

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2017
    Joyce thank you so much. I have to say sometimes when I'm done and look at them I wonder if they look a bit "cheesy". I asked my daughters that about one I had done and they got on me. I am my own worst enemy in most things involved in my life. I am totally OCD and such a perfectionist, I at times drive those around me nuts. Ha!

    It would absolutely be a blast for all of us to get together, just to visit and share information if nothing else. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Toni, I am amazed at the kindness you are showing your husband. I would hope that if I ever divorced, that I would do it like this. That way hopefully we would remain friends. At one point in time, there was an intense love enou to marry. I think that hopefully that deserves to remain at least a friendship. If I were young and had children, I would try to remain friends. Well I guess that should be the same no matter the children's age. I just hate it when the children are put in the middle of a bad divorce. It isn't and wasn't their fault.

    JanetR,mix can't believe that those are made when you want you mind to just wander off. I would get a headache, neck and back ache with how intense those look. Wow, and you say that somewhere like Michaels or Honby Lovbby offer classes to do those? I would love to do that. My sister and I really enjoyed the year I gave Mom's old jewelry made into ornaments. I am sure that my siblings have theirs on their trees. I know for a fact that my own daughters do not. Michel.e doesn't even put up a tree. I can see why. She has a very small house, 2 big dogs and a naughty cat. She does have some ornaments she hangs from the archway between her LR and DR. But those orna,mets are heavy.

    Melody head butts Charlie only. Mozart just leaps all over e place. Who said they had a Maime Coon? What do you see are the main characteristics? Mozart is bigger from his age and has tipped ears. He is medium hair only but boy that tail is huge.

    Irma is looking wicked ladies. Everyone keep safe.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cee2ski
    cee2ski Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all- I'm new to MFP and just found this group-- still trying to get the hang of participating in the forums. I'm 57 and am 3 months into a weight training program that I started after I "graduated" from about a year of physical therapy for an ankle surgery and some chronic lower back/hip problems.

    The question I've got is "why do I always sabotage myself right when I have a success, like finally losing 5 of those pounds that are so hard to carve off?"

    I started out at 201 lbs, and managed to lose 10 pounds in 2.5 months, and just when I hit that mark, I "fell off the wagon" and spent 10 days feeling bad, not sleeping, and eating most of those pounds back on (probably-- I haven't weighed myself but I can feel it). It seems I always do this, so I'm wondering if anyone has any insights to this or has developed some strategies to get past the speed bump. Thanks and looking forward to your comments! ~Chris in Salt Lake City.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2017
    Joyce I do get very sore and stiff sometimes in my shoulders and back. I'll rest for a bit and put the heating pad on it. Actually I think the light strength training I have done has been a big help with that. I don't really think Hobby Lobby or Michael's has classes in decorating these, it has gone out of style now. I did see there were some videos on You Tube, I've not watched any of them so can't really say how good they are.

    Janetr OKC
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Just realized this didn't post fully. Im sure I didn't cut and paste it fully.

    September Accountability
    Progress for Monday - 9/4/2017
    1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B1, L19.3, D23, MS1, AS29.6, BBS18.5 = 92g)
    2. Fiber 30g (18g)
    3. Vegetables - big salad daily
    ✔4. Track every bite and complete the MFP entry daily.
    5. Steps - average 5000 steps, 30 Fitbit minutes (2242 steps)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Just got a friend request from a johncalvinfields and a vincesep1. Does anyone know them? Sounds to me like someone who was intrigued by my name. Maybe I'm wrong

    From Vincesep1 ... no idea who he is. He hasn't posted on these forums anywhere and doesn't have his profile information open.

    You could reply and ask him who he is. I just did that with 4 other people who wanted to "friend" me and had obviously failed to read my profile.

    M in Oz

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Today has been one of those days that I wish could just start over. First I had a difference of opinion with the mom of a boy who is friends with my boys over whose kid was telling the truth. This has actually been escalating for some time and I blame part of it on texting rather than all of us talking in person in a civilized way. So the end result is that they are no longer playing together. I just hate this kind of drama.

