

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,607 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Alison ~ Yeah for You! :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Well ladies the condo is mine...praise the Lord... Now I will be sweating bullets to figure out how to do it all.

    Hooray, God is Good. So thrilled for you.

    Janetr okc
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    My phone died this time when I was going to post. Oh well!
    I hope all the people in Texas are OK! I know the port Arthur area is really bad right now all the flooding going on and a lot of people being rescued and evacuated out of their homes. Prayers for everyone out there!

    Dana in Arkansas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2017
    Lanette: I've mentioned that I took Master Gardener classes in the late 1970's. They really enriched my life. I did the service I'd promised and then we moved away because of DH's work situation. Duane Hatch was my teacher, and he retired a long time ago, but I have books that he wrote on my gardening shelf. I'm considering taking a new course locally next January or February. We'll see whether I have that level of flexibility in my time when it gets closer. DH's health is a moving target & I need to put that first. :flowerforyou:

    Terry in VT: I've had seasonal affective disorder most of my life, also known as SAD. The combination of light therapy with daylight temperature light bulbs & plenty of vitamin D3 works very well for me. I haven't checked the science lately but I know those people at more northern or southern latitudes are more at risk for SAD than people who live between 40 degrees North Latitude and 40 degrees South Latitude. Birthdates seem to make a difference, and summer babies are more at risk for SAD than winter babies. I was a summer baby. :grumble:

    Ginger in TX: I also appreciate the photos you posted. They help bring reality to a more personal level. (((HUGS)))

    Cheri: It is great to see your happy emojis. They do a great job letting us know things are okay for you. :bigsmile:

    Meg: Lack of yoga and excessive ice cream eating seemed to gang up on me. I'm back on track. Thank goodness! :bigsmile:

    Heather: I hope you're able to get over the cough quickly. Do you think it came from the trip or something else? :huh:

    Machka: Spring break! You lucky duck. For teachers and kids here in the US it is back to school time. My granddaughter is already back to school in Illinois but school in Oregon will start after Labor Day, which is Sept 4th this year. :flowerforyou:

    Marcelyn: Stay safe while you are cleaning up after the storm! (((HUGS)))

    Alison: CONGRATULATIONS on the condo!!! :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:

    I'm having a quiet day at home today and enjoying the rest. DH made himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast and it is time for me to get my cottage cheese and blueberries.

    Be safe!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." Friedrich Nietzsche

    "When you are going through hell....keep going." Winston Churchill
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,761 Member
    Well ladies the condo is mine...praise the Lord... Now I will be sweating bullets to figure out how to do it all.

    This is great news! You are a hard worker with a good head on your shoulders ... you will figure it out. And if you need money saving tips, ask Becca!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,279 Member
    Allie - :drinker: <3

    Katla - When we picked up Edie the other grandparents told us she had been a bit tired and irritable. She had a bad cough and that night she was complaining of tummy ache and crying for "mummy". We thought it was just a bit of tiredness and separation anxiety. She was fine the next day, but still with a deep cough.
    I am sure we got it from her as DH and I both developed the exact same symptoms at the exact same time. Yesterday I was achey and NOT HUNGRY :o:o:o ; today just coughing, coughing, coughing. I am sleeping in the spare room. :(

    Made the most delicious thing by accident today. :D Yesterday I overcooked a cauliflower and was thinking what to do with it. Today I gently stewed some whole garlic cloves in olive oil and pureed it all together. Delicious! Had it with two Italian sausages and broccoli. I had to dock 150 calories for the oil, but it was worth it! :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Way to go, Allie!

    Sorry about the cough, Heather...

    There's something about there being a "Cajun Navy" that makes me smile every time. Much like the Redneck Yacht Club (a bunch of party barges bungee-corded together to make a floating party). I love me some Cajuns--and have some Cajun relatives. They're a good bunch.

    Paper is almost out, still waiting on ads, but had to come back to real life. Love y'all, long day!

    Lisa in West Texas
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all, husband better today. I think going on vacation will help.

