

  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Hi guys, sorry I've failed to check in. Starting to come out of the sick fog. Hope to be well enough tomorrow to exercise as I've missed it this week. Who knew?

    Mrogers, good luck next week. I'm an elementary school counselor don't technically go back until the 18th (although I am doing several different extended employment things these next few weeks) but I feel like the summer just began. Oh well, I do love what I do.

    Wandering light, an hour walk sounds so daunting, especially if you live near me with this heat. Maybe shooting for 30 isn't as bad as you think. Any exercise is better than none. And congrats on the 8pm rule, not sure I could follow that one.

    Philosohoe, love the name and completely agree that this group is just awesome for support. Good job your goals. Sodium is evil.

    Hearts desire, good job listening to your body and resting. I could never get rid of my rest day. My body would drag without it.

    Dee, are you an educator too? Sorry you're not getting any rest. Hope you do get some you time on the days you don't have to drive him. Remember to take care f yourself.

    Everyone, awesome job. I can't remember now who else said what, so I apologize and just want to say, go you! Keep up the good work!
  • qofspades
    qofspades Posts: 41 Member
    I maintained by goals this week of waking up in the a.m. to get my walk/jog in. I'm planning on my goals for next week.

    8/1/2011 - 8/7/2011
    CW 214
    GW 212
    Continue getting up in a.m. to walk/jog.
    Not going over MFP suggest amount.
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    Sorry for not checking in for a few days. My daily goals update:

    1. Drink 64 ounces of water every day -- have not met yet for any day this week!
    2. Log every day -- yes, every day
    3. Stay under cals 5/7 days -- over on 2 days so far so I have to be especially good the last 2 days!
    4. Exercise for 375 minutes this week -- 318 so far!

  • chikinatus
    chikinatus Posts: 4 Member
  • njbooklover
    njbooklover Posts: 77 Member
    My name is Stephanie, and I live in NJ. I am new to the site. I facilitate a TOPS meeting at work.

    My goals are:
    1. Write down what I eat every day, (and not several days at once).
    2. Exercise at least 3 times a week at the gym.
    3. Drink at least 48 oz of water a day.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, so I haven't had internet service at the last 2 campgrounds that we stayed at (on our way from MA to SD) so I haven't been able to log on and be supportive - SORRY!!! I hope everyone has been having awesome days. I haven't read through what I missed yet, but wanted to check in with my goals and tell you all a funny story.

    I've been semi-good with the eating after bedtime, but I need to be a whole lot better. Definitely have been taking walks once we get to the campgrounds.

    So, here's my funny story: I wear a Fitbit monitor (like a BodyBug, but slips onto your bra or waistband). It counts calories burned, activity level, distance walked and steps taken. Well, last night I took it off and it said I had taken about 3,000 more steps than usual. Kind of confusing for me since I spent 8-1/2 hours in the truck yesterday driving from Illinois to Wisconsin. Nobody take offense if you're from this part of the country, but Rte. 90 is very bumpy and even more so in a truck. There are also ridiculously expensive tolls and they come up way too often, but I'm getting off topic. Anyway, I tried an experiment today with my Fitbit and realized that every time I bounced up and down sitting in the truck driving over these horrible roads, my Fitbit counted it as steps taken!!!:laugh: No wonder I was well over my usual number of steps. Do you guys think that bouncing may burn calories??? I sure as hell hope so since not a lot of moving around is done otherwise sitting in a truck for 8-9 hours :wink:

    Good luck to all on your goals this week. I wish I could be more supportive, but know that my good thoughts are being sent your way! Hopefully, I'll be able to log in tomorrow. Have a great evening.

  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    :yawn: so very tired :yawn: I sick & tired of being tired :yawn:

    I will be going back to work in a few weeks, totally unrested. :cry:

    Traveling to Pittsburgh wasa nightmare today! TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC & MORE TRAFFIC!!:sad:


    My THURSDAY Strive for Five

    1. Keep 5/6 Food Diary # ✔✔NOPE!!
    2. No Nighttime Nuts ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔No Getting Nuts AGAIN!!
    3. 30 min walking/exercise) ✔✔✔✔ NOPE!!
    4. 25 Crunches on ball or bed (my way) ✔✔✔✔On my Bed!
    5. Daily Check-in ✔✔ ✔✔HELLLLLLO!!