    Then at 5:20 DGS#1 decides to finally get his school list which I asked him to do days ago. DSG#2 has had his stuff ready for weeks and supplies are already in his desk at school as they had an open house last week. Thank goodness I had most of what #1 needed but at 8;00 I had to make a trip to Walmart to get stuff like geometry packet and graphing paper, pens, colored pencils, etc. If I had a bottle of wine I'd drink to myself right now!

    Tomorrow I am going to enjoy the quiet.

    I forget who wrote this saying on here but just love it ''you can't drink the poison and then wait for someone else to die'

    I had to laugh at the story of the man who went to the doctor to get his hearing checked at the urging of his wife. Dr. James Lehman the author of "Empowering Parents" said in his book that many parents come to him with their children and say they think they are mentally ill or there is something wrong with their hearing. I can relate to that!

    Heading to bed so I can get the boys off (fingers crossed) without a hitch or argument in the morning. If not I'll be heading out for that bottle of wine.

    Gloria in WA where there was ash on my car, the sky was smoky all day and the moon is a BRIGHT orange tonight.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi ladies, just checking in to say I hit my target today of running for one hour and thirty minutes non-stop (except briefly to call my dog back from chasing a rabbit) in the forest. I was worried I would hit the wall and have to walk for a lot of it, because of my low carb diet. In the past I have run out of energy for long aerobic efforts on low-carb. But this time my body did the right thing and kept on truckin'. Afterwards, I went into the warzone, the front at the supermarket, where I was bombarded with all those favourite treats just begging me to buy them. I managed to get through the battle with only minor wounds: I bought vit c tablets to chew on, sugarfree gum-lemon lime and strawberry, and two low-carb treats, chocolate cookie dough bar and a fudge bar. This was a huge progress compared to last week's after run shopping trip when I bought a large bag of M and M's and a family size bag of chocolate fish and ate most of it myself, in one afternoon. The low carb diet is sure helping me control my sugar cravings and stop sabatouging my exercise efforts..

    Now though, all the diahrrea and vomiting bug that's going around here has caught up to me and I my stomach is gurgling ominously. My daughter spent all of last night on the loo, so maybe it is my turn tonight!

    To the lady who feels that she sabatouges herself every time she loses some weight and eats it all back in record time, I would say that is caused by your hormones. Your leptin levels trigger you to eat. So the trick is taming your hormones. The only way I have found to do that is to go low carb. Very low. Or fast and then go low carb. If you fast and go back to carb eating you will just quickly shoot right back up in weight, in my experience.

    To the lady who isn't feeling "in the mood" again, who in the world is constantly in the mood? I am definitely more inclined in the morning and my hubby far more inclined in the evening. Tiredness is also a factor. I noticed a big drop in libido as my hormones change. I am perimenapause..So I started researching what to take and now I take a variety of supplements to stay normal: Go Meno-free, Dong Quai, Vitex Agnes, Evening Primrose Oil, Ginseng to name a few. And I give my hubby Ginseng and Hawthorn as well. <3 Wendy
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Lenora so sorry about the baby

    Kate UK :'(
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited September 2017
    Lenora - I felt very sad when I read your post about the baby. So much hope and excitement turned to loss and sadness. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    Katla - NYKAREN's post about the Instant Pot may have been confusing as they have just brought out a 3 qt, which they are calling a mini. I have the 6 qt Duo 7 and it is fine for our needs. The 8 qt is very large. I follow the Instant Pot Community on Facebook, which can be annoying, but I have got good recipes and advice on there. I bookmark recipes on my tablet. There are also apps for saving recipes. There are some really good websites for different tastes and needs. I don't actually belong to the Facebook group as I was flooded with it in my feed, but anyone can read it as it is public. You could join and then "unfollow" . It is a learning curve, but I enjoyed all the exploration. Utube videos are helpful in the beginning. For you making yoghurt with Fairlife milk will be a great help. I love the keep warm function and often sauté things at the end to thicken them. I have an extra ceramic liner and a glass lid, I have the silicone mitts and cover. I bought a tall trivet, but haven't used it yet. I use the one that comes with the pot all the time.

