Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Nhoff70
    Nhoff70 Posts: 43 Member
    You can do this! It will take a bit of determination but it is definitely possible. Once you set your mind to something, you’ve won have the battle. I started using MFP just a couple weeks ago and it has definitely helped me. I now lie in bed when I’m falling asleep and picture how I’m going to feel and what I’ll look like when I reach my goal weight. I’m giving myself until my next birthday (July) to get down 40 lbs. It seems like forever away, but in the meantime I’ve set small goals like yourself to achieve. It’s working! Just ounces at a time are coming off but the ounces do add up to pounds. Keep journaling and drinking your water, and focus... you’ve won half the fight. Feel free to add me. I log on all the time and am happy to cheer you on.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited September 2017
    I feel so alive, I love this weather-no humidity :smiley:
    Pretracked most meals. Added MFP to my phone so no excuses.
    Walk the dog in neighborhood. Yesterday a doe actually came out to see us. I can't seem to get the video up. Maybe later.
    Watch the sugar-I've already snacked on some dry cereal this am-keep this under control.
    Make an effort to eat protein throughout the day to curb mindless carb snacking/bingeing.
    Going to gym & doing weights.
    Keep up with 9 cups of water.
    Yesterday I made a huge dent in our yard work & I broke our hedge trimmers!
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    Read something inspirational.
    Early bedtime.
    Preplanning weekend meals. Ham tonight & roast chicken tomorrow.
    Talk husband into kayaking tomorrow w/kids after church & lunch.

    Dim4mom- try to set a goal for yourself at the conference such as -drink my water everyday, portion control or walking during the breaks.

    cschmitz.11515- excellent words to live by "It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle". These changes have to b maintainable.

    Azulvioleta- do something that inspires you. Take action, the motivation will come.

    PrincessAly23- I clearly haven't had enough coffee yet! I had to read your post 2x before I realized that "TOM" was not your husband and he didn't hit you and you weren't leaving him. :smiley: I hope you feel better & give yourself some TLC. I always felt like my immunity was weak around my TOM.

    There's a thread on MFP that I read from time to time called "What was you AHA moment". This may be helpful to some for motivation.

    Have a great Saturday everyone.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @cschmitz110515 WHAT a fantastic Packer game to go to! I thought of you while I watched it. Such a fun game to watch! hGood for you! Sounds like you had a great night. I'm glad!

    @Saragirl2 I'm going to check out that "...AHA moment" thread. I can use all the help I can get right now. Love the "half size me" podcast. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Looks like I haven't been on since maybe Wednesday. I really don't like it when I work so many hours that I don't even feel I can take 10 minutes to hop on here, read what you all have going on and think about my own goals for the day. If I don't think about my goals, I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants all day and it never turns out good. I've gained more weight again this week. Higher than I've ever been. I need to get a grip on this emotional eating. UGH!

    So...Just for Saturday:
    1. Complete the Wound Clinic project today 100%
    2. Stay in the green
    3. Journal every bite
    4. Week One's Change - "52 Small Changes..."
    5. Listen to my favorite podcasts
    6. Take a walk on this beautiful autumn afternoon. My favorite time of year! I love this crisp weather with such gorgeous blue skies.
    7. Figure out October budget and this week's meal plan
    8. Place my Essential Oils order. Loving this stuff!!!
    9. Read today's Simple Abundance... and write in my gratitude journal tonight

    I started reading a book, "52 Small Changes: One year to a happier, healthier you." Each week you work on one change, each week adding the next week's change.

    First week's change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit. Body weight divided by 2 = #oz of water you should drink every day. Add 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.

    Have I told you all lately how much I appreciate you?! You all feel like friends to me. xoxo
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I weighed at the Y today in preparation for tomorrow's challenge. 167 will be the beginning weight for the 5 pound challenge. I made my goal of in the 160s for the birthday. My son asked how many candles would be on my birthday cake. I told him 60. He said What? That's a lot. Well, I guess so. Planning to skip the cake and maybe even no special meal! I want to be 159 for December 17 so I know I will lose the 5 by New Year's.
    Need to lower calories as I have been stretching them these past few. Eating bread which I do not really even want. Exercise going okay most days but it would not hurt to up it to 60 minutes. Son moving along in lessons. House and yard are falling behind in cleaning/mowing. I am going to bed now and doing nothing more! Tomorrow is shot day (plus the usual pills). Church day-don't be late! WATCH calories and chase exercise. Fold and put away all the clean laundry. The weather should be loverly. I will try to take son to park playground so he can have some time to do nothing but play.
    Happy October to us all.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    @cschmitz110515 WHAT a fantastic Packer game to go to! I thought of you while I watched it. Such a fun game to watch! Good for you! Sounds like you had a great night. I'm glad!

