

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) I am happy to see that I won't be alone on this journey again this month. I have noticed that my daily step count is down in September from over 17,000 steps a day to 15,877 but I am spending more time with Jake which has been very good for our relationship and for our plans to reduce the clutter in our lives.

    <3 Barbie is beautiful NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    will type later, yo peeps
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbie – I haven’ met or made goals; maybe I should. Sometimes I will pre-track my food; but, never my exercise; but, I know if I don’t do it, the possibility of me ‘losing’ gets less and less. I did walk a lot at the beach; but, even with a broken toe, I was determined not to let it get in the way. Ended up taking my Crocs back to where we were sitting, because the pressure of my big toe was too great. I’ve only got 2 days before my next weigh-in. Maybe today I can do some walking … or better yet … do some dancing to some fast moving music like Paula Abdulla. I’ve got to get Louis to help me put up my mini-trampoline because one part of the directions tell you that it takes 2 to put it together, It came to me folded up in quarters.

    I will start doing some purging and cleaning. I have not quite yet gotten to the point of giving things away. I have some crystal that I plan on packing up and taking to a woman in town and just giving it to her. If she offers me money – I’ll take it, if not – I will still know that someone has received it that will appreciate it. I’ll count the pieces and maybe charge her about $4 or $5 a piece. I will keep my good crystal and my Mother's really good crystal which has a lot of etching to it and it ‘sings’ when you wet your finger and rub it around the rim. I never have found the Champaign flutes that my middle sister has tried to find; Suzanne say she doesn’t have them. I I do find them, will pack them up and send them to her. I just don’t remember ever putting them up; but, I also need to get into my studio to clean. That will take a couple of days and when the weather begins to change and I know we’ll have a couple of days, I will empty it out and take back and rearrange things that I want in it. I have a ‘huge’ box of patterns that my Mother used when she was china painting. I have a small kiln and one that I have decided that I will donate to the art department at the school where the girls go, if the art teacher wants it. I’ve got the instructions and maybe she won’t burn down the school. I have an entire box of china, some I might keep – for the sake of keeping and using as every day pieces. There are a few things in my china cabinet that I need to find another spot for it. I am surprised at how much (weigh-wise) it has held; but, I felt the same way with my last one. It was an old wardrobe that Louis got for free and refurbished it and took out the panels in the door (one was cracked) and put in some metal screening and three thick glass shelves; but, they were in there to stay. What is holding up the shelves in mine are just clips.

    I don’t know how many steps I make; I need a good pedometer; but, so far have not found a good one that actually works. I have 2, both cheap ones that I got when I joined WW and some other program (maybe at the “Y”). I need one that is easy to set/reset, big enough to see, and one that will clip and stay ON. Not much good if you drop it off her outfit.

    I’m not sure I could walk 2+ miles in a day. I don’t even know how to figure out how many steps I take when walking on my treadmill … when it is set at 26 (level).

    Michele – I think Publix only doubles certain coupons on certain days (I think it is Wednesday or Thursday whenever they get ‘new’ shipments in (for the ones that will be going out of the “Sell by Dates” if helps to empty the shelves. Same thing with the BOGO. I usually do that ‘if’ I know I will use it or can share with the kids.

    Rye – We always use alcohol, straight up, in our ears to try to prevent ‘swimmer’s ear’. When I was a lifeguard at the pool, I did it for all the children in the class and I would tell the parents to do the same when they left, if they had gotten back in the water after class.
    I don’t think I would ‘hold my breath about Maria and her husband driving all the way to NC to spend the Christmas holidays – they might tell you that have their own traditions. We never were at our parents’ home during the holidays (unless Christmas was on a Friday, then we’d head to Louis’ parents’ house because we would have already made the trip to my parents’ the weekend before Christmas. When my middle sister married on the 22nd; oldest sister and her husband came for it; then went home for Christmas Eve then back up to my parents late on Christmas Day. That was the only time we were together on Christmas Day. BnL’s parents always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve – so the kids would wake up at their houses on Christmas morning.