    My husband is very good about picking the right time to make an approach.That is essential for me as an abuse survivor. We usually have sex in the mornings as I'm too tired at night. He might make a tentative approach, like a peck on the cheek, or a stroke on the arm, but if I don't respond he immediately stops. If I am in the mood, which is around once a week, or a bit longer, then I kiss him back, or stroke his head. I am so glad that he knows just how to approach me and did from the moment we met. It is entirely up to me to respond or not and normally I know if it is likely to be that day when I'm feeling good. I have made sure I have plenty of lubrication on when i go to the bathroom that morning so I am ready. <3 I think we are doing pretty well for "oldies". He is nearly 72 and I am nearly 68. :D
    KJ - I think the previous advice about having a discussion outside the bedroom in the context of the menopause is a good one. My receptability varies wildly and at the moment my cough has stopped everything. :s If you took charge of initiating things it would take the pressure off you. It is also true that sometimes when I don't "feel" like it is when it turns out to be best! I do need lubrication at my advanced age though. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 Morning. So many fantastic posts. What a group!!

    Welcome chris in salt lake you've come to the right place. Habits and strategies and setbacks are all part of this. The point is to keep at it, keep at it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Chris in ma. I admire your bikini wearing courage! Also, your elliptical
    Stress busting routine. My motto for this year is: stop looking in the rear view mirror (full of regret) the road is ahead-not behind.

    Looking forward to a coffee date with a work friend after work to unwind then getting to the gym.

    I had to laugh about someone calling nuts on a donut "protein" that's like me calling pickles on my double cheeseburger a "vegetable" ;) lol

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning ladies~
    a little bit of rain and thunder here..working 9-6 today will be assisting the second 1/2 of the day as the other assistant goes home at noon we work this weekend so she cant go over 40 hrs . after divorce, I am hoping to speak to the office manager about going full time..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    good morning all! Happy Wednesday!
    Thinking of all that are in the path of both Harvey and Irma, those recovering from Harvey, and also those in the NW dealing with the fall out of the wildfires. My sister and her family are near Tampa and have decided (for now) to hunker down and ride out the storm. They have a couple days to change their minds. They do live in a "higher elevation" zone, but past hurricanes have turned them into an "island". Just a few inches more of water and they will have it in their home. I also have a cousin who lives in Washougal, WA with her hubby and five kids. The Oregon fire jumped the Columbia River yesterday morning, so she kept me posted all yesterday. Thank heaven, the winds changed and, for now, they are safe where they are. So...prayers, good thoughts, strengthening vibes, sent to all of you in the path of nature. Too bad we can't divert some of the floodwaters to the fire area!

    Thank you all for the advice on being "not in the mood". As I thought about it yesterday, I did realize, that I, like many of you, am a morning sex person. I do get a full eight hours of sleep, so it may be in his best interest if he approaches me early in the morning. These are instances when I wish I had my mom around. Losing her when I was 26 was hard; but as I age, there are so many things that I wish I knew about her and her "aging experiences". You don't think to talk about those things when you are 26. My mom was 58 when she passed away, the only thing I know about her health (other than the cancer) is that she had arthritis in her hands and joints (manageable with OTC meds) and that she began menopause at age 42 and was done before she hit 50.

    The past couple of weeks, I have been buying frozen meals, like Stauffer's lasagna, stir fry meals, etc. Things that I can just pop in the oven or stick in the pan and stir. Just to ease up on myself during these busy couple of weeks. Although it has been less stressful at meal prep/cook time for me, and DH and DYS were pretty happy with the frozen meals (I thought they were good, but that could be just because I didn't have to do as much), I really don't think they are good for my meal plan. A lot of them are carb, sodium or sugar heavy. So...back to meal prep I go. Thinking of ways I can lighten my own load, here at home, though. I may give in and hire some one to take over the yard. That takes up a big chunk of my weekend, and right now, walking over the mole hills and up and down the hills in my yard are not doing my ankles/knees any favors. DH has offered to do it, but I am sure I don't want to deal with the "pain" fall-out that is sure to happen the day(s) after mowing.

