

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Anyone make overnight oats? I made my first last night and don't think I will do that recipe again. If you have good recipes for these will you please share. Honestly I'm missing my protein shake that I have been having for breakfast.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    With all the changes we wish to do with the present layout of this apartment, we shall be busy. And moving books will be a great way to exercise, plus weeding out books we don't need. Also with the possibility of having both eldest, and middle son for Christmas, that should be fun! Might be able to give some items to middle son, now that they are moving up to Vancouver WA. And finally if we move to Whidbey well it will be awesome!

    I am handling this empty nest thing quite well. I have been writing to him daily, and that helps to have my Owain writing time. Husband is trying to get over his cold. He can't have a cold when we travel up to Whidbey island! He has dayquil to help his battle!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Prayers to all of you who are going through tough times! <3
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    To the ladies that are rockers (people that paint rocks), an eye opening article.


    Its brings to light what the Olympia National Parks, (and most other state parks), view is about the painted rock craze.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. Just a quick pop in to say hi. I have had a migraine all day so I have not done a thing. I'm going to try to get to exercise class later this evening...the headache is starting to go away so I think it my be gone by then. Loving the photos! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • galinazo
    galinazo Posts: 12 Member
    Had a night of cruise and packing anxiety. Grrrrrrrrrr! Today I will start putting a few things in suitcases as I'm sure that will help. I got hardly any sleep and was HUNGRY! At 4.40 I had a slice of bread and a small glass of milk, then eventually went to sleep.
    I found myself going over and over how I got showered and dressed after my swim in the indoor pool. :noway: :grumble: Could not distract myself. So I got, in total, just over 3 hours sleep. We're doing a bit of shopping today for suncream, socks etc.

    Barbie - I would like to donate my body to science, but I haven't quite got the courage. Thank you for the August thread. <3

    My goal is not to put any weight on during the cruise and not to drink too much. :D Last year I managed the first, but not the second.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Use the stairs on the ship and never the elevator, that;s how I do it and for me it really helps!
  • WendyofMysfam
    WendyofMysfam Posts: 9 Member
    Hello again ladies! So good to hear from all of you! I have been trying to write before I leave my office each day since I get busy in the evenings at home. I am finally feeling like I am losing a little weight so I may actually get on the scale Monday (the day I like to weigh) and see how its going. I know my face is looking a little thinner so there is hope. Haha.
    I think I might buy a little freezer so I can start doing some make-ahead and freezer meals to eat during the week and for lunches. Do any of you have any favorite make-ahead meals? Just checking. Of course I have found some on Pinterest that I can’t wait to try out! Good thing is I love to cook and I cook good! Don’t tell Emily .. but she does NOT cook good. Lord that girl can mess up boiled water and swear she did everything just like me. Well no she didn’t .. I have never messed up boiled water. HAAA!! I love picking on her though so its good that she has the patience of Job!!
    Lanette SW WA State, Mikesmom1983, DJ Myrle Beach SC, Re in TX – Thank you for the congrats! I plan to cover the baby in all the kisses he/she can stand!
    Barbie – So glad you are getting the patio done so quickly! Hope you will enjoy it!
    Mikesmom1983 – Thank you for the congrats!
    Vicki Grand Island NE – So sorry for all you have been going through! It is so hard when things just happen one on top of the other! Will send positive thoughts your way!
    Re in TX – You are such an inspiration! I love that you are sticking to your guns and not giving in just because the loss is slower than it was before. I love your comment about greek yogurt! I was never a fan until after I tried using it instead of mayo in my chicken salad and now I use it in my chicken wraps too! Learning to love that stuff! Haha
    Michele – Hopefully Vince will have a talk with her after the shower. That would be so helpful for everyone I think. Sometimes people are so used to being bullies that they need a reminder to stop behaving that way. Even if her son doesn’t have the backbone to say anything, eventually he will get tired of it and then start trying to avoid her.
    Joyce in IN – Too funny that Charlie is so competitive! I’m not quite as bad as him but not too far off either! Lol. I get tickled at my cats when they bathe each other. One is Boo (an all black cat) and the other is Yinyang (the tortie). When Boo decides to bathe Yinyang, she puts a paw on her head like she is holding her down. Cracks me up!
    Heather UK – WHAT a gorgeous photo! I just love your smile!
    Sue in AZ – Welcome! Glad to see you here!