    Joyce, I''m happy for your daughter. It's great that she was able to find a great job without a college education. That's rare these days. I would had liked to see the video on brains. It makes sense that women's "boxes" are all connected. We juggle more than men (all at the same time). I think we see the world as interconnected too. You got so lucky with that tree that fell!

    Lenora, my daughter doesn't have a credit card either. I'm very happy about that. She is pretty smart when it comes to finances. right now she is working full-time and going to school full-time. She lives with us to save money for school. Her dad gives her $300 a month but says he won't be able to do that after he retires next year. I think he will have the money. He just a new BMW!

    Heather, we have a blackberry bush (just enough for my cereal) down at the end of our driveway. F (husband) caught a neighbor from down the road picking them one day. Shamed her into not doing it again. I would never think to pick someone else's even if the bush wasn't up by the house. My husband is paranoid about everything (comes from being Cuban) and generally is wary about anything on the Internet. Surprised he hasn't said anything about this forum. Maybe your husband just doesn't like the idea of not knowing what you are writing???

    Allie, congrats on the condo!!!!! You mush feel like a load has lifted off your shoulders. You will figure it all out. After all you are "wonder woman". It's all coming together for you. Great about finding a bureau. After all you have done, Tom can pay the legal fees. Do what is best for you. Your days of watching out for his interests are over. That's his responsibility now. Sometimes old habits die hard. If he is upset it is his issue, don't make it yours.

    Rori, I'm so happy that things are moving along for you. Can you do the closing remotely?

    NYKaren, like your attitude.

    Lisa, please explain "habit stacking". Never heard of that.

    Barbie, good for you. Debt can be a bottomless pit.

    Meg, hope all your family stays safe.

    Vicki, Falling? Might want to get that checked out. Maybe you have an inner ear infection. That can effect your balance.

    Becca, love the rocks. Here are some that my daughter and I did a few years ago.


    Machka, can't keep up with you! makes me feel Like I don't do anything. Hope your brother is safe.

    Marcelyn, wish I could be there to help with the clean up. What a chore! :o:o

    Katla, F has tried those lights and they didn't help at all. He does have sleep apnea and wears the machine at night. (I (I told him he looks like Darth Vadar with it on). Before he got the machine, he was tested and they said he was only sleeping 20 minutes a night and stopped breathing about 40 times an hour. I was so afraid about the effect on his heart. he sleeps pretty good now.

    Everyone in Texas, keep posting. It is good to hear that you are doing ok.

    I'm finally going to put a picture up. Of course I didn't like any of the ones that I took. Settled on the least objectionable. :)

    Terry in VT

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Congrats on getting the condo, Allie!

    I spent the whole day working on our porch steps, painting and calculating angles and cutting boards with a mitre saw. I also demolished and rebuilt the gate to our sheep fence because I needed the wood it was made of to match the floorboards on our porch. After pounding in a couple dozen nails and lugging lumber back and forth and using two crowbars simultaneously, I'm pooped! :(

    /Penny, hitting the sack early near the North Pole
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,379 Member
    Rori – thank you for the Jessica Smith link. That looks like some workout! I like Leslie Sansone walking videos and will add Smith to my list. Good for you up to black already! I’m starting out with the red of course – DH fastened eyebolts into the wall of my little workout shed and I’m threading the band through to do exercises the PT set me up with right now. So glad you have a buyer for the Hawaii place – hope the closing goes smoothly.

    Ginger – glad the water is receding and hope it keeps going down. The Friday thru Sunday photos were something! I’m hearing many stories of goodwill and generosity from people and corporations in the US and even other countries.

    Becca – how is the knee? Good suggestions about elevation and ice. Any more letters from DS?

    Allie – hooray on the condo! Things are moving along for you. Someone asked if the “no dogs” was an owner requirement or part of the condo association rules?

    Katla – glad you were able to make it back to yoga. Was going to mention sorry about your favorite yoga instructor and the mean girls. Not sure what the issue was, but some these religious types who make it their business to judge people and gossip and make trouble for good people …. I consider myself a Christian, but I’d like to shake them until their teeth rattled. Oops, not very Christian I guess. >:)

    And regarding Master Gardeners, if I do drop out next year, our county has a “Friends of Master Gardeners” – I think it costs like $25 or $50 a year and anyone can join, not just former MG’s and the Friends are put on the mailing list for all the special training and social events. I really, really liked the people and a lot of the training was and is just super. So that might be a good alternative for me.