    I agree – it won’t do you any good to carry ‘hurt feelings’; but, you might get them hurt again, if that is something Maria delights in doing – then she’d be on ‘your turf’ and bring that Karma of hers into your home. If they live as far away as they do, then I guess I don’t understand why you can forgive yourself for having these feelings, unless you are planning of telling her that she hurt you. If she is as big of a “B” as she has sounded like … that might even be harder. When someone ‘disses’ you on ‘their turf’ you can always leave; but, you would not ‘invite her and show her to the door’ after telling her how she had ‘hurt’ you. I’d just invite he kids and hope they’d agree to spend time with you and another time with Pete’s family. When and ‘if’ children start coming along, then I am sure they will want to be ‘home’ or at Pete’ family’s house and not lug all the toys and things to your house. That, also, would mean that I would want to inform Denise and Pete that they need to come to your house to celebrate Christmas with you and Pete. When we lived in Jacksonville after we married … we still woke up in our own home on Christmas Day and would go over to Louis’ parents for the mid-day meal. It was pretty much that my family got together the weekend before Christmas and that seemed to work for all of us, whether we had kids or not.

    I just hope that I live long enough to see all my grandchildren grow up, get married and have children; but, more importantly – that I be ‘sane’ and able to get around on my own. I had art with a woman who was in her early ‘90’s but you would have never guessed she was over her early ‘70’s … both she and her husband were in their ‘90’s. She had lung cancer that was ‘in remission’ when her husband died suddenly from an Widow-Maker Heart Attack; she had just found out that the cancer had returned and her daughter from Atlanta tried to ‘make’ her move up there with them. She told her ‘NO, this is home to me, this is where I go to church, this is where my friends are, and this is where my MDs are; and, she was not about to leave. I want to say that she died this past year; but, every year she wrote notes to the other ladies on their birthdays and at Christmas. When she and her husband traveled to Mexico and that area she brought a paper mâché doll to each one of us. I still have mine. I will lightly wash it and then spray it with a sealer like I use on my drawings.

    Sharon – I usually have an ‘aura’ before a seizure (but, not always); your co-worker was probably feeling his, I’m glad that he was able to tell you about worrying about blacking out or having a seizure. I’ve had several that were not witnessed and that is scary when you come through it and have no way of knowing how long you were out or if you have injured yourself. The only seizure I have had ‘out in public’ was a week after having a wreck (not caused by the wreck – I already had a seizure disorder). I was at the bank, sitting and talking to one of the loan officers about ‘how my balance to the bank was not what they showed’. I knew, all of a sudden I was not making a lick of sense, and got up to leave. That is the last I remember until I came to on the gurney and the EMT told me I had had a seizure. I wondered how he knew … and he pulled the necklace I had on and also from what the loan officer had told him. He had already called Louis who met us at the ER. The EMT suggested that I get a bracelet instead; because that is where they look first to see if a person has a medical list. I keep my history and list of medications I take in my purse, in my console of the car, and in my medicine bag (for when I go to the doctors and have to go over my medications).

    I remember when I was put into the hospital several years ago, the counselor had a ‘family meeting’ before I could be released. He was extremely blunt and I told Louis to be prepared. He asked why and all I could say was, ‘be prepared’. When he got there and we had our meeting, he turned to Louis and told him, ‘and you have to take some responsibility for her being here’. That is what I was trying to tell Louis to be prepared for. He has ALWAYS thought when I am showing signs of a bipolar episode, that all it will take is for me to go to bed, and ‘sleep it off’. It’s not like I am an addict … it isn’t going away without the intervention of a MD. Sure it is a waste of a day … but, I still wanted him to take me to Macon; but, knew he had a lot of work and my BF took me the day after we had talked to the MD who had told me to bring me up there. Of course, it was 9:30 at night and he was not about to leave then and get there after 11:00pm. I probably drove him nuts with the symptoms and I am pretty sure that I had hit my all-time low. That was the first and only time I have hit that ice pond of ‘normal’ and broken through it to be ‘depressed’. BF came out and could not get me to answer the door or her knocks on the windows, answer the phone, or anything. I heard her, I just did not want to get up. Feeling like a rock in the bed and sinking down into it. She called Louis and the EMTs and he told her where the key was. I was unresponsive when they got there. They wanted to take me to the ER; and, she asked if they’d let her try one more thing. She put ‘ice’ on my back and I woke up and just about jumped on her. Then she told the EMTs that she had come so that she could take me to Macon to be admitted there. She took one outfit of clothes … so for the first few days I don’t remember even coming out of them or having a shower; then, I got to the point that I did not want to be in the ‘main lock-up’ section and he put me out on the floor. It was considered ‘locked’ and you could not get within a certain number of feet of the sliding doors; but, you could walk out and be ‘discharged against medical advice’ and one guy did that while I was there. All I wanted to do was get my medications tweaked so that I could return to my normal life. I missed seeing my DOGD in the Homecoming Court; and, I might have been able to get a pass for the weekend … but, I figured that DDnL#1 would take a video and some pictures. I’m sorry that I missed it; but, I don’t think I would have been able to walk without being held up and I did not want others to see me and think that I had been drinking heavily and think I was just drunk.

