September 2017 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    9/2 3m easy
    Total: 6 of 65 miles

    Goal: Beat my 20-yr-old PR of 29:32
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    It's occurred to me that I don't have a training plan in mind for the 4 weeks between each of the three races. And I'm a planner, so this bothers me.

    Anyone see a reason to not repeat the last 4 weeks of Higdon's Intermediate 5K plan twice? Or have a better idea?

    (I think said earlier that I was doing the Novice plan, but I misspoke.)

    Probably not, but you might want some variety in there. You might consider looking at his next level up in training plan at this point also.

    Do you ever plan to run farther than 5k in a race?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Forgot to post this in August, my eclipse viewing report:
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    edited September 2017
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    9/2 3m easy
    Total: 6 of 65 miles

    Goal: Beat my 20-yr-old PR of 29:32
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    It's occurred to me that I don't have a training plan in mind for the 4 weeks between each of the three races. And I'm a planner, so this bothers me.

    Anyone see a reason to not repeat the last 4 weeks of Higdon's Intermediate 5K plan twice? Or have a better idea?

    (I think said earlier that I was doing the Novice plan, but I misspoke.)

    Probably not, but you might want some variety in there. You might consider looking at his next level up in training plan at this point also.

    Do you ever plan to run farther than 5k in a race?

    @PastorVincent -- Good question. Next year is a big question mark. I may move up to 10K and/or 13.1m, or I'll do a season of sprint triathlons (which contain a 5K). I'll probably also do at least my favorite local 5K as well. In any case, it makes me think that I should move up to the 10K plan. I could use the additional miles no matter what and the Intermediate 10K plan has some cross training, which I like.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    9/2 3m easy
    Total: 6 of 65 miles

    Goal: Beat my 20-yr-old PR of 29:32
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    It's occurred to me that I don't have a training plan in mind for the 4 weeks between each of the three races. And I'm a planner, so this bothers me.

    Anyone see a reason to not repeat the last 4 weeks of Higdon's Intermediate 5K plan twice? Or have a better idea?

    (I think said earlier that I was doing the Novice plan, but I misspoke.)

    Probably not, but you might want some variety in there. You might consider looking at his next level up in training plan at this point also.

    Do you ever plan to run farther than 5k in a race?

    @PastorVincent -- Good question. Next year is a big question mark. I may move up to 10K and/or 13.1m, or I'll do a season of sprint triathlons (which contain a 5K). I'll probably also do at least my favorite local 5K as well. In any case, it makes me think that I should move up to the 10K plan. I could use the additional miles no matter what and the Intermediate 10K plan has some cross training, which I like.

    Yeah, I would consider the 10K plan. How much faster do you need to get to accomplish your 5k goal?
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    9/2 3m easy
    Total: 6 of 65 miles

    Goal: Beat my 20-yr-old PR of 29:32
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    It's occurred to me that I don't have a training plan in mind for the 4 weeks between each of the three races. And I'm a planner, so this bothers me.

    Anyone see a reason to not repeat the last 4 weeks of Higdon's Intermediate 5K plan twice? Or have a better idea?

    (I think said earlier that I was doing the Novice plan, but I misspoke.)

    Probably not, but you might want some variety in there. You might consider looking at his next level up in training plan at this point also.

    Do you ever plan to run farther than 5k in a race?

    @PastorVincent -- Good question. Next year is a big question mark. I may move up to 10K and/or 13.1m, or I'll do a season of sprint triathlons (which contain a 5K). I'll probably also do at least my favorite local 5K as well. In any case, it makes me think that I should move up to the 10K plan. I could use the additional miles no matter what and the Intermediate 10K plan has some cross training, which I like.

    Yeah, I would consider the 10K plan. How much faster do you need to get to accomplish your 5k goal?

    This morning's run was a bit faster than my easy pace and I finished in 33 min. Add 3 more weeks of training, a week of maintenance cals, a harder effort, some adrenaline, and the planets in perfect alignment? I'm close? I'm running a race-pace test next week so I'll find out for sure.
  • ctlaws44
    ctlaws44 Posts: 182 Member
    Hey everyone! Geez this thread moves fast! Sept goal -125 miles. It's a step up from Aug (50 miles) since I was babying my hamstring. I have a HM on the 16th. I haven't run one in 1-1/2 years so it'll be interesting. I'm not much of a distance runner.

