Team No Mo Junk in da Trunk, august challenge (closed)



  • ddcdiva77
    ddcdiva77 Posts: 37
    Current Weight 219
    Sept Goal Weight 210
    I'm looking forward to this challenge and I like being given exercises to do daily in addition to my regular workout routine!! Let's do this!!
  • Jpickeri
    Jpickeri Posts: 35
    Current Weight: 144.2 lbs
    Goal Weight by 9/1: 139 lbs

    Hey guys. I'm Jessica and I'm 19. This is my first challenge and I'm really pumped because by the end of this challenge, I'll be back at school and I want to be fit when I go back. I play rugby so this will be a great way to stay motivated! Should we make our food diaries public because I'm not sure how to post it on this forum?
  • jenebean1983
    jenebean1983 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Jessica!

    Jen here. I'll be 28 9/19. I really want to loose 20lbs by my birthday. I've already lost 6, so I'm going to work hard on getting those extra 14;bs off! I got married 10-10-10 to the love of my love and certainly a gift from the Lord. we're looking to start making a family next year. So, I need to get MOVIN' on this weight loss stuff so I don't use the "eating for two" excuse and gain more weight. I'm so excited to be here and to meet you all! Lets do this!!
  • cboyle9
    cboyle9 Posts: 18
    Current weight: 152lbs
    Goat weight: 135lbs

    Goal for September 1st: 146lbs

    I'm really excited:)

    Same start, same finish in mind-- let's definitely motivate each other! :)
  • cboyle9
    cboyle9 Posts: 18
    To introduce myself-- I'll be 27 in October, I've been married almost 2 years, recently graduated with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, no children yet- just a cat and a 6month old puppy :) I really enjoy running and going to the gym with my hubby. (just gotta peel myself off the couch after work)

    I joined MFP because it looked like a neat app on my phone and I was looking for a way to track not only calories but fat, carb, protein as well. I just discovered the website yesterday and am SUPER PUMPED about the August challenge and having a team to be accountable to/for! :)

    Weight history-- I ran track in middle and high school then went off to college where I gained the terrible freshman 20. My senior year, I lost the weight while training for a marathon and got to my lowest weight at 134. After college/ marathon training, I got out of the running routine and put the weight back on. (ugggg) I feel like I've been battling 150 for 4years and I'm really tired of the ups and downs (both on the scale and emotionally). I want to re-discover that energetic runner-chick I was back in 2006 and get my body and my confidence back!

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's introductions. Its nice to "meet" everyone! :)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Current Weight 187

    Goal Weight by Sept First 175

    Only had time to make 3 banners, because currently working on something else. The one below it is the link you use in siggy just minimize the IMG's







    Oh wow thank you for the banners
  • knt32
    knt32 Posts: 61
    CW 139
    GW for 9/1 133

    Final GW 125

    My 5 year anniversary is 9/3 & I would LOVE to be FEELING CONFIDANT in a bikini on the beach with my amazing hubby!

    I started MFP almost a month ago & just by logging my food, I have lost 6 lbs!! I am SUPER excited about this challange because I need to start working out again & this will def get me going!

    Looking forward to all the motivation from our AWESOME TEAM!
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    Let's do this!!!
  • izzy02
    izzy02 Posts: 23

    My name is Yesenia but I go by Jessie. I'm 33 and a single mom of an active 9 yr old. I used to be very active as I spent 5 years in the Marine Corps. I got out due to an injury I was unable to recover in time. Since then I had my son and well as you may guess, I pretty much let myself go. Over the past few years I tried almost every diet available and would lose weight here & there but as always, gained it back & more. :( I finally decided enough was enough!!!!! So here I am... I am DETERMINED to shed this weight, THIS time for GOOD!!!!!! I look forward to working with you all!!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!!! :)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    For those who asked. UP and Down are the very first exercice we see here
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    HI Everyone,
    My name is Jeannette. I'm 41, divorced and live in S. California. I have a long journey ahead of me but I am ready and will be successful! I had lap band surgery on May 23, 2011. On May 9th when I started my pre-op diet I was 415 pounds. Today I am 364. That's 51 pounds in under 3 months. For those who think having a lap band is the easy way out, it is anything but easy. It is not magic. It is a tool and it takes dedication to diet and exercise for it to be successful. I am very much looking forward to being on this team. This is my first challenge.