    Our middle granddaughter was bullied at school for 2 years. The headmaster did not want to admit there was a problem with bullying until the girl did this when my oldest GD was changing classes and she too a video of it. Then sent the video to DDnL#1 and she was at the school before ‘recess’ ended and she march down to the area they were in, which had drawn a crowd by that time. They saw her stomping down and they scattered! Taylor brought the video to the headmaster’s office while DDnL#1 was telling him, that ‘if’ this girl EVER laid a hand on MGD, they had given her permission to hit her back and they would take things into their own hands, if he did not do so. The girl was ‘invited’ NOT to return to school. Now she goes to school in the next county and she and MGD are ‘friends’ on FB. That really got under the skin of my DDnL#1; but, I think that kids, in most cases, can fix their issues without parental intervention. Sometimes it is better ‘if’ they don’t get involved. However, this was one that would have never been resolved. This girl had systematically mad ‘every girl’ in the grade cry and then she started on the younger kids. That is when DMGD said something to her and this was the beginning of the confrontation. In fact, when she looked like she was going to take a swing at her one of the boys in the class stood between them. But, even our boys were told ‘not to start a fight’; but, if anybody touched them, to tell them once, ’don’t do that again … and then they had our permission to ‘deck them’. Usually most fights start when one pushes the other, and then a 2nd shove to make their point … this is when we told them ‘they should finish it’.

    Trey was quiet and never had any problems. I don’t think Will had any problems either; but, Trey said that he would walk right down the middle of the hallway between classes and nobody ever ran into him, they would just go around him. I know when he and Tami started dating they and another couple had gone to a bar with several pool tables and there was a man there smacking his woman around and Will went over and said something to the guy about not smacking her. When he turned around and asked ‘what he was going to do about it’ … Will broke the cue stick over his shoulder’ and then they left. The guy was down on the ground screaming. At least he did not kill him. We used to worry about Will and the guys that hunted the land that was next to them. They’d get drunk and try to make trouble. One night after they had confronted Will about the boundaries … Will told them he had cameras out and he knew when they had come across the dividing line (a road) and were on his property and he wanted it to stop. The old man got out of the truck and Will told him, ‘what, old man, you expect me to hit you’? The old man said a few things to him and got back in his truck and they left. However, several hours later after dark, they drove up to his place and honked the horn. He looked out the window and saw them sitting in the truck and took his pistol out to the deck with him to tell them to ‘get off his property’. They were so drunk they could not even talk. He told them a 2nd time to get off his property and he could shoot, at least 2 of them before they even had a chance to pull a gun on him.

    He also did this when he was working at another plantation where deer hunting was prohibited during duck season. He was on his 4-wheeler making rounds and an old man who lived on the property came out and told him he had heard a gunshot and thought that someone was poaching; he knew about the rule. Will rides down there and 3 men (one of them an employee) bring out a BIG deer and they stopped when they saw him. The employee ‘begged him NOT to tell the bosses because he would be ‘fired’. He told him that he ‘knew’ the rules and HE was not about to be ‘fired’ for NOT telling. Then he went over to the 4-wheeler they had the deer laying on and picked it up and off the truck and pulled it to his 4-wheeler and threw it up into it and took it back to the lodge. Needless to say the guy did lose his job and his 2 friends were charged with poaching. The first thing I told him was ‘damn, Will, they could have shot you’. He said, ‘no Mom, I had my big pistol and had it drawn … they never would have been able to get to their rifles. This is the kid that in 4th grade wrote in a penmanship class when the teacher obviously asked for answers to fill in the blanks … one of the questions was “I am afraid of ____________.” And the first day as well as the last day his answer was “NOTHING!” He is totally ‘fearless’. Louis worries about him more than I do; but I worry more about Trey and he lives next door and Louis is with him all day.

