

  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    My August Goals:
    ~ Stay under 1500 calories daily - not including exercise ---
    8/1 = 1,289 8/2 = 1,151 8/3 = 1,295 8/4 = 1,780 8/5 = 1,390
    8/6 = 1,323 8/7 = 1,454 8/8 = 1,275 8/9 = 1,114 8/10 = 548
    8/11 = 1,233 8/12 = 1,500 8/13 = 1,811
    ~ Walk 5k steps daily ---
    8/1 = no app 8/2 = no app 8/3 = 3,980 8/4 = 4,675 8/5 = 7,306
    8/6 = 3,374 8/7 = 3,132 8/8 = 2,852 8/9 = 4,551 8/10 = 5,041
    8/11 = 4,211 8/12 = 7,250 8/13 = 5,011
    ~ Plexus regimen ---
    8/1 = yes 8/2 = yes 8/3 = yes 8/4 = yes 8/5 = yes
    8/6 = no 8/7 = yes 8/8 = yes 8/9 = yes 8/10 = yes
    8/11 = no 8/12 = no 8/13 = no
    ~ WATER equal or exceeding 64 ounces ---
    8/1 = 80 oz 8/2 = 72 oz 8/3 = 64 oz 8/4 = 70 oz 8/5 = ??
    8/6 = ?? 8/7 = 66 oz 8/8 = 70 oz 8/9 = 56 oz 8/10 = 142 oz
    8/11 = 56 oz 8/12 = 64 oz 8/13 = 60 oz

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
    "You've been blessed with another day, go find out why" --- Dad
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ladies ~

    I'm sad to report that my step brother Scott passed away at 853pm yesterday. My step Mom made the decision to take him off of life support, with a very unwilling and reluctant vote from my step sister Kriss, who is his blood sister. Twelve minutes later, he lifted both arms as if reaching for something, and took his last breath. He was surrounded by his entire family (other than myself and my children), and everyone had the chance to say goodbye as well as voice their opinion for the decision. My step sister Kriss - his only biological sibling - was holding on for a miracle, but the miracle she got was when he lifted his arms with her holding one of his hands and he squeezed her then let go as he took his last breath. On my wishes, my step Mom called after making the decision to remove life support, and I was able to be on the phone via video chat with the family as well - which was extremely surreal to say the least. My heart is aching for my son, who was very close to his uncle. Scott's services are going to be Saturday for immediate family. I'm not able to make it, as I have other obligations I cannot reschedule. My family will have another ceremonial wake type of event when I can go with my son, hopefully some time next month.

    Another side note on Mr. Handsome - he's still handsome, but will not be in any further updates or posts unfortunately. I learned quickly that he wanted to be the center of my attention in ALL things, and there just wasn't any room in his mind for me to "waste time grieving the dead, he's gone, now pay attention to me" --- I was literally speechless --- when I asked him to clarify his statement, he said "Dorrie, you promised you'd spend time with me today. I don't care about grief, I'll help you get over it. He wasn't even a blood relative".... no, he wasn't, but he didn't need to be was my response, as well as asking him if he so easily dismissed grieving a close relative in the past. He said, "whatever, crawl into a hole, I'll be here when you want to act right"...So, not only did I lose my step brother, but I also quickly and with finality, removed Mr. Handsome from my life. He's been blocked from electronic communication and been warned that if he approaches me or comes to my door at any time, the police will be called. He has not as of yet chosen to show his face. Good riddance as far as I'm concerned. Back to being single, and grieving without someone telling me how and for how long...

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
    "You've been blessed with another day, go find out why" --- Dad
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    DH and I spent some time discussing why we like this company so much. Mainly it is the service. 5 star in every way. They are nearly all Filipinos, apart from the top people. I would have been concerned that they were being exploited, but, talking to them, they seem very happy. They have their own outside recreation area and can go ashore for visits. They don't need visas, even for Russia.
    This evening I decided I would have the soup and all three starters! :noway: (no main) I thought all three options were delicious. :D They didn't blink. I felt like a crazy woman, but it was all fine. The Maitre D came over and asked if I had enjoyed my meal. :o My favourite cheese is served to me every night, plus any others I might like.
    I am a stickler for detail, time keeping, etc. Can't fault it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Dorrie sorry for the double loss step brother and I am not sure what to call him. The frog that turned out to be a frog instead of a Prince.