    Fantastic game! Even the weather delay seemed to go fast. But it was a lonnngg day, glad I didn't walk dog before work. I'm going to a game again on October 22 bc my friend swapped two lottery tickets with me. :D
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    There's a thread on MFP that I read from time to time called "What was you AHA moment". This may be helpful to some for motivation.

    Definitely going to check that thread! Another thread I read almost daily is What's Your Latest NSV (non-scale victory). There are big and small victories and so inspirational.
    I weighed at the Y today in preparation for tomorrow's challenge. 167 will be the beginning weight for the 5 pound challenge. I made my goal of in the 160s for the birthday.

    I want to be 159 for December 17 so I know I will lose the 5 by New Year's.

    Good for you for meeting your goal BEFORE your bday! You and I are so close...my goal for Sept was stay below 170 and I weighed in today at 167.0. My long-time mini goal has been to wear my wedding ring by my birthday. Getting close and I hope to make it. If I don't, I know it won't be much longer. :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap Friday...Now hubby's gone to work & I need to update JFT F 9/29: keeping list very simple at this point in the day.
    1) Walked dog 3.58 miles & she was patiently not so patiently waiting for me to get going :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / drink > 8c water = Green & 8c water :smiley:
    3) Go to bank: safe deposit boxes being relocated / take new passport for storage = I putzed thru day and got to bank six minutes past closing. Rats! >:) Have 11/3 deadline.
    4) Maybe a few easy chores: make hummingbird syrup & refill feeders & baths, read Sun. sales ads, declutter something= done / nope / nope. Instead I napped on couch. :D

    Sat. went to farmers market and walked dog 3.58 miles on gorgeous fall morning. B) SIL / BIL came for visit and as usual with them, we ate at Golden Corral. I totally overate but tried to log everything best I could. Ack! Net calories red. :s Funny thing though: I ate like I used to eat there sort of, and I left feeling so stuffed, I almost felt sick to my stomach. Good to know.

    JF Sunday 10/1
    1) Bible class / church
    2) Walk dog
    3) Net calories green
    4) Update monthly weigh-in
    5) Bedtime 10:30
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I appreciate your suggestions about dealing with food at conference. My goals for the next 3 days will be:
    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Drink water with meals
    Do not eat crappy hotel desserts just because it is served
    Eat instant oatmeal in my room and have only fruit at continental breakfasts
    Try to pass on the bread that is inevitably served at every meal
    Log my food even though it will not be pretty
    Do not lie on my food logs.

    I was so surprised when I logged my food today that rice has so many calories!!! I made a nice healthy dinner--but served it on rice so I was over on calories.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I am so behind with all of this... hope everyone here is alright! The first days of this weeks were kind of busy, so I didn't log and just logged on here to keep the streak. And since Thursday a horrible gastroenteritis struck me down, so I am only just back on grandmas beef broth and some bland diet stuff. :#
    I guess there will still be no goals for me until I am fully recovered, and reading up will also need to happen another day, as my attention span is about -3 seconds right now. So sorry! I will be back! I am sure you are all doing great with sticking to your goals (and growing your babies).
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Weigh-in for 5 lb challenge: 168 lb.

    I commit to being 163 lb - or less - at the start of next year!

    I.e. on Jan 1st 2018.

    I think the losing 5lb before Dec bit should be ok, the challenge will be keeping it off over Dec....
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    cschmitz110515 I have my ring on today. And I had pumpkin pie custard for breakfast. 168 calories. We are on for the challenge together. And Happy Birthday to us a few days early. I found a lovely white iris blooming in the yard yesterday. It looks like it might have 2 more blooms.
    I am thinking of turning on the heating here. I have on socks and I made hot chocolate for the boy this morning. Well, gotta go drag a kid out of bed.
  • Nhoff70
    Nhoff70 Posts: 43 Member
    I’ve been reading everyone’s posts (semi-stalking, tee-hee) and wondering if I should say anything but did decide to take the October 1st challenge, so here goes.

    CW- 170
    GW for the end of the year-at least 165

    Totally doable but having some health challenges right now. I’m seeing a specialist on Thursday to clear me for exercising again. I’ve really enjoyed the posts on here. They keep my motivated and you ladies are so supportive, love that! I splurged last night at a party but only gained .02 ounces with all the food I ate (seconds AND a plate of desserts with coffee!) also had trouble sleeping because of all the food I ate so late. However that was a good lesson, kind of a dry-run for the holidays. So hard since my family hails from Louisiana and Texas,(Gumbo, rice, beans, bar-b-que, etc..) and with such good cooks in the family, it’s hard to resist temptation. I will take this time between now and the holidays to start being more aware of why I’m eating... is it hunger, boredom, because it’s there, etc.., just be more mindful. I hope everyone has a Happy Sunday!! Good luck to all with their goals!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Hiiiiii everyone!
    It’s been pretty quiet the last few days!

