Fellow shorties needed for support and motivation 5'5 and under :)



  • yung_baller_86
    yung_baller_86 Posts: 25 Member
    5ft 3 here! I actually can't seem to figure out how to add friends, so EVERYONE ADD ME! Itd be nice to have some real people in my feed :)

    SW: 202
    CW: 187
    GW: 150

    Im getting super frustrated with how long this is taking; its taken me almost 4 months to lose those 15lbs, which I know is a steady rate... But considering it probably took the same time to gain it, and its come off a lot quicker in the past (yo-yo dieter here) I cant help but feel frustrated. Im trying hard to stay patient! Visiting this community section has been helping me stay focused.

    I also kind of feel this is the universe really teaching me something. The weight has come off quickly and easily in the past... but its come back on quickly and easily too, without me even noticing. Doing this whole weight loss thing the right way (maintaining a calorie deficit for a prolonged time) will hopefully mean I wont gain it all back... because it took SO DAMN LONG TO LOSE IT (fast forward a year) and I learned soooooo much about food along the way. I'm pretty confident I know how to maintain long term now.... once I get there anyway :wink:

    Anyway - rant over. Best of luck fellow shorties!
  • funmuscles
    funmuscles Posts: 1 Member
    5'4" is average height for a woman. 5'5" is NOT short.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey all, I'm really not sure whether I have commented in the past or not, I have looked but can't see... I have bookmarked this discussion anyways, I'm Sara I'm 5"4 and from the UK, I started this journey after turning 30 in January this year after years and years of eating what I wanted when I wanted and not doing any exercise at all..

    SW: 308 lbs (16th January)
    CW: 236 lbs (24th July)
    GW: between 120 lbs - 140 lbs (Hoping by January 2019)

    I have currently lost 73 lbs so far, I have had my ups and my downs and for about 90% of the time I have been highly motivated and felt energetic and basically healthier physically and mentally in years but just these past months I have been suffering, I lost weight too quickly and because of that I've been having problems with my gallbladder, gallstones to be exact, I have been very depressed and frustrated recently due to it all as I have had to reduce my fat quite alot and its been hard having to do that and still keep my calories between 1200 - 1500 especially on a tight budget I have had to do so much googling to find foods affordable and low in fat but decent in calories and protein, I think I am getting the grasp of things and I am slowing feeling better mentally and I am feeling motivated again, Yes its amazing to lose weight but I went overboard I cut out way too many calories and exercised too much, I am still trying to find that healthy balance so please bear that in mind.
    Sorry rambling.... haha! that's my story :) feel free to add me, my diary is open if anyone wants a peek, always looking for tips and advice.
    I wish you all the best and I am always looking for motivation, support and I love reading other peoples stories and successes <3
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    sbx2307 wrote: »
    Not sure if guys are welcome but I am short as well. Standing at 5'3 196. Now I am a stocky 196 but I just need help watching my eating at night.
    :(. I struggle with stress eating and looking for accountability folks to help me along. Any tips or if any would like to add me please do. I'm just so tired of losing this battle.
    I'm 5'3 also. I tend to want more food at night too. It is also harder because I'm not as busy, and my husband is snacking. One thing I have done is to make sure that I allow for a good dinner and after dinner snack. I also don't wait to eat dinner too late or I'm starving. I love toasted Arnold sandwich thins with carefully measured peanut butter. I don't get a lot of peanut butter but toasting it helps.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    edited August 2017
    tasha12004 wrote: »
    Well update ladies.. Mother nature decided to turn up and made me gain a whole 6 pounds of water weight... This is going to take me at least 4 days to loose. Sigh, I know it's just the number and not fat weight but it does discourage me a little bit.

    Hey, yeah mother nature called me too... I decided not to weigh myself Saturday just passed due to it hehe I feel like I have lost weight and by what I've eaten and burned I should have but I know the scale will tell me differently due to the water retention T.O.M brings so I feel ya there :)
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    tasha12004 wrote: »
    Well update ladies.. Mother nature decided to turn up and made me gain a whole 6 pounds of water weight... This is going to take me at least 4 days to loose. Sigh, I know it's just the number and not fat weight but it does discourage me a little bit.