    Carol Happy Birthday! :flowerfor you:

    :heart: Margaret
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Heather- This cruise/cruise line sounds absolutely fantastic in the way they treat their guests! Maybe that is the key to a really great cruise experience is a smaller cruise ship/line, so that the employees can get to know you and vice versa! Good for you with the soup and three starters! Sounds good to me!
    Dorrie - So sorry about your brother/step brother. Family is family, blood or no. Just remember Mr. Handsome couldn't have been handsome on the inside if he could be that insensitive to you and your feelings. Sending you much love and strength!
    Allie- another "Tom" hurdle jumped! Good for you, and have I told you how inspiring and strong you are?! You keep on going forward. We are marching right behind you, hands on your back to support you! Whoot!
    Thank you ladies for the nice compliments on Joaquin. He is gorgeous, but as his grandma I am biased. I am more in love with his happy little personality. Even over the video, last night, he would be dozing as I was singing, and he would open his eyes and look into the camera, pull his binky out of his mouth and smile or coo, put the binky back in and watch me sing. For all I know, he could have been telling me to stop singing; lol but he was just lovely to watch!

    Unusually quiet day, today; even with all six of my kiddos here. I think they are all tired from weekend events. Whatever, it works for me! ttfn xoxoxo KJ
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Carol - Happy Birthday!

    Dorrie - So sorry for the loss of your step brother. My prayers are with your family. Congrats on finding out you had a toad so quickly! Think of the time you could have invested before you found out! I wish he had been as good as he seemed to be, but since he wasn't, I'm glad you found out.

    Okie in Central Texas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy birthday Carol

    Dorrie, I am so sorry for your loss. Yes, those that attend did see a miracle. A family gathered around a family members bedside, when he was taken off of life support, he reached for the stars, grabbed a loved ones hand and then took his last breath. At first it seen as a deep loss and it is. But then you will still remember how he took his last breath and was able to say goodby to his family. When we took my Dad off life support, it wasn't long that he also took his last breath and it was a Lessing to us because it affirmed to us that we made the right decision to take him off support. As far as Mr Handsome, wow. Just wow in little letters. He is tuck on himself and what the wonder illness his presence offers others.. I agree that that the handsome prince became a frog.

    Keep the pictures of travels and babies coming!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol in GA HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allie I am so proud of you and pleased for you. You have handled yourself like the strong and thoughtful lady that you are. You have taken the high road, done this right and it is paying off in the end. Way to go!!

    Janetr OKC
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Carol: Happy birthday!

    Dorrie: I am so sorry for your loss. I was shocked by what Mr. Handsome said about not being a real relative, with two adopted siblings I know that 'blood' does not necessarily make family. I think you handled him sensibly, but I wish he had not turned out to be so self-centered.

  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you ALL for your well wishes and insight that I made the correct decision about Mr. Toad --- I'm VERY grateful to have found out his true nature now instead of later. Nothing invested, nothing lost but great lessons learned and affirmation that I need to continue screening my dates - but this time, instead of just the BG and credit checks, there needs to be a list of deal breakers - family first being top on that list! I'm struggling here at work, the distractions are great, but my thoughts are drifting all over the place. I'm glad I'm not at home tho, because I know I'd be a blubbering idiot calling people all day and crying...yes, it was a pretty tough weekend...but when I think about Scott's son, it brings things into perspective pretty quickly. He's got a LOT to deal with, and I'm very VERY grateful the rest of my family is nearby and willing to help Michael get things sorted out. My step Mom is purchasing his plot next to my Daddy and her plot as well. She's promised to video chat with me and my kids on Saturday for the service - if not her, then one of my nephews will be taping...praying it's one of my nephews who is more electronics minded...

