Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    8/15 Tuesday JFT:

    ✔Continue 6-Day Slim-Down Diet
    ✔Run on elliptical
    ✔Yoga <-- my muscles desperately need This!
    ✔Focus on exercise and maintaining diet
    ✔Try not to get overwhelmed with house organization thoughts!!➡️Watched movies with my kiddos :D
    ✔Make a few phone calls
    ✔Take son to football practice at 3:30 pm
    ✔Dinner by 7 pm
    ✔Bedtime by 10 pm➡️this should happen with no issues :)

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Glad to have you join us!

    I've kinda stopped posting goals at the moment but come here for the chit chat!
    I'm pregnant and just eat *kitten* ATM lol :sweat_smile:

    I have a low thyroid too, and it goes haywire in pregnancy. I've actually got an appointment tomorrow so hopefully my meds will be upped!
    Think this is why I'm struggling to keep on track with this. My brain feels in zombie mode!

    Thank you for the kind welcome, and best of luck at your appointment tomorrow!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in, I don't even know what the goals were. I obviously need to get Tuesdays in better plan mode. Was late to most everything, did not get gasoline, did not get my missing pills, did not get crabby child's lessons done, had late lunch/dinner--lupper. Scraped the plate and emptied the salsa. Might have located the man who was my great-grandfather's father way back in 1854. GOING TO BED as soon as I get cold water.
    I will--on Wednesday
    pick-up pills, eat within calorie limit, exercise, clean floor, get gas, and baby-sit carefully for boss's baby tomorrow. Son will do 4 lessons or else.
    If some miracle happens, I might weed-eat.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited August 2017
    JFT, Tuesday, 8/15
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate more on drinking water during the day. 2 glasses with each meal :) Did much better at this - but it something I have to really think about. Hoping soon it will become a habit
    3. eat only planned dinner and snacks. CLOSE THE KITCHEN at all other times --- going on DAY 9!!!!! :) This was especially hard today - I had to brush my teeth in the afternoon! But, I made it. I went to zumba tonite, and really wanted to just stop at get a ice cream cone at McDonalds, but instead, I came up, put some yogurt and frozen strawberries in the blender, and that satisfied my sweet tooth - and less than 150 calories!
    4. get to the gym in the morning :/ Was just SO tired today, so I decided to skip it. But .... I did get to a zumba class tonite.
    5. lay out gym clothes for wed morning :) Going to go and do this soon
    6. think positive thoughts. Remember, I cannot change other people - I can only change my own attitude and how I handle stressful situations. :) Have to work hard at this today.
    7. Take this one day at a time :)

    JFT, Wednesday, 8/16
    1. log all food
    2. get to the gym in the morning
    3. pick up daughter for breakfast while we go and pick up my rugs from cleaners
    4. drink water
    5. wash 4 more windows (trying to do this a few at a time so it gets done!)
    6. Close the kitchen except for dinner and planned snacks. Going on day 10 - trying to make it to 30 days in a row!
    7. think positive thoughts. Accept what I cannot change, but try and change my attitude about the things I have no control over
    8. go to farmers market with daughter

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited August 2017
    We have had so many new posters joining us, and I welcome all of you! I am so happy to see so much encouragement to each other.

    Back in May, I posted instructions from a book I was reading called "the Beck Diet Solution". It is about Cognitive Behavior Therapy, how to think like a thin person, and change the cycle of binge eating I was in. Everyday you get a assignment for 6 weeks.

    I know for myself, being an emotional eater, that I needed to change the way I think about food, and my responses to food. I still have to work on some of these steps, but what has helped me the most is what I did on Day 1 -- write down all the reasons I want to lose weight. I have a index card by my computer, in the kitchen, and even in the bathroom to read every morning.

    So I am posting the first few days, for anyone who would like to do these along with me.

    Day 1 -- Create a index card saying why you want to lose weight. Make duplicates of these, and place them in places where you see them - like in the car, in the kitchen, in the office. Read these at least four times a day, every day

    Day 2- pick a diet plan you wish to follow. Whether it be low carb, calorie counting, etc.
    (This was easy for me, since I am just counting calories.)

