Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Joan, I need to borrow your # 6!

    Based on behavior of my kids this am, it could be a challenging day...which could throw off my food choices. Knowing that, I'm going to be extra diligent on tracking and making healthy choices, sticking to my plan.

    Drink 9 cups of water.
    Track everything.
    Walk dog in AM & PM.
    Still need to plan suppers for week.
    Go to gym-weights & take DD swimming if it doesn't rain.
    Finish listening to Half Size Me podcast from Monday while doing AM walk.
    Add in more veggies today.
    Meditate/rest 20 mins today.

    I need to find the lesson in challenging circumstances.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @josephinebowman -VACUUM THE FLOOR-no wimpy excuses. Spend 1 hour clearing the floor and either trashing or finding storage for whatever is on the floor in my way.
    This is what I need to do! I think if I spend an hour just tidying the living area, my mind and spirit would be uplifted. I think clutter is an unconscious stressor, and the worse it gets, the less you feel like tackling it.
    Just for today:
    Exercise--walk or video
    Put a few new plants in the ground
    Weed oval bed; I can't find the serviceberry bush that I planted last spring!
    Decide on music for this Sunday's service
    Log what I eat
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    I am not working from home tonight. I worked 9 hours and that is enough.
    A very wise decision in my opinion. When I look back at my teaching career, I wish that I had spent less time at school, brought fewer lesson plans and report cards home, and spent more time with my husband and family. You need that change of atmosphere to be more productive at work. I know that's it's hard to find a good balance, especially if you are conscientious and love the work.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,519 Member
    Recap M 8/14 = too lazy to get up early for dog walk before work
    1) At work/home > 25 flights of stairs = 28 :smiley:
    2) Practice mindful breathing with Calm & let work stress go = yes :smile: I really needed this...idiots at work are SO frustrating, especially when it means I cannot proceed with my own projects :s
    3) Keep net calories green = red 172 :/
    4) Make zucchini recipes in evening...rain forecast, otherwise walk dog = no dog walk & started in kitchen later than intended. Scratched recipe #1 b/c I needed room temp eggs. Scratched recipe #2 b/c I didn't want to shred carrots. Made recipe #3 chocolate zucchini bread for hubby...not the healthiest, but oh so yummy! :smile:
    5) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15 = no...bread needed extra bake time, loaded dishwasher and hand washed remaining dishes (yikes!) so it was after 10 when I headed upstairs. More like 11 when in bed & everything off. :/

    JFT T 8/15
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Use Calm app & mindful breathing at work...just keep trucking and do what I can
    3) Net calories green
    4) Pace in office during noon webinar...won't be able to much longer, will have new office mate by month end
    5) Evening, get something done around house, really have clutter pile up
    6) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,519 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thought I'd share photos from balloon rally to lift everyone's spirits! (Hope this works, I never uploaded to MFP before.)

    Balloon ascension

    Balloon glow
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Good morning!

    Joan, I also need to borrow your #6!

    Just for Tuesday:
    • Journal EVERY single bite
    • Hydrate 64+ oz
    • Hit my FitBit step goal. Missed it yesterday because my battery died!
    • Write index cards of reasons I want to lose weight and place around house (Thanks for reminder Bex & Joan)
    • Take 3 separate moments to address each Body, Mind and Soul
    • Complete 3 work tasks: Create provider proficiency assessment; send assessments to the experienced newly hired providers; begin Wound Provider lesson plans.
    • Sugar Reduction, Day 3
    • Determine plan for the Unplug challenge this week
    • Prelog and prepare for work tomorrow, tonight.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    I am not working from home tonight. I worked 9 hours and that is enough.
    A very wise decision in my opinion. When I look back at my teaching career, I wish that I had spent less time at school, brought fewer lesson plans and report cards home, and spent more time with my husband and family. You need that change of atmosphere to be more productive at work. I know that's it's hard to find a good balance, especially if you are conscientious and love the work.

    I do love the work! I've been doing it at the same place for 24 years and have always taken such pride in my work but the job has evolved through the years and it is no longer something that can be done in 8 hours a day. Probably the reason they changed us from hourly to salary employees!! ;) So, it is hard to swallow that I cannot perform the same as I did years ago, but I have to find a happy medium or I have to move on and find a different job. That was my conclusion while on vacation last week. I work to live. I do not live to work. So I am doing my best to find a happy medium! Thanks for the support and understanding!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Recap M 8/14 = too lazy to get up early for dog walk before work
    1) At work/home > 25 flights of stairs = 28 :smiley:
    2) Practice mindful breathing with Calm & let work stress go = yes :smile: I really needed this...idiots at work are SO frustrating, especially when it means I cannot proceed with my own projects :s

    Sounds like there are quite a few of us frustrated with work lately! We need to all win the lottery and retire!