    Just finished canning 7 pints of applesauce, the canner is cooling down as I type this. I might cook 3 more pints tomorrow for the freezer and call it good until our October apples are ripe. Will pick remaining ones tomorrow and take a big box to my former workplace tomorrow – see if any of my “peeps” want some.

    DH is watering some of the little cedars at the back of the property. This heat and no rain is making them look kind of puny. So glad the days are shorter so the heat just kind of spikes in the late afternoon then it gets cooler again.

    That's the latest!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,607 Member
    Getting excited. MS ride is coming up!!!!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,804 Member
    Becca--those are very pretty rocks. Such talent and patince which I do not have.

    Terry in VT --Hugs!

    DJ--You are very brave to climb up on a ladder. I am afraid I would fall before going up 3 steps. DH it lucky to have you in more ways then one.

    Mary--Sounds like things are falling into place. Pray the move is everything you want and need.

    Ginger--good news about the water going down around your area. Praying it gets better soon. It is heart warming to read about all the people helping.

    Marcelyn--Glad things are getting better for you. Sad about the trees. Please stay safe as you are doing the cleanup.

    Joyce--I also watched the video on men and women's brains. Found it explained so many things. I just find it so hard to think of someone being able to think about nothing.

    Allison--Great news now just remember to take it one thing at a time.

    Penny--WOW! I wouldn't know where to start let alone sawing and all that stuff.

    Well when I get off this afternoon have to go home and get my lug of peaches taken care of and in the freezer. They were pretty hard when first got them, but they are ready now. Take care and stay safe.
    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island, NE
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Thankful to hear from Ginger and Marcelyn. So grateful you escaped the worst of the storm.

    So many of you are so very busy. Makes me feel like a sloth. But the world needs those, too, right?

    Spending some time today sorting and organizing some family "clippings and pictures". Enjoyed looking at newspaper articles from the 30s of engagements and weddings of my mother's friends. Keeping them for now because they are easy to store in a thin album. On one of the envelopes I saved things in I wrote a note to my son saying I hoped he would look through the stuff inside before throwing it out (just in case I'm gone in a flash and he has to go through things).

    Rori - so glad you sold your condo!!!
    Allie- so glad you got yours!!!
    Happy dance for both of you.

    Lisa- wonderful way to help your friend in need.

    Pip - Go, Pip, Go!

    Well- off to do some errands as the rain moves in here. We are expected to get about 5 inches in total over the next
    3 days.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – We have probably 50 acres planted in pines. We’ve thinned them 2x; but, doubt we’ll do it again in our lifetime. Next cutting will take them all; and, then they can get them planted again for only the cost of the trees. This last time we removed about 8 that were close to the house; but, left a big one that is probably 20 feet from the front storage room of our carport. It doesn’t lean towards the house and would probably fall away from the house. We generally lose 5 - 7 a year. Just because. They also drop sap and it is sticky; but, not nearly as sticky as the pecan trees. They drop black spots or sprinkle them more than anything; but, it is not unusual to see neighborhood popping up in them. People like trees; they just don’t know the mess they make and they lose their leaves so you are raking leaves during the fall and winter months. But, they are the best indicator that there will no longer be a frost. I don’t buy any outside plants until they have started putting out their leaves.

    Barbiecat – When they first started sending out credit cards, they would send them to ‘anybody’ without an ‘credit check’ and for a ‘credit limit’ for something like $10K each. They were charging 3% interest and my Daddy referred to it as ‘monster’ or ‘mafia’ monkey. He did a lot of bankruptcies during that time when people just could not ever touch the principle. It hasn’t changed much – paying the ‘minimum due’ means it would take you 20 years to pay it off. Dave Ramsey's suggestion of snowballing cc debt would not have worked for us. We just moved it from one source to the checking account and paid them off. It feels so good to not be financially strapped. We have just enough insurance to pay off our mortgage and car and have some to bury us (maybe). They'd be a lot of things that would drop significantly if either of us passes away for the other.