    Sept 1 - 10 miles @8:12 min/mi avg pace

    I got dragged out to run yesterday by a buddy (same guy who signed my up for my first marathon in Oct) . I really wasn't feeling it at first, but once we hit 3 miles and this trail loop, I felt good. I was having trouble slowing my pace. It kept creeping up. It was a good run though. It's been awhile since I could just run and not worry about my hamstring. We might go up to The Appalachian Trail Monday and do a run. I'll See how I feel.

    Hope everyone's running and healing well! My prayers go out to all of you
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    9/2: 2.6

    Total 2.6 / 50.0

    Sprinkly rain this morning, and I had to wear my least favorite pair of shorts because they were the only ones clean. And I had to have a short run today, because I plan to run again tomorrow, and am using the "run half as far, on two consecutive days" method of adding a day without adding significant mileage. But everything else was great! My Headsweats cap is awesome in sprinkly rain; it's definitely up there with fancy socks and Bluetooth earbuds on the list of excellent smaller purchases. Also, I chose to turn around just past my least favorite hill, so I would have more practice running up it, and it felt just like any other unremarkable hill.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    9/2 3m easy
    Total: 6 of 65 miles

    Goal: Beat my 20-yr-old PR of 29:32
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    It's occurred to me that I don't have a training plan in mind for the 4 weeks between each of the three races. And I'm a planner, so this bothers me.

    Anyone see a reason to not repeat the last 4 weeks of Higdon's Intermediate 5K plan twice? Or have a better idea?

    (I think said earlier that I was doing the Novice plan, but I misspoke.)

    Probably not, but you might want some variety in there. You might consider looking at his next level up in training plan at this point also.

    Do you ever plan to run farther than 5k in a race?

    @PastorVincent -- Good question. Next year is a big question mark. I may move up to 10K and/or 13.1m, or I'll do a season of sprint triathlons (which contain a 5K). I'll probably also do at least my favorite local 5K as well. In any case, it makes me think that I should move up to the 10K plan. I could use the additional miles no matter what and the Intermediate 10K plan has some cross training, which I like.

    Yeah, I would consider the 10K plan. How much faster do you need to get to accomplish your 5k goal?

    This morning's run was a bit faster than my easy pace and I finished in 33 min. Add 3 more weeks of training, a week of maintenance cals, a harder effort, some adrenaline, and the planets in perfect alignment? I'm close? I'm running a race-pace test next week so I'll find out for sure.

    Then I suggest (and I know nothing about everything, so take this with 1/2 grain of salt...)

    Focus on speed training until your next 5k. Make sure to have a rest day before the race, and a lite warm up before the race. Get your PR, and then switch to 10k training and start looking for a 10k race to follow after the 5ks you have. Once that plan is in place you can look for a nice fun 13.1 to knock down.

    As long as you are listening to your body (so that you do not over do it) and enjoying it. Keep pushing. :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    r_babin wrote: »
    I'm a beginner runner looking for a cool group to join. My goal is to train and do a couple of races is 2018, mostly 5K then build up to a 10K race by 2019. I am at the end of week 3 of the basic couch to 5K program, so I can consistently run for 3 minute spurts at an ok pace. My problem is I hate the cold and temperatures here are starting to drop (I run very early in the morning). Any suggestions on the proper fall running gear I should look into getting?

    Welcome to the group!

    There are many here that run in the cold cold temps and can offer some suggestions.

    I'm in southern Oklahoma and just a few layers are plenty warm here. I hear a base layer designed for skiers works well, smartwool, or something like hot Chili's ( which are too warm for most of our runs here. I have a nike aeroloft running vest that is amazingly warm, it has to be 20-30°F to wear it. For my ears I use a Buff and a headband. Socks are smartwool and my feet are never cold. I You tubed it and found great ideas and with some advice here I was ready to run on the coldest days. (Which is warm compared to others) .
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    9/2 3m easy
    Total: 6 of 65 miles

    Goal: Beat my 20-yr-old PR of 29:32
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    It's occurred to me that I don't have a training plan in mind for the 4 weeks between each of the three races. And I'm a planner, so this bothers me.

    Anyone see a reason to not repeat the last 4 weeks of Higdon's Intermediate 5K plan twice? Or have a better idea?

    (I think said earlier that I was doing the Novice plan, but I misspoke.)

    Probably not, but you might want some variety in there. You might consider looking at his next level up in training plan at this point also.

    Do you ever plan to run farther than 5k in a race?

