

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited September 2017
    Lenora - words can't express how deeply I sympathize. You need to let yourself grieve too, for yourself and for your son and your daughter-in-law.

    Heather - after you see your friend, get an appointment with the doctor for that cough! It's gone on far too long. The last time I had one hang on that long, I had a case of lingular pneumonia. It was very mild symptoms otherwise, but needed antibiotics to clear it up.

    Allie - you're nearly there, just keep trucking kiddo. Your condo awaits!

    - Don't have an Instant Pot either... hard to commit to around a hundred bucks (with an extra pot), for a cooking implement. I know everyone raves about it, but it's a big decision for me. Took me two years to decide to get a big enough stand mixer to be able to knead bread for me.

    Heather, Machka - Had a total hysterectomy way back in 2001. Was literally anemic from having 50-60 day long periods. I laughed 'til I nearly got sick, as I weighed 300 pounds when the doc told me I was anemic, and then threw my arms around his neck when he recommended taking it all out. They were pumping me full of iron and I was losing it as fast as they could get it in me. Never regretted it for a moment--I was 41, had never had a child of my body, so it took away that faint hope. But it also took away massive mood swings, hemorraging for days and weeks at a time, the chance for uterine cancer, cervical cancer, and on and on and on. Well worth it. Took hormones only for one year, and never again since.


    I am restless, self-sabotagy, itchy, twitchy, cranky, and all around just ready to throw in the towel on pretty much everything. Not complaining about it, or looking for a solution, it just is what it is, and it's a signal of SOMEthing. I have to get the "squirrel!" mind to stop yanking at me long enough to figure out the root causes, and I will. Once I do, I can resolve whatever it is, or learn to accept it. It's like mini-me is running around inside my head, yelling "shut up, shut up, shut up!" and little voices keep coming back saying "No, YOU shut up!" Not useful, but entertaining.

    Love y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Heather, Machka - Had a total hysterectomy way back in 2001. Was literally anemic from having 50-60 day long periods. I laughed 'til I nearly got sick, as I weighed 300 pounds when the doc told me I was anemic, and then threw my arms around his neck when he recommended taking it all out. They were pumping me full of iron and I was losing it as fast as they could get it in me. Never regretted it for a moment--I was 41, had never had a child of my body, so it took away that faint hope. But it also took away massive mood swings, hemorraging for days and weeks at a time, the chance for uterine cancer, cervical cancer, and on and on and on. Well worth it. Took hormones only for one year, and never again since.

    Unfortunately my gynaecologic oncologist won't do a hysterectomy unless it becomes absolutely necessary (life or death) because having a long surgery like that puts me at risk. With my existing predisposition toward developing blood clots, being still in a long surgery like that and then resting during the recovery significantly increases my chances of developing blood clots. (I also didn't have a child because of that 'existing predisposition' ... a genetic thing).

    However, I've had two large polyps (one took up 1/3 of my uterus and was precancerous) removed, a D&C, and numerous bits of my vagina and cervix snipped out as biopsies and also treatment of precancer. They now recommend I limit my use of tampons (also diva cups or anything like that).

    The polyps, hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, and perimenopause were what triggered all the bleeding ... I never knew one day to the next whether my period would start or stop.

    Fortunately, in a way, I have borderline hemochromatosis (high iron), so all the bleeding actually helped that. I'm not quite sure what's going to happen with that now that I'm finally at last (hallelujah) skipping periods!!! But I'll deal with it if it becomes a problem.

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    I went back to sleep at 5:30 this morning and just woke back up.but some how need a bit more..might go back to sleep and then get up a do more packing.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Allie,be kind to yourself. Moving is stressful even under the best circumstances. Just do one thing at a time.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Karen in VA - more babies to come? Yay! We love babies... o:)

    Beth - so cool for your son! My brother-in-law, who has Down's, worked in local restaurants quite happily for many years. Love companies that are truly open to those with disabilities that don't prevent their doing a great job.

    Off to get some work done, while trying not to worry about my son-in-law, who's a soldier at Fort Bragg, NC, and my daughter who's married to him--she (also a soldier) and their kids are due to head that way 11 days from now, from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, where she's stationed now. She's been looking forward to this transfer for months, and only has 30 days with her DH before he's deployed again for six months.