    I hope everyone had a better day then I did........... goodnight:yawn:

    Sorry you're having a bad time of it Dee. Traveling is very hard, especially when it is for something like medical appointments. I hope the effort you and your husband are putting in pays off and his pain is controlled soon :heart: What do you do for work? I have the summers off too, thank goodness! I work with special education students in a public elementary school. Enjoy the rest of your time before you return to work. Do the best you can with this healthy lifestyle one day at a time and as you always tell us - you WILL see success :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Friday Check in:

    Logged EVERYTHING, over about 19 cals but I'm OK with that. The Crackers happened today, what can I say?!:blushing: :tongue:
    Good water Day
    Nice workout today

    Guess that covers it, now off to bed!:yawn:

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend Friends!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    No reading tonight/just checking in--too tired!

    1) logged everything & mfp yelled at me for eating too few calories
    2) super quick check in to say "Have a great weekend everyone!!"
    3) did not buy the cherry icee for lunch that I really really wanted

    Day 5 was tough because I didn't get enough sleep & woke up with an ear ache. Thank goodness for no-alarm-Saturdays!!

    Goodnight & Good Luck!
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone, I am still in this (with little success) and thinking of you all. Great going everyone! I love reading how all is going. Sorry, about the rough time some of you are having. I have little time to get on, but I feel like you all are friends so I am thinking of you.

    Day 5 for me. . .
    Goals (Thursday)
    1. Stay under in calories 6 days. (that excludes the day I go to Outback)~~ Way over again and thankful that I know I will get back on track when I get home if I can get myself strightened out while here.
    2. Drink my 120 oz of water all 7 days. ~~ YES!
    3. Zumba Monday and use my Mom's exercise equipment Wed - Fri.~~No, time is not on my side on this.
    4. Say NO at least 2 times a day Tue - Sat. (next Sun I'll start this goal again) ~~I hope so but I have been so busy I can't remember 2 days ago.

    Day 6 for me. . .
    Goals (Friday)
    1. Stay under in calories 6 days. (that excludes the day I go to Outback)~~ No and then went to Outback :tongue:
    2. Drink my 120 oz of water all 7 days. ~~ YES!
    3. Zumba Monday and use my Mom's exercise equipment Wed - Fri.~~No but did tour a dairy farm, picnic in the edge of sawtooth mountains, and walk an tiny bit along snake river gorge.
    4. Say NO at least 2 times a day Tue - Sat. (next Sun I'll start this goal again) ~~Candy bar in the store and snack before going to bed.

    Everyone have a blessed tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    I've upped the water by 1-2 cups a day - I don't like water much but trying very hard to replace the pepsi
    I've netted 1200 calories 4 days out of 5
    Not sure about the protein
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Day 5 (Friday) finished strong! I am going to plan as much as I can this weekend and break my habit of losing control. I think when I can prove to myself that I can have control, I will think about adding in a cheat meal. But will also add the rule that 1) the meal cannot be in the house and 2) I must walk or bike to the meal.

    In the meantime, going to keep very busy today so I'm not tempted to overeat.

    Here we go for Day 5 (Friday)

    1. NO EATING PAST 8PM -- done!
    3. WALK AN HOUR EVERY OTHER DAY -- just have not been able to get this one done this week and may need to modify for next week.
    4. LOG EVERYTHING -- done!

    Good luck to everyone! I really love this thread and the supportive group!
  • njbooklover
    njbooklover Posts: 77 Member
    Thursday will be my day 1, since that is my weigh-in day for our weight-loss group at work. I worked out for about an hour and or so, part of it with a trainer. I did pretty good with my water, and I kept track of what I ate. Pretty good day.

    Friday, I treated myself to lunch out, which was not as healthy, but I still did pretty well. My water consumption wasn't quite at goal. My next workout won't be till Sunday.

    Saturday - today, isn't going as well as I would like. Boyfriend brought home pizza for a late lunch. But at least I slept late, so I don't have to eat as many meals. Dinner will have to be light to stay on track. I am doing well with my water though.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sat. Check in:

    Good on the water
    Logged all my Eats-stayed under
    Rest Day today ...but thinking I might head to the gym early tomorrow (Sunday) and get in some strength training to get to my 5 days of workout this week.

    I'll be thinking of my goals for next week and post them by Monday, still deciding if I might go Monday - Sunday instead like I did this week). I still sometimes get stuck in Monday as the beginning of the week (even though I guess technically it's Sunday).
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Checking in on this Saturday evening!

