
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017
    langman22 wrote: »
    Hi all, MIL and SIL both fine in PR. :) Phew! ...

    Rye, how frustrating for you to be caught in the middle trying to deal with in-laws. :# Maybe I'm not understanding the situation but is seems like you need to give your BIL the dates that you can help then pull out and let him and the rest of the family figure out the rest.

    Great news about your family.

    Thank you so much for that great advice! I'm going to do exactly that I'm going to be proactive look at my calendar this afternoon and text everyone a date that my husband and I will go see my niece, and then privately text my mother-in-law two dates( pick one) that I could join her on if she wants my company when she goes.

    So simple and I quite honestly did not think of about approaching it this way. Thank you again you are brilliant!
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi all, MIL and SIL both fine in PR. :) Phew! Long night. Still no power though and we are waiting see what the next 2 hurricanes will do that are coming their way. I'll keep you posted. Keeping track of what happens in FL. thinking good thoughts.

    Rye, how frustrating for you to be caught in the middle trying to deal with in-laws. :# Maybe I'm not understanding the situation but is seems like you need to give your BIL the dates that you can help then pull out and let him and the rest of the family figure out the rest. Glad you at least get along with MIL, SIL and her husband.

    Yvonne, YEAH! on starting back with your strength training. I started for the first time on Monday. Between being sore from that and the bone spurs in my feet, I'm a hurting puppy right now. I should be doing it today instead of sitting at my desk eating and typing but I'm not. May have to put if off until my foot pain goes away. Got to wait until Oct to see the specialist.

    Wendy, your daughter is beautiful! Love the black and white pic.

    Thanks Terry, and thanks Rye for the kind words. My daughter has been doing some modeling lately and she is just as beautiful on the inside where it counts. I'm so lucky to have her and my two beautiful grandchildren. Terry, I hope you can find some help for your bone spurs. I often google "Earth Clinic" when I want to read up on alternative cures for anything. People from all over the world post their health problems and solutions on there. When I got a splint in my leg some years ago and couldn't run for awhile, I took up biking which didn't bother it and I was able to keep exercising, also swimming could be another idea for fun on your vacation? There are also plenty of seated things you can do with dumbbells that shouldn't cause you pain in your feet.

    Machka, thanks for the pics of your home gym room. I am thinking of converting one of the upstairs rooms into a gym. Right now I keep my dumbbells and a small bench behind the couch and pull them out when I want to do a home workout. It is a 20 minute drive into town to go to the gym. I pay for my daughter to be a member as well so that we can spend time together and chat while we work out. She is still breastfeeding Clara though, and is tired from broken nights and doesn't always have enough energy to get to the gym.

    Well, I managed to stay on my fast yesterday and I hit my first target when I stepped on the scales this morning: 125! So today I am low-carbing and hope to stay in range of my desired weight. I know as soon as I eat after a fast, I put weight back on just from having food in my system, but if I can be careful in my choices I should burn off as much as I put in. My body is such a "good doer". It seeks to pack the weight on me every chance it gets. I have to be so vigilant not to give it a chance. LOL.

    My daughter reckons I should try a different brand of hair blonder. I have used Schwartzcaf Nordic Blonde twice now. Machka, what did you do after "phase three"?

    <3 Wendy
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Wendy Not doing keto any more, but I do keep net daily carb intake between 60g and 100g, mostly from nonstarchy vegetables, berries, and dairy. I don't eat many grains/cereals/starchy veggies/pasta/bread/etc any more. When I do, it gives me heartburn. Mary does keto. Several of us here are low carbers, but not keto.

    Karen in Virginia

    Can you tell us what your typical day's meal plan is? I tried to look at your food diary but it is locked, LOL. I am pretty new at the low carb diet and still trying to figure out how I should eat and stay full without all the carbs.
    <3 Wendy
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Dana ~ Your two grands are lovely!

    Beth ~ Fingers crossed for your son.

    Karen in VA ~ Another little one! Yeah! My 2 grands are 18 months apart and so close to each other.

    Rye ~ I’m sorry that your BnL has made the visits too much of a strain on you.

    Wendy ~ You and your granddaughter are beautiful and look so much alike.

