Thirty lbs by Christmas



  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    Weekends are tough-less structure, more pitfalls. I can ruin a week of being on point if I let the weekend get away from me! Hang in there--another one is coming, we can do this!
  • gemstar93
    gemstar93 Posts: 4 Member
    I know this was made in August but can I still join? I’m 250lbs and need the motivation to get the ball rolling.
  • jasper63079
    jasper63079 Posts: 5 Member
    I've lost almost 70lbs and want to lose 30 more by Christmas. Anyone with me?

    I'm in :)
  • JaymiOrtega
    JaymiOrtega Posts: 9 Member
    My goal is 20 by Christmas. I'm in :smile:
  • shoui16
    shoui16 Posts: 90 Member
    How did everyone do this week?

    Doing good! It's just kinda piss me off sometimes when people comment that I'm losing weight too slowly. Like, give me a break! I'm doing a good job of losing weight and keeping it off. I'm ok with my current rate, and I don't want to hasten it then make myself unhealthy. I usually ignore those people, but it still gets to me sometimes.

  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    The weekend is coming!!! Should we make a pact to stay away from the liquid calories(booze) this weekend??? I see a theme here! We do good all week but once we have that glass of wine on Friday...let's do it! I will choose water and no alcohol this weekend. Who's in?
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    shoui16 wrote: »
    How did everyone do this week?

    Doing good! It's just kinda piss me off sometimes when people comment that I'm losing weight too slowly. Like, give me a break! I'm doing a good job of losing weight and keeping it off. I'm ok with my current rate, and I don't want to hasten it then make myself unhealthy. I usually ignore those people, but it still gets to me sometimes.

    Don't let anyone get you down and say you're not losing it fast enough. You know your body! Let's not strive for perfection, let's just try to do better than we used to! Right? Keep it up! You're kicking *kitten*!!!
  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    I can commit to that! Saw results with staying on track last weekend, so want to keep this train moving! I'm in. Will check back on Monday!
  • DebElayne
    DebElayne Posts: 13 Member
    How did everyone do this week?
    down 0.6 since last post
  • Babygirl7503
    Babygirl7503 Posts: 8 Member
  • Kakramme
    Kakramme Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning

    Starting weight: 224
    Current weight: 115.6
    Goal weight: 145

    Lost a total of 8.4 since the start. I am using my son's weights as targets. (want to eight lss than my adult sons)
    215 was the first one of four!
    #3 HT 5'11" - 215 lbs
    #1 HT 5'6" - 180 lbs
    #4 HT 6'3" - 175 lbs
    #4 HT 5'8" - 160 lbs

    I have been tracking calories. (Gave up wine, will celebrate after goal met) using eliptical and walking with husband daily. Will add exercise this week. For some reason my head isn't into situps...)

    Have a great week!
  • annacham
    annacham Posts: 138 Member
    Can I join in? I have lost 44lbs so far and want to lose another 16 by christmas
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,757 Member
    Hey there, id love to loose 30 by christmas. Just now saw this. I'll post weekly since oct. 1 was sun. I'll weigh on sun. Or monday.
    Oct. Start weight is 269.8
    Goal weight - 235.8
  • DiaGetsFit182
    DiaGetsFit182 Posts: 37 Member
    Down one more pound this week!
    Total loss for the challenge : 6.6lbs
    Total loss overall: 15.3 lbs!
    Slow progress is still progress! Hope everyone has a good week!
  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    No weight loss yet again. I've been working out more and can feel myself getting stronger.
    I'm a little bummed the scale hasn't gone down however I am enjoying this heathier feeling.
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    Add me.
  • I need to lose thirty! I was hoping for twenty by January 1. I’m absolutely in. I need some accountability.
  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    Well, no loss for me this past week, but no gain either. Thought I was being "good". So this week going to focus on portion size, that can get away from me real easily. Still, down 11 lbs since mid August, so moving ahead. Slow & steady.