Over 200 Club



  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    I would live to join too!

    SW 257
    GW in 4 weeks 238
    FGW 150
  • This is so cool....

    Count me in!

    SW:231 (December 19th, 2008)

    I haven't really given a lot of thought to the in between goals. I guess that'll be my first goal ;) To sit down and plot a plan

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • Woohoo! I made it to 4 whole glasses of water today! A whole glass more than yesterday.

    2/4 - 32 oz.
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WTG LISSA!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks rosered51!
    I think I'm gonna try the flavored water idea to see if it helps me get to a full 8 glasses.
  • You're quite welcome...hey whatever works for you...that's the only way I can...plain water I can taste all the minerals in it and it makes me nauseous...so the flavor packs are a Godsend for me! I cannot believe how much water I can drink now that I have made it a priority!

    Good luck going forward! We can do anything we put our minds to!:wink:
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    OK - Water intake..

    3 Feb - 4 cups
    4 Feb - 5 cups
    5 Feb - 7 cups

    I need to improve! I drink too much tea instead. I've never heard of these flavour sachets you are talking about adding to water. Our tap water is excellent though, so I have a very easy source of tasty water.

    Weigh in tomorrow. I'm hoping for some decent progress downward as I've been working hard.
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    My oh my do I have so responses to catch up on! You guys were so busy without me all day! That is SOOOOO wonderful! I am so proud!

    To everyone who wants to join: YOU ARE ALL ADDED! Start keeping track of that water, we weigh in Friday. You may not notice that much of a change, but hey, weigh in still and then next week, you will be able to chart your progress :wink:

    Okay now there are going to be a lot of individual posts from me... So here goes!

    Jocelyn: Don't worry too much, everyone is allowed a day off or even sometimes a week. As long as you dont fall off and discount yourself, you are fine! Everyone should enjoy special occasions and outings and if you don't you are bound to not enjoy the benefits of getting (and staying) healthy. Do not beat yourself up... still weigh in to gauge your overall progress. Every single one of us will have bad and GREAT weeks! Hang in there lady, we are in it for you too!

    Misslissa: You are wonderful!! 1 more glass than yesterday is terrific! WOO HOO For you!! Keep that up and soon, you will be drink 8 glasses without even thinking about it!

    Lou: Good job on finding workouts that will keep up your exercise routine but not putting your healing in danger! So sorry you have to go through those surgeries. For the future challenges I will make sure to look up some modified activities so you don't get discouraged. You are doing awesome

    To everyone else... You are all doing so wonderful! I really liked how you all reported all of your water intakes in the same posting... It helped me clarify some and make a few changes. maybe on Friday you can all do that again so I have to most correct numbers. I have been keeping track but it defiantely made it easier.

    For our new team members: Welcome and jump right into conversations. I find that the more you are involved and keep yourself devoted to the team the more likely you are to keep to your daily goals. One thing I do is keep a daily log of all of my goals in my blog on MFP and as I achieve them, I use strikeout to erase them... to me it is just another way to hold myself accountable. Take a look at my blog if you get the chance!

    Tomorrow is weigh in... is everyone ready? I could definately use a little pick-me-up... I think my aunt flo is coming to visit and have felt pretty crappy lately. As some of you know, I had my son 2 months ago via C-Section so aunt flo is back with a vengence! HAHAHA Okay enough TMI! keep up the good work and know that we are all going to achieve our goals... stay with it even when you dont get the results you want because overtime, you will succeed if you have the right mindset!
  • I admit I'm a bit nervous for weigh in tomorrow. But I'm telling myself that even if I didn't lose anything, I just barely got started and not to give up. I've got a major headache today though, so I don't know if I want to workout or not......that and I have to see the dentist today :grumble: :grumble: I always feel crappy after the dentist.
  • You're quite welcome...hey whatever works for you...that's the only way I can...plain water I can taste all the minerals in it and it makes me nauseous...so the flavor packs are a Godsend for me! I cannot believe how much water I can drink now that I have made it a priority!
    I think I may have the same problem. I wondered if I was drinking the water too much, too fast. But yesterday, I noticed that when I had big drinks of water, I felt a little dizzy & nauseous. I've always had a hard time with plain water, so I'm hoping that the added flavors really help.
  • Do you want to know the best natural remedy for headaches???