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
    "You've been blessed with another day, go find out why" --- Dad
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy happy birthday Carol, (insert dancing emoji's wearing party hats!!)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Dorrie - For next time, and I hope you will persevere, one of the important things I looked for on my Internet dating was friends and family. Very important how they got on with adult children, siblings, and did they have significant friends etc. Often there is a RED FLAG very early on in a relationship and you spotted it in time. Good for you. :drinker:
    I met my DH through the Internet after about 100 cups of coffee with different guys. I did not have a long email conversation with him or anyone. Much better to meet them straight away so you can rule them out and no harm done. People's virtual persona can be very misleading.

    On to the next! <3
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • WendyofMysfam
    WendyofMysfam Posts: 9 Member
    Today is my first day back to the office after being gone to a week-long conference. The conference was very informative and we got a lot of great materials! They held the conference in Anaheim, CA so the weather was nice and we were right next to Disneyland. I walked to Downtown Disney each day and may have ended up stopping in the Lego store a couple of times to stock up for the grands!! I am finally recovering from the shingles. I have ended up with some nerve damage that the doc says may not go away. At least it doesn't hurt so much all the time any more! That was awful! I can't believe my insurance company doesn't cover the vaccine and the vaccine costs over $200. Good grief! Hopefully it doesn't come back while I am putting a little money aside for it.

    Michelle - My daughter got married last November and I am so fortunate that all the families get along quite well. His parents are pretty quiet. My ex (the father of the bride) and his wife were very helpful whenever we needed it and we agreed up front to cover the costs even and gave our girl a smallish budget. The "kids" knew anything over budget was on them. I think my daughter did bat her eyes and get a little extra from her daddy though, I just try to stay out of that. I made all the floral arrangements using silks and they turned out much better than what we could have afforded. My apartment looked like a hot mess for about two months!! But, it all worked out, the wedding was beautiful and everyone had a great time! I am so sorry that it isn't working out that way for y'all Michelle!!

    NYKAREN - Love the photos!! So glad you had fun! It looks beautiful and you and your daughter are so pretty!

    Chris in MA - Beautiful photo and so awesome that it was a good day! Sounds like you are an amazing friend!

    Barbiecat - Wow!! You were really busy! I don't believe I have ever gotten 16,000 steps in a day! I normally hover around 5,000.

    Joyce in IN - I am from Kokomo, IN originally and still have family around there!! Love the picture of your kitties! I have a tortoise shell cat too! Her name is Yinyang and is quite appropriate for her silly personality!

    Heather UK - Fantastic photo! Thank you for sharing!

    Have to get ready to meet a new client this evening and then head home! I'm so grateful to have found this group!

    Wendy in Ark
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Happy Birthday Carol! Sounds like you had a nice birthday lunch! :)

    Machka - glad you got your assignment in on time. B)

    Dorrie - I agree with the others, glad Mr. H showed his true colors right away. Onward ;) Condolences to your and your family. Glad Scott's mom and Kriss were there with him.

    When my mom was gravely ill -fading fast from dementia, we kids stepped in and made the decision to stop her IV's and get hospice on the scene. Very hard decision - dad said later he was glad we took that step as he couldn't.

    Heather - your smaller ship looks fabulous - I'd certainly pick that over the big one it is docked beside. So nice to have the personal attention as far as meals - other amenities sound great!

    Meg - hooray for the new semester and new beginnings! Sorry it's still steamy in Omaha - we finally have cool air and clear skies (with fluffy white clouds) here in the Pacific Northwest.

    Kelly - glad you got to see Joaquin's smiles! Is the visit to see him coming up in a month or two?

    Wendy - glad your shingles are getting better and you enjoyed the conference. That's the PITS insurance doesn't cover it. Congrats on the upcoming April grandbaby! Hope all goes smoothly and you'll be giving her lots of hugs and kisses!

    SW WA State
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :/Carol , Happy Birthday

    :'(Dorrie , I am so sorry for your double loss.

    :) We are very excited. The man that Jake called on Friday about making a concrete patio to replace our deck, came this morning and talked to us, gave us a price that sounded good and has already brought the wood for the framing so he can start work tomorrow and be finished no later than Thursday.

    <3 Barbie