JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 15



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,933 Member
    Search for "Just give me 10", tap the star (on my phone it is on the right) it will turn gold and keep our posts near the top of your challenges
  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    @quiltinjaine - Thanks I found it.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    ajadorsey wrote: »
    Please count me in! Glad to see this group as I am trying to lose weight gained after a sprained ankle and need some accountability. This will be my first time doing this. I have a question--do we post our weight at the beginning of each day?

    9/10 Starting weight is 165.7.

    Please join us in round 16
  • amg226
    amg226 Posts: 39 Member
    Second round for me. This round will be a challenge itself as before my period I have irrational cravings. If I get through them without gaining weight then it will be already a complete challenge!

    R14: start 61.3, end 60.9, average, 61.0 (-0.4kg)
    R15: goal 60.5 kg (New Goal 9/04: get under 61 kg)
    Ultimate goal: 57 kg

    8/31 61.0 - cravings started yesterday evening. I I went out to meet some dear friends, ordered salad and water, but still felt hungry after that. Then ordered nachos (boo)! Thankfully that the scale showed only +0.1kg . Hope I can start running soon, as I am healed from last week's cold.
    9/01 61.1 - chaotic day, had a lot of stuff to do. I ate when I could, and what I could find.
    9/02 61.2 - chaotic day #2. Felt very tired and ice cream was my friend in need.
    9/03 61.5 - Darn, last night I ate out, a little bit too much bread, but my oh my it was goood! The kind of food that is worth the extra weight and 10km it needs to loose the wieght.
    9/04 61.4 - NEW goal for this round: get under 61. I am still happy to be in the 61s as 66 was my fiend for a while.
    9/05 60.7 - HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Glad it did, though :wink: Ate some cake yesterday, and french fries, so -0.7 kg it's a miracle..
    9/06 60.7 - held yesterday's weight. 50minutes of swimming, 2km running (came up after 2 weeks break when I was sick, and could not run more).
    9/07 61.3 - cravings before my period starting to kick in. Hopefully will keep the 61.0 by the end of the round.
    9/08 61.4
    9/09 62.4 - water retention before my period. Quite annoying.
    -- average 61.2. Not so bad, but the end I kept a lot of water as my period is closing in.

  • bossymom15
    bossymom15 Posts: 130 Member
    Starting weight 186
    SW Round 14 - 176
    Current weight 174.4
    Goal weight for R15 - 173 and don't bounce back up!!!
    Goal weight 153

    I've been losing and gaining the same 3 lbs since March. 173 is my lowest, I just so want to see the 6's again.

    8/31 - 175.4 - Pizza and beer will do that to you.
    9/1 - 174.8 ok that's better. I always show a loss the day after I run. Hmmmm run every day?
    9/2 -
    9/3 - 174 ran 3 miles
    9/4 -
    9/5 - 174 Did much better this long weekend. Kept the alcohol to a minimum.
    9/6 - 174 Ran 4 miles. Kept within points. Should do this every day....
    9/7 - 174 - yoga only over on points
    9/8 - 177 - not doing well, worried about my kid's Crohn's flare not focusing
    9/9 - 175

    Great motivation. Learned some things. Thanks!
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,557 Member
    I knew I could find you guys!!!! I had to sort of start over, and want to do a half marathon and the less I weigh, the better I will do, and my knees will thank me.

  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    @AR10at50 Round 16 is on another thread. Search Just Give Me 10 Days Round 16. <3
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    edited September 2017
    Oops! Wrong thread! I will repost.
    I see a lot of people upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight can fluctuate from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    You are making positive lifestyle changes which will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way! [/b]

    Round 15: (Round 8 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs)
    SW: 227; Lowest weight 18 Aug 2017: 159.2; Final goal weight: 147
    Lowest : R8/1, 162; R9/2, 164.8; R10/3, 166; R11/4, 164; R12/5, 161.4; R13/6, 159.2; R14/7, 158.6;
    R13 and 14 was on holiday and not using my own scale so discounting these weights.
    Highest : R8/1, 169; R9/2, 169; R10/3, 168; R11/4, 166.8; R12/5, 164.4; R13/6, 161.8; R14/7, 167.8;
    Mean...: R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6; R13/6, 160.4; R14/7, 160.7;
    End W...: R8/1, 169; R9/2, 164.6; R10/3, 166.6; R11/4, 164.2; R12/5, 161.1; R13/6, 159.8; R14/7, 163;
    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength ; 15+ flex ; 7,500+ steps ; close kitchen at 8pm!
    Round 15 Target weight: 162
    30/8/2017: 163 A week's holiday last round put me up a bit again, but have already lost 2/3 of it.
    31/9/2017: 162 Yes!!! Goals ✅ Another one bites the dust. Overdid the sodium yesterday, but drank extra water to flush it out.
    1/9/2017: 156.6 or 164.2 I got both readings this morning, and a whole lot in between. Scale is being temperamental. I moved it all over the joint, changed the batteries, still going haywire. Goals ✅ Did a lot of sitting at the computer, may not have hydrated enough. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Technology can be annoying!
    2/9/2017: 162.2 Phew! Scale has settled down again! Goals ✅ Had a good workout 1st thing. Lots of water. Sticking to my goals and daily plan.
    2/9/2017: 163.8 I was expecting that. Goals ✅ apart from a minor blowout on chocolate after dinner. Drank lots of water early in the day, but forgot to combat the sodium in lunch/dinner later in the day. Live and Learn!
    4/9/2017: 163.4 Goals ✅ Small drop. Back on track. Just a couple of slack days have consequences.
    5/9/2017: 162.6 Goals ✅ Much better. Still working on losing holiday baggage from the summer.
    6/9/2017: 161 Goals ✅ I have finally lost the holiday baggage from the summer months. Time to batten down the hatches and go for my ultimate goal.
    7/9/2017: 161.8 Goals ✅ Normal fluctuation. Often get a bounce after a whoosh. Still below where I started the summer, and my R15 target.
    8/9/2017: 161.8 Goals ✅ Yay! Holding steady and under goal for this round. Now to just stay there!
    9/9/2017: 161.6 Goals ✅ Surprised at this as my hydration yesterday was patchy.

    Round 15: (Target: 162) Highest, 163.8; lowest, 161; Mean, 161.8 It's slow, but I am very happy with the downward trend.
    Round 16: My Round 9
    Target weight: 160
    9/9/2017: 161.6
    10/9/2017: 161.2 Goals ✅ Normal fluctuations.
    11/9/2017: 160.4 Goals ✅ Mini whoosh?

    Don't worry! 1317309lsk5aj07xu.gif Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 Go to Round 16 :smile:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    @TerriRichardson112 Go to Round 16 :smile:

    I already did! Just clicked the wrong button this morning. Lol!