    Love y'all,
    Back to work!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Machka and Wendy: Liked the photos and loved getting to see you both! ( Wendy the hair looked fine to me, but I often dyed my hair in the red tones so I may be biased).
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Allie I agree be kind to yourself during this move. Moves are stressful even in the best of circumstances.

    Heather I agree with Lisa about four years ago I had a cough that would not let up. I was just short of walking pneumonia. They did a blood test to make sure it was bacterial and not a virus. The fact it is keeping you from getting good sleep is reason enough to go for help.

    The Nature Center where I volunteer is going through a temporary move. They are going through major renovations. I almost didn't go to help because I have been doing a major clean through our home for the past couple of months and helped my friend do some clean out with her move, so I am ready just to do anything but cleaning out. I did help for a couple of hours. Although our home still has too much stuff I do see a big improvement. I figure it is like losing weight. I didn't gain weight overnight and I did not accumulate this stuff overnight either. Baby steps...

    :heart: Margaret
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited September 2017
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka and Wendy: Liked the photos and loved getting to see you both! ( Wendy the hair looked fine to me, but I often dyed my hair in the red tones so I may be biased).

    Thanks! And yes, Wendy, your hair reminded me a bit of mine when I was in about Phase 3 this most recent time. :)

    Anyway, if you've got a several hours or a week or two to kill, this is my collection of Australian photos ... from my first trip here in 2004 (cycling around Australia for 3 months) to my second trip here in 2008 (a couple weeks with my fiance) ... and finally during the time I've lived here (2009 to present) ...

    I gradually gained weight after I moved here in 2009 ... lost a bit in 2011 ... and then gradually gained to the highest weight I've ever been in late 2014. I joined MFP in 2015 and started losing fairly rapidly. Those photos will show some of that progression.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Grandma Moses Day!

    I'm very fond of primitive art. Anna Mary Robertson Moses didn't start her career as a painter until she was in her 70s. What an inspiration!

    DJ - I'm happy to hear that you're planning ahead, just in case!

    Michele - This is going to be me someday (although I do actually use the bananas now and then. I'll have to figure out who to leave them to... Woman with freezer full of overripe bananas dies never having made banana bread

    Ginger - Oh, dear, I'm sorry your oven is so orthodox. I got a chuckle out of your choice between converting and calling Sears, though! For the strength training, we bought a Bowflex years ago. It takes up space and we've hauled it across three states, but we keep coming back to it so I'd say it's paid for itself! My office kind of looks like a gym, with the stationery bike, Nordic Track, and Bowflex, but I certainly can't use lack of opportunity as an excuse for not exercising! I also have three sizes of dumbbells.

    Allie - Now that you've got a destination you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and I admire you for it!

    Beth - That's wonderful news about your son's job offer. Congratulations to him, and to you for helping see him through to this point!

    I've been confusing my dog lately. Luna thinks putting on shoes means we're going somewhere, since that was the only time it ever happened. But since I got the standing desk, I've found I can stand longer if I wear shoes. So until I can afford to buy an anti-fatigue mat instead, shoes it is. They sit next to the desk, and I kick them off the minute I switch back to sitting.

    Wishing you all a fine day.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Congrats Karen!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Felicia: I'm not walking my dog at this point, either, because of all the smoke in the air. Luckily he is relatively small & DH & I can give him a good workout by calling him back and forth up and down our stairs. The situation outside is so sad and wasteful. :broken_heart: Congrats on the weight loss! :bigsmile:

    Gloria: We still have ash-fall. I hope it stays clear for you and gets clearer for us sooner rather than later, but this fire is a huge beast and who knows how long it will be spewing ash into the air. :ohwell:

    Terry: We've had smoke from fires nearly all summer. Much of that smoke originated in Canada at first, and then we began having horrible fires here in Oregon. The most recent fire in the Columbia Gorge was deliberately set by teenaged boys. We've been staying inside for the most part, but sometimes things have to be done that require spending time out in the smoky & ashy air. :sad:

    (((Lenore))): I'm so sorry for your DYS & DDIL's loss. It is heartbreaking for the whole family. :broken_heart:

    Michele: I had a horrible fail with my old crockpot a few years ago and made everyone sick. We replaced it with a new crockpot and use it occasionally for stews and chili. I am intrigued by the Instapot but would not be using it to make yogurt due to my lactose intolerance. I'd likely use it for stews and such. I would like to see one "in person" before ordering from Amazon. :star:

    Ginger: I'm not sure whether to give you a big hug for dealing with your Sabbath appliances, or sit here and giggle. Your persistence won the day. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: I hope things go well today and with your move. (((hugs)))

    Karen: As best I know from the news, those boys set the fire on purpose. :sad: It looks like you are about to become a grandma again! Congratulations!!! :bigsmile:

    Heather: Lingering coughs are painful and exhausting. I hope yours goes away soon. :flowerforyou:

    Beth near Buffalo: Sending lots of good thoughts for your son. I can't imagine that he wouldn't pass the background check, but will keep my fingers and toes crossed for a good outcome. :bigsmile:

    Yoga today!!! I'm going to leave the house pretty soon because DH is aggravating the dickens out of me today. :grumble:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all, MIL and SIL both fine in PR. :) Phew! Long night. Still no power though and we are waiting see what the next 2 hurricanes will do that are coming their way. I'll keep you posted. Keeping track of what happens in FL. thinking good thoughts.

    Rye, how frustrating for you to be caught in the middle trying to deal with in-laws. :# Maybe I'm not understanding the situation but is seems like you need to give your BIL the dates that you can help then pull out and let him and the rest of the family figure out the rest. Glad you at least get along with MIL, SIL and her husband.

    Yvonne, YEAH! on starting back with your strength training. I started for the first time on Monday. Between being sore from that and the bone spurs in my feet, I'm a hurting puppy right now. I should be doing it today instead of sitting at my desk eating and typing but I'm not. May have to put if off until my foot pain goes away. Got to wait until Oct to see the specialist.

    Wendy, your daughter is beautiful! Love the black and white pic.

    Ginger, what a pain it is when appliances don't work right. So frustrating. Sounds like you at least got some cleaning done.

    Machka, you are my hero. With all your health issues, you keep on keeping on. Rest when you need to as your body knows what it's doing.

    KarenNY, Hope the conference is cancelled. I can't imagine that it still would go on with the weather that's on it's way. When it hits there may not even be a conference place left!

    Allie, hang in there, you are almost there. I know that moving is so stressful. But remember that each day moves you forward. Embrace the change! ((HUGS))

    Heather, I agree with Lisa, it's time to see a dr. for the cough. It's been too long. the longer you hold off the longer it is going to take to clear it up.

    Lisa, must be something in the air. I'm having an emotional day too. Feel like I'm one step away from tears. :'(:'( I think it is that next Fri I start my vacation and I have such pain in my foot that walking hurts. It's been about 3 years since I've had a real vacation (and gone somewhere) and I can't even walk well and we probably will get all the rain from the hurricanes. I know I should be grateful for even having a vacation, but I am so angry with the world right now. I keep telling myself it isn't all about me! I know that Delaware isn't a very exciting place to go but it was not VT and I really was looking forward to going. (Hoping to find out if it would be a nice place to retire.) Seems like everything that could happen at work has so I'm stressed out trying to clean things up there before I go. When I told my husband last night how disappointed I was he don't think about it. We will play it by ear and make sure I have a lot of time to rest my foot. God I love that man! Small world. My dad was career Air Force (yes, I'm an Air Force brat) and he was stationed in NC. Thank them for their service for me.

    Elaine, welcome to the group. I'm pretty new myself and have found this group of gals wonderfully supportive.

    Beth, great news about your son's job. Worrying about the job is probably what kept you up last night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. :)

    Karen, a baby?!? How wonderful!

    Katla, hope the smoke clears up soon. That's got to be so hard. Glad you are staying in. Do you have masks for when you do go out?

    Well I think I've caught up now. Going to jump on the Internet and see what they have for home remedies for bone spurs. (instead of just complaining about it). Maybe I can eat some anti inflammatory foods to help out.

    Terry in VT (where the sun is finally trying to shine) B)