it finally healed. Yesterday, the same injury showed up in the other shoulder. I can't win.
  • meetingacrosstheriver
    meetingacrosstheriver Posts: 57 Member
    My allergies/intolerances and being put onto a low FODMAP diet by my doctor to try and work out what is causing my GI upsets. Today was a very emotional day, where I was completely overwhelmed by it all and caused anxiety trying to work out what would be safe for me to eat.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    BWA468 wrote: »
    I had to rehome my dog today :'( I'm moving overseas from NZ to UK in 2 weeks. Planned to take her and looked into pricing etc but then researched the travel for her. Couldn't do that to her. 35+ hours, sitting in cargo hold alone. She gets quite bad seperation anxiety. Absolutely heart wrenching and this is the worst day of my life. She is with a wonderful family and will probably have a better life than when she was with just me but I miss that gorgeous girl so much. Haven't stopped crying. Considered cancelling my move altogether. Got Burger King for dinner to eat my feelings :'(

    So sorry..thats heart breaking
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    Running out of milk and the shop is now closed :(
  • Sivadee00
    Sivadee00 Posts: 428 Member
    Cut myself with a razor while shaving. It burns like fire!
  • brockhampton
    brockhampton Posts: 211 Member
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Hmm, yesterday I thought I would just do a bit of yard work since it was only misting rain. Must have cut my hand on something and now I have a slash across my palm. Looks mildly infected. Hurts a bit. Sigh. Oh, rats, it is Sunday and I have to give myself a shot.