    Start weight: 364
    Goal weight: 350
  • kkwilban
    kkwilban Posts: 14
    Hey everyone!!! I'm so excited for my first challenge!
    CW: 174
    GW: 167
    Ultimate GW: 162
    (non-rounded out numbers I know :) )

    I am 25 year old medical student! On my last year and SOO ready to start a pediatric residency next summer! I joined MFP this spring after gaining 15 pounds during my hardest year of school... this was on top of 5-10 pounds since my most active time in college... so with 20-25 extra pounds hanging on my hips, i felt terrible about myself, none of my clothes fit - and i felt like such a hippocrite talking to patients about weight loss. MFP has been great to me! I am 13 pounds down...

    I live near Houston, TX with the love of my life! He works on an oil rig 1 month on 1 month off... so with him being gone now, I will have no distractions from meeting my goals! I'm really looking forward to challenging all of you!!!

    **So with our calorie goals -- does this include exercise, or straight calorie goals (no add back)? I'll keep looking for the best way to post all of our info -- It should come up on the "news feed" as we log our exercise, and also "stayed under calorie goal" comes up...

    I wish MFP had a little group spreadsheet we could edit (like a google doc :) )
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    I cant seem to be able to figure out how to add the banner. I cut and past the code under the image and it just ends up posting the code, no picture.

    Can someone help?

    Ok...I found the answer... when you cut and past the code be sure to change to lower caseand to lower case .
  • Effervescent17
    Effervescent17 Posts: 61 Member
    ups and downs look scary. :( lol
  • Mohooper32
    Mohooper32 Posts: 12
    SW - 212.8
    GW - 200

    Hey everybody, I am so pumped up to start this. Well my name is Monique and I have been so encouraged MFPers. This is my first challenge. Stay on me and Let's go hard!!!
  • Mohooper32
    Mohooper32 Posts: 12
    Way to go Jeannette. You are so right and I think you are approaching and doing the right things to get where you want to be. This journey is long and not a race. We are here to encourage and lean from one another! Now let's kick this out!!!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Nice to meet all of you via this challenge! i am so excited to get to work with all of you and add this chalenge to REALLY kick the @$$ out of August. This is so awesome and I really hope that I can keep up w/ everyone.

    As for introducing myself, I am 19 y/o , soon to be 20 in October. I am also doing the Lean by Halloween Challenge and my goal weight by then is to be 135 #s. I am still trying to decide my goal weight for this challenge, as I did a couple of challenges and made some goals for my weight that I did not reach. Thus, I want to make my goal something attainable, otherwise it's not going to do me much good to have a goal. I work F/T and I go to school F/T but I am still on my summer break. If I've left anything else out then I will post it here soon. lol

    As another side note, I want to let everyone know that I will be gone until Sunday night (my time) so if I've left anything out, or if I've not responded to anything it's because I don't have internet connection.
    So see all of you lovelies soon!!!!!!! ;D

    PS AWESOME banners! <3
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    To verify with everyone the challenge begins on August 1st as day 1. We will rest on Sundays.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    ups and downs look scary. :( lol

    If you can't do the burpees(ups and downs) feel free to do the modification. Its more important to keep moving then do something and hurt yourself.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    The scoring is as follows.
    · 1 point for each pound lost per team member
    · 1 point for each team member who does their daily exercise challenge (1 point per member)
    · 1 point for the other weekly challenges (water intake, staying under calories etc.) Each week
    different challenge per member
    o Daily Exercise – If every team member logs the daily exercise as doing it for all 6 days
    Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points
    o Weekly Challenges – if every team member log the weekly challenge as doing it for all 6
    days Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points