    Finished with Jury Duty today. Next year I turn 70 and I think that will excuse me from doing it from now on. We sat there for 3 hrs today and evidently the two upcoming cases were not brought to trial.

    Allergy season is here big time for me! Taking decongestants in addition to my usual allergy pills.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,621 Member
    edited September 2017
    Well done, Rye. This group can be very helpful. <3

    Terry - You can do strength training sitting or lying down. I often sit for dumbbells and I do body weight exercises on the floor. I always wear arch supports even in the house. If I don't put them on I soon know it! I use elasticated ones from Amazon. You could rent a wheelchair for your holiday, or even an electric one. Is it the kind of place where you could hire a bicycle?

    Katla - They are quite large, even the 6 qt. You could Google which stores have them near you so you could have a look. One of the great joys, as I understand it, is that you can make lactose free yoghurt with Fairlife milk. You don't even have to preboil it. Everybody does it in the US. :D We don't have that milk. But I like my ordinary yoghurt as I like it tart.
    Have a look at their Facebook page. Instant Pot Community. I just check it out through Google and don't belong.

    I coughed my way through my lunch party with my friend. Then when she left I coughed a lot more and fell asleep for two hours. I got a reply to my email to my DDIL who said that, yes, they'd all had the very same thing and it was exhausting and long lasting. Another friend in the medical field said it lasts two weeks, so only four days to go! Getting any kind of antibiotic out of doctors over here is well nigh impossible. I have no temperature. DH is coughing a bit more today, but managed to get to the cricket. I think it will be a draw as it is forecast to rain tomorrow.

    Sorry about all the fires folks. Horrible damage. :'(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,098 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,009 Member
    afternoon my friends~
    well i woke up at 2 am like I said, then fell back asleep at 5:30 am, woke at 8 and still felt tires so slept until 10, highly highly unusual for me.. but it seemed to do the trick, stopped over to the attorney's office dropped off copy of lease.. and Toms lawyer still hasnt marked for monday in court, hey they dont show up, all bets are off, better for me.. went and visited my friend Doris,who is like my other mother... havemt seen her in awhile and did some catching up. we will go out for chinese next thursday..
    I found out that her oldest daughter, sued her own mother because she tripped over a rock in her moms yard and broke her foot.. really? sue your own mother? that is just outrageous..... If I had to take sides it would be with Doris all the way.. she said I only have 2 children left, I said no you don't you have 4, 2 biological and Sean and I....
    came home and packed some more. Tom will have a fit. alot of the living room is full of boxes, and I took the 2 corner cabinets out of my room, and cleared out most of my clothes and packed them. I feel if I do a little at a time. I get more done..
    Keeping all my dear friends and family down in Florida in my prayers.. and hoping there in no loss of life or limb..
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    edited September 2017
    The things you learn on this thread! I never knew your stove could be religious. I'm pretty sure mine isn't that fancy.

    Terry, I'm so sorry for all your worries. I was wondering if one of those scooter things you rest your knee on might work to assist you in mobility during your vacation. My cousin had one after foot surgery. I called to check on her the day after her surgery and she was in Home depot on her scooter.

    Edited to add pic of scooter. afkc82it2tpk.jpg
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    Awww Lisa - hope you get relief from that state soon. You just described me going through menopause. Except I also had period of "body on fire" heat. Prozac helped me.
    --Ginger in Texas
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Terry in VT - I had bone spurs in both feet, as well as plantar fasciitis--and one thing that helps eNORmously is to simply write the alphabet with my toes every morning before I get out of bed, making sure to stretch your feet as much as possible. It's made all the difference, and I do it religiously. As Heather said, too, very supportive shoes are key. I have high arches, and New Balance tennis shoes are one of the few that have arch support and a steel shank in their shoes, so your foot doesn't bend in the middle as you walk. Not every one of their models has it, but many. You can tell by holding a shoe in both hands and trying to fold the toe up to the heel. If it folds in the middle, it's just not enough support.