    So I’ve been plodding along, not watching what I eat but not going overboard!
    I *think* my arms look skinnier but my tum is bigger than ever before at this stage of pregnancy!
    18 weeks - size of a bell pepper :open_mouth:

    I hope everyone’s doing alright

    @MLHC1 - how’s your sickness and pregnancy going. Have you had any appointments yet?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    So...Just for Saturday:
    1. Complete the Wound Clinic project today 100% :/
    2. Stay in the green :/
    3. Journal every bite :/
    4. Week One's Change - "52 Small Changes..." :)
    5. Listen to my favorite podcasts :)
    6. Take a walk on this beautiful autumn afternoon. My favorite time of year! I love this crisp weather with such gorgeous blue skies. :/
    7. Figure out October budget and this week's meal plan :/
    8. Place my Essential Oils order. Loving this stuff!!! :/
    9. Read today's Simple Abundance... and write in my gratitude journal tonight :)

    Week One Change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit. Body weight divided by 2 = #oz of water you should drink every day. Add 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.

    Well, obviously, working at home on a Saturday doesn't agree with me. I failed at almost everything. What really threw me off my calories was eating cheese and sausage on crackers for lunch. Holy cow! I could not believe how many calories there are in 3 oz of summer sausage and 2 oz of cheddar! dang. I only have 1200 to begin with...It's hard for me to stay under that.

    So, I will keep those same goals for today. I'm really struggling with taking walks. Just doesn't feel right to go for a walk without a dog. But I'm going to aim for one today anyway!
    1. Complete the Wound Clinic project today to 100% done
    2. Stay in the green
    3. Journal every bite
    4. Week One's Change of "52 Small Changes..."
    5. Listen to my favorite podcasts
    6. Take a walk on this beautiful autumn day.
    7. Figure out October budget
    8. This week's meal plan
    9. Place my Essential Oils order.
    10. Read today's Simple Abundance... and write in my gratitude journal tonight

    Week One Change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit. Body weight divided by 2 = #oz of water you should drink every day. Add 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @OConnell5483 - hope you don’t mind but I’m copying and pasting the weekly challenges onto my phone!

    Anything that I can do that’s safe in pregnancy, like week 1, I’ll do, anything else I’ll save til after March! :) so I’m semi-joining you on it haha x
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Starting up with the 5 pound challenge
    I am a slow loser because I hate exercising. I like walking , working outside and cleaning house. My job requires sitting at a desk for the most part so I guess my weight loss is based on controlling calories and trying to burn calories in an enjoyable way.
    SW 184
    CW 177
    I would really like to be 160 by Christmas but would still be happy with 5 pounds. I did ok with my first night of conference. Had a beer and one slice of pizza with some old friends.
    It is really difficult to stay under 1200 calories. Should the goal be 300 breakfast and lunch and 600 dinner? How do you all do it?
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited October 2017
    This round I will be on a business trip in the USA. My goals are to not gain and to:
    1., Be active, ❌
    2., No snacking, ✅
    3., Drink lots of water, ❌
    4., Eat small portions, ✅
    5., Avoid sugar❌
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 calls❌
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs❌

    So today was a total failure. I fell soooo far off the wagon (4000 calories off to be exact!) I was travelling and I have TOM visiting AND I was emotional, but mostly I was just lazy.

    I've got to smarten up!!! I only have 18 days before my first short-term goal!!!

    I commit to being 100% good for the whole month of October. (Today being the only exception).

    1., Be active,
    2., No snacking,
    3., Drink lots of water,
    4., Eat small portions,
    5., Avoid sugar
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 calls
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    It is really difficult to stay under 1200 calories. Should the goal be 300 breakfast and lunch and 600 dinner? How do you all do it?

    I don't - my target is 1390! I could never eat that little without going crackers.

    Are you sure you have your calorie targets right?
    I think I weigh a tiny bit less than you, so you could probably eat what I eat - or even a little more - and still lose weight!

    Maybe update your weight loss target on MFP so that you're aiming for 1 lb per week - I imagine that will allow you more?

    Personally I'm considering going down to 0.5 lb per week.... it's not about racing to the goal weight, it's about making small changes to lifestyle that you can keep up over the long term!

    I've raced to my goal weight before and then put lots back on - I'm going for a permanent change now (hopefully)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    I commit to being 100% good for the whole month of October. (Today being the only exception).

    Wow, that's VERY ambitious :D

    Maybe 95% would do it?

    I find I can't be 100% good. It is not realistic for me.

    But maybe you are more disciplined than i am!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited October 2017
    Today is going to be a GOOD day. There is no reason it shouldn't be - I'm not going out this evening. The only thing that could go wrong is if I end up being tempted to eat office food and I'm determined to break that habit.

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - Lunch less than 450 cals
    - No office snacks - only ryvita if hungry
    - No alcohol
    - Be in the green

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - if sunny, have a walk outside
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Listen to music to boost mood
    - Leave work by 6.30pm
    - Binge watch house of cards!