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!
    Wendy in Ark
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    went to have dinner with my brother and sister in law, she got back home about 10 minutes after I got there. Jean spent a huge chunk of change on rehab and Sean is drinking again.. it hurts so badly to see it.
    Barbie~ so excited for your patio... Have the pups in here with me, Tom was asleep when I got home..
    going to go over paperwork tomorrow with fine tooth comb. and ask all sorts of questions before I sign anything.. will keep you all in my back pocket xoxoxo
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thank you, Karen!

    Allie – I agree – MOVE or else TomCat isn’t going to pay anything. So are you and he going to sell the house there and the place in FL? Surely, he’d owe you for ½ of each (or if he keeps one, would still have to buy you out to get you to sign the paperwork to get them into his name. You own ½ of them. I don’t know about Connecticut; but, FL is a ‘community property state’ and each side of a couple owns ½.

    Mary – We’ll have a nice weekend … anniversary falls again on a Sunday, like when we married. Mother put together a little box for us with all the goodies in it. By the time we got to where we stayed the first night we were famished.

    Marcelynh – Beautiful view!

    Toni – This past year I have had two very close former HS classmates of mine commit suicide. We’d just sort of come to grips when one died; but, this last one, I think, blew everybody away. Just saw one of my really good friends at the grocery store, and someone (I think she said an aunt) had just buried her husband Friday, learned today that her 21-year-old son was killed in a collision up in Atlanta. I could tell my friend had been crying.
    Seems like there are so many needing prayers. I think we all need it, I think we have an ‘unspoken chain prayer’ on this line … we are all ‘angels’ to someone. We’ve all ‘Entertained Angels, most Unaware.”

    Katla – My Daddy was an attorney, so I grew up in it. In fact, he had to teach me to play “Poker” so I could ‘give’ the poker face if people in town asked questions about who my Dad saw or not, who came to our home, and ‘lie with a straight face’. Right after Louis and I married, we got transferred to Albany. I was a ‘stay-at-home’ Mom until my boys were ‘in school’. So, when I decided to go back to work, they was just something I felt I could say that I some ‘experience’. I had been ‘offered’ a job; but, since I had a 2nd interview that afternoon, I asked if I could give them an answer the next day. Went on the interview dressed just like “Miss Goodie 2-shoes” in a white sleeveless dress that I had made, trimmed in navy and brass buttons. I was the ‘last person they were going to interview and they would let me ‘one way or the other’ if I got the job or not. As I was sitting there waiting for them to come back from court; and, my ‘soon-to-be’ boss walked in ahead of them, I sort of had the ‘breath taken away’ like I did when Louis and I met. I did the interview and everybody was nice (the Senior partner’s secretary was a bit on the huffy side). When she called to tell me I had the job; I asked if I could have the rest of the week to find child care. I worked for ‘my’ boss; she was NOT my ‘boss’. I talked to my Dad about the jobs. Very different. First was in a law firm that did a lot of real estate and insurance defense cases. The job, I took, was with a plaintiff-based firm that did personal injury, medical malpractice/malfeasance, product liability, divorce, criminal cases, and very little real estate. My Daddy told me that ‘if I realy wanted to learn the law inside and out’ … I’d better hope they called me back. They did, I did … seemed to be best choice. It was a lot of ‘hurry up and wait’ when it came to getting a case ready to ‘take to court’. I enjoyed the times we were able to go and watch Senior Partner in court …. Especially his closings. He eventually moved his practice to Atlanta, due to getting more exposure there. I had only been working for a week when they got their first $1M ‘fee’ and the defense were not going to appeal the judgement. Talk about putting on a party with little heads-up. The 3 secretaries had a catered event by the time they drove down from Atlanta that afternoon … every attorney, secretary, and Judge in town were invited.