    Ginger - thank goodness I've never had hot flashes. My Mama did, and she was miserable. I just have mental hot flashes. Squirrel! :smiley:

    Lisa in West TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Spent my lunch hour delivering boxes and boxes and boxes to our Union Drive set up for Harvey help (though I know $$ would be more usable) we collected a lot of canned goods, diapers and of course school supplies. I couldn't stop thinking that I would have to do the same thing next week :'(

    As I said we both lost sleep worrying that DD would fly into the path by going to North Carolina for a conference this weekend. She just informed me that the NC Gov. put travel restrictions in place, so the conference was CANCELLED. relieved, DH evenmore so....Good thoughts for all those in the path of another horrible hurricane. Stay safe.

    KarenVA congratuations on your news.

    My head's in a whirl from work, but I am counting my blessings (and my calories)

  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Barbie, thanks for keeping us all connected!

    Anne in Rochester
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,621 Member
    Karen VA - Wonderful news! :D<3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I like the idea of using google to find a local place where I can see the Instapot. Thanks! I've never heard of Fairlife Milk. I can buy Lactose free milk in the local grocery store & usually have some on hand to use in cooking. I can also buy lactose free yogurt in the local stores. Unfortunately it is full of sugar and not particularly diet friendly. :ohwell: Doctors here are also much less willing to hand out antibiotics than they were in years past. Too many of the nasty bacterial infections have become immune to them. :grumble:

    Allie: You are doing such a great job with your changes. You're smart and resourceful. WTG!!! :flowerforyou:

    We have dear friends who've retired to The Villages in Florida. For this storm, they decided to go stay with her daughter's family in Georgia. I am so happy that they had the option.

    We still have visible ash in the air from the fires in the Columbia Gorge, but it seems to me like there is less smoke and ash than yesterday. The National Weather Service has us under a Red Flag Warning for lightning from 3 pm yesterday through 11 pm today. So far, so good.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,599 Member
    B) Just popping in. Lots going on right now, all good.

    Karen VA
    - exciting about the new baby!

    Heather - can you take codeine? We haven't had lingering coughs at our house in a long time but the doc would prescribe codeine cough syrup. We'd take just enough to break the cycle and stop the tickle for a while.

    Carol - sorry to hear about your DS. Maybe once he thinks hard about it, he'll realize you and DH are right and drop his new friend once he figures out how to make it "his idea". Sending prayers.

    Machka - love your gym set-up!

    DH and I came to the conclusion a couple days ago we are ready to move. We've been here 10 years, which is the typical length of time we spend at a house before moving on. He'd been talking about it for the past year since it's so much work to keep up the lawn. So many things in this house are going to need updating and replacement.

    From time to time, I'd look at houses for sale in town and nothing looked right. We have a piece of property about 5 miles away, not in a subdivision, where we could have a builder put up a house with handicap features. The property has about 3 acres of woods where I know DH would be very happy just watching the birds and deer.

    Anyhow, been busy making a "to do" list and it's getting longer all the time. Will be talking to a builder next week to see if it's even feasible....might be way too spendy. But we have to start somewhere.

    Thinking of you all with friends and relatives in Irma's way and cleaning up from Harvey. Pacific NW gals, there's GOT to be rain in the forecast!! I keep doing that raindance! At least cooler weather.... one of my GF's went to Walmart yesterday, some shelves bare... they told her trucks aren't able to get through. Not sure if the transportation system got messed up with the hurricanes or if the smoke and fires are hampering trucks from CA and the Midwest.

    I can see food problems in the areas getting "hit" but never realized there could be shortages in secondary markets. Time to make sure the freezer is stocked.

    Hugs to everyone!!

    Still smoky in SW WA State...but it's getting better!

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    KarenGreat news, congrats!

    Sometimes I wonder if it will ever get easier or if I'll miss mom less eventually, but 5+ years later and even typing this makes me start to cry ... we just totally clicked and had the same wicked sense if fun and humor!

    I used to talk to her on the phone every day for at least an hour, and often took that time to put the headphones into my cell and take a long walk "with" her. I bet I met my 10,000 steps easily then!

    It is crazy how much my looks have changed since I lost her, now I look so much like her (as I remember her) that I can startle myself if I catch a glimpse of myself unexpectedly in the mirror.

    When she shows up in my dreams I get this dream awareness and know I'm dreaming. I always tell myself to treasure the time because it will be over when I wake up. Funny thing, I just remembered wile typing that. My mother used to smoke, she stopped when she was around 40 years old. Late in life, she told me that she still had dreams where she was smoking. She would always become aware it was a dream and savor every puff of her dream cigarette- lol.

