

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    Hi all! I'm looking forward to a 4-day weekend this weekend...although Friday, I'm taking off to go to a medical appointment (to get that endoscopy). Have a great day, everyone!

    @cbabie I've had a headache off and on since Saturday, I feel your pain! I hope our headaches go away soon. Mine is caused by the weather and unfortunately, I can't take anything but tylenol for it right now because I'm getting an endoscopy on Friday. :(

    @farmgirlco congratulations! Isn't it great to be able to lose weight and not feel deprived? Yes, since I spend so much time on the computer, I figured I'd put my vision statement/affirmation right there!

    @theslightedgeforever sounds like you have a great plan for your exercise. I knew you seem like a good planner.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all, well I guess it's really afternoon. I had a busy morning taking care of some of my dad's things and am sitting now doing my morning routine. I do not have a headache!, My eyeballs seem tired, but no pain in the that is a blessing. Today has been emotional for me, but I have learned that sometimes what we hear is not true. I had to deal with my dad's mobile home and the office. I had been told they were not easy to deal with, mean and rude...even the reviews on the website state this. Well I have to tell you the people that I have been working with were pleasant, helpful and I saw that they had had losses in their lives as well. We are really all just people and we deal with things differently.

    I only got 20 min on my treadmill, but it's better than zero. I stayed OP yesterday, so I think I am back on track.

    @trooworld I hope all goes well with the endoscopy and you get answers.

    @farmgirlco Congratulations!! Sometimes we need to change it up !!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    Hi all! Well, today is my Friday yay! No work tomorrow. I had such a backache yesterday and a headache and couldn't take anything but tylenol so I didn't take it because it doesn't really help me (I might as well take tic tacs for my pain lol)...can't take anything else because of the endoscopy tomorrow. I hope today is a better day! Yesterday was good as far as eating goes.

    @cbabie I'm glad your headache seems to have let up. I hope it stays away! Mine is still there, although it is less today. That's good that the people in the mobile home office weren't like the reviews said they were. Thank you re: the endoscopy. I hope I get answers too.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    trooworld I'm an awesome planner. Follow up and execution is where I usually have the problem. But I'm better than I used to be. Wishing you an easy endoscopy.

    cbabie Yaaaay on no headache. Maybe people see what they want to see. I'm glad you had an easy time. 20 min is moving your body. I read something today I liked. An inch of action is better than a mile of intention.

    Yesterday daily check in food (over by 100 cals) exercise 60 min cardio 21 min strength training water 9 glasses

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    Hi all! Just a quick check in before my procedure. I lost 3 lbs, which is what I gained last week + 7 ounces yay! Have a good day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all, well I guess it's really afternoon. I didn't do well yesterday, been in bed most of the day today..headache and life...but trying to keep moving forward.

    @trooworld yea for the 3 lbs...I would feel like I won the jackpot. :)

    @theslightedgeforever yes my brother used to say "that's the plan" and then never do the plan.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    Hi all! Well, I went grocery shopping again and spent too much, I decided I'm going to buy less meat and we are going to eat more protein from vegetable and grain/non-meat sources. I've looked into it and I don't need that much protein (88g), my husband needs more because he lifts weights, he needs 188g, but he can get quite a bit from Greek yogurt and other sources. Hopefully, this will cut down our grocery bill substantially.

    @cbabie oh I'm sorry that darned headache is back! I hope it goes away soon. I did feel very good about losing 3 lbs, I don't normally lose that much, I think I must have been holding onto water weight from the previous week or something.
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Morning

    Haven't been here for a couple of weeks. We've been away visiting friends at their cabin in Vernon and then spent some time on Vancouver Island in our little 13' trailer. Lots of beach time and golfing. Was a great couple of weeks and one of the very best things? I actually lost 1/2 a pound. That is definitely a first for me - to come back after vacation with a loss. Just absolutely LOVE this low-carb, no wheat/sugar routine. Don't plan to give it up any time soon.

    We are still dealing with the wildfires here in BC. Very tragic for many. Worst wildfire season on record. Hopefully Mother Nature will come to these folks' rescue much sooner than later.

    Have a good one.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    cbabie are you up and moving? Come on one foot in front of the other.

    trooworld Yaaay on the 3 lbs. How was your procedure?

    cmedwards I'm glad you've found a plan that works for you. So sad about those fires. The poor people and animals.

    Yesterday Check in Food-check exercise none water 4 glasses

    Here's the WW weekly highlights

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    I lost 1.8 lbs this week

  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Hi all!

    Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. It's been pretty steady for me the past week (except for a minor upward blip around my TOM), but the good news is I'm down another pound for the week; now 2.4 lbs to go to goal. Yay!!! (Yes, I'm a daily weigh in person -- I think it's helpful for me). I also (finally) bought a food scale and am becoming more rigorous in weighing everything. When I was on WW, it was less of an issue especially with fruits and veggies which were all zero points. I've been eating within my calorie allotment, and getting to the gym most days -- yesterday was particularly good since there was a celebration that involved a lot of dancing on my part
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Hey @theslightedgeforever Just watched your weekly recap -- I love that you do this! It's great -- even for those of us who quit WW. I love your attitude too -- don't sweat the gain too much. You got it, you reflected, and now you're back on track! Good luck this week -- and in case I forget to check in on Thursday, happy birthday in advance!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    Hi all! It's been so hot here. I've had a migraine all weekend due to the heat. :( My head feels pretty good right now, I'm hoping the migraine stays away today, I've got a lot to do today...I'd like to cook a bunch of meals to prepare for the week. I've had a busy weekend and have not tracked since Friday. I'm so mad at myself. Not even photo tracking, which I told my Vida coach I would do if I didn't track in MFP. :(

    @cmedwards welcome back

    @theslightedgeforever it was fine, it didn't hurt at all. They had to take some biopsies (not for cancer, for some condition) and I'll find out the results for those in a week or so. Thanks for the highlights. I really enjoy them, I hope she never stops doing them. I'm watching the video now--- its theme is moving more. One of the little things I do that fits in with that is that while on the phone is I pace, I walk walk walk. The unfortunate thing is that, nowadays, I don't talk on the phone that much, I text people much more! lol CONGRATS ON YOUR LOSS!!!

