

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    OMG I just read 177 posts and had replied to a bunch of you and then lost my whole post. AAAARRGGGHHHHHHH!


    Karen in Virginia
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Awww karen I hate when that happens :(
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    OMG I just read 177 posts and had replied to a bunch of you and then lost my whole post. AAAARRGGGHHHHHHH!


    Karen in Virginia

    Bummer! Are you doing keto? Just wondering because of your name...
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    To all those of you dealing with smoke from fires, I feel for you! My parents, brother and family and sister and family all live in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana and they have had a huge fire sweeping down on them for days and days. I've visited during a fire and it made me so ill to breathe smoky air. I just coughed and had bad sinus and runny eyes. Horrible! And for those of you in flooding, I have one brother in Texas and he has been sending me videos and updates on the flooding. I feel for those poor people too. Counting my blessings here in NZ even though it is raining and cold at the moment... <3 Wendy
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Terry--Those are very pretty earrings.

    Janet--Beautiful and very Christmas like.


    Lenora--I am so sorry about the baby. I understand how hard this can be as I lost our baby and never was able to have another one. So the children we have our 1 mine and 5 his. We have been married long enough and they were young enough that we call them ours. But I know that empty feeling from not having one of our own. Sending prayers and hugs for all of you.

    Dana--Beautiful grandchildren.

    Mary--Happy you made it and that pole looks like it jumped out in front of you.

    Been working a lot this week and looks like most of next week some extra shifts. We are a 24\7dept and since I am supervisor when someone calls in I have to step up and one of my people is in the hospital for her back. Gotta love it everytime I think the overtime is going to go down something happens.

    Spending prayers for all those in the storms and fires. So many things going on. Take care.

    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island, NE
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Mary glad you made it safely.
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    So far pretty good on my meager goals for the week and I am feeling good about it. I just wanted to share this fabulous treat I just found- yasso greek yogurt bars. 80 calories. Delicious creamy chocolate. I can't believe it. I am working hard this week and am going to log in with my hopefully new weight on Sunday! Lady Di
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) The painter is making great progress preparing the house. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so no painting for us but good news for the environment
    Ladies - I want to thank all of you for your kind words. I'm still subject to crying spells when I think about 'how happy they were when she got a positive pregnancy test; only to have it shot down when they did not find a heartbeat'. I wrote her an email; hopefully, that was the right thing to do. I just don't know what or how my DYS will take this. I'm guessing he spent today with her; but, he might have gone out to the lake to be alone so he could possibly 'cry' without her seeing him doing so. That would be the way he'd probably handle it. He is so 'private' and doesn't want anyone to 'know their business'. They had told maybe a handful of their friends and his bosses. It has been a long and grueling process. They have both gone through extensive genetic testing. Her fallopian tubes are almost totally blocked and the possibility of having a baby naturally are close to nil. I'm sure that before she could start back in it, her HCG levels will have to get back to Zero. She had told me, that she would do it all over again, maybe; but, the cost is way on up there. They are also getting to the age that a lot of 'specialists' don't consider them as 'good candidates'. I just hope that this does not affect their marriage. Will is so crazy 'in love with her' and I think he was a might bit 'insulted' after losing the last one and telling him she wasn't the kind of wife she should be (to be able to procreate like the Bible says). I'm not sure how well DYS will handle the 'crying' and 'depression' that I am sure will probably come along this time - since it was her last egg they had gathered.

    I wasn't thinking when I asked if they 'were going to try IVF again'. Hope he doesn't think I was being selfish or insensitive. I did not mean it to sound that way. I don't understand what all she had to go through but she showed me all the shots she had to take to create extra eggs and the shot she was taking to try to keep her from miscarrying. DYS would give it to her in her butt and it made huge knots. The ones before, she had to give them to herself 5x a day. This time they went in an 'scratched' the inside of her uterus so that it would have a better chance to implant to it. She said that was the worst thing she had ever been through. The nurses told her that she did very well, unlike most women, she did not scream, cry, or curse. I'll only talk about it with you; I can't bear to think of the right words to say to either of them. They had made pictures of the start of the procedure through the implant. The OB had given them so much hope that it looked good. She could point out the head and the body on the picture of the fertilized egg.

    Sorry, I can't see and my nose is running.

    Michele - I hope that all goes well for you, Jess, and Denise and that Maria will get a bad case of laryngitis.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lenora. ((() <3 ))))
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited September 2017
    Lenora Sad to hear of the loss of your unborn grandbaby. Thinking of you and your family. :'(

    Mary Boo about running out of gas and then the boo boo on your rig from the pump guards. Hrmph! Glad you made it safely there.

    Irma Hope everyone in her path comes through safely. The TV footage is astounding already.

    Beth This is the Instant Pot Duo 6 qt 7-in-1 that I have. I am making yogurt in it right now. I love my Instant Pot. I have an extra liner (I got the ceramic one) and a few other pots and gadgets that fit inside it for steaming, pot-in-pot dishes, eggs, cheesecake. docrbwxhovp3.jpg

    Toni (((Hugs)))

    Kelly My old friend, now over 90, used to say "this one's on the house" when she didn't want to be intimate with her husband. I love her sense of humor. They have had a 70 year love affair and are an inspiration to all that know them. I am sure she "just said no" sometimes, too. I'd say jump his bones in the morning so he'll let you go to sleep at night. :p

    Terry and Janet Talented ladies! I love the ornaments and the jewelry.

    Chris I can gain 5 lbs in a week, too. My sympathies.

    Dana Those grandkids are so stinkin' cute!

    Gloria So glad for you school has started and you get some golden silence.

    Karen in Virginia, whose 11 year old grandson says the first 2 days of school were "horrid"

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Michele ... I got a message from johncalvinfields ... ignored it ... he's trolling our thread. Probably the same for the other one.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017
    Swam a mile and did kick sets. Took "pool-ates" class. Walked to gym (1.4 miles). Must admit weather was beautiful tho, walking is again an exercise possibility.

    Some family drama with BiL and niece, and as often happens I just want to wring BiL's neck. MiL feels obligated, and she will inevitably need my help ... and BiL manages to shift responsibilities. I love my niece, but because I have no children of my own, BiL has always acted like I should be at his beck and call when he's 'busy'. My niece is pretty seriously disabled, so 'helping out' is always a major commitment in time, energy and spirit.

    And she now lives 3 hours away, so what he's really asking is that I spend a weekend most every month to go down and help her. ( so, I'll have to go with MiL on her month to help, then go with DH on his month to help, and then do my own month). I noticed he mentioned he "just went" so maybe we could arrange monthly visits from each of us but doesn't mention when he or his ex wife will be going again to help. I had been planning on my own to make one trip out there with DH this fall (niece just moved out on her own and started college) but am angered by this. He knows DH won't go without me, he knows MiL will ask me to go with her on her turn and he knows I can't drive so how I'm supposed to get there... argh. I get along so well with MiL, SiL & her husband and daughters so I count myself lucky. But BiL infuriates me.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

    Laters, be well!

  • uniquekimjackson1
    I always feel that september as a month gets warmer and warmer as the month develops its a very good month to consider healthy eating and exercize ....good to see so many reaching their goals or towards their goals on this..fantastic