    Love the pictures of the hot air balloons! thank you for sharing! One of these days, I'm going to make it to Seymour and see this in person. :)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @joan6630 Thank you for the encouragement! It is just numbers, I have always been my worst critic :# You are correct, my GPA is a reflection of my hard work, that is a good reminder of accomplishment :)

    8/15 Tuesday JFT:

    Continue 6-Day Slim-Down Diet
    Run on elliptical
    Yoga <-- my muscles desperately need This!
    Focus on exercise and maintaining diet
    Try not to get overwhelmed with house organization thoughts!!
    Make a few phone calls
    Take son to football practice at 3:30 pm
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have been on an elimination diet for the past three months. No sugar, dairy, soy or wheat. My doctor said she didn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, so I went to a functional medicine doctor to dig a little deeper. She put me on this diet and started a battery of tests (thyroid, hormones, cortisol, etc). There are no obvious red flags except my thyroid is in the low normal range. Even on this elimination diet, eating 1300 calories per day, I did not lose a single pound. I am so discouraged by this but I'm not giving up.

    I have decided to go off the elimination diet: it is too restrictive to maintain and it's not working. But what I am going to do is re-commit to weighing and logging everything. I had been logging, but was "winging it" a little with my measurements and occasionally using cups instead of oz/ grams. So here I go.

    That's a long lead-in but I felt like making myself accountable since that's what JFT is all about.

    My stats:
    46yo woman
    Current weight: 197lbs
    Goal weight: 170lbs

    Weigh everything and log everything
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2017
    JFT Monday: Anniversary dinner and movie tonight so I will need to stick to my eating plan. ❎
    Tried and failed. Really tough when there is poutine and dessert involved. I enjoyed it all... now time to move on :smile:

    JFT Tuesday: Long slow run and eat clean- no bingeing.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Thought I'd share photos from balloon rally to lift everyone's spirits! (Hope this works, I never uploaded to MFP before.)

    Balloon ascension

    Balloon glow

    That. Is. Amazing!!!!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    I have been on an elimination diet for the past three months. No sugar, dairy, soy or wheat. My doctor said she didn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, so I went to a functional medicine doctor to dig a little deeper. She put me on this diet and started a battery of tests (thyroid, hormones, cortisol, etc). There are no obvious red flags except my thyroid is in the low normal range. Even on this elimination diet, eating 1300 calories per day, I did not lose a single pound. I am so discouraged by this but I'm not giving up.

    I have decided to go off the elimination diet: it is too restrictive to maintain and it's not working. But what I am going to do is re-commit to weighing and logging everything. I had been logging, but was "winging it" a little with my measurements and occasionally using cups instead of oz/ grams. So here I go.

    That's a long lead-in but I felt like making myself accountable since that's what JFT is all about.

    My stats:
    46yo woman
    Current weight: 197lbs
    Goal weight: 170lbs

    Weigh everything and log everything

    Be encouraged!! You are doing a great job, the self control required to maintain an elimination diet is extraordinary!! You have what it takes so keep at it! If you are not getting the results you want, then adjust your plan. I had a medical issue years ago that doctors never understood. It turned out that my body just didn't absorb water to maintain hydration well, so all I need was to supplement my water intake with some electrolytes and increase my potassium, LOL. Sometimes it feels like doctors do not realize that each person is their own individual self ;)

    Happy to see you here, this group of people are awesome!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all food! :DYes, but I finished it up this morning
    2. Give myself some leeway calorie wise(If I'm in the red, that's okay.) :)Was in the red but something like 250.
    But oh well

    3. Fold clothes :/Will do this today
    4. Get some reading done :/Will also do this today
    5. Cuddle with the DH and watch some baseball :)
    6. Go to bed whenever. :)Right around my normal time. Lol. I was just so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

    Had a great morning. Got to sleep in with the DH because we are both off today. That was really really nice. It's not often that that gets to happen, so I treasure it when I get it. It's almost 2pm and I haven't done a single thing! Lol. Well, we went to Wawa for coffee and Monster but that was it! So I'm gonna be productive today!