    @achagpar CONGRATS on your loss!!! You are so close to your goal, wow! I have a food scale too, I find it very helpful. The weekly recap--- I love it too, I follow that lady's videos. She puts out a daily video as well I think, and maybe a monthly recap? Yes, it's very helpful for us that isn't on WW. It's not @theslightedgeforever though...she's just sweet enough to post it for us.
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Ahhhh... thanks @trooworld for the correction and thanks @theslightedgeforever for posting it... it's nice to get a recap!

    Well, there was a road race here making it next to impossible to get out of my place to get to the gym... but the good news is I got out early enough and found detours to make it to the gym ( next to impossible does not equal impossible!) and now I had an incentive to do both a strength training class and a Zumba class -- since it would be tough to get back for a few hours! And the extra price of good news is that I have now proven to myself that I can do a double class (I used to think I'd die if I did more than one class!).

    Moral of the story: you CAN do anything you put your mind to! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    agachpar You are really close now. That's not me on the WW highlights. I found her sister's channel about a year ago or so and she used to do this and then Sandy the lady in the video took over for her. Personality wise Sandy is just like me though. I've been using my scale and measuring cups faithfully for the last two months and have been successful at weight loss too. It works. Double class I'm impressed. I impressed myself yesterday with doing Zumba for 40 min. I just kept telling myself just do the next song.

    trooworld So keep working at your tracking til it becomes an ingrained habit. What will be your trigger to help you to remember? I never talk on the phone anymore either. except facetime with my kids

    I guess I need to go send the hounds out for cbabie

    daily check in yesterday food-check exercise 70 min Zumba and walk water 7 glasses

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    Very hot and smokey here today. Fires please GO AWAY!!

    Doing really well on my weight loss plan. Actually down again today so I'm very pleased. Just need to keep it up now for another 10 or so.

    Must get busy and get a few more things done inside before its TOO HOT to stay in. We have a beautiful big backyard with lots of shade so that's where I will be with my book this afternoon and of course the hot tub which is sitting at a very welcoming 94 degrees. Add a glass or two of ice cold wine and Happy Labour Day to me!!

    Have a good one everyone,
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all:

    I have been maintaining, but when I look in the mirror, I look so overweight. I didn't do well yesterday or over the weekend. I made homemade Ice Cream and that was the end of me.

    @cmedwards52 I hope it gets cooler sooner for you and for us...Sounds like you had a great 4th.
    @theslightedgeforever Great job on the Zumba...not my thing..LOL
    @achagpar The scale does help that is for sure..I sometimes forget about the fruit not being free..LOL I haven't done WW points in forever, but I did it for so long it became like breathing to me.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    Hi all! I stayed up too late last night not wanting the weekend to end boo lol. Now, I'm paying the price for it. I'm so tired. But at least it's Tuesday and not Monday. I tracked yesterday yay!

    @achagpar congrats on not letting the race stop you from leaving the house. Way to go!

    @theslightedgeforever I put a reminder on my Google calendar which will ping my phone and computer on Saturday and Sunday at breakfast, lunchtime, and dinnertime. That should do the trick.

    @cbabie can you make homemade faux ice cream out of mashed bananas instead of real ice cream? Or light ice cream made out of skim milk and the other ingredients instead? I'm glad you are back, I missed you!
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    @trooworld I'd love to try faux ice cream! How do you make it?

    @cbabie Don't feel bad about maintaining... it's a slow journey. I thought I did so well yesterday with my double class and staying within my calorie allotment... but guess what? This am, I had a 0.8 gain on the scale! What?! Yes I know there can be variations and some say I shouldn't weigh daily and yes, I'm happy about my lifestyle changes, and yes I know I will lose this... but all of this rant is to say don't beat yourself up. You've got this. Just stay on track and try not to be discouraged. It just takes a while ... or at least that's the advice I'm giving myself and you too!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    cmedwards your Labor Day sounded wonderful. sitting outside with a book is one of my favorite things. Just keep working and that prize will be yours.

    cbabie Maybe your fat/muscle ratio has changed. Muscle takes up less space but weighs more. You aren't as active as you used to be. Most important thing is how are your clothes fitting? That's a better judge than a mirror or a scale. Step out of your comfort zone Try some Zumba. I basically danced and just moved my arms like them for 40 min. But I needed to up my cardio % for heartrate. Treadmill isn't cutting it anymore.

    trooworld Yaaay for tracking Looks like you have a plan in place to help remind you to track.

    achagpar Yes the scale can be deceiving. Our success lies in our daily actions My body is my health bank account. My actions=money Am I making deposits or withdrawals each day? That's what I'm telling myself lol

    Daily check in food check exercise treadmill leslie sansone video strength training water 7