    Hey, yeah mother nature called me too... I decided not to weigh myself Saturday just passed due to it hehe I feel like I have lost weight and by what I've eaten and burned I should have but I know the scale will tell me differently due to the water retention T.O.M brings so I feel ya there :)

    Yes, it's such a curse because then you need to drink more water to loose the excess water weight and that can take up to a wekk... so it's up and down
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    Shortie here.. 5ft mother of two .. last time i reduced my last 10 lbs with this app.. my daughter is now 1 year old and I m again struggling with last 10 lbs... My weight is 120 lbs .. I don't know y but I m unable to start calorie counting and nothing else is working... Really want to reduce these last 10 lbs... :(
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    @Tasha12004 exactly plus it also depends on salt intake as that can retain water plus weather can make a difference also grrr lol I never actually used to feel bloating caused by T.O.M or by eating before I starting losing weight which is really strange haha
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    @Fatimahasnain Hey I from what I have read if you manage to reduce calories by 500 per day or burn 500 calories per day or even both thats 2lb per week should be anyway as there is 3500 calories in 1lb of fat but then again your already at a healthy weight so you could always just try and tone up a little bit? I wish you the best of luck :)
  • jessxox2017
    jessxox2017 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello you shorties :) 24 years old, 5ft 1 here! I started roughly 45 days ago and I'm now looking at all your great motivational comments! They're really cheering me up on a slow/hard day! So Thank you guys :) Lack of sleep has me screaming for food! I am a mother to two little boys jack is 11 months and Tommy is 2 years and 4 months!
    I was unhappy with my weight before I ever became pregnant but the fact that I was wearing jumpers during the hot weather because I was self conscious gave me a serious wake up call! I want to be at Goal weight for Christmas :)
    Onwards and upwards!

    SW: 156
    CW: 141
    Goal weight:120ish

    Best of luck Everyone :*o:)<3
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Good morning ladies OP here checking in :) I finally lost some of my water weight.. Hoping to lose the last 3 pounds from the gain by tomorrow :) How are you ladies doing?
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    xandra47 wrote: »
    God bless everyone under 5 feet! I love you all so much! I get super excited when I see people shorter than me! Who else has an over 6 foot tall husband or bf? Mine gets me all the stuff on the top shelves I can't reach lol

    I'm 5' tall. I once dated someone who was 5'5" and they were a HUGE help getting stuff from high up! :D
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" tall. I've lost 60 pounds so far with 30-40 to go. It's been really straightforward and fairly simple for me. It's just taken some time and patience. A lot of patience. You can do it!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    Hi ladies, any updates on your progress?
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    4'9" here! SW was 179+, weighed 153.4 on August 1, goal weight range is 125-129. My smallest adult weight was 132, and I wanted to lose another 5-7 at that point. Please add me! I need more short friends!
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    myra6989 wrote: »
    Add me! I'm 4'11 and freaking 264.8 lbs. My highest weight is 285 so I'm down 20 lbs. Whoop whoop. I have Pcos which really works against me... It sucks! But I'm determined to really reach my goal of 140-150.

    Yeah, but if you can overcome the battle, it will make you stronger and happier in the end. You can do it <3
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    brittdee88 wrote: »
    4'9" here! SW was 179+, weighed 153.4 on August 1, goal weight range is 125-129. My smallest adult weight was 132, and I wanted to lose another 5-7 at that point. Please add me! I need more short friends!

    My smallest adult weight was 150. My ultimate goal right now is 140 and if I feel like I'm not up to my standards at that weight, I will continue to lose until I can look in the mirror and just feel happy with myself
  • mynewme210
    mynewme210 Posts: 39 Member
    Sw 175
    Cw 131.8 Still have a little water weight going on from mother nature
    Gw 123
    On my last 8.8 pounds lost 41(ish) pounds already goal of 50 pounds pants size is down from 14-16 with xl shirts to 3-4 pants and small to medium shirts. Feel free to add me. Ive done more then lose weight I found myself again.
  • ClaireGleek
    ClaireGleek Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2017
    Update - I am only 7lbs away from my original goal of 137lbs the highest end of my BMI