    Ah well, that's all I have. Thinking of you all, every day and so glad I have you in my life! Thank you sweet friends! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    cee2ski wrote: »
    I started out at 201 lbs, and managed to lose 10 pounds in 2.5 months, and just when I hit that mark, I "fell off the wagon" and spent 10 days feeling bad, not sleeping, and eating most of those pounds back on (probably-- I haven't weighed myself but I can feel it). It seems I always do this, so I'm wondering if anyone has any insights to this or has developed some strategies to get past the speed bump. Thanks and looking forward to your comments! ~Chris in Salt Lake City.

    First, Chris, congrats on the ten pounds, and welcome to our amazing group of ladies. We're glad you're here... and there are many of us dealing with that same problem. I'm struggling with it myself, though the numbers are larger.

    I honestly don't have an answer for you--I wish I did. The ladies here have lots of tools, and many of them I've used with varying success. You have to pick up the ones that make sense to you and use them in the ways you need to use them. Each of us is different (and the medical folks are just beginning to figure that out) and we have to find our own way to making that peace between our bodies, minds and appetites. You will find much good advice on this forum.

    Lisa in West Texas

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning, afternoon, evening...

    KJ - you got lots of good advice, so won't add much to that. I would tell him in that not-in-bed conversation that you're not saying "no," and develop a code phrase, like "rain check" or something like it--so he understands it is not rejection but postponement. It's funny how many of us are, but I'm NOT a morning sex person, as by the time my husband gets up, I've already been up for a couple hours and usually neck deep in some project or other.

    Toni - I'm glad you found a compromise you can both deal with. As he sees you making preparations to leave (or for him to leave--which is it going to be?) it will make the transition easier for him--unless he buries his head in the sand and refuses to admit that you're actually going to leave. Therapy will help you both, as well. Will be thinking about you in the interim.

    Chris in MA - I admire that bikini-wearing courage, too--Pip's the only other one I know on here wears a two-piece. I not only don't wear a bikini, I wear a long bathing suit top and compression capris. I always hated my legs, fat or thin(ner) and not that fond of my butt, either. I'm sorry about being in a job you hate, and not getting the one you want. I've been there, on both ends of that equation. Try to step off the rollercoaster of emotions about it if you can--it's hard, I know. You have the ability to control how the situation makes you feel, even if you can't change the situation yet.

    Heather - hope that nasty cough's better. And I keep looking at the Instant Pots, too. I'm a late adopter, to say the least... but that six-quart one sounds just about right. Still thinking about it.

    Wendy - hope your tummy bug turned out to be much sound and no fury! :smiley:

    Glo - don't let the stresses with the boys drive you to alcohol, kiddo. Your energy level to deal with raising them is admirable. I'm not sure I'd have it in me.

    Not much going on around here... just working the plan, my chickens... y'all keep doing what you do.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Chris in SLC, welcome. I don't know why you sabotage yourself after success, but you find some help in sticking to your plan by reading "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin. There is so much info in the book about strategies for maintaining good habits and finding insights into your own behaviour.

    :)Toni, I hope you will pay very careful attention to your husband's words and actions in the next few months to help you make the best possible decision for yourself. Divorce is a big step.

    :) I got up extra early this morning looking forward to lots of dog walking and when we went out there were strange sounds (maybe coyotes) that made the dogs nervous so we were back in the house almost immediately. Now that we've had our breakfast, I hope that the sounds are gone and the dogs will want to walk. It is still smoky. I can't smell it, but the full moon is orange.

    <3 Barbie
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Lisa - I'm a late adopter too and only bought myself one a year after I'd bought my son one and he loved it. :o It takes me ages to wrap my head around a new gadget as I do tend to go hell for leather at getting to grips with it and can't rest until I'm an "expert". :laugh: There is a lot of online help.
    Still horribly coughing, but have a litle more energy. At night I can listen to an orchestra in my windpipe.

    I am now 4% fluent in Swedish! B)

    Got to decide what to do with my left over guinea fowl. Perhaps add some to a veg curry.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx