Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I have a confession to make. I haven't completed a single day of logging in about a week. I have simply lost all motivation. I've been trying through the last week to try and muster up some but it just isn't working. I haven't really done anything on my challenges. I haven't done any exercising except a few after dinner walks with the DH. I have still been eating pretty healthy but I havent been following IF either. I've just been a total failure this past week. I need some encouragement I think. It's currently 2:23pm here. I had lunch about an hour ago. Gonna take a quick nap while my phone charges and then go on a decently long walk. I need to start doing that again. I might also go or a bike ride tonight. I also need to do at least a few of the Hogwarts assignments.

    So here are my goals for the rest of the day.
    1. Log all food
    2. Stay in the green
    3. Go for walk
    4. Do dishes
    5. Meal plan
    6. Make shopping list
    7. Do half of food shopping
    8. Get clothes together for laundry tomorrow
    9. Make dinner for myself with leftover's for DH
    10. Spend some time working on outline
    11. Don't stress about bed time.
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    JFT: I didn't post yesterday but am sticking to the same goals more or less from the day before (my first JFT) and so far, so good. Oh, except that I'm completely exhausted, which makes me short-tempered ;)
    1) log everything (easy when there's nothing bad to log)
    2) exercise (done!)
    3) stay positive (hard sometimes, currently)
    4) eat a reasonable dinner (mainly requires focus -- last night was my 10-year wedding anniversary and though we decided to celebrate big in a couple of months, we did *nothing* last night which helped)
    5) I feel like there was a 5th but I'm too lazy to go back and look. Maybe it was no wine? Will stick with that one.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    JFT: I didn't post yesterday but am sticking to the same goals more or less from the day before (my first JFT) and so far, so good. Oh, except that I'm completely exhausted, which makes me short-tempered ;)
    1) log everything (easy when there's nothing bad to log)
    2) exercise (done!)
    3) stay positive (hard sometimes, currently)
    4) eat a reasonable dinner (mainly requires focus -- last night was my 10-year wedding anniversary and though we decided to celebrate big in a couple of months, we did *nothing* last night which helped)
    5) I feel like there was a 5th but I'm too lazy to go back and look. Maybe it was no wine? Will stick with that one.

    To remember my goals I just go find the original post and click "quote" underneath it.
    Then I take out the coding [ / quote] and the bit at the beginning and then just edit to say what I did (or more likely didn't) do :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 Thank you for the encouragement. Just got back from a 3.71 mile walk. I used to do these pretty consistently but the summer has been so hot that I haven't and I'm usually exhausted after work or just ready to be home that I don't even think of stopping at the gym that is literally in the SAME PLAZA as work. Lol. That is sheer laziness! My only excuse was that the branch I have been working at is a bit farther away then the one I'm working at now(with the gym). Lol. So now I REALLY have no excuse!

    And at @joan6630 I love your close the kitchen idea. I think I'm gonna steal it! Tonight might be rough though. I'm probably going to stay up REALLY late and the DH won't be home from work until at least 1015(Ha). So maybe I'll close out at 11 tonight since probably be up until 2am. Lol
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Another day has wafted away. I did what was needed and wanted except forgot to go to bank for babysitter cash. I think I can go to Wal-Mart early tomorrow and get cash back. I need gas and I get it there.
    Sunday's thoughts--
    1. Stay within the calorie allottment. A ham omelet for breakfast, meatloaf for lunch, tv dinner for supper.
    2. Not thinking I can exercise due to work but maybe work will help with calorie-burning. I run from counter to drive-thru and hurry all the time to get phone and count pills. If time allows, I know I will sweep and swiffer the pharmacy, too.
    3. Wash dishes, put away laundry, send son out with trash.
    4. Argh-Sunday. Shot, pill plus usual pills. I will do it early so I do not forget and don't have to hate it all day.
    5. Something else. Unless I just sit down and watch TV. I recall-going to cemetery to talk to my husband first thing as I am always missing him.
    Well, I am going to bed, turning tv on loud so the mindless noise distracts me, and praying about how tired and worried I am then refusing to think about it tonight when I can not do anything.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    So here are my goals for the rest of the day.
    1. Log all food :)
    2. Stay in the green :)
    3. Go for walk
    4. Do dishes :)
    5. Meal plan :)
    6. Make shopping list :)
    7. Do half of food shopping :)
    8. Get clothes together for laundry tomorrow :)Haven't done this yet but will shortly
    9. Make dinner for myself with leftover's for DH :'( Made myself a wrap for dinner and let the DH fend for himself. Thank goodness he wasn't hungry when he got home.
    10. Spend some time working on outline :'(
    11. Don't stress about bed time :)Actually about to hit the hay I think. I'm pretty exhausted