    Day 3
    Eat only when sitting down!!!! Create a Response card reminding myself to eat only while sitting. (read this everyday also)

    Day 4: Give Yourself Credit for any positives that you do each day Don't focus on where you failed.

    By consciously giving yourself credit, you'll reinforce your self-confidence and build an awareness that you're strong and in control. When you give yourself credit everytime you do something right, through, you can more easily see such slips as momentary mistakes, not earthshaking events, and you can head off a sense of hopelessness. (this also will be hard for me to do, but I'm working on it)

    Day 5: Eat Slowly and Mindfully

    Day 6: FInd a Diet Coach.
    (easy, since I am using you guys as my "diet coaches!")

    Day 7 Arrange your environment. Hide trigger foods out of the way - or get them out of the house.

    Day 8: Create time and energy. Look at your week ahead, and schedule dieting into your daily schedule. Set aside times each day when you will exercise, prepare meals, plan meals, etc.
    She explains that you need to do this, as losing weight involves work.

    Day 9 was to set a exercise plan. This was easy for me, as I have been going to the gym, walking, and zumba classes - so I got that part down at least. But ... my doctor told me a year ago that losing weight is 90% what you eat, and only 10% exercise. I think he is right :o

    Day 10 is to set a realistic goal. Now say that you want to lose 20 or 30 pounds, but instead, set smaller, realistic goals. My goal is to try and lose 4-5 pounds a month. I try not to look at the 30 pounds I need to lose

    Day 11 is the learn to differentiate between hunger, desire, and cravings. She says to keep a monitoring chart, and write how you feel before you eat (which is most likely true hunger if you feel it in your stomach), write how you feel halfway through eating, and rate your hunger again once you've finished eating. Wait 20 minutes after, and describe the sensations in the chart. She says that after a day of paying attention to sensations in your abdomen and body, we will be able to distinguish between "hungry" and "not hungry".

    One thing also was to write what you would do if you are tempted to eat something you should not. What I am doing, which is working, is pretending the kitchen is closed. I go and brush and floss my teet, and since this is so much work for me, I don't want to have to do it again - so it has worked in keeping me from eating. Another idea was to take a walk, call a friend, clean a closet -- anything that might delay you for even 10 minutes from eating.

    Again, sorry this is so long. But it has really helped me a lot, and hopefully maybe you guys might find it helpful to.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited August 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I've kinda stopped posting goals at the moment but come here for the chit chat!
    I'm pregnant and just eat *kitten* ATM lol :sweat_smile:

    I have a low thyroid too, and it goes haywire in pregnancy. I've actually got an appointment tomorrow so hopefully my meds will be upped!
    Think this is why I'm struggling to keep on track with this. My brain feels in zombie mode!

    Good luck tomorrow at the doctors appt! Hopefully your doctor will increase your meds so you feel better!
  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm hoping to join...it's August.
    1. Just for today I will NOT snack before bed just because it's a habit and my tummy is not stuffed.
    2. Just for today I will reach for clean food with no white carbs.
    3. Just for today I will not be discouraged because the weight isn't coming off after 3 days of trying.
    4. Just for today I will log all my meals in MFP.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    lydia4462 wrote: »
    I'm hoping to join...it's August.
    1. Just for today I will NOT snack before bed just because it's a habit and my tummy is not stuffed.
    2. Just for today I will reach for clean food with no white carbs.
    3. Just for today I will not be discouraged because the weight isn't coming off after 3 days of trying.
    4. Just for today I will log all my meals in MFP.

    These are great goals! Love to have you join us each day!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,092 Member
    edited August 2017
    Kids are driving me nuts today. Screaming at half 7 in the morning!
    I don't put up with that!
    Ones already on the naughty step!