    1. Log all food
    2. Attempt to stay in green
    3. Put lasagna in the crockpot
    4. Fold clothes
    5. Got to the gym
    6. Clean the dishes
    7. Do some reading
    8. Hang out with the DH tonight and watch baseball
    9. Stay up and hang out with his friends(Optional)
    10. Bed whenever

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I have been on an elimination diet for the past three months. No sugar, dairy, soy or wheat. My doctor said she didn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, so I went to a functional medicine doctor to dig a little deeper. She put me on this diet and started a battery of tests (thyroid, hormones, cortisol, etc). There are no obvious red flags except my thyroid is in the low normal range. Even on this elimination diet, eating 1300 calories per day, I did not lose a single pound. I am so discouraged by this but I'm not giving up.

    I have decided to go off the elimination diet: it is too restrictive to maintain and it's not working. But what I am going to do is re-commit to weighing and logging everything. I had been logging, but was "winging it" a little with my measurements and occasionally using cups instead of oz/ grams. So here I go.

    That's a long lead-in but I felt like making myself accountable since that's what JFT is all about.

    My stats:
    46yo woman
    Current weight: 197lbs
    Goal weight: 170lbs

    Weigh everything and log everything

    SO happy to have you join us!! I think you will love this thread - there is so much encouragement, and a great group of friends!
    I know you can do this - like you said, just mindful, healthy eating (something you can do your entire life!).
    Just think of how great we can all look next January - just 4 pounds a month will get us there!!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited August 2017
    So its 1pm, and today is one of those busy days, but I have to REMIND myself that the kitchen is closed, except for meals and planned snacks. Oh. .... how I want to go and grab some junk, comfort food today :s . But no ...... I have all you diet coaches here to make sure I stay on track. Can't break my closing the kitchen run! I missed the gym this morning, so hoping to get there tonite instead!

    JFT, Tuesday, 8/15
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate more on drinking water during the day. 2 glasses with each meal
    3. eat only planned dinner and snacks. CLOSE THE KITCHEN at all other times --- going on DAY 9!!!!!
    4. get to the gym in the morning
    5. lay out gym clothes for wed morning
    6. think positive thoughts. Remember, I cannot change other people - I can only change my own attitude and how I handle stressful situations.
    7. Take this one day at a time
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Thought I'd share photos from balloon rally to lift everyone's spirits! (Hope this works, I never uploaded to MFP before.)

    Balloon ascension

    Balloon glow

    Beautiful!! Our balloon races are coming up Sept 15 - I'll have to go! Thank you for sharing, and lifting my spirits today -- I needed that!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    I have been on an elimination diet for the past three months. No sugar, dairy, soy or wheat. My doctor said she didn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, so I went to a functional medicine doctor to dig a little deeper. She put me on this diet and started a battery of tests (thyroid, hormones, cortisol, etc). There are no obvious red flags except my thyroid is in the low normal range. Even on this elimination diet, eating 1300 calories per day, I did not lose a single pound. I am so discouraged by this but I'm not giving up.

    I have decided to go off the elimination diet: it is too restrictive to maintain and it's not working. But what I am going to do is re-commit to weighing and logging everything. I had been logging, but was "winging it" a little with my measurements and occasionally using cups instead of oz/ grams. So here I go.

    That's a long lead-in but I felt like making myself accountable since that's what JFT is all about.

    My stats:
    46yo woman
    Current weight: 197lbs
    Goal weight: 170lbs

    Weigh everything and log everything

    Be encouraged!! You are doing a great job, the self control required to maintain an elimination diet is extraordinary!! You have what it takes so keep at it! If you are not getting the results you want, then adjust your plan. I had a medical issue years ago that doctors never understood. It turned out that my body just didn't absorb water to maintain hydration well, so all I need was to supplement my water intake with some electrolytes and increase my potassium, LOL. Sometimes it feels like doctors do not realize that each person is their own individual self ;)

    Happy to see you here, this group of people are awesome!!

    Thank you for reminding me to be encouraged. I am proud of myself for sticking with it for three months as it was extremely difficult! I'm glad you were able to find the source of your medical issue :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Glad to have you join us!

    I've kinda stopped posting goals at the moment but come here for the chit chat!
    I'm pregnant and just eat *kitten* ATM lol :sweat_smile:

    I have a low thyroid too, and it goes haywire in pregnancy. I've actually got an appointment tomorrow so hopefully my meds will be upped!
    Think this is why I'm struggling to keep on track with this. My brain feels in zombie mode!