    Had a really good day today! Even got some yoga in and made a list of Hogwarts challenges to do tomorrow.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    So here are my goals for the rest of the day.
    1. Log all food :)
    2. Stay in the green :)
    3. Go for walk
    4. Do dishes :)
    5. Meal plan :)
    6. Make shopping list :)
    7. Do half of food shopping :)
    8. Get clothes together for laundry tomorrow :)Haven't done this yet but will shortly
    9. Make dinner for myself with leftover's for DH :'( Made myself a wrap for dinner and let the DH fend for himself. Thank goodness he wasn't hungry when he got home.
    10. Spend some time working on outline :'(
    11. Don't stress about bed time :)Actually about to hit the hay I think. I'm pretty exhausted

    Had a really good day today! Even got some yoga in and made a list of Hogwarts challenges to do tomorrow.

    Nice one! See, already back on it!
    Now just do the same today and you'll be on a roll then!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Didn't post goals for Saturday.
    Wasn't feeling up to it tbh.

    But here are my Sunday goals

    - Log everything and try be in the green!
    - 5K steps
    - 3-4 glasses of water
    - Find a crochet project to start
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    2. Not thinking I can exercise due to work but maybe work will help with calorie-burning. I run from counter to drive-thru and hurry all the time to get phone and count pills. If time allows, I know I will sweep and swiffer the pharmacy, too.

    I'm sorry I had to ask.. a drive-thru pharmacy?!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Friday, Aug 4
    1. Log all food :/
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. eat only planned meals and snacks. The kitchen is locked with a key the rest of the time -- so don't even enter the kitchen unless its meal time, or time for my snack. Going on DAY TEN!!!!!!! Hoping I can make it to Day 30! :/
    4. work in the yard. The weather is suppose to be in the high 70s! Such a relief after triple digit temps! :/
    5. laundry :)
    6. go to the gym -- no excuses tomorrow :)
    7. lay out gym clothes for saturday morning :)

    Friday was one of those days where I was just tired all day. I went to the gym, but exhausted when I got home. My hubby was the same way. Not sure if it was because of the weather change or what. So we laid around, watched TV, did absolutely nothing (except for a couple loads of laundry!). Pizza for lunch, tacos for dinner, and a bowl of ice cream later in the day. So I was OK with what I ate, as I watched and only had 1.5 pieces of pizza, 1 taco for dinner, and a smaller bowl of ice cream. Felt in control.

    Then. .... our daughter came out. Our daughter has schizoaffective, so she likes to just ride in the car. So she and I went for a "ride" to the fabric store, and she wanted to go and get desserts. Any time spent with her, if she has a good day, is OK, no matter what. So ... we went to Applebees. Ordered appetizers, then had dessert. Needless to say, after I ate so much all day, I was stuffed! Felt like I had 2 dinners! (but I did order just a very small dessert!). But .... to spend the time with her, and see her having a nice evening was worth it.

    Yesterday, again, was so tired. I did go to the gym, but that was about all. So hubby and I decided to drive to a beautiful park, and had a wonderful day. Again ... eating was terrible. Cheeseburger, fries and a beer, while watching the boats go up and down the river. Ice cream on the way home! And a huge bowl of popcorn, and made some Orange Julius drinks.

