2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • esperanzab93
    esperanzab93 Posts: 24 Member
    anybody notice how many more newbies there are than mentors? :neutral:
  • sdc20
    sdc20 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love to be adopted if there are mentors! I'm trying to lose 20-25 lbs, all gained in college (I just graduated). I'm not vegan or vegetarian, I have no dietary needs. I'm pretty good about running once a day and doing yoga every once and a while but my dietary habits are pretty bad (I definitely eat more than my body needs- I'm 5"2 and 132 lbs). I'd love someone to give me advice and keep me on track! Will power is definitely my biggest weakness.
  • billygunn31
    billygunn31 Posts: 29 Member
    I want to be adopted. I am just starting out and I am currently 489lbs and 5 foot 9. I have a large number of health issues most of what have nothing to do with my weight. The number one heath issue is that i have around 8 tumors though out my body, before the doctors can or do surgry on me I need to lose 200+lbs as quickly and safely as possible. I need help
  • Morgenholt
    Morgenholt Posts: 18 Member
    Hey team

    I'd love to mentor and help out anyone that's just starting.

    I'm 21 years old, 6'2, 188cm, 84.1kg, 185lbs. I've been exercising and keeping active for the past 5 years with boxing, weightlifting and bodybuilding. During this time I've been able to successfully add on 10kg 22lbs of muscle to my frame, tone up my body and double to quadruple the weight on my main compound barbell movements.

    I'm by no means an expert, to be honest I'd consider myself more intermediate. My main strengths are nutrition focussing on fat loss, bodybuilding and starting strength through weightlifting.

    Always available for a chat should anyone need help getting started, or if you've hit a frustrating plateau you can't get past.


    Jovan from New Zealand
  • Krombopulos_michael
    Krombopulos_michael Posts: 6 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi mentor/s
    I'm a beginner im 19 i dont mind if i remain a beginner for a few months or even a year as long as my eyes arent bigger than my stomach with the whole exercising, i would like to maintain the habit

    Your free to suggest what my limits are and what goals i do and exercise but if you can tell me what to expect with any of my present routines then that'll save me from getting dissapointed at any unfavourable results and would be most helpful to me.

    If you were to motivate me you would be second place to the crack of dawn,
    I exercise early and its low impact for 30minutes to an hour starting from almost a month ago wont do it alone if a mentor can help me
    I am 65kg and aiming to strengthen myself and im a noob looking to be adopted.

    Krombopulos Michael
  • LarryRacesBikes
    LarryRacesBikes Posts: 17 Member
    I would very much like to mentor a few people starting out on their fitness and weight loss journey.

    I am a career fitness professional with 36 years experience as a Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I lived and worked in Germany as a fitness professional and have taught across the Americas, in Europe and Asia. Needless to say health and fitness has been my life. That being said fitness doesn't come easy to me. I have to work at my weight loss and maintenance as well as work at maintaining my level of fitness. I have also had my share of injuries which I have overcome.

    I love Milky Ways, Latte's, Potato Chips and Bacon. I also know the affect they have on my health and how easy it is to be tempted back to the dark side. I also believe in clean eating and work at finding foods which will satisfy my cravings. I also know portion control.

    In my free time you will find me on my bike, a great source of freedom as well as a healthy way to keep up my cardio.

    My clients say I am a stickler for precision and that I will hold you accountable. They also would say that working with me is a lot of fun.

    I am available to chat, offer suggestions and to be a sounding board.
  • trlabath54
    trlabath54 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I would love to have a mentor to help me on my fitness journey!
    I am planning on joining the U.S. Army next year and I have 50 pounds to lose.

    My name is Taylor and I am a 26 year old mother of a 7 week old baby boy. He has given me a new reason to better myself and my life. My husband and I have discussed it and I will be joining the military after next Summer. We are in a rut here in rural Iowa. We are in debt and unable to afford to save for a home. I never finished getting a degree and can no longer afford to finish. My sister has been in the Army for 15 years and has a Doctorate of Nursing. She has told me all of the benefits that the Army provides, but also all of the hard work I must go through in Boot Camp.

    This is why I am reaching out for someone to help guide me through my journey and to keep me accountable. I not only want to lose weight, I want to be strong as well.

    Anybody who is reading this, please feel free to reach out or add me as a friend!

    Thank you!
  • theritestuff
    theritestuff Posts: 101 Member
    29, male 5' 6" 178 - want to go to ~155 and also work on body comp.
    Sign me up!

    Nobody? This makes me sad :(
  • karenwolfe1
    karenwolfe1 Posts: 2 Member

    I would like to be adopted! I am 35 years old, mother of 2. I taught school for 8 years, and right now I work with Ford. I live in South Georgia, where it is so hot and stuffy. I would like to have someone to discuss weekly progress with. I have gained about 55 pounds in the past 5 to 6 years and I would really like to discuss my weekly progress with someone who understands that weight loss and changing your life for the best, is not something that can be done over-night. I feel that I would take my weight loss responsibility more seriously, if I knew that I would be called out, by my adopter, if I am not following through on my obligations. Thanks in Advance.. Karen
  • lag5140
    lag5140 Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hey all,

    I'd be more than willing to mentor and help out.