    Rye ( who is procrastinating starting the loathed bodyweight exercising she needs to do today)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017
    Machka im going to have such a blast looking at your photo albums, I've only started! In that 2nd album 27 pics I think) you have two bikes silhouetted against the most marvelous pink red vista, but a later photo made me question it - was that a painting your bikes were leaning against?
    Instant Pot coincidence I came home last night to an Amazon delivery at my front door. My husband bought an instant pot! Considering I had never even heard of one before it was talked about here a week or so ago, my mouth dropped open in both surprise and amazement. (We usually consult the other on purchases over $40 (I was swimming and the sale price only good for a short time he says) and it is VERY rare that we have anything shipped to our home b/c UPS hates us - so the surprise was big). I have little liking for yogurt, so I guess I'm going to have to reread the instant pot messages here and do some research...


    Rye (still procrastinating)
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading for awhile. Worried about the people in FL. When Katrina hit my hometown, Long Beach MS, it was literally wiped away. So many beautiful homes along the coast just washed away. Prayers for FL.
    Beth- good news about your son's job. Will keep positive thoughts going to him.
    Karen - yea for a new baby.
    Terry - VT. Loved the snow picture. I can't believe how buried your car was I have had plantar fasciitis several times. ortho doctor said to stretch against wall with leg behind you. Several times a day. Keep foot in flexed position when sitting or watching tv. There is a boot you can wear at night to keep foot flexed. Usually takes a few weeks to correct but it does work. Good luck as it really hurts. Hope you get to go on your vacation.
    To our PNW girls, praying for the fires to end and your weather to get better.
    Lisa- give yourself a big hug from me <3
    Played golf today for the first time in awhile. The weather was perfect.
    SueBDew in TX

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Wendy, I'll check out Earth Clinic. Thanks for the suggestion, I did check home remedies on line and came up with some foods that help with inflammation. I already wear an orthodontic as I have flat feet with no arch. Which is why I'm prone to spurs. Had a melt down on the way home today. Told my husband (along with a few swear words) that if our room on vacation was refundable I'd cancel. The tears that I've been holding today came flowing. When I came home I went and got my mom's cane. I think if I use that it won't be as painful when I walk. Every time I take a step it is like my heel is being stabbed with a knife. I'm hoping that the cane will help. I just remembered that the inn where we will be staying has a jacuzzi! Now that's something I CAN do.

    Thanks to everyone who suggested I do weights while sitting. I'll try that Monday. I have tomorrow off and plan on keeping my foot elevated. HHMMM I just received my new jumprings...I see jewelry making in my future.

    Rye, let me know the suggestion works out. Glad I could help. I totally feel the same way about my mom...missing her and seeing myself when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I don't think it ever gets better. Before she died we had her tape messages to each of us. I haven't listened to it recently but every time it makes me cry to hear her voice and her telling me she loves me. What a gift. My husband still can't listen to his message from her.

    Heather, I hope your cough is better soon. Sometimes Vicks vapor rub on your chest helps.

    Allie, how hurtful it must have been for your friend to be sued by her daughter. Unbelievable! :/ Sounds like Tom's lawyer isn't doing his job. All the better for you! Boxes in the living room. Oh well too bad. If he complains, tell him to get over it. Not your problem.

    Katie, I did think about a scooter. I know of someone at work that may have one I can borrow.

    Lisa, I've also had plantar fascists before so had a foot support from that which I'm wearing 24/7. It keeps my foot from bending. Also wearing my sneakers. I had it for almost a year. Also doing my stretches. I'll start doing the A, B Cs too, Thanks.

    NYKaren, glad the conference was cancelled. :) Kudos for helping with the Union Drive. And just think of all the calories you are burning!

    Katla, glad the smoke seems to be clearing.

    Machka, great looking gym! and so convenient to have it at home.

    Lanette, how exciting (and stressful) to be thinking about moving. Glad your smoke is getting better too.

    Well off to put the pork chops in the oven.

    Terry in VT (thankful for all of you)

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,599 Member
    It is SPRINKLING! <3:p:D Just few fat raindrops so far. Katla... do you have anything yet?

    SW WA State