    @PastorVincent -- Good question. Next year is a big question mark. I may move up to 10K and/or 13.1m, or I'll do a season of sprint triathlons (which contain a 5K). I'll probably also do at least my favorite local 5K as well. In any case, it makes me think that I should move up to the 10K plan. I could use the additional miles no matter what and the Intermediate 10K plan has some cross training, which I like.

    Yeah, I would consider the 10K plan. How much faster do you need to get to accomplish your 5k goal?

    This morning's run was a bit faster than my easy pace and I finished in 33 min. Add 3 more weeks of training, a week of maintenance cals, a harder effort, some adrenaline, and the planets in perfect alignment? I'm close? I'm running a race-pace test next week so I'll find out for sure.

    Then I suggest (and I know nothing about everything, so take this with 1/2 grain of salt...)

    Focus on speed training until your next 5k. Make sure to have a rest day before the race, and a lite warm up before the race. Get your PR, and then switch to 10k training and start looking for a 10k race to follow after the 5ks you have. Once that plan is in place you can look for a nice fun 13.1 to knock down.

    As long as you are listening to your body (so that you do not over do it) and enjoying it. Keep pushing. :)

    This strikes me as solid advice. A spring 10K sounds lovely. Thanks for taking the time! :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    9/1: Rest day
    9/2: 16 miles

    16 of 250 goal miles

    What a beautiful, gorgeous, amazing day to run. We got hit by a sudden blast of fall weather at the tail end of the week and I am absolutely loving it. I woke up at 5:30 this morning to a temp of 48F (dew point: 44!!) and it stayed cool and cloudy for my entire long run. I did a gentle, rolling hills 6 mile loop at 6 am with my group, and then a hilly route at 7 am with a smaller subset of the group and our route included a mile-long hill repeat to get extra down hills. I wanted to get a hilly run in today to prep for Steamtown which is mainly downhill for the first HALF of the race and hills I most certainly did get!

    My overall pace was about 40 seconds faster than my last few long runs have been and my HR was an average of 158 which is pretty fantastic considering all the hills. Overall a really lovely run. I hope this weather is here to stay for a while! It's PERFECT running weather!

    Upcoming Races:
    Sept 16: Baker's Revenge 10 mile trail race
    Oct 8: Steamtown Marathon
    Oct 22: Perfect 10 miler
    Nov 5: Princeton Half Marathon (pacer)

    I'm so jealous of that Fall weather!! Ahh! Awesome running!
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    I'm totally on board with the fall weather as well. 59F and sunny this morning. Beautiful. I'm sad that I'm going south on a business trip on Monday and I'll be back in the heat again. :(
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    r_babin wrote: »
    I'm a beginner runner looking for a cool group to join. My goal is to train and do a couple of races is 2018, mostly 5K then build up to a 10K race by 2019. I am at the end of week 3 of the basic couch to 5K program, so I can consistently run for 3 minute spurts at an ok pace. My problem is I hate the cold and temperatures here are starting to drop (I run very early in the morning). Any suggestions on the proper fall running gear I should look into getting?

    So early Fall is often optimal running weather, and you probably will not need much for it. Everything varies per person of course, but in general, you need A LOT fewer clothes to run in the cold than to stand or walk in the cold. 50 degrees is still shorts and tee-shirt weather for many runners.

    Ideally, you are a little chilly when you start running. How much is "a little chilly" depends entirely on you and you will learn that through experience. Running creates a lot of body heat so if you are comfortable to start, you will be too hot once you get warmed up.

    Personally, when it gets really cold I wear Under Armour Cold Gear Base Layer 1 pants and top (long sleeve with hood and face coverage). I use a wool cap and wool socks. I also have a North Face Wind Barrier jacket I wear because the wind is killer, especially once your top gets wet with sweat. I also have gloves, but I end up taking them off about 1/2 through the run unless it is really bad. For my eyes, I wear Oakley Polarized Radar sunglasses that fully wrap my eyes. They cut out snow glare AND wind. All of that is very expensive, but I have gotten years of use out of one set.

    Layers is the key to cold weather regardless of activity. This is me in full kit

    But that is really only for sub 20 degree F runs. THe day I took that picture it was like 40 or something and I took most of it off after the picture. :smiley:
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @greenolivetree awesome to see you!

    I missed y'all :p
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    So I had some time this morning (rest day) and was getting caught up on all my email and discovered a new FB page from Runners World. Runners World Deals!! All kinds of gear deals :) Enjoy!