    I'm in my late twenties, 5'-9", 172lbs. I've been actively participating in CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting for the past 4-5 years. With the addition of proper nutrition I've been able to add over 30 pounds to my frame (most of which I assume to be muscle mass) and drastically improve my performance and energy levels.

    I can make myself available for a chat or to answer any messages should anyone need help getting started or looking to amp up what you've already got going.

    Feel free to reach out
  • shalisa7
    shalisa7 Posts: 56 Member
    Adopt me please x Hi I have been on here quite a long time but went off the rails three months ago and regained 10 lb. I can only do walking as exercise due to knee/back issues. Would love someone to help me get back into it and find my will power (seems to have stayed in Devon icecream shop). Need to lose another 2-4 stone. I know how to do it just need the strength and commitment to stick to it. (lonely food addict). If anyone lives near me in East Sussex would be great to have a chat x
  • Melissa_fitmomof6
    Melissa_fitmomof6 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    I would love to be adopted! I need a push and someone who can help me when i have questions or am just being lazy that day lol I've already lost 100 lbs, but these last 50 are kille, it's been yo-yo with me. My issue now is I'm working out, and NOT eating! On a normal day I'd only eat dinner. This is hard to break, but I will conquer it. I know it's the reason I'm not losing AND tired all time. Who's up for challenge?!?!
  • jetsjoanin
    jetsjoanin Posts: 2 Member

    Im a 26 year old mother of one I've gained a lot of pounds that I am desperate to lose. I want to feel better and look better not only for myself but for my son. I just need some guidance and some help along the way as far as what to do and how. So if I could get a mentor that would be willing to coach me through my journey that would be amazing!

  • Theeerica
    Theeerica Posts: 45 Member
    I would like to be adopted, I'm 46 and am battling Hashimoto's disease. Two of the major symptom’s is weight gain and crushing fatigue. I joined in hopes that the structure of logging my meals will keep me accountable, and help improve my health. My fatigue gets worse if I over exert myself, so I'm more focused on cutting out sugar and processed foods than I am on exercise. If someone thinks we would be a good match I could really use the support. :smile:
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'd love to be a mentor.

    A little background:
    I'm 41 and live in West Texas. Was overweight, then obese, then morbidly obese by the time I was 33. At 37 I hit rock bottom, I tried ever "diet" and gimmick out there. Then one day, I just got sick & tired of being sick & tired.

    I am down to about 180lbs and still going. It's slow, but I don't mind. Progress is progress.

    I'm a single mother who just recently "retired" in order to go back to school full time to finish my degree.

    I know exactly what it's like to not be physically able to do most exercizes because of weight. When "just do a 30 minute walk" was not going to happen because of the pain in my knees, ankles and feet from carrying my weight. It's hard to change, especially after more than a decade of doing the same thing over and over again.

    I started seriously lifting weights about 6 months ago, I love it! I still do regular cardio and try to incorporate new and different things into my life.

    I am generally a positive person, with a bit of a snarky sense of humor.

    I've done mentoring in business. I'm more than willing to help out anyone willing to accept help.
  • Theeerica
    Theeerica Posts: 45 Member
    Adopt me @VeronicaA76 :smile:
  • SherryLong01
    SherryLong01 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2017
    would like to be adopted :smiley: I live in Cleveland, Georgia and I want to lose 80 pounds.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    edited August 2017
    would like to be adopted :smiley: I live in Cleveland, Georgia and I want to lose 80 pounds.

    Hi! I am willing to adopt you, just FR me. My quick bio is above.
  • Gibbler78
    Gibbler78 Posts: 1 Member
    Id like to be adopted. Im 39 from Canada. 185 lbs and 5 foot 1. 4 Children. Married. I work an 8-5 Monday-Friday Job. Kids have lots of activities in the evening. Im a busy person, but not active. Maybe 6000 steps per day. Ive been a member for a while and was even successful at one point in losing 37 lbs by CICO (Calories In Calories Out) Starting again. Open Food Diary. Looking for a mentor !!
  • kolson111322
    kolson111322 Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm looking for a mentor to adopt me. I'm back after a long time away from MFP. I'm looking for someone close to my age and can pull out the pom-poms and also give me a kick in the behind and also be a sympathetic ear for those times I may get frustrated or need advice.

    -I'm 30.
    -Type 2 diabetic
    -62 pounds thereabouts to lose
    -looking to train and walk a 5k
    -Haven't been active at all so I'll be starting from scratch.
    -I think my food diary is open.
    -hoping to get and exceed 10,000 steps a day
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