    I’ve seen ‘divorces’ from both sides, both men and women. I really think most of the men were a bit ‘thick-headed’. They women – sometimes you had to be the ‘middle person’ because depending on the circumstances, they would call you at all hours – very early in the AM and right before you got ready to lock the doors.

    Dorri –I’d feel the same way about Louis and his pillow (small feather pillow) … I would ‘kill’ someone if they decided it needed to be ‘washed’ or ‘thrown out’.
    When my Mimi died and we went up to the funeral home, I looked at Mother and told her ‘she did not look right’. My Mother gave me a questioning look and in front of the funeral director told her that I had never see Mimi without her glasses. Which was true. She’d put them on ‘before getting out of bed’ in the morning, and they were the last thing that came off when she went to bed. So he told Mother to go home and get them, he agreed … then, my uncle (Mother’s younger brother) pitched one of the ‘biggest temper tantrums’ for doing it. I told him that Mother was around Mimi a LOT more than he with hiss ‘raggedly @$$’. When she was sick and in the hospital and having hallucinations and we did not know if she live, I called him and told him that he needed to come down. He remarked that ‘he was busy’ and ‘that Mother (his sis) was just being over-dramatic. After that, I had nothing to do with him. My Daddy died in 1985 – and, I ‘still’ miss him. But, when he was on his ‘death bed’ I crawled up in it and told her ‘if was ok to let go and go home; but, when I died … I wanted him to meet me and “Call me, Dale, Daddy!” Something I told him on my 4th Christmas Day when Santa brought me a red wooden rocking horse and a total cowgirl hat, with hat, cowboy boots, and a whip and gloves.

    My former sister-in-law and her present husband were stationed in Japan for 4 years and ‘loved’ it. They had several ‘cats’ with ‘crooked’ (broken) tails. Said that the Japanese considered to ‘good’ luck. Poor kitties. Like clipping or docking a dog’s ears or tails, maybe it isn’t as hard on them when they are kittens.

    Becca – I’d be careful where I put my rocks. Bought 6lbs for 77¢ this afternoon.

    Allie – Just makes lists … try to prioritized them … you’re now going to be in the “6 of 1; half-dozen of the other’ phase.

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Hi all! Checking in...

    Dana in Arkansas
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelynh - Louis and I used to go scuba diving. LOVED it! But, I can't say that I really liked having him as my 'dive buddy' ... he was either ahead of me or behind me. For the WORLD, could NOT get him to swim beside me; and, he could not understand why I got so angry with him about it. I'd hyperventilate for several minutes as we got down the anchor line, then I'd be ok. The first time we went on a Wall Dive ... and we had to hang on to the rope on a floating ball with an anchor, someone kicked my mask off; and, I went back up the rope so fast that my nose bled. I literally crawled up on the ball I was so upset. The dive boat came over and one of the people swam over to me, so I would not get carried off by the current. I don't think I have ever had that bad of a headache. Did the one thing the dive master had told us not to do. The next year ... I was first to the bottom. It was awesome!!!! Thankfully, that was the 'last dive of the trip'.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Barbie - your patio is going to be fabulous! Great job!

    Marcelyn - FABULOUS those fish photos! Thank you for sharing! I love this group and all that I'm able to experience from "far away." <3

    Allie - hope you can get moved into that condo soon - I know you have been "mentally" moving in for a while B)

    If we don't have clouds on Monday, we should get maybe 90% coverage on the solar eclipse. All of the anticipation and uneasiness reminds me of the planetary Grand Alignment that happened August 24, 1987. Wow, that's been 30 years ago. The stock market hit an all time high on August 25th of that year with the Dow at 2722, then started to head down toward a big drop "Black Monday" on October 19th, 1987 when it plopped down a big 22%. I dabbled in astrology back then and the business astrologers predicted it.

    And of course, the stock market has recovered from that all that tenfold. :) Might be fun to see what astrologers think a total eclipse portends!

    Have a great evening! <3

    SW WA State