    Good for Keira, sorry she got a bruise on her leg for taking up for her friends. She must still be in elementary school. Nobody will mess with he after this time, I get.

    Kate - My ENT MD said that when it worked it would be like a ‘switch’ had been flipped. At this point I will try anything. The spell that I had on the last night of our vacation was scary!

    Machka in Oz - All of you who rides bikes (still) are inspiring to me; but, not to the point that I want to get back up in the saddle – so to speak.

    Allie – Keep on stepping forward, never go back! You’ve made this decision and TomCat needs to see what he has lost by his actions. All actions have consequences and you need to know this is a ‘good’ one! (Your move and filing for a divorce from him). Let him go find another woman who will let him push her down and under his thumb; just don’t let it be you ever again.


    This isn’t a 2nd installment to my one above … it is a totally ‘new’ one … I had just moved my post that I did yesterday to today.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Thank you Barbie, for starting this thread every month, and doing all that you do! Our faithful leader!
    This should be an interesting month. Husband has his yearly transplantation doctor appointment, dermatology appointment, and regular doctor for his toe appointment. So there is gas money we need to take out to make those happen. Sending those boxes to son put us back a bit, ($160 back), but we shall persevere! Knowing presently we are running on a mere $80 a week has me concerned, but not panic mode. I usually start scouring the apartment for something to sell on the online yard sale sites! I have researched my mom's rocking chair online, thinking I could get some cash, but I get panicky at the thought of doing it. It says 1878 on the underside, and the companies name and mark. The fact that my mom had refurnished it, taking it down to the bare wood. I think she just put a light sealer, more wax based. Its actually gorgeous, but I know antique dealers will state she messed with the patina!

    Holidays for me kind of happen whenever we wish them to. We have had Christmas as late as the middle of January, because that was when their leaves started. I am also realizing that with a new DIL (3 yrs married to middle son), her family will always come first. She gets out of the Navy this November, and at the end of the month they move up from Lamoore CA, to Vancouver,WA. So during that same month she plans, and is paying for her and her mom to visit Disneyland during the holidays, because she has never done that. That's nice and all, but who plans an expensive trip like that right before you move? Add on the fact that now both of them are out of the military, and will be attending school, and working. Oh what a reality check they will have! I worry for them! She, she admits, is kind of high maintenance. Poor son since he has gotten out of the Navy, has been dealing with stress. Enough so that he has had Somme anxiety attacks. Presently he's on Zoloif an antidepressant. He says its helping. Last Christmas he was home for a couple days and the first night he admitted how he was feeling. I think he wanted to get it all out ( in the open). Poor guy, always so driven, and now kind of in a holding pattern until she gets out.

    So I told you guys about my eldest active duty son miscounting the years he still had in the Navy? Well he thought he was getting out in 2018 Oct. But really that was his rotation date, when he calls his detailer and asks for new orders, seeing what's available. So he really gets out in 2020! Crazy kid, who miscounts that! Haha! Well, we are still moving in with him come this March, when his lease comes to an end. That hasn't changed. Now, we will me more of a storage unit option for son! And house sitter!

    This month I need to concentrate on me more! My self care! I need to chat with doctor about my hair loss. Its menopause related I know. I am settling into full blown menopause instead of peri-menapausal or whatever its called... Every time I wash my hair its really a handful of strands! I'm not talking about breakage, but about the whole strand falling out at the root. Thinking of just cutting my hair short so I can manage it better. I have a handful after rinsing my shampoo out, a handful after rinsing the conditioner out, and a brushful after gently brushing it into a ponytail!!! Help!

    Happy fall! I love this time of year! The air so crisp, my lungs just breathe it up!
    Hugs and have a great day!
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited October 2017
    <3 Baby Llama Love!
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Lanette Thanks I will try to watch these. I know how addictive and bad sugar is for you. I know I need to quit it. But my numerous attempts always end in going back to it sooner or later. I am so glad I'm not addicted to booze, smoking, drugs or gambling because I am hopeless at conquering my addictions. Reading and watching things that point out the problem do help me for awhile, but then I slip into stress-mode... <3 Wendy
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Janetr- love the baby llama!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member