    Working out! It releases the endorphins in our body, enlarges the blood vessels which makes the pressure (i.e. the headache) go away!

    If you can do the workout, I seriously recommend it. I always feel better afterwards even if I have to drag myself kicking and screaming!:laugh:

    Don't worry about the loss this week, just ask yourself: Did I I make healthy decisions and choices this week? If the answer is yes, then you are doing a great job in my humble opinion! :blushing:
  • jcpm98
    jcpm98 Posts: 114
    I am new to this group and I am hopeful/nervous about tomorrows weigh in( I had a bad day as far as calories/eating). Today I drank 9-8oz glasses of water and plan to get a few more in before bedtime. Here is a recap of my progress since I started with MFP and the gym/exercise.
    1st week I lost 1 pound
    2nd week I lost 5 pounds
    3rd week I lost 3 pounds
    4th week I lost 2 pounds
    5th week.............................is tomorrows weigh in
    My start weight was 305
    My goal weight is 150
    My current weight is 294
    I am trying to lose about 2 pounds per week.

    Thanks for including me in this group!!!

  • Can I still join this group? I started in October and was 289...i couldn't believe it either.
    I started a biggest loser at work and we are doing great but the more support the better.

    SW 289
    CW 246
    goal for 4 weeks. 235
    ultimate goal 165
  • jocelynnbug
    jocelynnbug Posts: 78 Member
    ok so i had a reality check today :grumble:
    my original goals for this for the 4 week mark was 20 pounds less than my starting weight
    and i don't think that is really to healthy so can i change it?

    i hope so here it is
    GW:(after the 4 weeks) 215:happy:
    that sounds more likely
  • Sun 02/01: 96 oz (12 cups)
    Mon 02/02: 96 oz (12 cups)
    Tue 02/03: 144 oz (18 cups)
    Wed 02/04: 120 oz (15 cups)
    Thu 02/05: 120 oz (15 cups)

    Amann....since we started the challenge Sunday, do we continue this challenge through Saturday OR since we are weighing in on Friday, will you issue a new challenge tomorrow? If so, does that mean current challenges would run Friday - Thursday making today the last day of the water challenge?

    Just looking for some clarfication. Thanks in advance!:flowerforyou:
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    Ok First check-in :smile:

    Today I am 216lb. So 2lb down! Yay!
  • :flowerforyou: WTG os:flowerforyou: So proud of you:heart::smooched: Keep up the great work!:bigsmile:
  • harter97
    harter97 Posts: 44 Member
    I would love to join! As someone who's friends are all about 130lbs I can feel very alone in my battle!

    Started Jan. 18th 230lb.
    Current: 221.6
    Short term goal: 215 in five weeks
    Next goal: under 200 - and to weigh less than my husband!!
    Long term: 160 (or whatever feels good!)

    It is great to see so many in this club! :) You guys are a great motivation!
  • Hey everyone! I would definitely love to join! Since the weigh in is tomorrow I will start with the new challenge!

    PinkableLove (Heather)
    Starting Weight: 291
    Goal Weight (In 3 weeks)- 281
    Ultimate Goal: 135

    I look forward to chatting with everyone! And getting that motivation that I need!
  • I would love to join! As someone who's friends are all about 130lbs I can feel very alone in my battle!

    Boy do I know that feeling! They are ALL skinny! I sometimes think i'm the only fat person on the planet!

    Water intake for the week since I joined

    Feb 4th 96 oz
    Feb 5th 72 oz

    Out of town for the weekend have a great weekend all! Talk to you next week!