    But I have to tell myself ..... this is what life is. Somedays we will overeat. Somedays we will not get in the exercise. But ... that is OK. I am finally hopefully telling myself that I did NOT go off my diet. I just had a day where I indulged a little more than I should, but today is a new day.Today I get back to eating healthy. We don't have to be perfect everyday.

    SO JFT, Sunday
    1. log all food
    2. skipping the gym, as my legs are still sore, but I will go for a nice long walk
    3. visit with a good friend this afternoon
    4. eat healthy - be mindful
    5. CLOSE the kitchen except for meals, and a planned snack. I am going to start my days over with this, so going on DAY ONE again. My goal -- do this 7 days in a row!
    6. Spend time with my daughter if she comes out
    7. enjoy the day with hubby
    8. sew!
    9. try and clean the house a little while hubby is at the gym

    Sorry I wrote so much. I guess I am just reflecting for myself, and trying to learn from this journey.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Had a great morning so far. DH has today off which is pretty rare so he was able to come to church with me and we had a good time. Sat with my parents, which is always a hoot and a half, especially my Daddy. Came home and made wraps for lunch. Mine was definitely healthier than the DH's though. Lol. I was dreading stepping on the scale this morning. I was imagining the worst. Turns out I actually lost a few ounces. Not much but any loss is a win in my book. Lol. The DH's has also lost five pounds since the last time he stepped on the scale a few weeks ago. I've been portioning out all the snacks I bring into the house and I think that his helping him to stop over indulging on snacks. I'm actually to the point where I'll bring home two giant bags of his favorite chips and divvy them up into serving sizes and putting them in sandwich bags. I think he psychologically knows that if he has had one bag it's time to stop. Plus it's easier to pack his lunches that way. Lol.

    So here are my goals for today.

    1. Log all food
    2. Stay in green
    3. Talk a walk (doesn't have to be long)
    4. Do laundry
    5. Put food in crock pot at 3
    6. Enjoy a short nap
    7. Finish divvying up snacks
    8. Spend the evening with the DH
    9. Bed by 10

    Have a great day everyone!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Yes, BEX I work in a pharmacy and drive-thru just keeps me from getting anything done on the list they put on wall. Of course, until I worked in a pharmacy, I knew nothing about it all. This I will say, A. if you have never been to the pharmacy, then don't come to the drive-thru and hand me all your cards when there are 2 or more people behind you. Fixing insurance and creating a new profile takes time! and B.) Don't threaten me about your service because I am exceptionally nice and hard-working, and I can either rush your meds or simply not do much for you if you are being a donkey at the window. Drive-thru is my least favorite thing but the most important task at work.
    Now, last evening I was in a bad place. But perhaps things are a bit not so bad in the light of day.
    1. Stay within the calorie allottment. Had pumpkin waffles so far.
    2. Not thinking I can exercise due to work but ... I am getting uniform on.
    3. Wash dishes, put away laundry, send son out with trash. Not done
    4. Shot hurt a lot today but pills/shot done.
    5. Spoke to husband and told him I need help. Also prayed and I will overcome this too.
    Guess I will have to attend to 3 when I get home. have supper in a crock pot but thinking about taking it to baby sitter as I do not want to leave anything on when I am not home.
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    I'm so exhausted today that I have a cup of tea ...AND a Diet Coke in front of me. I didn't have a soda for more than three years but had a few at Disneyland in May and it's been all downhill from there. :neutral: But currently if that's what's going to work as a guilty pleasure, I'll take it, for now. So anyway, each time I go from eating poorly to eating better, cutting out all of the junk, I have no energy for a week or two. So that's where I'm at now.
    1. Get at least 30 min of exercise in. Maybe I'll have my husband take the kids to the pool/gym and then I'll run there and meet them. That way I can't cut it short.
    2. Track everything.
    3. Stay positive...and stay off facebook, which some days can be the same thing :smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Yes, BEX I work in a pharmacy and drive-thru just keeps me from getting anything done on the list they put on wall. Of course, until I worked in a pharmacy, I knew nothing about it all. This I will say, A. if you have never been to the pharmacy, then don't come to the drive-thru and hand me all your cards when there are 2 or more people behind you. Fixing insurance and creating a new profile takes time! and B.) Don't threaten me about your service because I am exceptionally nice and hard-working, and I can either rush your meds or simply not do much for you if you are being a donkey at the window. Drive-thru is my least favorite thing but the most important task at work.
    Now, last evening I was in a bad place. But perhaps things are a bit not so bad in the light of day.
    1. Stay within the calorie allottment. Had pumpkin waffles so far.
    2. Not thinking I can exercise due to work but ... I am getting uniform on.
    3. Wash dishes, put away laundry, send son out with trash. Not done
    4. Shot hurt a lot today but pills/shot done.
    5. Spoke to husband and told him I need help. Also prayed and I will overcome this too.
    Guess I will have to attend to 3 when I get home. have supper in a crock pot but thinking about taking it to baby sitter as I do not want to leave anything on when I am not home.