    Enjoyed reading everyone's posts:flowerforyou:

    Logged in every day

    Drank 8- 10 cups of water each day

    Exercised 6 days this week

    Thinking about goals for next week. I might keep the same ones!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    1. Keep sodium below goals 5/7 days. Keep sugar no more than 50% over goal 5/7 days. -um, better on salt than sugar. Did some research on sugar and have decided that I'm not going to worry about the natural sugars as much.
    2. Take it easy on the legs, last week's shin splints beginnings were enough to learn my limitations (and ban 30ds for now). -well since I was sick most of this week, this was the only goal I completed. Actually missed exercise, so that was weird.
    3. Exercise at least 5 days this week, two of them with strength training components.-no, but I did get in the strength training before and after illness. Back on the horse this week around my vacation.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Epic failur this week. Seriously epic failur. Hardly checked in with you guys ... Missed you all!! Slacked off with th p90x this weekend. Slacked off on my extra workouts during the week. Not so great with snacking, not so great with water. And no surprise gained back a pound back. So I'm back at 49 pounds lost and 1 pound under my half way point. Little sad about that. Was so excited when I hit 50 lost.

    But I'm back (ok I'm back for next week). And I'm pulling my noggin back into this. So all you Miss Dee weekly challengers I'm reaching out for help. Need go get back in this week.

    THANK YOU! Couldn't do this without you all.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Epic failur this week. Seriously epic failur. Hardly checked in with you guys ... Missed you all!! Slacked off with th p90x this weekend. Slacked off on my extra workouts during the week. Not so great with snacking, not so great with water. And no surprise gained back a pound back. So I'm back at 49 pounds lost and 1 pound under my half way point. Little sad about that. Was so excited when I hit 50 lost.

    But I'm back (ok I'm back for next week). And I'm pulling my noggin back into this. So all you Miss Dee weekly challengers I'm reaching out for help. Need go get back in this week.

    THANK YOU! Couldn't do this without you all.

    I'm with you!! I'm on vacation and haven't been tracking online. Trying to keep a handle on it in my head and have made some good choices (talked myself out of candy almost every day)! I found this quote today and took it to heart. I think I made a decision to get rid of this weight, but my actions haven't shown it. Time to REALLY decide! I'll try to help motivate you and hope you can help me stick with my decision to get some weight off :flowerforyou:

    "Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided."

    - Tony Robbins
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Late Saturday check-in:
    1) Logged everything--tricky because of an unexpected/unplanned "2nd dinner" but done & honestly
    2) check in once a day--not quite! but I'll be back tonight before bedtime
    3) make 1 better choice--tacos with ground turkey for dinner; only 1 tortilla/the rest was as taco salad

    So yesterday was the first day in 6 that I really just ate too much, but my 2nd dinner consisted of vegetarian appetizers from a Persian restaurant while I watched my niece & her boyfriend play dinner music. Totally worth it. Best violin/piano Beatles cover band ever. And I had Persian rosewater pistachio ice cream for the first time, which was weird and tasted like rose flavored soap but in a strangely good way.

    danlyn::laugh: I cracked up reading your story about bouncing down Route 90 with your FitBit! I used to be a truck driver, and I totally know what you mean about bumpy/terrible roads. When I was in truck driving school, the male instructors very delicately suggested that the female drivers should wear sports bras to minimize bouncing problems. It helps if you have a good one.

    MAK_01: 1 pound from your half way?!? That's incredible! I tip my hat to you lady. One week of "not so great" in months of obviously doing really great? You're awesome, and I want to be like you when I grow down (you know when I hit almost halfway to my goal) :happy:

    MissDeeHere: Thank you so much for creating this beautiful group of AWESOMENESS for people to come together for short term goals and long term happy! This is the end of my first official week at mfp, and you guys made is so much better than I thought it would be. I'm still in my honeymoon phase of counting/tracking/paying attention, but I feel like I found a new home!

    :flowerforyou: Thank you again to everyone. Keep up the good fight! HUGS all around!:flowerforyou:
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    Rest of my week:

    1. Eat only one "treat" after dinner 150 calories or less (only if cals available) Yes!
    2. Stay at or below 1400 net calories. Yes!
    3. Drink at least 6 8oz glasses of water a day. Yes!


    1. Eat only one "treat" after dinner 150 calories or less (only if cals available) No, too much after supper!
    2. Stay at or below 1400 net calories. No!
    3. Drink at least 6 8oz glasses of water a day. No!

    1. Eat only one "treat" after dinner 150 calories or less (only if cals available)Not really, was at a picnic so I kept picking all night!
    2. Stay at or below 1400 net calories. I think so -- didn't really log because I burned 1380 on my workout (walked 16 miles) so gave myself this day to not log!
    3. Drink at least 6 8oz glasses of water a day. Yes - 6!

    Feel like I did mediocre this week -- if I had to grade I would give myself a B- for my effort.