    I rarely buy anything that isn’t ‘on sale’ and prior to these sales, I go and check what things had been originally priced, especially furniture. I go to the furniture company at least once a month to check on their new inventory, as well as their scratch & dent section. I have bought 2 leather chairs for our den, because they were on sale and fit us. Since we are both only 5’4” and 5’5”. I would like not to have a car payment and if I had not traded my car, it would be paid off; but, it was beginning to have issues, such as transmission slipping and it was going to cost us a lot of money. When I wrecked it, I am surprised it was not totaled; but, the accordion bumper on it kept the utility pole away from me. Then I had 2 fender benders, the last one not my fault. The guy that hit me was a pluperfect ‘jerk’. The police had been called and because there was a wreck at the intersection, he had to stop and work that wreck first. The guy gave me everything, other than his policy number. While we were waiting I drew the back of his truck including the tag number. He had left the scene of the accident. When the policeman told me what the hang-up was; I said, tell me that a white Ford pickup truck. He asked why and I told him that was the truck that rammed into my door. The man also questioned if the damage had already been there. He really did not want to ‘go through insurance’ and wanted me to get 3 estimates for him. I told him “Hell NO … I am NOT required to do it and I had the right to have it fixed at any body shop and I chose Perry Paint and Body to do it. He just became belligerent. I had never even ‘heard’ of the insurance company and thankfully he did report it to them. I did not even get a rental car, because that was my choice, no need to get one only to have it sitting under our carport and I told his adjuster that. At some point there was damage to my running board and the body shop fixed it without charging me anything. In the first wreck, I had hit 2 curbs before hitting the utility pole; but, he and the adjuster said it looked like someone had driven over the curb. I chose not to make a claim and he told me he would ‘help’ me on the deductible and he thought he could bank it out; which he did. This one is a 4-cylindar and my last one was a 6-cylindar. But, it gets so much better gas mileage. I put in $15 before our trip and did not drive it; then we stopped on our way and put another $29.50 in it and we made it all the way out here.

    The only cc we have are Louis’ 2 that he pays out of his business account; none other than that, except 2 for me, that I don’t put anything on them that I cannot pay off in 2 months’ time. Three at the most. But, while I am paying on them, I don’t buy or charge anything. DOS and his wife got into a heap of financial trouble when his wife ‘quit her job’ (without first talking it over with him) and was without a paycheck of over $550 a week. She was without a job for 8 weeks or more. They were already stretched to a breaking point and while son did not want to do it, they filed bankruptcy. She got mad when he decided that she had to let her car go back. Her car payment was more than their house payment. When they filed, I stopped paying money to him to help with tuition … because they would have money to pay for it. I have a car payment and we have a mortgage payment … the rest we pay utilities, phone, insurances, groceries, and drug bills with and the rest we’ve put in the bank for ‘emergencies’. I want to start saving money to add to my retirement account to continue buying more financial investments for later in life. DYS does not have any credit cards; but, his bosses give him 2 to use and he buys stuff for out here.

    I think because I had my ID ‘used’ once; I want a ‘paper trail’. If we ever go totally paperless, I will be screwed! I’m too old for this. I do have 3 bills that are automatically deducted from my account. At least it wasn’t ‘stolen’. We are pretty sure how it was done. My BF, who retired from the IRS say they see this same sort of thing every year and without her help; I would have NEVER been able to dispute it. We found out where it was prepared and the check was cashed in the same building. It takes a group of people working at both ends of the scam. I don’t give anybody personal information, no SSN and no other thing they could use against me.

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited August 2017
    We've got sunshine today. Still a little overcast - but I'm claiming sunshine. The creek behind us has receded back into its banks.
    But... The Beaumont-Port Arthur area was hit by up to 25 inches of rain overnight. Monday night.
    Interstate 10 at Winnie was a raging waterway. Prayers for those still in the path and those dealing with the aftermath.
    --Ginger in Texas