    Ahah I live in the U.K.
    A drive-thru pharmacy is unheard of :sweat_smile:
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Ahah I live in the U.K.
    A drive-thru pharmacy is unheard of :sweat_smile:
    Drive-thru pharmacies are the greatest when you have kids in tow!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Another day has wafted away. I did what was needed and wanted except forgot to go to bank for babysitter cash. I think I can go to Wal-Mart early tomorrow and get cash back. I need gas and I get it there.
    Sunday's thoughts--
    1. Stay within the calorie allottment. A ham omelet for breakfast, meatloaf for lunch, tv dinner for supper.
    2. Not thinking I can exercise due to work but maybe work will help with calorie-burning. I run from counter to drive-thru and hurry all the time to get phone and count pills. If time allows, I know I will sweep and swiffer the pharmacy, too.
    3. Wash dishes, put away laundry, send son out with trash.
    4. Argh-Sunday. Shot, pill plus usual pills. I will do it early so I do not forget and don't have to hate it all day.
    5. Something else. Unless I just sit down and watch TV. I recall-going to cemetery to talk to my husband first thing as I am always missing him.
    Well, I am going to bed, turning tv on loud so the mindless noise distracts me, and praying about how tired and worried I am then refusing to think about it tonight when I can not do anything.

    I expect that some days you just do not even want to get out of bed and face the day. Your grief must be overwhelming at times. Remember, YOU CAN and YOU WILL.
    I send you hugs. ♥
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »

    Sorry to hear about your daughter's accident. So stressful. Glad she's OK.

    Thank you.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited August 2017
    5. Spoke to husband and told him I need help. Also prayed and I will overcome this too.

    I feel for you working a drive thru for the pharmacy! I usually go inside, and always feel so bad for the ones working it. People in line who argue, expect things in a hurry etc. I even had someone behind me honking their horn at me because I was taking too long!!

    Also, did you lose your husband? By your postings, I was just wondering. I hope not. If so, I am praying for you. I have been married for 40+ years, and with my husband for 45 years. I cannot imagine my life without him. I lose 4 siblings all at very young ages, and that was hard.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    formaggio wrote: »
    I'm so exhausted today that I have a cup of tea ...AND a Diet Coke in front of me. I didn't have a soda for more than three years but had a few at Disneyland in May and it's been all downhill from there. stay off facebook, which some days can be the same thing :smile:

    I have been the same way for the past 2 days - just no energy at all! I have tried to give up diet soda, but I am not a coffee or tea drinker - so today I had TWO just to try and get some caffeine in me! I am wondering if the weather change makes a difference in how we feel? We have had 100s degrees for awhile, now it is in the 70s! Feels like fall, but I am so exhausted for some reason!!