    Today's gonna be one of those days...
    I wish I didn't have an aversion to coffee right now :anguished:
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi all! I love this thread, it always boosts me toward my goals. Today I need to focus on my family, be hydrated, and finish the day below calories. I will also do a shopping run and prep some budget friendly stuff for the next few days. Lately the calories have been creeping up.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    8/16 Wednesday JFT:

    Help Husband get ready for motorcycle trip
    Prep Quarterly Taxes
    Begin cleaning out closets
    Maybe review some online shopping opportunities for back to school kid clothes
    Keep up the 6-Day Slim-Down Diet :D
    Run on elliptical
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 11 pm
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,505 Member
    edited August 2017
    Grrr - had my update almost done, then clicked on the wrong thing. So do over.

    Recap T 8/15
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Use Calm app & mindful breathing at work...just keep trucking and do what I can = did ok :smile: then had chat w/ co-worker & stressed out all over again about some new thing :s
    3) Net calories green = green 7 is still green! :smiley:
    4) Pace in office during noon webinar...won't be able to much longer, will have new office mate by month end = ate lunch & multi-tasked during most of hour, managed ~ 900 steps :smile:
    5) Evening, get something done around house, really have clutter pile up = instead, grocery shopped and called mom for nice long chat :smiley:
    6) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15 = done :smiley:

    JFT W 8/16
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work & saw 2 mama turkeys and 12 young'uns cross the road = :smiley:
    2) Keep on trucking at work - I cannot control other people but I can control my attitude. Do not let negativity steal my joy! Use Calm app in afternoon, pause & pray.
    3) Net calories green
    4) Evening, attend final city band concert of summer & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    JFT Tuesday: Long slow run and eat clean- no bingeing.
    -Did the run. Failed on the binge.

    JFT Wednesday: Began reading Brain Over Binge- get through as much as I can today.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited August 2017
    Just skimmed through our recent posts & looks like there are a lot of great tips. Have to read in full later.
    Off to in-laws with healthy lunch. Acknowledging that yesterday could be challenging paid off & I put healthy choices first & stuck to my plan.

    Drink 9 cups of water.
    Track everything.
    Walk dog in AM.
    Tacos tonight, only I'm substituting my taco shells w/romaine lettuce.
    May take DD for swim this afternoon.
    Add in more veggies today.
    Meditate/rest 20 mins today. This has helped me greatly.
    Fit into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear last month.... :smile:
    Start doing yoga/Pilates again, check class time.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Kids are driving me nuts today. Screaming at half 7 in the morning!
    I don't put up with that!
    Ones already on the naughty step!

    Today's gonna be one of those days...
    I wish I didn't have an aversion to coffee right now :anguished:

    Remember - they are going to grow up so fast though! But .... have that nice sip of coffee..... count to 10 ......
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Prep Quarterly Taxes
    Begin cleaning out closets

    Keep up the 6-Day Slim-Down Diet :D

    Not quarterly taxes --- you scared me! I do our quarterly taxes, but the quarter does not end until Sept - right????

    I was also wondering what is the 6-day slim down diet?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    Grrr - had my update almost done, then clicked on the wrong thing. So do over.

    2) Use Calm app & mindful breathing at work...just keep trucking and do what I can = did ok :smile: then had chat 5

    This has happened to me - I have something all typed, and hit the wrong button and lose it all!
    I am going to have to look up the Calm app?

    You are doing great on your morning walks - and to get to see so much wildlife add to it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    WR50 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday: Long slow run and eat clean- no bingeing.
    -Did the run. Failed on the binge.

    JFT Wednesday: Began reading Brain Over Binge- get through as much as I can today.

    I have such a problem with binge eating also. Last month, I had a free assessment at the gym, and the trainer told me I need to eat more food during the day. So I have been trying that - I have my calories set between 1400-1500. I still try to eat around 1300, but if I go over, then I am OK with it. It has really helped me, that, and brushing my teeth early in the evening. The evenings have always been my hardest time.

    I also have the book, the Beck Diet Solution. Of all the books I read on Binge eating, this one has helped me the most.
    I will have to check into the Brain over Binge book though. But .... know that you are not alone. It has been a struggle for me for so long
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Fit into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear last month.... :smile:

    :):):) Great feeling I'm sure!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,092 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Fit into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear last month.... :smile:

    :):):) Great feeling I'm sure!

    I'm just happy I've got to 12 weeks and I still fit in my jeans!! :sweat_smile: